catinhat's 'journal'

This topic contains 76 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  toms mantis 11 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 78 total)

  • I hope it’s OK to make a post where I can log my ongoing experience, progress, etc.

    A quick introduction – I am a 47 year old woman in the US. We live on 5 acres of land in a semi-rural area, where we have fruit trees, a garden (in season) and a small flock of hens. We sometimes have other animals as well, but the hens (for eggs) are a constant. We are a small family, just three of us and a fussy cat named Tallulah Mae.

    I came across The Fast Diet by way of the cookbook, actually. I saw it on a display at the library (where I am a fill-in employee) and I was attracted to the tomatoes on the front cover. (The US version has a photo of a plate of food, if you’re wondering.) I thought the recipes looked really good, so I checked out the book, and then requested The Fast Diet book as well. I just finished reading it last night, and found myself nodding – a lot – as I read. I have been skipping lunch here and there of late…sometimes skipping both breakfast and lunch…and had noticed that I felt more focused and alert. I had also noticed that hunger comes and goes, and wasn’t really all that hard for me to deal with. When I read about the longer term health benefits of intermittent fasting, I was simply all the more intrigued and encouraged.

    Without benefit of the book or the information it holds, I’ve already experienced much of what it states. In the months that I’ve been missing a meal here and there I’ve dropped about 25 pounds. I also started walking, moderately, which I am sure contributed as well. I have another 80ish pounds to lose. (blush)

    I’ve decided not to start this officially until January, partly because Christmas is upon us, and partly so that I can play with recipes and new ingredients from now until then, and really hit the ground running when the time comes. That said, I had supper yesterday, and didn’t have anything else today until 4pm, so that was 22 hours with just water, and I was fine with it. I plan to continue to do that when it makes sense (a couple days a week) and meanwhile figure out what would improve my eating habits overall.

    That’s probably more than you wanted to know. I will be most grateful for any support, encouragement, suggestions, tips…it’s all blessing to me.


    Heya Cat! That’s not more than I wanted to know, I’m even looking forward to hearing more of you!

    Living on such a stretch of land with your own chickens, fruit trees… sounds like a dream. Hard work, but a dream! I also love the name of the cat. Is it royal or something?

    Anyway, good on you that you’ve already made some of the steps into this WOL (way of life)! That way the complete transition into 5:2 or 4:3 (or whatever you end up choosing to do) will be smaller and easier to cope with. And you’ve already lost 25 pounds!!! No-one here will look down on you that you still have 80ish pounds to lose, don’t worry about that for a second – here we cheer for the 25 you’ve already lost and then for every next one that you shed.

    Enjoy the holidays, play around and experiment like you said – next Christmas you’ll be a new you!

    All the best, Nika

    Hey Cat- just saying Hi! I also would like to keep hearing from you!

    Thanks, Nika and piper! 🙂 I appreciate your kind words. We are heading into the weekend and I expect it to be a busy one. I’m filling in quite a bit at the library this month, because everyone wants a day off here and there around the holidays. I’m very fortunate – I’m the only trained substitute out this way who can be left in charge and do opening or closing, so I get first dibs on all the available time. They also let me bring my daughter along as needed, which thrills her to no end – the library is a second home to her.

    Last night I threw together mushrooms and onions with some herbs and used it for filling in enchiladas. It’s much leaner/lower calorie than meat, and I adore mushrooms, so that’s a win-win. I have lots left over, so I will use it different ways – with eggs or quinoa, perhaps. I like to cook and experiment, so I’m looking forward to trying some recipes from the cookbook too.

    I went to the Asian market yesterday, and decided that each time I go, I’m going to pick up one new vegetable to try. I went there for bean sprouts, won bok and raw peanuts, and my new-to-us vegetable is some baby bok choy…a specific variety (Saigon, I think?) that the produce guy says is a good one for starting out (hopefully on the lightly bitter side, so my family won’t mutiny). We blanch bean sprouts and dress them with sesame seeds, a little sesame oil and soy sauce (and green onion for the grownups)…won bok is for making kimchee and I’ll make Husband some boiled peanuts for Christmas, with star anise (yum!) I think the baby bok choy will go into a stir fry or a noodle bowl – or some of both. I had expected it, but I was still sad to see the Sriracha shelf empty. They closed one of their manufacturing plants and warned of a shortage, so I’ll have to ration it to myself a little, hee hee.

    Sorry go to on about food. :-/

    I have a meeting this morning with a pastor from church. I’ve been seeing him for several months, sorting out some childhood stuff, trauma, etc. It’s been a huge blessing to me, and we’ve even managed to become friends, separate from the therapy part. I have errands, and a few hours at the library too. (Husband is off work on Fridays, so I do some running around and Daughter is with him.) I have been away from walking this week because of a hip injury, but it’s feeling pretty good, and I plan to spend a little time on the treadmill too. I also need to make a LOT of granola and fill jars for Christmas for our neighbors. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


    Your food sounds delicious! ^^ It’s a lot of fun to read along like this, so keep the posts going.
    I was missing the part about your fastdays but then remembered you’re starting in January 😉 In that case, enjoy your Christmas!! And hug your daughter, hanging out in the library is way cooler than on the street.

    Thanks, Nika! I meant to get back here sooner than tonight, but the weekend was over-booked, really. I worked all of Saturday at the library, came home and helped throw together supper, we did some family stuff, and then Sunday was church in the morning, a couple of quick errands, some chores and tasks at home and then menu for the upcoming week and some grocery shopping. Somewhere in there I also made caramel popcorn and granola for some of our neighbors’ Christmas gifts.

    My goals related to FastDiet for this coming (Christmas!!) week are to go through the cookbook and choose some recipes that I think would work for our family, and then to look at what our schedule is going to be like for the new year. Daughter is starting piano lessons in January, and the pastor mentioned above is starting a new training that will likely change the time I see him. Couple that with school (we homeschool, did I mention that?) and some upcoming work projects I have, and I need to figure out which days would be the most logical as my steady fast days.

    As for life in general, I need to get myself back walking. My hip was really sore this past week (car accident when I was a child) and it seemed to get worse when I’d hop on the treadmill, so I took some time away, and I feel logy from it. That, and I need to get more dedicated to drinking water and do Salad in a Jar again. It’s easy, especially since I like salad. 🙂

    That doesn’t sound like a lot, but there is Christmas preparation too, dropping gifts with neighbors, and my house is cluttery. I do love Christmas dearly, but I think I bring out more decoration than my eye is comfortable with, hee hee.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week! For those who celebrate it, Merry Christmas, and whether you do or not, hugs all around! 🙂


    Hi Cat,

    I just wanted to wish you a very warm welcome to the forum! I love your stories even though they are a bit hard to read when one is on a fast day as I am today. I can literally taste some of your foods in my mouth…yummie!

    Anyhow I have realized it is not too tricky to balance fasting with my family. I just do not eat anything during the day and then stay under 500 cal when I have dinner with them.

    Keep us in the loop and Merry Christmas!

    Thank you, Stef, and apologies too. I will try to remember to write as if every day were a fasting day, out of respect for the process!

    I’m trying to put the house in order today. I’ve got an hour to get a few things done, then I think we’ll be off to distribute gifts in the neighborhood. I hope everyone has a great day!

    Merry Christmas!

    Haha sometimes I’m one of those people that lives through others, so when I can’t eat I enjoy reading about it 😛 Unless the smells actually reach me, like when they bring KFC up to the office… Ugh.

    Hi catinhat, I didn’t react a lot lately, but I really love your stories. Keep telling them! Please keep telling about food, even when I’m on a fastday I love them. But I’m having no problems with seeing anybody eat at my fastdays also. Its nice to know that your pastor is there to help you! And I think you love reading just as much as I do!
    Thank you for sharing your live with us.
    Merry christmas and a very good new year. I want to lose 10 kilo’s in 2014. I’ve lost 17 kilo’s alreay. Keep up your good work with losing weight!!


    Oeh Anssies, nice! Already lost 17kg! I’m sure those other 10kg will be a breeze after that – you have the best motivation people can have (previous success).

    Now come on catinhat, we want to hear about your eventful Christmas!!! It’s been three days without a post, I’m starting to show withdrawal symptoms!

    Y’all are so sweet. Thank you for your kind words. We have been busy with preparations and then today, celebration of Christmas. Daughter, who is 8 years old, signed up to be in the Christmas program at church…and she signed up as a sheep! I mean…that’s fine, but all the other sheep were a good bit younger. To be fair, we have only been at this church for a few months, and I think she’s still finding her way. (I know I am.) It’s a much larger church than I’ve ever attended. There are big benefits to that – more people to help with any given project, more people to meet – but I feel lost in the sea of people sometimes. Anyway, the program was Christmas Eve, and my husband even came to it. (He doesn’t go to church, and has decided he doesn’t believe in the ways the church teaches….more on that some day.) Anyway…the three of us did that and it was very nice. She was an adorable sheep, and the program/service was just lovely. My pastor/therapist was there too, which I didn’t expect – he’s an associate pastor and lives a fair distance away, so I was happily surprised when he came and found me, just to say hi and Merry Christmas.

    I’m writing this Christmas night, and it has been a lovely day. Daughter was up at 4:45, and she and I cuddled and talked and giggled in her bed for a while. I had hoped she’d go back to sleep, but she was too excited, so I had her do a couple of morning things, comb her hair for pictures, etc., whilst I got Husband up and going. She was thrilled with her presents and has spent most of the day happily playing and reading. After the early festivities, I decided to take a quick nap and slept the morning away…oops. It was good, though, because I had prepared food the day before, so it didn’t set us behind. We kept things very simple and snack-y. I cook from scratch all the time, so it was a bit of a break for me too. There was ham from Husband’s employer, raw vegetables, tangerines, a big salad and all the little sweets from the day.

    Late afternoon I helped Husband put together one of his presents. We built a garage a couple summers ago, and it has a workshop across the back of it. The storage pieces he wanted for the workshop went on sale at Christmas, so he picked out the things he wanted and ordered them. We got the big cabinet together last week, but just got the work bench and small cabinet yesterday, because the order was late. The table is really nice….the small cabinet is seriously damaged, so we have to return it and wait for another one. He and I had a chance to talk some about plans for summer projects, so that was good. I told him I’d get the bikes out of the garage if he’d get the barn empty of ‘garage stuff’…because then the chickens can go to the barn and I can use the garden shed (where the chickens are now) for garden supplies and the bikes. It’s the start of a plan, anyway.

    We live literally thousands of miles from family, so it’s just the three of us here. We called two of the sets of grandparents and talked to them, and I’ll have Daughter call her biological grandparents – the one set that we know – tomorrow (she is adopted, and I knew the birth mom from before she was born).

    My goodness, that’s a lot of information. Sorry to babble on. I did decide a couple of things today. One, that I think I’m better off with my fast days being a water-only fast rather than planning to eat. At this time, at least, eating seems like a bit of a slippery slope for me, so I think it’s better if I just resign myself to a couple days’ rest from eating. It will be good for my spiritual life too, I think. I’m also thinking about a focus word for the coming new year. I think it will be ‘connection’. More on that when I haven’t babbled on so incessantly.

    Merry Christmas, and love to all. 🙂


    Catinhat, sounds like you had a great time over Christmas! I love your detailed stories.

    I’m looking forward to hear how it goes with a total fast, living on water only. I am sure it is doable, but frankly while I have no problems to do ADF, I do look forward to a little snack in the evening. I always stay between 400 and 500 cal but I have not tried to not eat at all.

    What I always try to do is keeping to 16:8. Anyhow the last two days I indulged in food, so today was a fast day! I distracted myself by finishing a book which is now gone to the printer. By the time I was finally done it was time for my evening snack. So not too bad.

    Anyhow enjoy the remaining festive days and happy new year!

    I’ll be honest, Stef, I think the morning eating is the part that messes me up, and I won’t beat myself up over a light supper, if that’s how it goes. Before I ever, ever read this book, I’d sort of fallen onto the realization that on the days when I had EMDR therapy in the afternoon, I got more out of it on days when I hadn’t eaten…but afterward, I did sometimes have something light that evening. It seems like once I’ve had breakfast, though, I’m ‘primed?’ to have something through the day.

    Am I reading this right that you finished writing a book? What’s it about? I’m dying to know. Am I corresponding with a famous author without even knowing it? I’ve done a little editing work here and there, and written pieces for a life coach, but nothing more than that, really. I have a blog, too, but that’s just me babbling on about the stuff I like to babble on about! Do fill us in, please about your book!

    Haha you’re surrounded by writers Cat, I’m a writer too. Not published, but I consider myself as still practising. I’ve been writing since I was very young, and my huge imagination always got (and gets) me in trouble. It’s good for my line of work (game design) but sometimes it’s just exhausting… 😉 For now I just write for fun and to get stuff out of my system. Was going to write a story that detailed yesterday for me, to put it in perspective. But Microsoft Word has decided to crash on my work PC. Am I attracting all the bad luck in the world or something this Christmas? 😛 Guess the next one will have to be awesome then.

    Anyway yeah Stef, tell us what book just went to the printer! ^^ Fiction?

    Oh and cat, having all your calories in one evening meal is a sound idea. I’ve been doing it for ages (every day, not just fast days). Okay maybe not ages, more like 2 months now. But it works. I had my first full waterfast last Monday, where I didn’t eat anything all day (so seeing how I only eat in the evenings that was a fast from dinner Sunday to dinner Tuesday). I was hungry at the end of that 😛
    Give it a try though, and see what it does. There’s also a ton of research saying that fasting gives a load more extra benefits, so can’t hurt to give it a shot! Oh and with fasting I mean waterfasting, not eating at all – which is what fasting really is, not what 5:2 says 😛 If you eat little bits during the day your body never gets a rest from digesting food so you’re not really Fasting.

    Whooo I’m rambling on your thread now as well! Apologies!

    Hehe…Nika…I wish it was fiction! There is probably much more money involved in writing fiction…

    I work in research in the art sector. I supervise PhD and Master students and write about my research in journals and books. I also write a lot about photography, Photoshop, film- and video editing – mainly technical stuff, tutorials and reviews. That is all the boring stuff…

    What is more fun is that I work as an artist and I have regularly exhibitions all over the world, mainly in photography film and sculpture. I regularly publish photography books, not of technical nature but with pictures about certain topics.

    Anyhow enough of this, I admire you Nika that you can do a 48 hours full fast! I have realized the other day that fasting on days when I go skiing is not a very good idea. I feel better when I have eaten something.

    Catinhat, I agree – on fast days I cannot have anything during the day or I get really hungry. I just drink tons of water and green tea and then have a light dinner. Give it a try and see how it goes?

    Have a great day,

    Oh that’s also really interesting, I love photography. Apparently I “have a really keen eye”. S what my boss said yesterday at least.


    I love coming back here and finding discussion – thank you for visiting! 🙂

    I have had an OK day, I guess. We had to return one of Husband’s gifts because it was damaged. Since we had to go to town for that, we did a couple of errands, and then I worked this afternoon. There is a lot I would like to get done in the next week or so, but I feel really tired lately. It seems like my days go by without me getting as much done as I’d like.

    But no need to whine – I just need to be a little more disciplined. How are you doing with life in general?

    I’m still boxing with life. I gave it a good kick in the ribs but he surprised me with a hook punch… I’m still up and standing though. When we’re done fighting we’ll be buddies and only do the occasional sparring when we feel like it.

    @catinhat: are you ever resting 😉

    @nika: love your post! “Boxing with life”…I know a thing or two about that as well!

    Take care

    Hi, here I am again, Boxing with life is a great explanation, sometimes it seems that life is winning though, but we keep on trying an eventually I WILL win!!
    My christmasdays were great, here in the Netherlands we have two days of cristmas. The first day was quiet, we watcht a few christmasmovies on TV. Yesterday I had my mother, father, sisters an their children over for christmasdinner. We all brought food, so I didn’t had to cook everything. It was (gezellig, a dutch word you can’t transelate) cosy, we love being together.Singing cristmassongs, playing games, I had a great day!!

    @ Stef, this is not to lecture you, but I have a honest question, Why are you fasting full days? What is the bennefit from that? When I fast like the book says I lose about 1 kilo a week, Are you fasting a whole day to lose more weight or is there an other reason? I do fine when I eat an egg and some ham at around 13.00 and at around 18.00 I eat 400 grams of a vegetable an other egg and some ham again, I stay well in my 500 calories with that and I’m not hungry. I think that I’m not hungry because I eat the eggs, I noticed in other diets that egg fill you up and it takes a lot of time to digeste them.

    I wih you all a fine weekend!!

    @ansiess, I fast full days because it is easier for me. I have my last meal let’s say on a Sunday evening and my next dinner on Monday evening, if Monday is my fast day.

    I get really hungry when I eat a small breakfast or a small lunch on a fast day. It feels like my tummy is waking up to food! Also I like to have a “proper” dinner on a fast day even though I have to stay under 500 cal.

    I have also lost about 1 kg per week, but I do not have that much to lose. I started at 65 kg and am now at 59 kg. My target it is somewhere between 56 and 58 kg, so I am not too far off.

    The tricky part will be the maintenance!

    Happy new year!

    My reason to fast completely (at least in the mornings) would be the same as Stef’s. It seems like once I’ve had something, I want something, but if I just skip it, I’m less interested in food through the day. There’s more to it for me, though. It’s not entirely physical – I think a lot of it is that I’ve always used food for things besides hunger, so my associations with food are all sorts of things. Food should be to satisfy hunger, in a perfect world – my food world is far from perfect.

    Today has had more food in it than I needed, perhaps even wanted. I did go for a walk today, which I needed and enjoyed. Right now I just feel over full and unhappy with myself. I feel like I need to get busy fasting, but I don’t have the strength of character to get through a day. It’s really frustrating.

    With that kind of day, I’m still going to try for a fast day tomorrow. One of the problems of right now is that that our schedule is way, way off. I homeschool our daughter, using a virtual school…and that is not in session this week or next week. Husband is also off quite a lot for Christmas and New Years, so everything is off kilter for me as far as routine and responsibilities. I guess what I’m saying is that I have to give myself some grace because really, right now, I don’t have enough to do on a regular basis. Does this make any sense at all?

    Ugh. Sorry to be negative. I’m feeling discouraged, and I haven’t really even started back since I read the book. Thanks for ‘listening’.


    Catinhat, don’t worry – it is the festive season after all. I am sure the enthusiam sets in once you start losing weight. It is a great feeling to realise how clothes get too big and how the scale goes down!
    Best of luck and do enjoy your time off!

    P.S. I have three kids and could not imagine to school them at home! I admire you!

    Thanks, Stef – your note was a real help this morning! I’ve always been very good at being hard on myself, heh. Things will be better once there is a routine again. 🙂

    Chin up, Cat!

    We all have moods-mostly they come from within, not the everyday stuff, and then pass. Just let it go. Enjoy yourself and your family. Also, you’ve lost the worst 25 lbs. Celebrate that! There will be time and renewed spirit in the new year- nothing has to happen on a schedule. New resolution: say something nice about yourself every day. xxP

    You’re a dear, Piper. Thank you.

    @ stef, thanks for the answer, I really tought that your were eating nothing on that day, I believed that you’ve stopped eating on sundayevening and then started eating again on thuesday mornings, but you eat a “big” meal in the evening and I think thats okay, at teast for you. I have to eat something during the day, otherwise I get really cranky (I’m not sure thats the way to write it), but I’m a diabetic so I think its easier to neglect the hunger, because I have to do that often, when my bloodsugar is to high (I had al lot of practice 🙂 )

    @ Catinhat you really have to keep your chin up, your doing great even for someone who isn’t started yet, Its much easier when your in your routine. I only fast on the days I work, If I’m free I can’t keep up. So cheer yourself up! It will work for you in the new year, I’m sure of that!! Enjoy the things you eat for now, not worrying about tommorow, there will be time for that in the new year.

    (I hope that you understand everything,I sometimes not sure how to write things)

    For now I wish you all a very good new year!!

    Haha hey anssies, your english is fine. Basically sometimes you have to just write around words that you can’t translate directly. Like a few posts back, when you tried to translate ‘gezellig’ into cosy, you could just say you had a great time and enjoyed the time with your family, which is what you did, so people understood fine!

    En ach, als je vreselijk chagrijnig bent doet zeggen dat je “cranky” bent niet eens echt recht aan hoe je je voelt 😉

    Okay, back to English, sorry about that peeps.

    @cat, weren’t you the one telling others not to beat themselves up? I get the fact that you’re unhappy with yourself but still feel like you don’t have to strength to get through a day. Which makes you even more unhappy. I’m currently working on a short story where people are actually split into two and you have the sensible one and the emotional one – so just two really weird twins. That way I can let those two have a conversation with each other and decide who wins – the one who yells the loudest (the emotional one) or the one who is sensible and thinks ahead (the sensible one)! No matter how annoying the emotional one gets 😉
    I can’t really say anything specific to help you through the day, that one is up to you. I hope you get through though, and see it as a good sign for the future!

    @nika I didn’t know that you are dutch, or did you just learn the language? Cranky was the right word though, It wasn’t to bad, but just bad enough to get in my own way. If you are dutch, your English is much better then mine, at least thats how I feel. But thanks for cheering me up about my writing here, I’m sometimes uncertain about myself, so you made me happy!!

    I want to wish you all a lovely new year! Keep up the good work or in Cats case start de good work 🙂

    Jup, I’m Dutch born and raised! I like to think of myself as a Northener, my dad was born in Drenthe, my mom on Friesland and I’ve lived in Groningen all my life. Well, now I’m in China of course, but my home is still there! To be honest I don’t know of any people who learned Dutch that weren’t Dutch, it’s not that much of an international language 😉
    I’m not sure when, where or how my English started improving – I’ve always been top of the class during English class and all that. Maybe it’s because of all the gaming, the internet, movies, series… talent? No idea.

    And no worries, I’m here to cheer people up daily ^^

    Hi Nika, I met someone when I was on holiday in Thailand, who did study dutch at the university. So I’m never sure 🙂
    I’ve been born in Delft and now living in Den Haag, but I want to go live in a smaller village, but my love doesn’t want that. I was top of my class in englisch too, but because of my uncertainty I couldn’t believe that then, and still I have problems with believing in the things that I can do.

    So now back to Cat: how was your new years eve? Did you start with 5:2 or do you wait untill your daugther gets her homescholing again? I gained 250 grams during this weeks, and I am very happy with that.

    Why on earth would a Thai study Dutch? o.O Flabbergasted. Okay, the neighbour across from my parents has a Thai husband which he found whilst travelling (don’t worry, all legal and happy and such) but it wasn’t like that was planned 😛 And sod your love.

    @nika: He had met through internet a dutch girl who he thought he’d liked, he went to visit here in holland and feel in love with our language. They were not together anymore. Funny isn’t it?

    Cat: How are you? Nika and I are taking over your journal and that wasn’t the idea. I miss your stories!!

    Hello, all. I got a bit sidetracked with life, but I’m back. Thanks for keeping my journal going for me! 😉

    I started the year ‘up’ 1.5 pounds, but now I am down from that number by 2 pounds, so I think I am back on track, or at least in the process of getting back on track.

    We have had some health scares in our family, only one of which is resolved at this time. Short version – I don’t have skin cancer. Husband is dealing with some digestive issues. He wants it to be a gluten thing, but I’m not sure that’s what it is. Meanwhile, his father is having some testing done regarding a partially blocked artery. It’s a little stressful, since I’ve never been good at giving up worry…but that’s my own fault, I suppose.

    Set those things aside and all is well. We are back to routine as of today, and happy for it. I am looking forward to getting some things sold off and some other things boxed and donated. We have lived here a long time and it’s easy to accumulate things we simply no longer need. That will be my ongoing project for now. I’m also battling with my computer regarding browsers, what my blog platform does/doesn’t support and just trying to get the computer to do what I want it to, hee hee. It’s all good, though – just learning curve for me.

    I hope everyone continues to do well and get healthier, day by day. I will try to pop in a little later this week with a more interesting update. Sorry I was away so long.


    I’m down another pound this morning and very happy about that! We are finally back into our everyday routine around here. I think the lack of routine, coupled with the holidays, was a less than ideal situation for me.

    We have friends coming over this afternoon, so Daughter is getting her school work done and I’m going to go through our fabric and find some to share (that is why our friends are coming by). Other than that, I expect a fairly average day, with a walk, household stuff, etc.

    I need to call the excavation guy and find out where he is – we were expecting him sooner than this to do some dirt work and put in gravel for our driveway. I’ve also got a few other calls to make about this and that. If I’m not forgetting about something, it sounds like I might have some time to sew today – I’ve got two quilt tops I need to get pieced, so I’ll likely work on one of those.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day!


    I’m so happy to be back to routine. Today was not a fast day, but just having our normal day to day made it much easier to make lighter choices and not feel bored, I guess.

    I will do a fast day tomorrow – for me that is generally nothing but water until late in the day. I have some errands and an appointment in town, so it should be easy to do, and then have some dinner. I have minestrone made, but with a bit of ham in it, so that should make for a good supper without a lot of heaviness.

    I didn’t get to sew today – my friend came over for a visit and our girls played while we caught up on life. She is such a lovely person – I am very much blessed by her. I got the Christmas totes out to the storage shed and brought in lots of firewood for the weekend. Tomorrow I have donations to take to Goodwill, I’m stopping at the Asian market for some vegetables and then sorting things out with the place that repaired our printer (without calling me first about the cost – ahem). Then, therapy. It’s been three weeks, and I’ve missed it, in a strange way. It’s always a cleansing experience for me, so I guess I’m looking forward to that aspect.

    Then it’s the weekend! My daughter is going to a birthday party, and I’m helping the birthday mom with the work part of things. I’ll likely do some more weeding/donating when I can, go for some walks, that sort of thing. I am reading scripture at church service on Sunday morning (I’m actually giddy about that for some reason) and somewhere in there, I need to call my friend if I can. What are you doing this weekend? Mine is not exciting, so I need to live vicariously through someone else please!


    Your weekend sounds lovely!
    I’ve got a works ‘do’ on tonight, tomorrow I’m hitting the sales to find some shoes for my son’s enormous feet and on Sunday we’re off collecting two cordes of wood for the fire. It makes for quite the workout!

    Hi all, have just read through all the posts on here. Love the journal Catinhat. Thought I would like to join in this thread, as I too have that problem of once I begin to eat, I don’t want to stop. Also, what caught my eye was the quilt thing. I have sewn all my life, but when I worked had little time to do anything but very necessary stuff. Have now taken it up again for pleasure and am loving it. Have just finished my first attempt at patchwork, some new Christmas cushions! Right now looking forward to my breakfast after fasting yesterday. I also do without food until the evening. It’s not a problem for me. Well, looking forward to reading more of your stories. Happy fasting.

    Thanks for your notes, ChrissieinBrittany and toms mantis! Two cords is a lot – do you have to cut it down as well? I have many memeories of cutting firewood in the snow as a child (my dad is a last-minute kind of guy), and I’m grateful that now, Husband and I get our wood early on so it’s at least here before the cold weather.

    Toms mantis, my mother does a lot of quilting – she pieces quilt tops to stay busy, I think. The tops I need to get pieced (there are two of them) are for church – simple rows of squares. The church takes donated material and uses it to make quilts for those in need and/or affected by some sort of hard times. Another group knits and crochets – baby blankets, prayer shawls, etc. – so there are a lot of people working at different projects year-round.

    It’s colder today than I was expecting, but I still want to get my walking done outdoors, so I’m going to bundle up and head out soon. Have a great day!


    Hm. I didn’t even start back to this until this week, but I have been focused on eating a little better since the beginning of the month. I haven’t make any strict effort or anything, just trying some…and so far I’m down 3.5 pounds. I’m really happy about that, especially since it hasn’t involved anything unusual.

    Meanwhile, my husband is having some issues and is trying a gluten-free diet, and so far it seems to be helping. Right now, Daughter and I are eating up things he cannot, but if this ends up working well for him we will likely all be gluten-free for the most part, just because it will be easier to do meals and such. I’ve got meals planned through the coming week and it’s mostly a matter of keeping out the breads and such and serving more rice and quinoa. He is Asian, and so he was raised with a lot more rice than he has been eating of late and doesn’t seem to mind too much.

    Daughter is going to a birthday party today, and I’m going along to help the mom who is having it. Before that I hope to get a load of laundry done, do a couple of things in the hen house and get my walk in for the day. This week went fast, but we had a good one. I hope everyone is doing well!

    Catinhat, you are a busy bee! Just got in from some shopping and I’m exhausted! I find it’s best to keep busy, especially on a fast day. Have an allotment so will be down there most of the time once the weather is a little warmer. Have to go down this month to cut down the raspberry bushes. They fruit in the autumn. Then it will be turning the land and raising seeds. Can’t wait.

    Toms Mantis, is an allotment like a community garden? We garden here at home, and it is one of the things that keeps me sane, I think. 🙂

    Yesterday went fairly well. I read the scripture at church this morning…I was really excited to get to do that! I have made my walking goal for the week, so I think today will be a day ‘off’ so I can rest and also get another thing or two done. I have a little diy project I’d like to finish where I’m re-covering the top of a hamper I bought at Goodwill. I also could get a jump start on the week and do a load of laundry, plus some food prep for the week. I am going to do salad-in-a-jar this week, since it’s not supposed to be so cold. Finally, I need to head down the road and get some last-minute instruction from a neighbor. I am horse and cat-sitting for her for a couple months while she’s out of town. All that, taking a look at the Sunday paper and then Downton Abbey tonight (whee!) should keep me busy!

    Take care, all!

    Hello Cat, an allotment is a small piece of land you rent from the council. The site is quite large and is divided up into plots about 30 by 90 yards, which costs a more or less nominal rent. Due to illness before Christmas haven’t been for a while, so lots to do when I get down there. Will keep me away from food! Not fasting today as planned, will do it tomorrow instead.

    Well. It’s almost mid-month, and I’m down 4.5 lb. already. I’m curious to see if that will remain true through the month. Hormonally speaking, I won’t be surprised if a pound or two comes back. Then again, we’re only halfway through the month, so I’m really quite please with such a high number, all things considered.

    I have been taking the strategy a little differently than the book prescribes. Over the weekend I fasted Friday until supper, and then missed breakfast Sunday. It doesn’t sound like a lot – and really, it isn’t – but it seems to be enough that my appetite is different. I don’t want as much food at any given time, and I’m less drawn to starchy things. In fact, the lady across the road brought over a lemon bread when I was out, and left it with Husband. He can’t eat it (he can’t do gluten), but Daughter and I like it. I think my palate has changed some, though, because she brought one over at Christmas and I couldn’t leave it alone. With this one, I had some, then took the rest to church to share with anyone who wanted a little something. (I baked a pumpkin bread too, and put the two of them in a pretty basket.) That’s just not a typical behavior for me, but it seems to be getting more typical, which I think will be good for my health.

    I’ve also noticed I’m enjoying vegetables more…but also still eating sweets here and there and drinking soda. So it’s not like I’ve undergone some major transformation, but there is a noticeably healthier slant to my choices overall. I sure can’t complain about that!

    Schooling Daughter this morning and catching up a little on the house. I also need to tend the dog across the road (we are pet-sitting), and I start caring for the horse and the barn cats of another neighbor this evening too. I’m subbing at the library tonight as well…it’s going to be a busy day! I best go get a walk and start some laundry. Have a lovely day!


    Toms, I was typing whilst you were posting. That sounds like a nice size garden! What sorts of things do you grow there? I think you already mentioned berries, yes? We have a small orchard and a few berries here, but we also have very hungry deer. It’s an ongoing battle.

    Cat, of course I meant feet, had been sewing and was working in yards!! How silly!! Grow all the usual, potatoes, onions, peas, beans, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, courgettes, broccoli, few and more. Didn’t know I grew so much. Flowers, of course, for my house.

    It sounds lovely, Toms Mantis. I garden, and it brings me a lot of satisfaction. We have a small orchard too, mostly apples, but also some pears, cherries, apricots, peaches, plums.


    We went out for lunch today, which is fine – it was not a fast day or anything, but I feel kind of bleh, probably just from different food – maybe also from getting about 3 hours sleep last night. I was up journaling, and it was worth it, but I’m sleepy today, that’s all. The therapy I’m doing is going well…it can be exhausting though. I’m learning a great deal about myself, and understanding things differently.

    We were in town because my daughter had some mid-year evaluations to do for school, just to see where she’s at. She’s a 2nd grader, and scored 100% on the 6th grade level. That is as high as the test goes, so we don’t really know her actual abilities based on the evaluation, but still – good for her!

    These days we’re pet sitting for two families, so I’m caring for a sweet yellow lab, a paint horse and two barn cats, in addition to our own crew. It’s fun, and it gets a little extra walking in for me most days, since these are neighbors, and I hate to drive for such a short distance.

    I’m roasting some winter vegetables for supper tonight, with herbs and some olive oil. I’ve got some herb seasoned chicken to go with, along with fresh apples. It will be a nice dinner – things we like – and I think tomorrow might be a fast day for me. I often do them on Fridays before therapy, but I hope to meet a friend for lunch. I like the flexibility of this plan. It’s good for me.

    I hope everyone is doing well!


    It was a good week. I’m down a total of 4.5 pounds since about Jan. 6th. So yay!

    Today was nice. We went down the road and I mucked the horse barn and did some general barn tidying. We brought back the horse’s wasted hay and used it for bedding in our henhouse.

    In the afternoon we went to a regional park and hiked a couple of miles. It was sunny and beautiful today. It’s been a busy day! I’m happy with it – we got a lot done and it was such a pretty day.

    Hope everyone is well!

    Sounds like fun catinhat!
    Great weight loss too – you must be very pleased with yourself 🙂

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