Can't cook/won't cook?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lizzypopbottle 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Freshly prepared meals may well be best but sometimes time is against us. For anyone who hasn’t time or who can’t be bothered to cook, Sainsburys carrot and coriander soup (in the chill cabinet) is only 178 cals for the whole pot. It does two meals for me at only 89 cals each. I can also have two small slices of wholemeal bread (oh no! the dreaded carbs!) about 55 cals per slice (no spread of course!) and two hard boiled eggs at about 80 cals each. I don’t mind the lack of variety on a fasting day. I can have interesting food on non-fasting days.

    I don’t sleep well on an empty stomach so I often save up enough cals on carrot soup days by cutting out the bread and having a small bowl of bran flakes (30g Sainsburys own brand is 110 cals and that’s fewer than Kellogs) with a little skimmed milk before bed. I don’t drink the milk but just use it to wet the cereal and pour any that’s left in the bowl away. I’m working up to using water instead of milk! I’ve heard that the difference is undetectable… Bran flakes are high fibre so helpful for going to the loo!

    So: 178 (soup) + 160 (2 medium eggs) + 110 (bread) OR 110 (bran flakes) = 448 cals leaving a little over for a drop of milk in my coffee or to wet my bedtime cereals. (Values are approximate)

    Hope that’s useful info for someone out there.

    I just started my first fast yesterday and reading your post is a help. I made my own soup ( I live in Mauritius so can’t get ready made things here as easy ) It took a time to work out the calories while making ( good web site with calorie counter on it for steaming, boiling, raw etc called NHS Choices) so hopefully I have counted properly and it gives me a bowl of veg and chicken soup at 120 calories per portion. I also had brown bread with mine but think I will try your tip of Bran flakes. So along with my two boiled kept me fairly full.

    Hi jansan
    I’m glad my story has proved helpful. Good luck with your fasting. Have you always lived in Mauritius or are you out there for work?

    Hi Liz, I am originally from Scotland but we decided to move here 13 years ago when my husband took early retirement. He was born in Mauritius. We do love it here although do miss the family. We are off over in Sept and as yet I haven’t decided if I will try and continue on the 5:2 or just forget about it for three weeks!
    Regards, Jan

    Hi Jan
    I’m off on my annual residential karate summer school in a week or so. It doubles as my summer holiday (takes place in sunny Lancaster! hehe!) so I’ll maybe be a bit more careful than usual with what I eat but I won’t do the fasting days for that week. I’ll be sweating the fat off all week anyway (especially as we’re promised a heatwave) and it’s also a social occasion, meeting up with karate friends from all over the country. I’ll get straight back to fasting when I return home.

    I had a look at Mauritius on line. It looks beautiful.

    PS I’m doing the ‘soup and boiled eggs’ regime today, although I’m considering a spinach omelette instead of boiling the eggs!

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