Can't believe I've messed up!

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Can't believe I've messed up!

This topic contains 18 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  sara261 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I’m 5ft2 doing 5’2 since September with a loss of 3 pounds (last week) but 8 inches in total (had baby 15 was ago but not breastfeeding) I have now put on 4 pounds in a week despite ldoing the 5’2 I indulged a bit over the weekend but am absolutely gutted it took me 6 weeks yo lose 8 inches with no weight loss but finally lost weight last week to find this week I’ve put on! I so want to throw in the towel!

    Don’t give up. I find that I will lose 2 or 3 lbs and sometimes gain back 1 or 2 and then the next week do the same thing and I have lost 20 lbs altogether since June. I love this diet. Just try not to overeat on the days off. Sometimes I will try and stay at 1200 calories on the third day and I want gain back quite as much and sometimes I don’t gain any of it back. Hang in there!!!

    Thank you I was tempted to try 4’3 instead but want to give this a fair crack I’m just so disheartened

    Hi sara261, I agree with banjo. Like banjo I lost a lot then put some on. I am committed to this lifestyle but as a grumpy old man do not have the pressures issues and commitments you have. Carry on with this. Be positive, do not think negatively. You have been very good in what you have achieved, you are not alone and have our admiration for what you are doing.
    Try to eat your 2000 cals a day on non fasting days but do not beat yourself up about this. You are losing inches if not weight but that will also come off.
    Keep us updated.
    Good luck.

    Sara261, sometimes a week or two of the 4:3 helps break the plateaus that we all encounter. If you get stuck, try 4:3 for a week or two. It usually helps me.

    Hey Sara, maybe you can also think about making small adjustment like cutting 100 cals on your normal days. This may just be that extra little nudge your body needs. Or 4:3, as some people have already said.

    Don’t beat yourself up though, you just had a baby as well! Don’t blame your body for being misaligned for a bit 😉

    To sara261, maybe you should check you TDEE via the calculator at the top of the home page. As you are petite at 5ft2 your TDEE is going to be correspondingly small (even as a breastfeeding mother). You may find that the 2000 calories suggested as the standard need for a woman is still more than you need…then again you may not, and in this case I draw a blank as far as making any useful suggestions.

    Thank you for all of your replies sorry it’s taken so long to reply.
    I have looked at my TDEE which is about 1747 and I should be taking 474 calories on fast day rather than 500 when I tried that though I wasn’t losing anything. I try to have no more than 1700 calories on a non fast day and 500 calories when fasting is that ok?

    Hi sara261
    In theory that should work – eating up to (and really do make the effort not to exceed) your TDEE on non-fast days, and around 500 (or a little less) on fast days is the basis of 5:2 of course.
    But it seems that is what you have been doing, so I can understand your frustration!
    Lots of great replies above already.

    As mentioned, things may not work quite that easily when you have recently had a child, so give yourself time and try not to expect too much too quickly.

    Weight gain of 4lbs in a week would be very depressing tho – could it be a lot of water retention perhaps; or since you over-indulged on the weekend, maybe your body hadn’t eliminated the excess, if you know what I mean (!); did you weigh yourself in the same situation as the previous week? As others have indicated, some people do have large fluctuations in weight on a weekly basis, but over time, the weight should go down if you stick to the regime.

    It is very easy to eat more calories than we think we are – processed foods, white carbs, added sugar foods all contain lots of calories and make us want more. A couple of biscuits can be 200 calories and sometimes we forget about these when working out what we have eaten.

    So look after yourself, try to accept the swings and roundabouts, stick with it, read through the forum for lots of ideas to help on your journey, seek help and support as you need, give support when you can, and best wishes for it all 🙂

    Hi Sara261,
    I couldn’t believe what I was reading when I read your opening paragraph… I too, am 5″2′ and 15 weeks post partum with my second child, have recently weaned from breast to bottle due to supply concerns and have recently commenced the 5:2 diet, primarily due to the health benefits promised, with a nice side effect of helping to shed an excess of 6kgs since being pregnant. As I have only completed my second fast day last Wednesday, I cannot offer much from experience, although the advice from others on your thread is encouraging and supportive. What I can say is, as Sassy commented above, is be gentle on yourself, and honour your body and what it has been through. I can imagine that things like sleep deprivation and any inflammation (I have pelvic instability) might hamper any attempt to lose weight as your body shifts it’s focus to healing and getting you through the day (and night). Take care of yourself, and the weight will come off. In response to Aitch51, my TDEE is around 1700 too, although I have restricted my non fast day intake to 1200kcal, and try to incorporate some exercise that day. Keep persevering as you are doing an amazing job. Please keep sharing your progress as I know I would be keen to hear how you are progressing. MM

    Thank you sassy and Maisey I normally weigh in on Monday but this week I had to get weighed Tuesday as I had long weekend of over indulgence (although saying that it was a few bottles of cider and cheese but every little counts I suppose). I normally fast Monday and Thursday so maybe the 4lbs gain was not a true reading. Will weigh on Tuesdays now but still fast Monday and Thursday so hopefully things will go in the right direction. I am now tracking my non fast days this weeks and is have now never had a 2000cal on a non fast day bug there has been one day this week that I have gone over my TDEE. Anyway you can tell I am starting all over again and hoping for a weigh loss if I can get under 12 stone by Xmas I will be chuffed (I now accept I won’t get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 11st7 by Xmas ). Last weigh in was 12st7 (with the 4lb gain). Is this achievable?

    Hi Sara261,
    From reading the book and from the experiences of others on this forum, I would have thought that a loss of 7lbs by Christmas would be achievable and certainly a reasonable weight loss goal. Given that there are 7 weeks to Christmas, 1lb per week would be a sensible and realistic goal, having regard too for heading into a particularly social time of year. My goal is 1lb per week, and giving myself until the end of November, and then reassess my progress and if I feel good and a need to step it up a notch, I might just try 4:3 for a week or so. After my second fast day (Thursday) last week, I had lost 4lbs, but I’m expecting to have gained back at least 1lb. Tomorrow is my next fast (which I’m looking forward to), and I’ll weigh again on Tuesday. Let us know how you go on Tuesday, too. Do you measure weekly, too?

    I guess it’s fate that you two met here hm? 😉 Just don’t start telling diaper stories, they gross me out.

    I think 7lb in 7 weeks is a realistic goal. And although I completely understand the need for weighing once a week, why not make it once every two weeks? It may cut out a little fluctuation and you may see some better progress instead of weighing once a week.


    Thanks for all your response I weighed myself today and have lost 3 pounds (so now weigh 12st4)! I have lost 11 inches since September. I think part of it was fluctuation particularly as I changed fast day last week as I was away. So hopefully I will be able to lose the 4 pounds by Xmas think I will keep to the 5’2 rather than 4’3 as I seem to struggle on the second fast day I seem to suffer with terrible heartburn and headache during the fast day and the next???

    Ps MM keep me informed

    No weight loss this week 🙁
    Tempted to do 4’3 instead…
    It has been time of month does this affect it ?? (Sorry if it is too much info)

    Hi Sara

    Sorry to hear that you have not had weight loss – but you may still have had fat loss. Or inches loss. 🙂

    I am long past menopause so can’t respond to your query from experience, but it sounds quite possible to me. I suggest you use the search box to find the topics that cover this issue.

    It is still early days to switch to 4:3 – I found that 3 fast days in a week can seem a bit much (despite me frequently suggesting it to others!). Others of course cope with it very well, and do it all the time.

    What I believe has worked better for me is 16:8, where you only eat in an 8-hour window each day (eg noon to 8pm, or 9am to 5pm). If you are someone who can manage without brekkie – or can manage without eating in the evening – then this could work for you. Tho I am a bit concerned about you doing anything too severe this soon after having a baby – you really must nurture yourself to ensure you have the energy to deal with young ones!! 🙂

    Stick with it, you will get there!
    Best wishes 😀

    Hey Sara! I think Sassy already gave a few good pointers, like taking it easy after having a baby. Your body could still be recovering from all the stress and changes it’s been through the past months!

    About the weightgain during your period, yes. That absolutely happens, as a matter of fact women “puff up” two times a month so don’t be surprised about fluctuating numbers now and then. Women retain loads of fluids those times so don’t worry, the weight isn’t fat!

    It’s been a week, and I get the frustration, but give it some time 🙂

    Thank you for all of your advice I weighed today and still no weight loss (12st4) in three weeks no inch loss either 🙁
    On my fast day this week I struggled to do 500 cal as my baby get me up all night so I had 300cal I therefore was expecting a loss this week.
    Aghh so frustrating I haven’t been doing any exercise yet as I have pelvic pain/inflammation but I am doing physio once a week.
    Hope MM your success is better than mine. Still hoping to lose 4 pounds by Xmas, although I am worried why I keep getting heartburn/headaches on fast days

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