Well here we are, on day 1. I am loving the concept of this program. Not new to diet and fitness, I am now struggling at age 54. I can’t believe the drop in energy and the lack of willpower I used to have. So, today I journalled my food. I’m allowed 1400 calories on the non fast days, although with a 5ft fine boned frame, I will probably not meet that. I’m struggling with trying to find a balance. Minimal grains, no white stuff, except I like grains like oats (except they send me into a hotflash) and I like whole grain rice and I like a potato every now and again.
I worry that I will go extreme and fail, as I have time and time again. Any advice from other menopausal women? Sugar is out for me as even a little bit and I just can’t stop. My mom died of type 2 diabetes and I have a brother and sister, both very overweight, that also have diabetes. I have to be very very careful.
So, today is day 1 🙂 I have a balanced day planned out and we will move forward from there.
12:30 pm
21 Oct 16