Canadian Fasters (and anyone else)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Zen temple 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello Everyone! I am a 50 year old woman from the GTA. I have been reading your posts for the past 2 months and haven’t come across a Canadian group. I had never heard about the Fast Diet until I picked up the book at Chapters in February. I have lost 11 pounds in 8 weeks by doing 3 fasts (500 cal) a week and eating whatever I want (within reason) on non-fast days. I have 8 more pounds to go. I am so happy to have found this way of life! I love food and wine and eating out and yet I Want to avoid middle age spread! This is so doable! I thought it would be helpful to have a Canadian forum so that we can share information specific to Canada. I would like to start with 2 recent discoveries: Nupasta and Walden Farms. Nupasta is 25 calories per serving. Check out and
    Walden Farms makes a zero calorie pasta sauce
    You can have a filling bowl or pasta with sauce for 25 calories.
    This combination has been a lifesaver for me! Does anyone have any special tips or tricks to share?

    Hi Camille,

    I’m American but grew up in Buffalo so I’m almost Canadian; watched a lot of Canadian TV as a kid.

    The Walden Farms stuff is great. I buy their caramel and blueberry syrups when they’re on sale here. They aren’t the tastiest syrups I’ve ever had but they can’t be beat for having 0 calories.

    Sounds like you’re off to a great start. Keep it up! I hope you get lots of “Real” Canadians replying to this thread. And remember, “At Zeller’s, everything starts with Zed.”


    Hi Camille-

    I’m in beautiful West Vancouver and intermittent fasting.

    You’ve done great! I have a lot farther to go. I was probably 200 pounds or more when I started before Christmas but I’ve made a lot of progress (from size 20 jeans to size 12s today).

    I don’t have any specifically Canadian tips. …tho I do have grilled salmon 3 or 4 nights a week. 😉

    What works for me is to completely fast 2 back-to-back days a week and to stick to 2 meals (a big salad with beans for protein for lunch and protein & veggies for dinner) the rest of the week. I don’t snack at all and I very rarely do the treats thing. If I am going to vary from the pattern that keeps my hunger in check (that’s why this works for me!) I do it on the last meal before I fast. Then fasting again wipes out any resulting cravings that previously sabotaged me.

    I hope someone has some Canadian tips for you but I also hope it helps to know there are others out there to support you. …tho they might be even more encouraged by your success!

    Hi Camille! I’m Canadian too! But no tips or tricks, alas–I’ve been tending just to go with whole foods, if that’s the right term, so on fast days, eggs/fish/yogurt/vegetables–no products particular to any country. (But I make my own yogurt, so that’s using milk in bags, which would probably strike anyone else as bizarre! 🙂 )

    Hi Hillsy,

    Yes, it always seemed odd to me that milk is sold in bags in Canada. Being the klutz that I am, it would probably be disastrous for for me if our milk came in bags. I have enough trouble handling the gallon jugs.


    I’m in the NWT been on 5:2 for 15 months. However what I do really isn’t 5:2 totally as once per month I fast for 4-5 days the first monday of each month. this is for the health benefits of longer term fasting as per Dr. Valter Longo there is some discussion on it in this thread

    I then fast twice a week as well though I extend my fasts to 40 hours plus so I’m probably closer to 4:3 in reality. All my fasts are water only. Water only fasting is easier for me than trying to eat small miserly meals. I just don’t pay attention to food when I’m fasting it’s my non-fasting days that I have to watch out for. I do have a tendency to eat over my TDEE on non fast days (NFD)(feed days (FD)) This is difficult to break from over eating portion sizes for probably all my life. I’m working on it.

    Funny thing we don’t have bagged milk here. No dairy industry or agriculture to speak of either, everything is shipped in. Prices are outrageous. 7.89$ for 4 litres of milk. When my first children were young (they are now 40 and 38 respectively) I used to make a gallon of yogurt a week. I now occasionally will make a gallon when my son (11 year old) goes on a yogurt kick, maybe 3 times in the last year. He loves vanilla yogurt with blue berries in the bottom or pine apple or peaches or …. Sweetened with homemade stevia extract.

    Tips recalculate your TDEE every time the scale drops. Always set your activity level lower than what you think it is. Better is to calculate your TDEE for what you should weigh for your age and height with a sedentary activity level and use that TDEE level as your measure.

    I urge everyone to do at least a 5 day water fast after two months on 5:2. You will learn more about your body and food in those 5 days than you can begin to imagine. I’m not saying do it every month for many people it is not sustainable and that’s fine. But do one at least you will be surprised on the control you get and you will find out you are stronger than you think. Build up to it slowly if you want by adding a day a month and in month 5 do the five day fast or jump in with both feet and do it.

    I believe that life is lived in moments grab them while you can.

    I think I’ve heard it’s really just Ontario that has bagged milk? I lived in BC for a short while but that was pre-kids, so not buying milk in quantities that would have me looking for bagged milk anyway! I’m always gobsmacked when I hear about food prices in the North–it boggles the mind.

    My gosh, the idea of a five-day water fast terrifies me. I don’t do so very well on my single-day fasts on the 5:2. Maybe one day…

    Alberta did don’t know if they still do. storing the bags of milk was the issue I had with them when I lived there. Wobbly things. Would get a leak when something got set on them etc.

    Actually water only when fasting gets easy after day 3 I’m on day 4 now and I’ll break my fasting tomorrow evening with some watermelon and berries. It will be late Saturday or brunch Sunday before I eat a full normal meal. Still I with all the fasting I normally only lose about 4 pounds a month. I just eat too much when I’m not fasting

    I did creep up 5 day fasting too. First normal fast water only, that was easier than trying to stick to 500 calories and now when I do a normal fast it is always water fasting. Then two days four times or so. Then 3. Then to 4-5.

    I’ve crept into the 7th day by a few hours but I always chicken out on going longer. Not sure why. I think it is because it becomes difficult to work, house keep, child care etc when extending fasts.

    I’d love to go to The TrueNorth Health Centre and do a 21 day fast. However the time just isn’t available to be away from family, dogs, work etc.

    I admire you folks who can do a 5 day fast. While I do two 0 calorie fast days every week without a problem, it took me several tries to make it to 5 days. I couldn’t make it past 3 days; just felt so rotten and empty I had to eat something. I finally made it to 5 days a few weeks ago and am glad I accomplished it, but don’t know if I’ll try it again.


    As per the studies of Dr. Valter Longo as seen in the documentary Eat, Fast, Live Longer which started the 5:2 “diet” to achieve the maximum health benefits 4-5 day fasting would need to be done once per month. Realizing that for most people this would be unsustainable Dr. Mosley continued looking and came up with 5:2. Though no scientific studies have been done on 5:2 it’s “said” that the health benefits are nearly the same.

    I don’t happen to think that 5:2 gives max health benefits and I do need the most I can obtain thus I fast 4-5 days once a month starting on the first monday of the month.

    The first few times you do a 5 day fast it can be difficult especially through day 3. Day 4 and 5 seem to be easier. As will things practice makes it easier. After you have 6-12 done. The pressure is off as you KNOW you can do it.

    Congrats on the accomplishment and it is difficult the first time. I had to gradually build up to it and I had more than a few broken fasts on day 3.

    Zero calorie 5:2 fasting is great. I think it should be the norm but then again it’s not for everyone. The great thing about 5:2 is adapting it to you, your life and needs. Family, social, work, and entertainment etc

    Keep on keeping on it does work. It is doable and sustainable

    Could you please give more details of how to break 5 day fast. You mentioned that you cannot just simply start eat normally. So what is your routine / recommendation for breaking 5 day fast. Are they different for 3 or 4 day fasts?

    I did several 2 days fasts, and start eating normally right away. Why there is a different approach for longer fasting?

    Thank you.

    Hello everyone. Another Canadian here– living on Vancouver Island. In May I heard about 5:2, looked at online articles, YouTube videos, bought the book and I committed 3 weeks ago. I need to reset insulin resistance by fasting and to achieve better health and lose weight (according to the work about IF I read online –not only by Dr. Mosely but also by Canadian Doctor Jason Fong.

    I am semi retired, young at heart, fairly sedentary but do spurts of walking and heavy duty gardening. I am concerned feeling this extra weight ( some breathlessness, and the tummy visceral fat etc. ) which has crept on in the past 5 years ( I feel through inordinate stress).

    Fasting is not new to me. I have done 29 day juice fast, 10 day master water cleanse, and other types of fasts over 45 years, but this 5:2 seems the right one at the right time–gentle and doable for a senior like me.

    I was hoping to hear some tips from Canadians for 5:2 especially recipes in non metric measurements ( metric I find tedious). I am happy to have found you all and I hope this thread is still active. Best wishes.

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