Can this diet be done like this?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  RhondaAnn 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Would I still see results if instead of having 500 calories twice a day on my fast days, that I just fast for 24 hours? My thought is I would have dinner at 7:00 p.m., and then not eat again until 7:00 p.m. the following day and, of course, do this on two nonconsecutive days. I did this once and it was very easy for me. I drank water and herbal tea all day and was very excited when 7:00 came around the next evening. Please let me know if this constitutes a variation of The Fast Diet that will secure the results I read about in the book. Thank you, Rhonda Ann

    Is that a typo or are you really having 500 calories twice a day on fast days?

    On fast days the maximum calories for women is 500. It makes no difference if you eat them all at once or divided into small meals. What is important is that you get out of bed on a fast day and only have a total of 500 calories maximum before going to bad at night and that you do it on two days of the week. It makes little difference to weight loss if the days are consecutive or not.

    I did mean to imply having a total of 500 calories spread over the fast days in two increments.

    Do you know if having the calories at all is necessary or can I just do a water fast for 24 hours twice a week? My thought is I would have dinner at 7:00 p.m., and then not eat again until 7:00 p.m. the following day and, of course, do this on two nonconsecutive days. I did this once and it was very easy for me. I drank water and herbal tea all day and was very excited when 7:00 came around the next evening. Please let me know if this constitutes a variation of The Fast Diet that will secure the results I read about in the book. Thank you, Rhonda Ann

    A water fast for 24 hours followed by eating a normal meal is not 5:2.
    If you want to consume water only that is fine, it is what many on this forum do but your dinner should not exceed 500 calories.

    But my normal meal will be after having fasted for 24 hours. I am just choosing no calories for the 24 hour period instead of 500. I guess what I am trying to find out is if fasting for 24 hours like I mentioned constitutes one day of fasting? If it doesn’t, how much longer would I have to go until it does?

    I understand what you are asking.
    Fasting is NOT a 24 hour period it is actually from when you go to bed the night before a fast day until you get up the morning after a fast eg Sunday evening through to Tuesday morning and throughout that period of time which is in fact around 36 hours, you can only have 500 calories.

    Okay, so it wouldn’t matter what time of day I stop eating the night before a fast then? So for example, if I stopped eating Wednesday night at 10 pm, woke up Thursday morning and chose to eat no calories the entire day, I could start a normal meal on Friday morning?


    Thank you.

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