Can I have 600 calories?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  weeman 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi, as a women I understand I should eat 500 calories. I’m naturaly very muscular and around 2 stone overweight. I wondered if I were to eat between 500-600 calories on my fasting days would this still count? Only on Day two of fasting and seem to keep reaching around 550 cals. Thanks in advance!

    There is nothing magical about 500 (or 600) calories. This is a number that Michael Mosley came up with that he thought most people would be able to do. Lots of people, me being one of them, choose to eat nothing rather than counting 500 calories. Do what’s easy and sustainable for you and you increase your chances of success.

    Wow I don’t think I could do eat nothing at all and run around after 3 kids, go to work, clean the house. Maybe if upto 600 cals isnt working for me I will try decrease on fasting days! Thanks bigbooty


    Of course you could eat nothing and run around after 3 kids, go to work, clean the house. Plenty of people do, and for longer than one day. You’re just not in the right headspace for that.

    Why not start with the ‘I can do’ mentality instead of ‘I can’t’?


    Do what’s sustainable for you. Ive got 3 kids and work as well. Hang tough for a month, it gets easier after than as your liver starts to function properly. Pick your two days so that the timing suits you. Choose what you eat carefully. While no foods are off limits doing 5:2, some foods make it VERY hard to be successful. Avoid all sugar and processed grain type foods. No bread, pizza, pasta, cake, biscuits, breakfast cereal etc. If grains were used to make the product don’t have it. Avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes and to a lesser extent sweet potatoes. So what can you have? All other veggies, cheese, low sugar high fat yogurt, nuts, legumes, some meat, fish, some fruit. Go for your berry type fruits. Basically avoid processed foods and eat whole foods just like your grandparents used to eat. Don’t eat if your not hungry!! The concept of 3 meals a day started in the 50s and was not based on any scientific evidence. The concept of must have breakfast was started by “Dr” Kellogg, a very disturbed individual, trying to promote cereal sales.

    Good luck.

    Hi Weeman, as well as what BigBooty said, I wanted to point out that Dr Mosley has come out lately to say that even if you need to eat 800 calories on a fast day, to make it manageable, it seems that the health benefits will still be there. (Weight loss is likely to be a little slower ofcourse, but remember, this is eating for long term health).

    When I started 5:2 I was having between 600 and 700 calories each fast day, before I worked out how to make it work for me at 300 – 400 calories. Now I am down to the lower end of my healthy weight range I am having 500 – 600 calories again each fast day for maintenance.

    The main trick is to make it work in your life. You will do it! best wishes!

    Thanks you all for the replies. Really helpful. I guess I am still sucked into the 3 meals a day is the way mentality. Good to know you also have 3 kids bigbooty and you manage nothing on fasting days. I’ve chosen 2 days that I dont’t work which will be a bit easier as my work is mentaly and physically draining. Next fasting day I will try 400 kals. I do eat quite healthy already it’s just the amount of food that is the problem!

    Thanks again everyone!

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