Can I do the fast diet with a low white blood cell count?

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Can I do the fast diet with a low white blood cell count?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bcjmmac 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I’ve been told I typically have a low white blood cell count, it’s ‘normal’ for me. I’m reading about the fast diet to decide if it’s right for me and I’ve just read that fasting lowers the white blood cell count also so is this a safe diet for me to start?

    Id talk to your doctor first. Malnutrition and deficiency in certain vitamins can cause a low white blood cell count. However if you are wanting to do 5:2 then it is unlikely you are malnourished and probably the opposite is true? If it is truly a concern for you then have a count done prior to starting. Go on the diet and retest after 6 months. I regularly have my bloods taken, change one aspect of my diet for 6 months and have my bloods retaken to see if the change has been positive or negative.

    Probably safe enough since humans have historically lived with fasting at different times of the year, but best to check with your doctor. S/he may have some insight into the cause of your low white blood cell count & if fasting will have any significant effect. Might also be worthwhile to see if you can find any articles that discuss this particular issue (i.e. is the count down because the body is recycling the cells/no effect on immune system, or is your immune system being suppressed?).

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