Can anyone tell me if this plan is gonna work? Thanks!

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Can anyone tell me if this plan is gonna work? Thanks!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  PinkQueen 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I am about to start my 5:2 fast diet and on my fasting day, I am planning to have my brunch at 11am and early dinner at 5pm. This way I will leave a gap of 18hours (from 6pm last night to 11am) and the another gap of 16hours (from 5:30pm to 9:30am next morning).

    I understand that in the book it said we should leave as much gap as possible between the two meals (like 7:30am to 7:30pm) on my fasting day, but does the above meal plan do the same job? I just find it easier for me personally.


    The gap doesn’t make as much difference as simply keeping to the calorie limit and making the fast days sustainable for your life style and habits.

    You have worked out a good plan. Do it a couple of times, and if anything needs adjusting, you can do it then!

    Cheers to your first fast day! Today is exactly one year since my first one 🙂

    Eating once is better than eating twice which is better than eating three times which is better than snacking. However the improvements are small compared to just eating 1/4 or less then your TDEE. Also what you eat makes a big difference. 200 calories of vegetables is better than 200 calories of sugar. You want to choose foods that limit your blood glucose spike. So limit grain based foods and get your carbs from vegetables. Avoid fruit juice, eat whole fruits.

    Thanks, currently on my first fasting day, finished my first meal at noon with 2 boiled egg and cucumber, still feeling pretty well.

    Thanks for the great tips!

    It’s sticking to the 500-600 calories that’s the most important bit. Learn how to fast best for you. I’ve tried grazing throughout the day (nibbling on chopped cucumber and chicken sticks until about 7.30pm, then having dinner), eating one meal a day (dinner), eating three meals a day, or eating two (lunch and dinner). I personally find it easiest to have nothing in the morning (I wake up at about 6am), push through until as late as I can before I feel really, really hungry (usually about 2pm/3pm), having a small lunch (like a soup or small plate of chicken and vegetables), then having a decent sized 400 calorie dinner. Hope this helps (:

    It works! Just experiment with what works for you. After reading many people’s experiences, it may take a few months to find your perfect schedule. Just know this, and it is something some people will say over and over, if you aren’t losing weight you are either over eating too much on your non-fast days, have over calculated your TDEE or you aren’t being patient. It is normal on this diet not to lose weight one week and lose it the next. Patience is key. As long as there is a downward trend over a months time, you will be good!

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