Calorie calculator – TDEE / BMR / BMI

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Calorie calculator – TDEE / BMR / BMI

This topic contains 29 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  sharanimarie 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • As requested, we have added in a calculator so that you can calculate how many calories you burn on a normal day, your TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure. You can also calculate your BMI (body mass index) and BMR (basal metabolic rate, the number of calories you’d burn if you didn’t move from your bed all day).

    Here it is:

    Please let us know anything that’s not working about it and we’ll fix. 🙂

    It is very easy to use and there is clear guidance as what each level of exercise equates to.

    Thanks annette52! It’s great to hear it’s working and understandable. 🙂

    fastdiet, just one thought: How does one find the Calculator from, say, the home page or anywhere else on the site, once this current rash of comments about it disappears off the ‘recent comments’ listing?

    It’s up at the top under “how” and listed as “calorie calculator”. I’ve also stuck the topic so it will always stay at the top of “all recent topics” (well, until we take it down in a few days…).

    It has just occurred to me that I should have written a post for the homepage for it, so I will do that now, too!

    Thanks, fastdiet – Is it possible to also put the Calculator link under ‘forum’ (as well as ‘how’) and, even, to have some sort of link to it once one is on the forum pages themselves? Or is that just too pushy? Personally, I usually go straight to the forum pages, by-passing the home page, etc. One’s way-in depends on whether one is a newcomer or a regular, I suppose – of course, there are plenty of both here nowadays. All best wishes.

    Tomorrow I’ll put a link to it in the sidebar over there ( —> ) so it will be easy to find when you’re reading the forums.

    I have in my to-do list “write up how to use the forums” and I’ll put that with it, too.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    Brilliant. Well done, fastdiet.

    Well done, fastdiet.

    Very easy to use. Thanks.
    ..but my TDEE is about 1600 – does this mean I should only eat about 400 on a fast day 🙁

    Oops, lottielastic – Yes, it sounds like it does. Maybe you’ll just have to see how it goes, working out a trade-off between your fast day calorie intake and your rate of weight-loss. If anything makes you too miserable, then you can’t keep at it and an essential factor of the 5:2 regime should be its sustainability. So, within reason, don’t get too hung up about the upper limits and, hopefully, you’ll be able to relax into a steady routine that suits your individual needs. Go well on it!

    That’s very good. I am saving a screen dump of the calculated result each week so I can see how it goes down. I am eating far less than mine indicates though, at the moment. Seeing as I need to lose nearly half of me that’s probably not a surprise!

    Odille – 179cm – start 01062013-115kg – current 112.4 – aim 65-70.

    Thanks Jeanius, I lost 3lbs in my first week despite drinking lots of wine at the weekend – will find out tomorrow how my 2nd week has gone – I imagine it will slow down a bit. I do try to follow the slimming world plan on my non fast days (apart from the wine blips!) so that may help. If I’m losing weight on 500cal fasts I’ll stick with that. I wonder if I will still get the health benefits though?

    hi, bye, jeanius back 2 study long way 2go

    Date Weight
    03/02/13 218
    03/10/13 213
    03/17/13 210
    03/24/13 208
    03/31/13 207
    04/07/13 206
    04/14/13 205
    04/21/13 203
    04/28/13 203
    05/05/13 202
    05/12/13 No Data
    05/19/13 199
    05/26/13 No Data
    06/02/13 201
    06/09/13 198
    06/13/13 198
    06/16/13 197
    06/17/13 196

    as every one can c it is going down
    1.47 lbs avg

    do not get frustrated it plateaus it goes up it goes down

    just have fun with it:)
    this is the best lifestyle ever!!!!

    4 fastdays or nonfastdays
    it could be a vegetarian day
    it could be a protein all day less than 25 carbs or less than 150carbs
    it could be the mediterranean, paleo,duke juice etc… day
    it could be 5:2 4:3 6:1 adf etc.. day
    it could be food u never ate day crickets 2 salty
    or a whole week off yay (that has not happened yet ugh)
    i just make sure i average 1300/day a during the month my tdee is 1764

    so start with (9100 in my case) and start minusing from that number
    1 day it might be 2100 cals yay
    fast day is usually 300-400-500 day never higher than 20

    whoever came up w/ the 5:2 life/goals/accomplishments days either mimi or jeanius that was great
    will be incorporating that
    thanks to all keep on minusing

    Hi, wiltdnrUSA – Good to hear from you. You do sound like you are having fun. Your statistics read wonderfully and your personalised scheme obviously works for you. The ‘min-using’ had me going for a while, until my eyes and brain finally stumbled into ‘minus-ing’ and comprehension arose. I like your poetry. Keep well and happy.

    hi jeanius must study but this was bugging me

    i read @ some where that you should take 10 to 20% off ur tdee
    because ur bmr is really u being alive but in a coma
    and recalculate every 10 pounds.

    since i’m sedentary just desk desk desk
    i always took off 20%
    so shouldn’t i be now tdee 1763-20%= 1410

    did i just find 110 calories avg yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!
    jeanius tell me this is true

    Hello again, wiltldnrUSA – I don’t think I understand why you would celebrate being able to reduce your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) figure, as most people would see that as a deprivation, a reduction in one’s daily allowance of food.
    However, searching on the Wondrous-www this morning, I found this posting (from which may be the kind of adjustment you’re referring to:
    “You burn calories all day long just breathing and typing and peeing, etc. the accepted formula if you want to lose weight is to eat at a 500 calorie deficit from your TDEE….
    Edit: don’t pay attention to the whole BMR thing, from what I’ve learned over the past few years, the TDEE formula is where it’s at….
    Edit 2: I should add, if an immediate 500 calorie cut is too difficult or daunting, or does for some reason put you under your BMR, then just calculate a 20% cut of your TDEE….”
    This, of course, would relate to a 7-day-a-week calorie reduction, rather than the 5:2 plan.
    Also, at a quick glance, I’m afraid that, so far, I can’t follow your calculations when comparing the figures in your comments of yesterday and today. All very interesting but I will have to get back to you on this, as I don’t have time right now. (I must seize my window of best opportunity to do my daily exercise routine. Really, ‘Virtue’ is my middle name, don’cha think?!)
    Enjoy your studies.

    hi, pulled an all nighter studying

    u r so right about the Wondrous-www. remember, the bad command no file days?

    my tdee is 1763

    i have been averaging 1300 a day

    so by ur calculations i should do tdee 1763-500=1263 average a day

    so i lost noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    i’m going to stick with the the formula of tdee 1763 minus 20% which means

    1410.40 average a day

    i’m going to average that. which is an increase of (1410.40-1300=110.40 increase) yay

    maybe i’m doing this all wrong

    enjoy studies ugh. i forgot about the guilt, remember those days, unless ur like my sister and mother, who study only the night b4 and pass w/ 100%. i have to do many weeks months of study 2 get an a oh well.

    if u don’t answer that’s ok, i’m going to do it this way

    wish u success w/ ur gerd and exercise and of course the fastday lifestyle

    take care

    Eek! I used the calculator and it says I’m only supposed to eat 1300 calories on a non-fast day? How come I’m not really, really fat, then? I’m sure I eat (and drink) a lot more than that – and even when I wasn’t on a diet at all I never put on more than half a stone in the year.

    I am about 8 and a half stone, size 8 – doing the fast diet (in a pretty relaxed way) in a vague attempt to be healthier, offset piggy weekends, cut booze intake and make sure I don’t put on that half a stone. I dont exercise much except yoga once or twice a week as I’m in a full-on job and I loathe gyms – but I’m not unfit – used to be pretty sporty and can do a couple of weeks demanding skiing or cycle 50 miles without trouble on the odd days I decide to do something like that.

    Surely 1,300 calories is more like a diet than a normal day!

    Maybe you were inadvertently only eating around that much anyway? lucky you, I wouldn’t worry about it too much personally!

    My tdee said that I needed 2048 calories a day… What a result! Now that I know what 500 calories feels like I know I can probably cope with a lot less.

    I am keeping a food diary in a spreadsheet for a few weeks so I can keep myself accountable. I also have a food values spreadsheet. Both show Kj, calories, protein, fat & carbs – on the food values it is per 100g of any food, and on the diary I calculate the individual mounts using the food values and how much I ate. I use the food values panels on bought foodstuffs to add special things that I like.

    The workbook (diary) has a sheet for my weight record and automatically calculates gain/loss and BMI. I have it in both lbs and kgs. All calculates automatically in Excel. I have a random daily weight chart too as I often have a ‘peek’ in the middle of the week, but the official record is weekly.

    Bearing in mind I am in Australia so the brand name things are Australian, if anyone would like copies, email me at and I’ll email them to you. You can just change the height and weight values to your and away you go. You’ll have to edit the BMI as the formula is for my height squared.

    Cheers, Odille

    Thanks for putting together this calculator. One question – should we in fact be targeting a calorie intake of quarter of our TDEE on fasting days, rather than the fixed recommendation of 500/600 cals? For me this would bring my fasting day consumption down to 476 cals (from 600) so I’m hoping the answer is no 🙂

    Hi, Mitch – If you’re sure you’ve input the right details into the calculator, then, yep, I’m afraid it does sound like a lesser fast-day figure is recommended. But if that doesn’t sound do-able to you, better to keep it as near as possible and then be patient about your perhaps- slower weight-loss, I reckon.
    I hope you’re keeping well and find a solution to the headaches. All best wishes to you.

    PS, Mitch – If the fast-day figure needs to be adjusted down, then presumably the recommended non-fast-day intake is also below the 2500kcal average figure too? More best wishes needed , I reckon! May you thrive.

    Hi Jeanius, thanks for good wishes. A bit too soon to say whether the headaches are fixed but I’m trying to drink more water and see how I go.

    Yes, my TDEE was 1901 cals so this would imply I should eat fewer cals than the recommended figure for men. But… I’ve been losing weight on this diet at a steady 500g/week for 9 weeks and my BMI is down to 22.2 so I wouldn’t want to eat even less. In fact I will soonish need to get to a maintenance regime where my weight can plateau, if I’m not to eventually become underweight.

    But thanks for clarifying the intention of TDEE.

    Bumping this – Also a reminder to recheck your figures when your weight drops as well 52ers 🙂

    how do I figure out what amount of calories I eat on non fast days ,is it 25% less off my TDEE? I have been fasting with you since dec 21/2013 ever since I seen the show on tv .

    I am trying to access the calculator, and I keep getting a message that I must be logged in to do so. I am logged in.

    I am trying to access the calculator, and I keep getting a message that I must be logged in to do so. I am logged in.

    Now I’m getting a message to update my goals. They don’t need updating. Can I get this as a mobile app?

    I personally like to use this free tdee calculator I’ve been fasting while keeping track of my calories and it’s so much easier than you all think. I just make sure to not eat more than 300 calories below my tdee. So for example, if your tdee today is 2500, to lose weight, you might aim to consume 2200 calories or less. I lost 20lbs the first month and it’s just amazing!

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