Burning Sensation??

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  FoxholeFather 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi, doing my first fast today. Approaching 12 hrs without eating but getting a burning sensation coming from throat every so often. Anyone know why?

    Hi Schuey, I am not a doctor, but Iit sounds like it is probably acid reflux/heartburn because you have a lot of acid in your stomach–I struggle with this too. You can relieve that with an acid reducer. It can become more aggravated if you are drinking anything with caffeine, tomato sauces, smoking, and citrus foods.

    ah yes that makes sense, many thanks.

    Hi Schuey and Thrive Alive. I am glad I found this thread. Are these the types of symptoms you are talking about?

    I find that I have zero real hunger any longer. I am doing a 17/7 daily IF routine for about 1 month. I have had some great weight loss. Again, I don’t have any hunger pangs per say, but I have had been having this constant pit feeling in my stomach that I am concerned about.

    So, the past few days I have been having a pit feeling in my stomach, not necessarily hunger, and not necessarily painful. It is more like a full stomach lining irritation? Today I felt tired and I had a carb filled meal tonight hoping it would help the feeling in my stomach. But it’s 1:08am EST, and the feeling is keeping me awake,

    For two weeks I have had no cravings though and no big hunger, even during eating windows, which is fantastic. But is this feeling something you have experienced or heard of? I have really been following a 17/7 IF plan and eating about 1800 calories which is all I seem to be hungry for.

    Has anyone else experienced strong feelings in the stomach? Any help or reassurance you can give is appreciated. Thanks.

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