Building muscle and fasting???

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Building muscle and fasting???

This topic contains 13 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  vasilievnaaaa 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • HI, i have been doing the 5:2 since February and without really exercising, (a few 4k runs here and there) i dropped 22lbs down from 13st 8lb to 11st 10lb.
    I then, in June, started to hit the gym and lift weights. Now,according to all the various calculators available my BMI is 1632 and my TDEE is 2245.
    Obviously i stick to 600 on my two fast days but what should i eat on my non fast days in order to pack muscle and ultimately, burn the excess fat around my gut? I have varied it to 2500 and down to 1900 depending on who i listen to/what i read?
    My weight, after a few weeks holidays in May and August has fluctuated but i average now 11st 12lbs. Should i eat more on non fast days to add bulk or stick to the TDEE?
    Regards, Michael.

    hi Micheal i dont know the answer to your question but wanted to say well done on your loss to date, xx

    Thanks FFF. I really am quite at a contradiction in the way to go, if that makes sense. I know you need food and protein to fuel the body and build muscle (which ultimately burns fat better) but i also want not to run the risk of gaining weight in the form of fat which i am thinking i do in the form of protein shakes, even the lean burn low cal ones!! Arghhh…. !!

    Hi Michael, sorry I dont know answer to your question, but I,m sure someone will tell you!! Like fastforlife, I want to congratulate you on your weight loss, and getting into the gym etc. Hopefully someone will answer your question soon.



    if u want a body like

    Hugh Jackman talks ‘Wolverine’ diet, intermittent fasting

    a scientific muscle builder

    also Exercise scientist suggests skipping breakfast, intermittent fasting

    Exercise scientist John Berardi says intermittent fasting is an effective way to melt body fat, boost the release of anti-aging hormones, and improve insulin sensitivity.

    “Intermittent fasting reduces insulin levels, so you can actually increase your insulin sensitivity for better blood-sugar management,” Berardi told Details Aug. 21. “At the same time, your body will release more growth hormone, which helps to preserve lean tissue and burn fat tissue.”

    Berardi says eating breakfast is optional, and slams the often-stated diet mantra that skipping meals slows metabolism. If anything, occasionally skipping meals and practicing intermittent fasting can improve metabolism by helping with blood-sugar management, appetite control, weight loss and increased cell repair.

    “The idea that metabolism slows radically in response to not eating certain meals in a single day just isn’t accurate,” said Berardi, who has a Ph.D. in exercise physiology and nutrient biochemistry. “The amount of calories you’re taking in and the composition of those calories — proteins, carbs, and fats — are really what impact metabolism.”

    For those who cringe even thinking about the word “fast,” Berardi pointed out that most people already practice intermittent fasting, regardless of what diet they follow.

    “No matter what eating style you follow, you already practice intermittent fasting,” Berardi told T Nation. “If you typically eat dinner by 8 p.m. and breakfast at 8 a.m. the next day, you’re fasting for 12 hours. Some refer to this as a 12/12 eating schedule because it’s 12 hours of fasting and 12 hours of eating.”

    Intermittent fasting, or IF, does not mean starving oneself, or even reducing overall calorie intake. IF is an eating program that alternates periods of intentional fasting with intervals of (hopefully, healthy) eating. The eating pattern has recently been touted as a way to lose weight more quickly than conventional, linear dieting and is a cornerstone of many diets, including the Paleo diet.

    Berardi, co-founder of Toronto-based Precision Nutrition, experienced dramatic results while experimenting with intermittent fasting. In 2011, Berardi tried several different IF formulas on himself over the span of eight months and was able to shed 20 pounds of body fat while preserving most of his lean muscle mass (see before-and-after photos above).

    During the process, Berardi chiseled his body from an already-impressive 10 percent body fat to a super-lean 4 percent. Interestingly, he noted that intermittent fasting isn’t just effective for weight loss, but can also accelerate muscle-mass gain for men who want to gain weight. However, it bears noting that IF is more effective for men than women and is not recommended for everyone.

    While Berardi says intermittent fasting can dramatically improve most people’s health, he underscored there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. “The best one is the one that each individual dieter will stick with,” he said.

    hope this helps u

    Wow…i don’t think i could ever eat 6000 cals a day but the article would suggest that yes, i need to eat more than my TDEE. I don’t want a body like Hugh Jackman (but then again….!) but maybe around 3000 cals a day but that is scarey!

    thought u would like that
    didn’t think u would want 2 b a wolverine 🙂


    I lost a lot of weight myself with the 5:2(although for me it was more 4:3). Still need to lose a bit, but recently also working out in the gym to build muscle. Even though every bodybuilder will tell you that building muscle and losing weight will not work, We know this fantastic diet which let you eat what you want on non-fasting days.

    for me this feels like a great expirement. Here’s how I do it

    On fast days I do the work in the gym(and suprisingly I am not super tired in the gym) I take 1 whey shake after workout.

    and on non-fasting days I eat the standard muscle building food.

    training and fasting on mo-we-fr. In the weekend I try to eat a lot more.

    It’s still early but I can see an increase in muscle already while fat also seems to dissapear slightly.

    If I read the story from Hugh Jackman correctly I might need to eat even more on non-fast days because your metobolism will do it’s work better, this makes sense.

    I think it’s very exciting to experiment with this fantastic diet in combination with lifting weights.

    Keep me posted on your progress and I will do the same:)

    Thanks to everyone above who have dispelled the myth that IF will destroy muscle mass, it appears the opposite happens.
    Having been on Dr. Mosley’s Fast Diet since April 2013, I have lost 22 lbs and reduced my bmi from 33 to 21. I have tried to couple the diet with excercise and now beginning weight training to improve muscle mass. That said, are there guidances associated with weight training specific to The IF diet?

    I’ve been on the 5:2 for about a month. For the first two weeks, no problem, as I was doing strength training (30min of “super slow” training at near maximal weights, a variation of high intensity interval training). Now, the problem is that I have been starting to train again for a glorious season of cycling. I am riding 100 miles a week, often 30-50 miles at a time, with 2000-3000 ft of climbing each ride. Estimated calorie burn each ride is around 2000-3000 calories. This in addition to 2-3 super slow workouts. Now, when I limit my fast day calories to 500, even with carefully picked low fat, high quality meat and fish, I am starving by bedtime. Should I aim for 25% of TEEE instead, and consume about 550-600 calories on fast days?

    If you want to build muscles and lose belly fat you need to focus on one muscle in your body that is responsible for your health and well being these are your hip flexors muscles check it out

    Old thread that came back!

    I started working on weight loss about seven years ago. The first four years I mainly focused on calorie restriction and exercise. The result was a lot of hunger, marginal fat loss and not being able to retain muscle mass.

    Then I accidentally cut most refined sugar from my diet as I was experimenting all the time and a lot of my hunger went away. I cut more sugar, exchanged food items, starting eating more and started losing a lot more fat.

    I started fasting and learned to exercise while fasting, then I started building muscles. Now over two years later I’m often amazed at the on-going muscle development. So at least for me, fasting seems to help me building muscle.

    For the record, I tend to overeat a bit when I’m not fasting and when I’m fasting I tend to just water fast, normally for 36 hours per fast. When I’m eating I try to worry more about nutrition than calories.

    It will be tough to build muscle while on a “cut” I say cut because weightloss is sort of like a cut. But normally on a cut you are trying to preserve muscle as you lose the fat.

    I am treading my 5:2 more like a cut. Meaning on my normal days I prioritize protein and try to aim to get 140g a day on those days (keep in mind I am a girl so your needs will be different). I don’t just eat “whatever” i want. If you want to try and build muscle and get stronger your body will need a light surplus in calories in order to rebuild your muscles from your lift session.

    A good workout routine to follow is Leangains – look it up. Martin suggests 3x a week lift days of compound lifts. He claims you can slowly build muscle on maintenance calories but it takes some tracking and attention. Also he gives you tips on how to cut while maintaining your muscle or building muscle, just keep in mind it isnt easy but apparently doable according to the leangains guide. I follow their workouts 3x a week and walk on the other days when I am not lifting.

    @memouri – you are really pushing a large amount of protein. It isn’t clear that extra protein is good for our long term health or even helpful. I would refer to to Brad Pilon’s ebook “How Much Protein”.

    I’m a man and my average protein intake is less than 100g/day but I haven’t had trouble building muscle. Of coarse we are all different but the body tends to adjust to the levels of materials it has available.

    When I was using calorie restriction I was eating less than 2000 calories a day and I was slowly losing muscle mass. With fasting my average calories per day over a normal week are about 10% higher and I’m gaining muscle. I think hormones are actually a bigger factor than the amount of protein. However, I’m well past my youth and things like HGH production are likely greatly stimulated by fasting at my age.

    Hi all, in my experience I haven’t had any issue building muscle whilst losing weight (put on almost 0.5kg of muscle in 2018, and lost 5kg during that period, and have significantly increasted my strength). Though like dykask I dont count calories on NFD, just try to restrict added sugar, and generally seek good nutrition.

    Hi I’ve been doing 5.2 for a year and have lost 3 stone and now diabetes free. Recently I’ve been doing weights and increased my HIIT but I’ve put weight on has anyone else had the same problem.

    you need to select special exercises

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