Breaking the 5:2 plateau with FIT

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Breaking the 5:2 plateau with FIT

This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stef. 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I watched the panorama video tonight of Micheal’s Panorama program on interval training(the post was on this website) and am keen to try it out. I thought 1 minute on the bike in 3 twenty second burst on fast day might get my metabolism going. Does any one have any experience of this? Should I do it before or after my 40 lap swim?I’ve hit the dreaded plateau after 5 months and a loss of 21 lbs and a decrease in my thyroxine meds because aim metabolizing it better. I’m determined to climb off the plateau so thought I’d give this a try.

    “Should I do it before or after my 40 lap swim?”

    Definitely at the conclusion of all your other activities.

    This should really finish your workout, gasping.

    Start with 20 sec on, 10 sec rest, for 3 reps and build up to 8 reps.

    Use a timer that you can hear because all your effort should go into the activity.

    It’s actually a pleasurable rush, or at least you want to get to that state.

    Do it consistently for cardio workouts. Results should be immediate or shortly after a few days.

    PS. We’re all on the plateau most of te time. Normal.

    I’ve reversed my thinking on this.

    I will also reverse my workout so that my intensive training is first.

    Perhaps, mixing it up occasionally works best.

    How have you reversed your thinking on this ?

    @beavergong “How have you reversed your thinking on this ?”

    For the past year, I have been doing my cardio first, the 36plus flights of stair climbing, then my strength training, then finish with my HIIT Speed sprints.

    A few months ago, I stopped doing the HIIT sprints because I was fatigued and wanted to be done with the workout. As I went through my cardio, I had become to imagine how tough it was going to be. I simply talked (visualized) myself out of the HIIT sprints.

    Then it occurred to me that the hardest should be done first. To me, the HIIT Sprints are more beneficial than the longer cardio workout, if given a choice.

    Now, I can decide if I want to do the cardio steps when completing the sprints. So far, I’ve not done anything on the stairs yet because I’m fatigued. My new approach is that I will walk around and cool down before finishing with the stair climbing.

    With this, I now have multiple ways of doing the routine which will also give me a sense of variety that will sustain me in the long term.

    Solitary workouts are challenging enough and the secret is always to keep going.

    Motivation can be elusive.

    I do the hardest first and finish off with cardio. I have to say though that I consider cardio vital for your health, more important than anything else as it is the best for your health.

    The way I see it:

    HIIT is for calorie burn and helps to change your looks
    Weight lifting is for body sculpting and raising your metabolism, e.g. building muscles, again changing your looks
    Cardio is for endurance, a better heart, healthier body and frankly health wise the most important!

    There has been research that showed that some over weight people might be healthier and live longer than some slim people due to better cardiovascular condition.

    You can easily do cardio exercises by doing a brisk walk for 30 – 60 minutes.



    “HIIT is for calorie burn and helps to change your looks
    Weight lifting is for body sculpting and raising your metabolism, e.g. building muscles, again changing your looks
    Cardio is for endurance, a better heart, healthier body and frankly health wise the most important!”

    Thanks for concurring with me on these thoughts.

    There’s one other subtle reason for this sequence in my case: I’m motivated by being with others for the first two events. The cardio, which consists of stair climbing for me, is done by myself, up stairs where I don’t see anyone and I don’t get the sense of any camaraderie.

    Other people motivate me, even if we don’t speak.

    I used to go to the gym for motivation, but am now over the moon having my own gym at home. I used to get my motivation from other people, now I get it from my heart monitor and a Polar RCX5 watch. I love checking my stats and calories burned and then analyzing my data later on. The watch and my activity tracker (fitbit One) really get me going to move and exercise more.
    Anyhow, whatever helps you move and exercise more is good.
    Have a great Sunday.

    Do you think it’s possible to do a HIIT sequence on an elliptical? I do my daily 30-45 minutes of cardio on my elliptical and I haven’t started a HIIT routine yet.

    Yes you can do HIIT on an elliptical by alternating between giving it your fullest and slowing down inbetween. I use a heart rate monitor so monitoring my effort is easy.

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