Breaking a 3 day water fast please help!

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Breaking a 3 day water fast please help!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hollydollyheyhey 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’m on my third day of water fasting and I plan to break it this evening. Could anyone tell me if its okay to break the fast by having a small fruit salad or rocket and tomato salad? What would you suggest for my first meal tonight? Also what should I be eating tommorow and the next? Please help me! I’m nervous I don’t want to put more weight on or be sick? If u could help me avoid that it would be much appreciated! Thanks!

    Hi Holly

    That would be fine. After your first meal eat normally. I don’t worry about what I eat to break a fast unless I go 10 days-my current longest. Every one is different so just experiment.


    Hi Thankyou so much for this! I just had a fruit salad which tasted great! Tomorrow morning I plan to eat normally however limit carbs and smaller portions ? E.g boiled eggs for breakfast then a meat for lunch or dinner. Do you think I will be okay to have meat?

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