Brambleberry – my journey

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Brambleberry – my journey

This topic contains 19 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  freddysgirl 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • This forum has been so helpful to me. I love reading other peoples personal stories, and seeing the support and encouragement they receive from others who are on the same path to weight loss and/or maintenance. Particularly inspiring are the threads where people have been on the journey long term, with falls on and off the wagon, but who come back to share. The honesty and humour is so refreshing.

    As persistence and patience seem to be key, I’ve decided to record my own journey. I hope that by recording slow and steady progress (although speedy would be great), I can keep myself motivated to continue this WOL long term.

    The scales are not my friend – I’ve allowed them to derail me so often over the years. OK, they’re crappy scales and can veer up or down 6 or 7 lbs without apparent reason. I considered replacing them, but from reading other threads I’ve come to the conclusion that the swings they show are a common problem, and maybe aren’t down to the scales at all. In which case it’s better I use them as a general indicator, but not my main motivator.

    General summary
    – Started mid-Feb 2019 with weight roughly 180lbs, BMI 32.9 – aaarrrgh, how did I let that happen?
    – Goal is to get to 160 lbs which would put me at a BMI of 27.3 – mid-range in the overweight graph
    – Targets are FD counts, with scales a general indicator of progress. Target 1 is 40 FDs.
    – FDs for now are zero calorie 36 hour fasts. I’m counting each FD as a loss of half a lb, regardless of what the scales show. I’ll check in with the scales when I feel like it (quite often at the moment) to see if they’re in general agreement with my FD count. So far so good.
    – Non FDs are not calorie counted, I eat what I want, when I want. I can cope with denial in short bursts but normal ‘diets’ make me obsess about food and get demotivated.
    – On reaching target, I’ll take some time to decide next target, and whether to change FD approach to something less stringent.

    Check in
    – Feb 17 2019 – 180 lbs, BMI 32.9
    – Mar 26 2019 – 14 FDs complete. 173 lbs, BMI 31.6

    Delighted with progress so far. I’ve a number of family events coming up this year and really need to be able to get into my “good clothes” again.

    Progress is being made! Good job, Brambleberry.

    Today is a FD.

    Oh my gosh Brambleberry – I feel like we are twinsey time. I started January 29th 184lbs with an OLD OLLLLLLD scale. I mean I’ve had the thing at least 20 years. It had worked well and not given really incorrect readings unless someone re-sets the calibration. Which for that old scale with nothing on it, needs to read 5lbs. My sweetheart when we first met (kept putting it on 0!) and *he is underweight – he was like man, I just keep losing… (ha poor guy) none the less on this journey HE convinced me to get a new scale. I got to say I LOVE my new scale. I weigh myself all day long – and wow yes weight goes up and down by at least 2-3 lbs during one day!

    So to counter this, I weight myself in the morning and at night *make sure to check after you go to the loo (and on a FD I might do it randomly throughout the day just to spy on if it’s working ***haha*** I will totally watch a boiling pot of water, yup that’s me) and then I record the lowest weight that I was down to for the day. This has made me less stressed about the high number and I like seeing and realizing that weight fluctuates throughout the day. I do not obsess over it, (although weighing myself 3 times a day may seem that way, I guess I should dig deeper into the meaning of obsessed) I instead have treated it like a science experiment. Where if you were recording data you would need to set up an established perimeter.

    Back to being twins
    Jan 29 2019 – 184, BMI 31.6
    Mar 26 2019 – 169, BMI 29.1 (25 FD complete) I’m 4:3 schedule

    I’m excited for our journey – keep up the good work.

    fasting_me – thank you, support from lifers is always good. I’d love to make these changes permanently.

    Rabbette – A virtual twin – how cool is that!
    Had to laugh about your scale, poor guy, don’t blame him for looking for a new one. I’m still reluctant to replace mine for now, you know those mad ideas that you’ll jink what’s currently working for you.
    You’re on zero cal FDs – right? 25 complete and counting in 2 months is excellent. Well done. Do you have a plan in mind on how long you’ll continue 4:3? Consider yourself being cheered on my me!

    I’m also on zero cal FDs for now, today is FD nr 16. I’m thinking I’ll ease up after this one, as 3 zero days a week is a bit tough. Particularly Fridays – I like to celebrate the end of the working week with a relaxing beer or two at home. Anyway, I’ll see how it goes. I want to end up with a WOL I can sustain.

    FDs at the moment are tough but doable, and helped nicely with browsing these forums. Always good to think of everyone working towards their goals and being cheered on by each other.

    Best of luck all.

    Well done, Brambleberry. Fine progress, Rabette.

    You 0-cal Fasters are a wonder to me — not sure I could do that. But for quick results, nothing beats it. In our house, we aim for 600 calories on a Fast Day and we really enjoy the food we eat. Partly because the best ‘flavoring’ is being hungry. I have learned that if I’m not hungry, I shouldn’t eat, so coming into meal-time with a little edge is great. This is the thing that makes 5:2 sustainable: your body readjusts and your mind learns to ignore all the wrong signals that we gave into for the previous years.

    Have a good weekend.

    Brambleberry – I’m a little more lenient now on FD. I make a small very light dinner (my sweetheart was totally at a loss on my FD at dinner time.) 1/2 of march FD I had 300 calorie days. I’m about to move back toward 100 or less calories FDs. I have found that broth 10 calories (and add in a fresh chopped carrot OR celery OR peas +20 calories) makes a tasty and fulfilling lunch and/or dinner of 30calories. I am not going to be hard on myself for up to 100 calories. I feel better with just a bit of saltyness from the broth than if I just do WFD.

    fasing_me – the almost 0 cal Fasting days really helped me drink more water. It was a constant reminder, if I’m hungry I need to drink water and boy does it work!

    You are right about that, Rabbette! I find that to be true, too — I think that I am hungry but I say [out loud!] “I need some water!” FYI: there is such a thing as too much water, so mind you don’t over-do it.

    20 FDs complete.
    Scales still making jumps of plus/minus 10 lbs.
    Believe I’ve lost 10 lbs since mid Feb. Half-way point and pleased with progress.

    Still plodding along.
    On day 25 FD today.
    Had family wedding over the weekend and was delighted with how my outfit fitted.
    A trawl though my wardrobe also resulted in a number of nice finds which fit well again.
    Still a way to go to reach my goal of 40 fds but feeling so pleased to have discovered this way of life.
    I do my fast days when I can, and as long as I keep them up I can forget dieting the rest of the time and still see results.

    FD 28 today. One stone down since I started in mid Feb. BMI now just over 30. If I can keep motivated for another 6 weeks it should be nicely out of the obese category.

    FD 30 today.
    The 2 planned next week should bring my BMI to exactly 30.
    Fast days are not easy, but am focusing on my target of 40.
    The milestones along the way, 1 stone lost, BMI to 30, BMI less than 30, etc, help to keep me motivated.
    Not sure what I’ll do when 40 completed by mid-June hopefully. Still lots of time to decide that I suppose.
    Best wishes to all, especially those also fasting today.

    Well done Brambleberry, I popped in after you posted on my feed, to read your journey, you’ve done so well, that’s a lot of FD’s you have logged! I’ll try and help motivate you if you need it, as we all need some gentle, friendly encouragement 😉 I can only dream of a BMI as good as yours atm, well done on that too! Do you fast on Mondays/Thursdays?
    That’s what I have chosen, as those are both non-work days for me and I don’t think I could fast on a work day just yet.

    Good luck if today is a FD for you, hope it’s gone easily for you.

    Thanks for the kind words Penguinchick. Yes, gentle friendly encouragement is what we all need.
    I like to think we’re all part of a community here, which we are I suppose.
    There are some real heroes on this forum that have gone from very high BMIs to a healthy weight, and shared their stories as they went along. I take inspiration from them. I look forward to following your progress, and hopefully cheering you on too.
    I normally fast Mondays and Wednesdays, but move to Tuesdays and Thursdays if Monday is a holiday. I find it easier to fast on work days. I’m doing office work, so sitting most of the time. Concentration is fine even when hungry, and the work is a good distraction from temptation. I tend to be ‘all or nothing’ with things, so FDs are zero calorie days for now. I’m afraid I’ll lose control if I try to just restrict.
    Yes, today’s a FD for me. Good luck to you and all the other fasters today.

    FD 37 today.
    Almost four months since I started this regime, and pleased that I’m still sticking to it.
    Best to all in these forums, especially those fasting today.

    Check in
    – Feb 17 2019 – 180 lbs, BMI 32.9
    – Mar 26 2019 – 14 FDs complete. 173 lbs, BMI 31.6
    – May 16 2019 – 30 FDs complete. 165 lbs, BMI 30.18
    – Jun 26 2019 – 40 FDs complete. 160 lbs, BMI 29.26

    Initial target of 40 zero FDs complete and weight loss averages at half pound per FD.
    New target is another 10 zero FDs.
    I’m currently 11 stone 7 at my lightest. Want to move that to 11 stone 3 or 4 lbs over the summer. Getting consistently under 11 stone would be my final target I think. That would be 150 lbs.
    Slow and steady seems to be working for me.
    Best to all fasters and non fasters today.

    Hey Brambleberry!

    Well done you! That’s an awesome achievement, I’m so inspired! I hope my slow and steady gets me somewhere near your numbers, you’re doing so well 😉

    Good to hear from you x

    A quick check-in, after neglecting my posts for some weeks.
    I’m still doing my two zero fast days a week, where possible.
    Next Monday will be my 60th FD since mid Feb.
    Weight loss has slowed down a lot, still dipping slowly, but not much. Evening tipples have a lot to answer for here I think!
    Good luck to all fasters and non fasters today.

    Check in
    – Feb 17 2019 – 180 lbs, BMI 32.9
    – Mar 26 2019 – 14 FDs complete. 173 lbs, BMI 31.6
    – May 16 2019 – 30 FDs complete. 165 lbs, BMI 30.18
    – Jun 26 2019 – 40 FDs complete. 160 lbs, BMI 29.26
    – Oct 23 2019 – 71 FDs complete. 157 lbs, BMI 28.71

    Best to all today’s fasters.

    Hi Brambleberry, I am new to the website and to IF. I have been reading some of the Personal Stories for inspiration and found some here 🙂 Congratulations on your success and thanks for sharing.

    And a happy new year to all. It’s been a while since I posted.
    I continued with my 2-days-a-week fasts up until Christmas, then took two weeks away from it. In total I did 87 fast days last year, and lost around 20 pounds.
    Added a bit back over Christmas, but confident that’ll come back off soon.
    I’ve done my 2 fasts this week, and plan to continue that indefinitely.
    Greetings Flaquita, and welcome to the website and IF. I hope it’s going well for you. Stick with it, it’s slow but can be great over time. I too found the personal stories worthwhile.

    Hope all keeping well, wherever you are in the world.
    It’s been a while since I posted. Continued my 2 fast days a week up to late March, when the workplace closed. Routine is different for now and fasting has taken a back seat.
    Kids have been busy baking all sorts of goodies, and my willpower isn’t up to the challenge. Afraid to check the scales.
    Going to restart with a partial approach to my fast days for now, eating dinner with the family and nothing else for the day.

    Hi started the 5:2 diet on the 21st Apr 20. Going well. Not counting calories. I fast on a Tuesday and Thursday, I eat a small breakfast and dinner totalling 500 calories for the day. Other days I watch what I eat but have three meals a day no snacks. Is this correct? Tks

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