Book Release in Spain

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MdeG 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • When is the book going to be released in Spain? I asked if it was going to be translated into Spanish and got replied that it had already been translated.

    So when is the book being released in Spain? I want to give the book to read to some people who don’t speak English and can’t wait for the release of a translation.


    u might want 2 email this person

    known as fastdiet

    Hi! I’m the person who will reply if you email

    mucha suerte
    yo lo habla pero escribir otra cosa 😀

    I just got the Spanish ed. of the book for my sister-in-law, who has been struggling mightily with her weight. I had to get it from Spain. When is it going to be available in Latin America?

    Get in there! Obesity and Type 2 diabetes are epidemic, the need is desperate. Much of the population is religious & accustomed to fasting, so the leap to your diet would be not so hard as in other places. You do need to add some American foodstuffs to the tables; we have a nutritionist in the family there if you want links to data sources.

    The US fast food / ad industry is doing horrendous damage there. The traditional diet is healthy, though adjusted to the needs of manual labor. TV advertising is alas doing its best to make traditional foods look old-fashioned and “too country”. It’s also wreaking havoc on household economics (sugared cereal $3.50 a box, day’s wage $7 …) When the bandits come under pressure at home they go and sell overseas, as usual.

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