Body, Mind, Spirit and Fasting

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Body, Mind, Spirit and Fasting

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I am curious to hear from people about the benefits of the Fast Diet beyond weight loss. I’m noticing that without the focus on food on fast days, that I feel more grounded, experience more mental acuity, and often increased energy and improved mood. Would love to hear from others about this. I am about 2 months into this way of life.

    “that I feel more grounded, experience more mental acuity, and often increased energy and improved mood. ”

    Add peace of mind.


    I have noticed this as well. Energy, increased productivity, focus, improved mood and peace of mind, eating smaller portions naturally, without thinking about it…and my hair and nails seem to be growing faster…and my skin is definitely clearer. I can see/feel the overall health benefits.

    I’ve just started again yesterday, but I’m really looking forward to all these added benefits. I’m quite unhappy with my current situation and I found myself sliding towards a mild depression (been there earlier, hence the 25kg overweight thing). It would be great to have more energy, focus, mood and especially peace of mind. Not worry as much about stuff I can’t change anyway!

    Hanging around on this forum does help a lot 😉


    I have found this too. When I’m on track, making healthy choices re food and activity, my Wellbeing-ometer is on full. For me the sense of pride I feel in doing good things for myself and seeing good health returning because of me taking back control is huge. Some people I know can’t really appreciate this (weight not a problem for them and dont identify). That’s why the forum is great. Am quite shy and don’t post a lot but appreciate it nonetheless.

    Nika, welcome! And success all.

    Blue skies, sun with a little wind here so am taking advantage while this holds to do my favourite walk through my local park to feed the ducks and swans then on to the beach. When I’m there I can feel my soul breathe, blows the cobwebs away.All best x

    I walk to work everyday, about 15-20 minutes each way. I always take the route through the park with my headphones on to exclude the traffic noises… I love it! And right now there is a certain type of tree (no idea what it’s called.. you know, China) that’s giving of an amazing scent. Sadly no ducks or something here, and not a beach that I know of… But I do have a mountain to the south that is quite a bit higher than the flats and buildings in the city, and which I like to climb. Hopefully the weather will be good this weekend and I’ll be able to go up again!

    Bad thing is that it’s always really busy and noisy, so not really a good meditation spot sadly 🙁

    I have suffered with depression/mood swings etc for most of my 64 years. I have been 5:2ing all of 2013, it is now just part of my life. Apart from the initial weight loss (about 1 stone)and the 5in reduction in waist measurement, the BEST EVER result is the complete mind set change. How I feel now, compared to how I was before is just not comparable. Someone somewhere should do serious research on this because I just cannot explain how wonderful it is to be able to think rationally and not worry all the time. I do have one worry though – I just never want to go back to how I was – – – –

    Well Getup, that’s one worry that’s one easy to bear I’d say! And it’s great to hear you’re feeling so much better on the diet. I’ve been struggling with depression and other issues as well (in my shorter 22 years) so maybe this’ll help for that as well.

    Can’t wait 🙂

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