never realized that @ 145 was a size 4 thought the weight was wrong now i realize that frame is very important
my wrist r 9 inches round (i remember when i was slim a boyfriend would get me a beautiful bracelet & it would never fit. now i know that why & never i like bracelets since)
thought this would be great 4 us fastday lifestyle and 2 have realistic goals
frame size calculator
Body frame size is determined by a person’s wrist circumference in relation to his height. For example, a man whose height is over 5′ 5″ and wrist is 6″ would fall into the small-boned category.
Determining frame size: To determine the body frame size, measure the wrist with a tape measure and use the following chart to determine whether the person is small, medium, or large boned.
Height under 5’2″
Small = wrist size less than 5.5″
Medium = wrist size 5.5″ to 5.75″
Large = wrist size over 5.75″
Height 5’2″ to 5′ 5″
Small = wrist size less than 6″
Medium = wrist size 6″ to 6.25″
Large = wrist size over 6.25″
Height over 5′ 5″
Small = wrist size less than 6.25″
Medium = wrist size 6.25″ to 6.5″
Large = wrist size over 6.5″
Height over 5′ 5″
Small = wrist size 5.5″ to 6.5″
Medium = wrist size 6.5″ to 7.5″
Large = wrist size over 7.5″
MALES Frames
Height Small Medium Large Height Small Medium Large
5’4” 117-138 123-149 131-163 6 1/4” 149-175 155-190 165-205
5’4 1/4” 118-139 124-150 132-164 6 1/2” 150-177 156-191 167-207
5’4 1/2” 119-140 124-151 133-165 6 3/4” 151-178 157-193 168-208
5’4 3/4” 119-141 125-152 133-166 6’1” 152-179 158-194 169-209
5’5” 120-142 126-153 134-167 6’1 1/4” 153-180 159-195 170-211
5’5 1/4” 121-143 127-154 135-169 6’1 1/2” 154-182 161-197 172-212
5’5 1/2” 122-144 128-155 136-170 6’1 3/4” 155-183 162-198 173-214
5’5 3/4” 123-145 129-156 137-172 6’2” 156-184 163-199 174-215
5’6” 124-146 130-157 138-173 6’2 1/4” 157-185 164-201 175-216
5’6 1/4” 125-147 131-159 139-174 6’2 1/2” 158-186 166-202 176-218
5’6 1/2” 126-149 132-160 141-176 6’2 3/4” 159-187 167-204 177-219
5’6’ 3/4” 127-150 133-162 142-177 6’3” 160-188 168-205 178-220
5’7” 128-151 134-163 143-178 6’3 1/4” 162-191 171-208 181-223
5’7 1/4” 129-152 135-164 144-179 6’3 1/2” 165-193 173-211 183-226
5’7 1/2” 130-153 136-165 145-181 6’3 3/4” 167-196 176-213 186-228
5’7 3/4” 131-154 137-166 146-182 6’4” 169-198 178-216 188-231
5’8” 132-155 138-167 147-183 6’4 1/4” 170-200 179-218 189-233
5’8 1/4” 133-157 139-168 148-184 6’4 1/2” 172-201 180-219 190-235
5’8 1/2” 134-158 140-170 149-185 6’4 3/4” 173-203 181-221 191-236
5’8 3/4” 135-160 141-171 150-186 6’5” 174-204 182-222 192-238
5’9” 136-161 142-172 151-187 6’5 1/4” 175-206 183-224 193-239
5’9 1/4” 137-162 143-173 152-189 6’5 1/2” 177-207 185-225 194-241
5’9 1/2” 138-163 144-175 153-190 6’5 3/4” 178-209 186-227 195-242
5’9 3/4” 139-164 145-176 154-192 6’6” 179-210 187-228 196-243
5’10” 140-165 146-177 155-193 6’6 1/4” 180-211 188-229 197-244
5’10 1/4” 141-166 147-179 156-194 6’6 1/2” 182-213 190-231 198-245
5’10 1/2” 142-167 148-180 158-196 6’6 3/4” 183-214 191-232 199-246
5’10 3/4” 143-168 149-182 159-197 6’7” 184-215 192-233 200-247
5’11” 144-169 150-183 160-198 6’7 1/4” 186-216 193-234 202-248
5’11 1/4” 145-170 151-184 161-200 6’7 1/2” 187-218 195-236 203-250
5’11 1/2” 146-172 152-186 162-201 6’7 3/4” 189-219 196-237 205-251
5’11 3/4” 147-173 153-187 163-203 6’8” 190-220 197-238 206-252
6’0” 148-174 154-188 164-204
FEMALES – Frames
Height Small Medium Large Height Small Medium Large
5’0” 96-114 101-124 109-138 5’6” 114-135 120-149 129-161
5’1/4” 97-115 102-125 110-139 5’6 1/4” 115-136 121-150 130-162
5’1/2” 98-116 103-126 111-140 5’6 1/2” 116-138 122-151 131-163
5’3/4” 98-117 103-127 111-140 5’6 3/4” 117-139 123-152 132-164
5’1” 99-118 104-128 112-141 5’7” 118-140 124-153 133-165
5’1 1/4” 100-119 105-129 113-142 5’7 1/4” 119-141 125-154 134-166
5’1 1/2” 101-120 106-130 114-143 5’7 1/2” 120-142 126-155 135-167
5’1 3/4” 101-120 106-130 114-143 5’7 3/4” 121-143 127-156 136-168
5’2” 102-121 107-131 115-144 5’8” 122-144 128-157 137-169
5’2 1/4” 103-122 108-132 116-145 5’8 1/4” 123-145 129-158 138-170
5’2 1/2” 104-123 109-133 117-147 5’8 1/2” 124-147 130-160 139-172
5’2 3/4” 104-123 109-134 117-148 5’8 3/4” 125-148 131-161 140-173
5’3” 105-124 110-135 118-149 5’9” 126-149 132-162 141-174
5’3 1/4” 106-125 111-136 119-150 5’9 1/4” 127-150 133-163 142-175
5’3 1/2” 107-126 112-137 120-151 5’9 1/2” 128-152 134-164 143-177
5’3 3/4” 107-127 112-138 120-151 5’9 3/4” 129-153 135-165 144-178
5’4” 108-128 113-139 121-152 5’10” 130-154 136-166 145-179
5’4 1/4” 109-129 114-140 122-153 5’10 1/4” 131-155 137-167 146-181
5’4 1/2” 110-130 115-142 123-154 5’10 1/2” 132-156 138-169 147-182
5’4 3/4” 110-131 116-143 124-155 5’10 3/4” 133-157 139-170 148-184
5’5” 111-132 117-144 125-156 5’11” 134-158 140-171 149-185
5’5 1/4” 112-133 118-145 126-157 5’11 1/4” 135-159 141-172 150-186
5’5 1/2” 113-134 119-147 127-159 5’11 1/2” 136-161 142-173 151-188
5’5 3/4” 113-134 119-148 128-160 5’11 3/4” 137-162 143-174 152-189
6’0” 138-163 144-175 153-190
7:01 pm
4 Aug 13