Blood Test Results – Comparison

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Blood Test Results – Comparison

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sivasankar 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • As I promised in one of my first posts, here are my results from recent blood test.

    The last few years, I have done blood tests as part of yearly health checkups. I am little bit overweight, but all the numbers except HDL, LDL and Cholesterol were within the limit. Now after 2 months of IF, HDL gained 1 point to 45, and LDL dropped significantly (23 points) causing HDL/LDL and LDL/Cholesterol ratios improve by a good margin. My BMI, Hip to weight ratio, Fat % stayed virtually unchanged.

    All in all everything looks excellent this year. Hoping for a great results by the time next year.

    Here are the key points from the blood test.

    I gained ~7 lbs since health checkup in 2012 and dropped 7 due to IF (since Mar 2013) and 2 due to running before I started IF and lost 2 more since. I actually lost ~6 lbs by running (Jan 2013) and gained 4 back later.)

    May May
    2012, 2013 (2 months into fast diet)

    Weight lbs 163, 161
    Cholesterol 209, 183
    Triglycerides 110, 77
    LDL 143, 122
    HDL 44, 45
    LDL/HDL Ratio 3.28, 2.69
    Cho/HDL Ratio 4.78, 4.03

    Initially I was into weighing myself few times every day and the up-down was too much to tolerate. So I have decided to weigh only once on the 1st of every month. I have not checked weight in the last 3 weeks and yesterday I finally gave in and weighed myself and found out I lost another 2-3 pounds. As others have mentioned, I feel great and look better, have lot of energy the feeling of overall wellness is great. My fast days are hardly noticeable nowadays. And I am sure some of you have noticed the positive impact on sexual health too.

    In my experience, if the weight loss is not what you expected, keep doing IF and do the blood work and see if your overall health has improved. If you want to kick-start weight loss after you hit plateau, try 2:1 or 1:1 for a week or two and go back to 5:2. Currently I am doing 2:1 and will continue to do this until I hit my weight goal of 145lbs (about a stone to lose).

    Best wishes everyone and please share your health reports to inspire and motivate others.

    Hi sivasankar, wow , what great results! And good to hear you are do so well – an inspiration. wise comments on not weighing yourself too often to avoid getting caught worrying about minor fluctuations. thank you for sharing this and for motivating others to keep going to reap the benefits of intermittent fasting

    @clare – thanks.

    in case anyone wondering, I am in my 40s and glad I discovered IF.

    One of my goals even before IF, is never to set foot in doctor’s office for anything I have control over and not take medications to control sugar, cholesterol etc.

    Latest update:

    Here are my latest numbers – I have seen overall improvements in BP, resting heart rate, energy level, stamina etc. My next goal is 140lb and start building muscle – ETA Sep 2014 !!

    May, 2012 May, 2013 June, 2014
    (2 months) (15+ months fasting)
    Weight lbs 163, 161 146
    Cholesterol 209, 183 176
    Triglycerides 110, 77 83
    LDL 143, 122 110
    HDL 44, 45 49
    LDL/HDL 3.28, 2.7 2.24
    Cho/HDL 4.78, 4.03 3.6
    Body Fat 25+ % 20.9%
    40+ lbs 30 lbs

    All without any major exercise regime and eating normally the rest of the days, without excluding any food groups.(except meat)

    fabulous results on the bloods, so good to hear.
    but um sophie rogers needs to go !!!

    this is normal results, don’t worry 😉 cheap cigarettes

    I’ve had a very significant change in my lipid profile.

    I’ll give results of before I started 5:2 (Feb 12), when I’d been going a few months (Aug 2013) and last month.

    I’ll convert from European concentrations (mmol/l) for the benefit of folks across the pond.

    Total Cholesterol; 6.2 (240), 5.2 (201), 5.4 (209)
    LDL Cholesterol; 3.4 (131), 2.5 (97), 2.3 (89)
    HDL Cholesterol; 1.85 (71), 1.67 (65), 2.29 (83)
    LDL:HDL; 1.8, 1.5, 1.0
    Total Cholesterol:HDL; 3.4, 3.1, 2.4

    So, my total cholesterol is marginally higher than last year but that’s entirely due to a very significant increase in HDL. I am no longer on a low fat diet (I was for the first test).

    Whatever else the 5:2 might or might not do, it has certainly change my lipids. There has been a consistent improvement in LDL:HDL and Total cholesterol:HDL ratios.


    This is excellent.
    How much weight did you lose so far

    Wishing you a great health.

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