I have found the day after fasting my blood pressure is dropping too low ,I am on medication.I will see my Doctor in a couple of days it has been as low as 86 over 57
anyone else with this problem could it be not drinking enough i have lost 5kilos.
This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by oae 10 years, 3 months ago.
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Hi Fishing Gran….before I started on 5:2 I lost 8kg through calorie counting. I was on BP medication at the time and my BP was going really low as my weight went down….couldn’t drive sometimes. My doctor gradually reduced my dose until I am now medication free.
I would consult with your doctor, but I would say it’s a side affect of the weight loss. What’s it like on non-fast days?
I also went to doctor on day after my fast and found blood pressure to be low. it was only 39 beats per minute! I exercise a lot also but doctor checked my heart and did ecg and everything is fine. Suprised to find from my blood tests that I have high cholesterol, I exercise a lot and eat quite well and have been fasting twice a week for two months now. I am 32 and have lost 10 pounds since starting this way of life. any tips on lowering cholesterol while on 5:2?
Hi All, I never had high enough blood pressure to require medication but it has been the very top end of ‘normal’ since I can remember and the entire female side of my family is the same way.
I don’t think the BP drop is down to weight loss, it is down to the fasting aspect of this WOE. As long as you have a fasting aspect to your weekly diet for maintenence (forever – not just until you lose excess weight) I think you’ll find that your BP soon normalises to the point of not requiring meds anymore. Obviously I’m not a doctor though, so you need to talk it through and make a plan with yours.
My BP had become ‘perfect’ by the time I next had it checked, 2 months into 5:2 and has remained ‘perfect’ ever since. I didn’t have ‘perfect’ BP even as a young (not yet overweight or obese) teenager, so this is definitely a fasting side-effect for me NOT a weight loss side-effect.
Hi I gradually reduced my bp medication when I reached goal. I took many months to do it and monitored it myself, but under the doctor’s guidance. I got off the medication completely for about 6 weeks and, even though I am 63 and weigh the same as I did at 28, it began to rise again. Interestingly, whenever my bp was high, my stress levels rose. The high bp was actually causing the stress, not the other way around.
I am now taking miniscule amounts (1/2 tablets) but realise it would be bloody minded to have a stroke just because I wanted to be drug free.
I fast twice a week still, bmi 21.6, exercise by walking and occasional sprints.
Bp is individual and must be treated as such. It is certainly helped by fasting, but, unlike diabetes where you can monitor easily every day and easily adjust, the effects of blood pressure rising suddenly can be catastrophic. Take caution and see your doctor frequently if you are on the bp path. P
Hi, I too belong to the high blood pressure brigade, after watching a lot of my dad’s brothers dying early as a result and watching my fathers fluctuate with his weight it was something I was very conscious of, and was therefore quite careful of what I ate and kept within the healthy weight range for my height. Was about 3kgs over that 49 when it suddenly shot up to dangerous levels, piled on another 7kg when medicated. Since I started 5:2 7 weeks ago, I have lost 5 kgs and bp is 120 over 80. Spoke to my doctor last week and he tells me we may be able to reduce some of my medications if it drops lower but because of the familial record it is unlikely that I will ever be medication free.I can live with that, operative word being “live”, because when all is said and done I won’t be able to do and enjoy the things I want if I’m dead, and at 59 I plan to be around for a fair while yet.
Foxycoxy, congrats on getting off the pills.
I too have had the experience of BP dropping too low after loosing about 12lbs. My DR reduced, then took me off the BP meds. I am at the high end of normal now but it is trending downward as I have started exercising. I did however buy a home BP monitor just to have a check once or twice a day and my DR appreciates the data updates. I find that fasting days do not affect my BP readings.
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12:35 am
31 Oct 14