
This topic contains 15 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Tealeafnz1 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Good morning, I know this isnt a nice subject (lol) but i was wondering if anyone has experienced bloating and constipation since starting the diet? I am on week 2 and have put 2lbs on but I feel it is due to the bloating! Help! sandra. x

    Hi Sandra! How are you getting on? I have to say I feel that at times too! Keep at it though as you will soon feel the benefits! I used to go every morning but not so regular now! Maybe down to less calories consumed? Think the bloating is just the downside to constipation! I have had to use a mild laxative ocasionally which of course does help! Hope once your body gets into a routine, it sorts itself out! I’ve been doing the 5:2 since end of April& have lost 30 pounds so far so it IS definitely worth pursuing! Best of luck to you!

    Slightly different take on bloating here. I’m in my 6th week and a stone (14lbs/6.5kg) down so it’s all going well. I am sticking to the 500 cals on fast days although I do get pretty hungry. I eat my 2 meals at about 10am and 6pm (can’t wait any longer for supper than that on a fast day!). I do go to bed feeling hungry but can manage that. I know it describes this in the book but I still expect to be ravenous when I wake up and can have a normal breakfast, but in fact I usually feel bloated/tightness in the stomach the following morning after a fast and not that keen to eat. I wonder if it is just another way of my body expressing hunger as once I have breakfasted (again, I can’t manage breakfast before 10am) the tightness and bloating feelings start to diminish. Does anyone else have a bloated/full of air/tight as a drum stomach the day after fasting? I am not constipated like sandraking1 I’m pleased to say.
    I do have a fair bit of veg on fast days, but I always eat a lot of veg anyway, in particular at this time of year when our veg garden is so productive, so don’t think this is the reason for the bloatedness. Any similar experiences/thoughts most welcome as it’s not very comfortable.

    Hi! I am the same as Humphrey in that after fast day I find I cannot eat until early afternoon. My tummy feels swollen and inside feels tight. I have the opposite problem in that day after fast as soon as I eat its going straight through me. I’m on week 3 and lost 8ib so far

    Hi Sandra
    I know what you mean, I seem to fill up with gas on fast days, strange I don’t know where it comes from.
    Concerning constipation, try taking psyllium (silent p) powder, a heaped table spoon in lots of water every day. There are branded versions like Metamucil but I get generic (no sugar or flavors) from a good health food store. It’s a soluble fiber so virtually no calories and has lots of other benefits too.
    I’ve been on the diet for 2 months and lost 4Kg so keep going, good luck.

    Well, yesterday was my 13th fast day and finally I am delighted to report that today is my first “day after the fast” that I don’t feel bloated with a stomach as tight as a drum. I feel normal at last and just about to have boiled eggs and toast 🙂 Long may this continue!

    Hi All. Just picked up the thread about bloating and constipation and yes, I definitely had the latter problem in the first few weeks, resorting to herbal remedies for the first time in 30 years. However, it has now all settled down and is back to normal. I have upped the veg intake on all days of the week – spinach/chard especially.

    I’ve been on the 5:2 since May and have lost 18lbs and have never felt better. I look forward to my skinny days and the hunger pangs are now very easy to cope with. I can even cook extra goodies for Best Beloved without stress. He, needless to say, is losing weight by osmosis, helped by 2 days off the wine. Good luck to everyone just starting out! If I can, you can!

    Hi, i have been feeling really bloated and also constipated like other people. Saw my GP this morning and he said I am not to carry on with this diet but try and pursue another one, cutting down on things I eat each day rather than fasting. Shame as I have lost 5lbs in three weeks but cannot go on feeling like this.
    Lynn from Ipswich

    Hi further to my comments above, would just say that I subsequently saw the Nurse as per GP’s suggestion and she thinks this diet is the most sensible one she has ever seen and advised me to go back on it. I have started again this week and hopefully will lose the bloated feeling and constipation are being on it a while

    yes I feel bloated today. Its so disheartening as I was looking forward to putting on my clothes this morning after 2 fast days this week and have a flat tummy. instead i feel like ive piled on the pounds!

    im assuming that its just the body processing all the ‘gunk’ inside me that has a chance to move through my system during the fast days. Usually I dont have this problem but it could also be reaction to overeating on non-fast days and a high sodium intake as a result.
    My solution today is to be to drink lots of water, eat healthily and execrice as usual… and most of all not become disheartened.. I know i cant expect miracles overnight. I will just have to be patient and it will go.

    This is my first week & my 2nd day of the fast. I don’t feel constipated, just very gassy. Where all this gas is coming from I have no idea. It’s been like this both fast days. Anyone else just have gas?

    Some artificial sweeteners can cause gas. Have you been using artificial sweeteners? (I think it’s polyols that are bad for gas) Otherwise, have you eaten anything very different on fast days?

    Certain foods are really bad for me (cabbage and broccoli, e.g.) but that is independent of fasting…

    No, I don’t use artificial sweeteners. I have a smoothie in the morning, & protein & veg in the evening, Nothing out of the ordinary.

    Sorry for the repost. I’ve posted this before, but in a different section of the forums. I haven’t experienced the issued described, except for the ‘hypermotility’ post-fast that Megafatty alludes to above.

    An empty, fasted stomach secrets the hormone ghrelin, that among other things plays a role in regulating GI motility. Studies have shown that IBS patients tend to be either more or less sensitive to ghrelin than people without IBS. Those of us accustomed to eating three or more times a day for most of our lives probably haven’t been exposed to ghrelin for extended periods of time like we are when fasting.

    See: Inui et al., Ghrelin, appetite, and gastric motility: the emerging role of the stomach as an endocrine organ, FASEB J March 2004 18:439-456; doi:10.1096/fj.03-0641rev (

    Just found this thread as I am on my third week and feeling bloated and constipated the day after every FD. It makes it very hard to drink water and certainly makes me face my “eat because I feel rubbish” problem. Thanks for all the feedback. Hanging in there ….

    I’ve been doing this for 3 weeks and it’s only now that I’m experiencing bloating and constipation. After reading this forum it’s made me realise that I’ve not made an effort to drink lots of water this time round. I think this should make the difference. I find too that on my fasting days I feel so much better.. which is interesting.

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