'Blip' Week

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • hmmm have had a bit of a blip this week. I was very pleased with myself and very smug as had made really good progress in January with the 5:2 and excercising. Then this week hit – had to do a lot of traveling and client entertainment for work and so have only managed one day of fasting and no exercise.

    So rather than getting cross with myself, am going to fast tomorrow, dust myself off and hit the gym and avoid the scales for a while. What I am trying to say is there is no point in getting angry with myself whats done is done and I can’t change it, just need to change it for the future and avoid those pesky scales…..

    Good thinking Jenki2!!

    you have the right attitude and there isn’t anything that cant be put right with 5.2 lol!!

    yes I avoid those scales too, when I go in the room and they”call” me I tell them to be quiet and leave me alone 🙂

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