Black Trouser's Photo

This topic contains 13 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  new woman 11 years ago.

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  • Tried to submit this through the link but couldn’t make it work.

    Just the after since the before was the bare “belly” photo I took the day I first started and am NOT going to post that in my daily blog (absolutely horrible)…thankyouverymuch…

    But anyway…here is what the 5:2 did for me in 6 months time. 3 sizes and 35 pounds!

    What a fabulous result Carla, well done. i recommended your thread to dancing kiwi, any words of wisdom you can give her (she has 55lb’s to lose)

    Way to go Carla!

    Don’t listen to Naysayers…and don’t give up. And maybe forget all the things that yo-yo diets have put in your head over the years about food…food is not the enemy…it isn’t good or bad or “ohmigod thoes are carbs, or sugar or fats or a donut or whatever. I think the stress and worry about ever morsel we put into our mouth contributes to the problem.

    I had 35 to lose and I lost it.
    Kiwi has 55 to lose and will lose it on the 5:2 as well 🙂 It doen’t happen overnight.But it can happen in less than a year.

    Happy Fasting!

    Thanks Piper. I am pretty chuffed!

    Hi there! Thanks for referring me, double happy, I’m glad I found this post. You’re an inspiration Carla! I know this is going to take time, and while patience doesn’t come easily to me, what else can I do but take it one day at a time? I’m excited to see what changes this year will bring.

    You look fab Carla, well done you!! 🙂

    YAY! Carla you did it! you look amazing, well done im so chuffed for you, thank you so much for the photos.xx

    Carla, you look stunning!
    The on-going battle to get into those trousers, the ups and downs, getting them on and not being able to breathe or bend………and now you can do all of that!

    Well done! Fantastic achievement.

    Well done Carla, you look great in your pictures, and six months is a short time, you are an inspiration to us all.
    Good luck to all who are fasting today.

    FAB…U….LOUS!!!!! Well done!


    AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done Carla – definitely an inspiration to the rest of us who have yet to get to 6:1 x

    wow, amazing! well done~!

    Congratulations, you look amazing!

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