Big shout out to the Monday morning FASTERS!!

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Big shout out to the Monday morning FASTERS!!

This topic contains 81 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  Tally99 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I make a porridge with chia seeds, flax seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, any seeds really, walnuts a few oats and blend it all so it becomes a ‘ almond meal’ texture.
    I make mine with that.
    It is delish!

    I also use Muesli and make a Bircher Muesli overnight, with chia and flax added ( and nuts and Greek yoghurt and berries and coconut etc)

    Big fan of chia and flax seeds. ( linseeds…why does it have 2 names?) but you have to break the flax open by wizzing it otherwise it goes straight through you like fibre.

    I had a fast day Monday too….I am going to try Wednesday this week, but I already feel failure.
    We need to eat the fridge up, as we leave for Europe Thursday for 6 weeks, so there might be a few extra things in my stir fry!
    But I will try and not gorge on chocolate or anything naughty that day, but I think I will be so stressed, I won’t be counting calories.

    I’m taking my 4 kids alone to Japan for a night, (the 5 th is meeting us in London later) and then on to Paris where I meet my husband , then down to the south of France and I have a million things to do before then….alone.
    Like get the dogs ears checked cos she is itching them, get a re booster jab from last week, dump her at a mates, pack for 5, clean house, clean beds, clean fridge etc etc!!

    So if I am quiet it is cos I am quietly rocking in a corner.

    ::massages Dumpling’s shoulders::

    Its my first Monday fast ever!
    In the summer I gave fasting a go but always started on a Tuesday, which I managed quite well, but I could never seem to fit in a 2nd fast within the week… With just one fast day a week nothing really shifted and I more or less went off the boil with the thought ‘I really like the idea of fasting and will get back on it soon’.
    But last night I woke up at 2.30am and could not get back to sleep and eventually got up and went downstairs for a cuppa and there was the Fast Diet book. I sat up till 5.30am and read half the book again. I just couldn’t get over all the health benefits??? I had forgotten there were so many! So I decided there and then to fast today! And I have πŸ™‚ and I have only had 256 calories!! It was so easy, I am a little confused! Why are some days so easy and others a complete nightmare?
    Anyway I thought I would get involved in the forums as I am sure its a great way to keep motivated.

    Audrich, thank you…that is sooooo good!!

    Tea rose, good for you!! And welcome back to fasting
    I stayed up till 2 am going through all the lowest calorie things in the book and making up my 500 cal menu.
    I do the same menu for each week..or have done for the last 4 weeks ( this is my 4 th week)
    Nearly Sussed it Out now… Had a few tweeks but like what I am now eating and it is a good amount…for the amount of cals.
    Need the biggest bang for my buck!!! Need platefuls of food so ‘ I dont starve’ and that’s what I get with 200 grams of celery..16 cals etc!!

    It’s Tuesday here now and I weighed, but will weigh tomorrow cos 2 days after a fast I’m always a lot less than the next day, but weigh day for me is officially Thursdays, but I like to see each morning!

    Today I know I’m going to be good…only cos I want a good result tomorrow

    Then when I leave, I won’t have my scales, so 6 weeks I will weigh again and see if I lost 4 stone while away!!


    can’t have oats

    however, how long do u cook 4 b low it sounds so good 4 my nonfastday because it is high cals 4 a fastday?

    “I make a porridge with chia seeds, flax seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, any seeds really, walnuts”

    thanks in advance

    No good on a fast day, I think it would be too high.
    I only throw oats in cos I can have them.

    I put the recipe up somewhere will go find it and copy and paste it here.

    Ok it was on a previous page of this thread…ha ha, not reading every word huh!??
    Fair enough!

    I had a yummy breakfast.
    ( although I’m not hungry, I do try and eat if I’m off out on non fast days)
    Blend oats, walnuts, flax seeds ( linseeds,,,same thing. High in omega 3 as is chia) , chia seeds, almonds if you have them, any seeds, nuts etc in a blender. Just 1/4 cup of each or whatever…I sometimes only do 4 walnuts as that’s all I have , , Not food processor, won’t break down the flax seeds enough and they only work when broken down

    That’s your base. Store it

    In pot add 6 tablsp base
    4 chopped dates, and a few raisins
    1 tsp honey
    Pinch sea salt
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1 grated apple/pear
    1 cup milk
    Stir for 3-5 mins till thick over med heat
    Pour into bowl

    I like to add some frozen berries at the last minute and you can sprinkle with slivered almonds etc on top of your bowl
    It sounds expensive but you only need a few frozen berries a few nuts etc.
    It is wonderful, filling and warm
    I don’t like porridge but will eat this
    The β€˜ base’ lasts ages in a container
    Enjoy it tomorrow if you have any of the stuff.

    I blend the chia, cos I found they became too dominate in this,,,as little balls. They are better blended and broken down. Hope that doesn’t affect their goodness, but the balls, warm, tasted like frog spawn


    i’ll use flaxmeal grounded flax w/ unsweettenned flaxmilk

    creamy delish low cal no weird taste like all those other alternative milks

    1/4 cup 6 cals great 4 fastdays taste good w/ coffee

    being a type2diab can’t have all that other stuff

    berries ok

    have not opened bag of chia seeds they sound disgusting ugh

    so 5 minutes cooking sounds good can’t wait 2 try

    Hey Dumpy! Sounds like you’re busy preparing… I guess I can kind of imagine how you feel, however I didn’t leave an empty house when I left for a year πŸ˜‰ So no problems with having to empty the fridge or something!
    I’ll give you a shoulder massage when I see you, haha!

    Wiild guy, let me know how it tastes.
    Chia seeds are a little strange re texture…but suppose to be a super food, so suck it up and open that bag!

    Cinnamon and honey are suppose to be a wonder couple together as well.

    That makes a big bowlful, but you could halve it easily.
    I just like big portions.

    Nika, you can give me Chinese water torture if you like πŸ™‚

    The only water tortures I know are interrogation techniques… you sure?


    u may call me usa i’m a W c profile πŸ˜€

    after u described it don’t think i will try yech πŸ™

    i will fiddle w/ a way of hiding it
    mayb but


    Get the white ones.

    Nika, sounds great !!!

    Oh my Tracy I love the sound of your mechanic! My day was like that – just hit the TV on the top right corner and the picture was so much better πŸ˜€
    Yep dark and depressing for UK today and the cold weather must not be far away as the goldfinch family are visiting my feeding station today – don’t they know its a fast day!


    26 deg today.
    Has to be said,

    Another thing that has to be said….I found cream cheese in the fridge. Unopened tub.
    You know it…… Cheesecake!!!

    I found a recipe on line, crush the biscuits blah blah
    Make up a lemon jelly ( I had an orange jelly so we used that)
    1 1/2 cups boiling water.
    Once cooled whisk into cream cheese and 1 juice and rind of a lemon.( no oranges, or lemons so used a tiny mandarin!!)

    It Is chilling now….

    Won’t be a fast day tomorrow…just letting you know ( it was suppose to be)

    Wiildguy and Dumpling. I make a porridge out of chia seeds every morning. I’ve found a ratio of 1 dessert spoon to 100ml milk works. On a fast day I have 2 dsp and 200mls almond milk with agave syrup. it works out at 180 calories.

    There’s a knack to cooking chis seeds. I put them in the milk and microwave for 1 min, then stir and break up the lumps. then M/W for 3 mins more and stir and add your sweetener.
    It does look like frogspawn but if you like Tapioca then you’ll like chia.
    On a non fast day I have 3 Dsp and 3ooml sweetened with honey. I love Chia porridge and sometimes have it for supper as well. On a fast day I often have it for both of my meals.

    Dumpling that cheesecake sounds nice. I made a grain free/dairy free pumpkin pie a few weeks ago and the beauty of 5;2 is that I could eat it on my non fast days with double cream, without feeling guilty-yum!!

    I’ll let you know today!

    One day I might try that porridge…it just scares me. If I use black ones, it’s like eating whitebait eyes.
    I don’t like tapioca though, so will have to get over that texture first!!

    But maybe….

    Hmmm will you make another cheesecake for me when I visit Dumpy? ^^

    Oh you must have left for France by now!

    Of course I Will!! And yes, I’m in Paris!!!!


    Food seems to be everywhere, so many cafΓ©s, and restaurants, bread basket at all times, food food food, LOvEIT!!!

    Mmmm, might have to pop the 5:2 on hold for a bit, ha ha
    I flew over you Nika, when we left narita to go to Paris. I waved….

    Greetings from Ireland! Mon & Thurs are my fasting days, I’ve been on the 5:2 diet since early November & have lost 6lb so far. My gluclose & cholesterol are raised & I’m under doctors orders to lose 14-18lb by April if possible so I’m pleased with how it’s going so far.

    I was having a small breakfast of tomatoes/mushrooms but found that I was eating for the sake of it & wasn’t really hungry when I woke up & the breakfast seemed to set me off wanting to eat more during the day & so I regretted having the calories so early as it meant I had to have less for my evening meal. Now I eat nothing I just have 2-3 cups of tea/coffee & sparkling water during the day & I don’t really feel hungry. I then eat my main meal about 5.30pm, tonight was cooked chicken breast & a huge mixed salad.

    Enjoy your upcoming adventure how exciting! I love France just visiting there would do me right now. Best wishes Julie

    Oooh that was that sudden feel of joy I felt Dumpy! It all makes sense now.
    Looking forward to the cheesecake… Hmmmmmm.

    You should really try a fresh stick bread (not sure what the English word is) with camembert, just slice the camembert up in half cm slices… god that stuff is divine! Went to France with a good friend of mine last year, and that was my favorite moment of the day.

    Thanks Julie, I will.
    After here we go to England for chrimbo, then America then Fiji.

    I hear ya re eating early. I wait as long as poss. Maybe till 2-3 pm and then start otherwise I won’t fit all my veg and salad stuff in! You can have 500 grams of celery for 40 cals!!

    The stick bread is called French stick!! or baguette
    And I just bought some now with Camembert ….great minds,
    Also some chorizo sausage as it is cheap.

    So having that for lunch , it is 75 centimes which is about $1.10 or 55 pence.

    Enjoy your day people, sunny and 13 deg here.
    Nice to see the sun after Paris.

    Au revoir

    Ah ofcourse, baguette. Which is also the French word. I knew that.

    Keep us posted on your adventures! Are you going to visit Normandy?

    Nope…only Montpellier, marsellie , Montauban , Versailles then back to orly for the night before flying to Maidstone.
    Might go to the champs that night as the lights will be fab for chrimbo. Will tube it in.
    We did 2 nights Paris…it was great!!!!!

    Have a good Wednesday

    It will be good to go somewhere classy like Maidstone after that scruffy weed bed at Versailles πŸ™‚

    A place with a prison, has to be better than the south of France even!!

    Posting on.. NOT Monday as I’m always late for everything, lol.

    Dumpling, your adventures sound amazing, I am so jealous, but happy to live vicariously through your posts πŸ™‚

    Snedger, LOLOL!!

    JulieK1967, Hi and well done on your 6lbs already! I drink a lot of sparkling water as well, thank goodness for the cheap stuff from Tescos!

    Aud x

    I love that flavoured fizz from Tesco too Aud! But to be honest I would rather be with dumpling πŸ˜€

    ‘I would rather be with dumpling’
    Me too, Lindyw!

    I hope she was nerves of steel to get her past all those patisseries…mmmm
    I’m looking forward to her next update πŸ™‚

    No nerves of steel I’m afraid.
    Had a burger at ‘ quick’ you heard of it? It was ok, the fries were weird.
    Bought 7 lion bars for 2.45 euros. Ate 2 of them, shared the rest with hubby and kids…
    Missed my pain au chocolate this morning, thought i’ld have crackers and peanut butter.
    What was I thinking!! Needed a pastry fix by 4 but decided a lion bar will do.

    We paddled in the med today. Water was freezing!!!! 16 deg though and sunny. Glorious day.
    Nice hot choc in a cafe right on the beach. Place was deserted. It was near Montpellier .
    Summer it would be heaving.
    Wish I could add photos.
    It’s been amazing.

    Sunday we are on an msc cruise around the med It was $400 each. Bargain! 7 nights with flight centre.
    Interest free for 12 mths.
    Had to do it. Would be rude not too.
    Barcelona, Tunisia , scicily, Rome, genoa, marsellie

    Mmmmmm……food a plenty.
    Lucky I had lost some weight before leaving nz!!!! πŸ˜‰

    You guys keep up the good work though, thinking of you!!!

    Woaoaoa, sounds like a dream Dumpy!

    I’m still looking forward to that cheesecake! πŸ˜‰

    well done! you must feel great ! if you can stop yourself taking that extra bit you will feel so much better the next day because you haven’t failed your plan!


    i do mondays

    bloomin hard

    especially after sundays

    and getting up to do my exercises

    have a good one

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