Big shout out to the Monday morning FASTERS!!

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Big shout out to the Monday morning FASTERS!!

This topic contains 81 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  Tally99 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Monday here in sunny warm nz ( well it is at the top of the island anyway)
    A big shout out to those fasting today. A great day for it!
    Good to detox after the weekend.

    I’m dumpling, although some like to call me dumpy ( you know who you are)
    This is my 3 rd week,,whoaaoo
    And today will be my 5 th fast.

    I have this week and next to do as much as I can, cos then I’m off overseas with my kids for 6 weeks,( hubby is in France studying French for last 3 mths, we are going to meet him and take kids around the world. Yay upping the mortgage!)
    So I am pretty sure from the 28 th nov, I won’t be doing 500 cals but I will do 2 days no wheat or sugar while I’m away

    Anyway, enough about my boring life,
    How is your day going?
    Mines great..not had a thing and it is 11 am.
    Not hungry till after 1 usually.

    Yes, let’s talk about me…..:)

    I hope I have your energy and enthusiasm when I join you on my Monday fast in 7and a half hours! Just off to bed, Goodnight.

    You will, cos you know I’ve nearly finished and I will be handing the torch to you!!!!

    Man, it’s getting hot, gotta be over 25 cos there are no flies!! Might walk later.
    I try to walk on fast days. Burn that fat!

    Have a good sleep and see you on the home stretch for me, where I will pass the baton πŸ™‚

    Hot! Lucky person. Back under the duvet after feeding hungry cat.
    I’ve found an excellent way to fast. Catch a really nasty cold virus and simultaneously have a bad reaction to a flu jab. I’ve had to force myself to get some nutrition in me at the weekend and felt like I was almost floating when I made myself walk on the treadmill.
    Feel so sleepy zzzzzzzz.

    Ouch! You poor Thing!!
    Don’t worry, we are going to the uk for Christmas, so I will be as cold as a very cold pom as well.

    Stay In Bed, snows coming , best place to be.
    Enjoy your day.

    I had a great one!!
    Moon looked red tonight ( it’s a full one)

    Hi Dumpling,

    My Monday fast day. Just got back from a morning swim, very cold here in UK, a bit of snow about tomorrow! Just had breakfast and sitting having my cup of tea. Got to keep busy till dinner tonight.

    How lovely to be going to France then around the world…….how we all would like to do that…for us retired, we have the time but not the money coming in! ……….but we try our best.

    Hi Snedger,
    I hope you soon feel better, keep warm having a duvet day. A good hot toddy works for me, its got to be very very large, and it helps you snuggle and sleep……..

    I hadn’t thought about that,,,,I guess cos hubby is working, we can up mortgages and be able to cos he can re pay them, as he’s working..or can get second and third jobs. Mmmm I guess I shouldn’t be freaking about the debt, cos at least a bank is willing to give us debt for this amazing experience!
    Might not be so willing once we are retired.
    Thanks for helping me see the big picture, and know that the experience we will have will last long after the debts have been paid. ( 29.4 yrs!)

    He has been in France for 2 1/2 mths courtesy of the nz govt. they want him to be better at French, as he teaches French and maths here and I’m taking the 5 kids over next week to meet up with him ( he is in Montpellier)
    We are away 6 weeks all up, him 4 mths.
    Going to Japan for a night on the way to Paris, then later Kent, then Disneyland, salt lake and Fiji on the way home.

    So much to do…a duvet day sounds the bomb!

    Well I had my salad but threw in the chook (80grams) I was going to have in the stir fry ( just had kidney beans and prawns in the stir fry with 25 grams vermicelli ) into the salad, cos it was left over chook from last night and boy was it so much better with some protein in it! And a little red wine vinegar for dressing,
    Going to do that again on Wednesday.

    So much nicer and more filling with some protein.usually I just have the salad, can’t finish it, cos it is ‘ boring!’

    Didn’t miss it in the stir fry cos the prawns ( 50 grams) were just enough of a bite along with a million veggies.
    And you could really taste it in a salad.

    What’s everyone eating today?
    I still have 89 cals left.
    Might have some cruskets and very low fat cream cheese on them before bed.
    Starting to get hungry! It’s 11 pm.

    Hi Dumpling, Yep really hot here today too. Bikini weather (yeah right). Nearly finished Monday fast. And managed reasonably well.Looking forward to tomorrow though. Wow France….sounds amazing.

    Have you got chocolate lined up!

    I was given some home made truffles, made with condensed milk and processed…toffee pops. What the? Who crushes them up???!!! but anyway they are unreal!
    I had them last week and a mate brought me some more today.
    But they are in the fridge ready for tomorrow!!!

    Oh my goodness sounds dangerous. I would start eating those and not stop til they were all gone. Been low carbing for a week too so I will try to go easy tomoro. If I start eating Ill just go out of control. MUST STAY FOCUSSED> MUST STAY FOCUSSED>

    I hear ya,

    I think there are only about 7 wrapped up.( it was in tissue, with a bow)
    Should do me for breakfast…not like there are 20!!

    I’m a sugar addict and I’m the first to admit it πŸ™‚

    Let the sugar addicts unite. I could eat a tin of condensed milk at the moment. Sleep is the only thing that will save me. But not tired yet so……have to keep fingers typing.

    Stop talking about your lovely weather…. it’s cold here in the UK, raining, with snow coming…tomorrow ( only a little bit), roll on March, it gets depressing when dark and dismal.

    Love the sound of the truffles……..

    “Stop talking about your lovely weather…. it’s cold here in the UK, raining, with snow coming…tomorrow”

    symba7 – With the arctic about to descend on us, imagine my unalloyed joy when I got in my car this morning to find that the blower (hot and cold & everything in between) was totally kaput. Thank goodness for friendly local (to work) mechanics. Apparently he went to the Fonzie school of mechanics but he showed me where to hit in order to get it going if it happens again, so he is now my favourite human.

    Oh my Tracy I love the sound of your mechanic! My day was like that – just hit the TV on the top right corner and the picture was so much better πŸ˜€
    Yep dark and depressing for UK today and the cold weather must not be far away as the goldfinch family are visiting my feeding station today – don’t they know its a fast day!

    “Yep really hot here today too. Bikini weather ”

    Which fasters are wearing bikinis?


    I don’t think I’ve ever worn a bikini in my life – even as a child. I think size wise I probably am not far off feeling like I could now & would consider getting one for next summer…..

    That is if it weren’t for the unsightly stretch marks. It’s fine if you’ve actually had kids I think but as a singleton with no rugrats I would feel weird flaunting my tiger stripes in a bikini πŸ˜€

    Evening dumpling, joining you – this is my 5th fast day too!
    Looking forward to breakfast πŸ˜‰
    Pops xx

    Hi Dumpling! My 5th FD too, so far no cheating!
    How fantastic you get to go away to France for a bit, via Japan and Kent, I know what I’d choose *g*

    I hope your day went well and you’ll be enjoying breakfast round about now…
    and would that be truffles? πŸ™‚

    Aud x

    PS Take care, Snedger!
    TracyJ, I’ve just seen the weather forecast.. well, East Anglia can hardly wait πŸ˜›

    Morning fellow Monday fasters, soon to be Wednesday FASTers for me!!

    Birds are singing, sun is shining…no wind, 22 already!!!! Ahhhhhbaaaarrrrrrhhhggggg!!!

    Don’t worry I’ll be there soon with you wallowing in your misery
    Barrrr humbug.

    I’m going to wear a bikini ( not that I ever have either) under my coat…just because.

    Ok, so felt bad going for the truffles so still in the fridge. I was under my cals by about 3 last night when I went to bed, and don’t want to really wreck such a good day, but by 2 pm I know all seven will be safely in my belly, so will glory in my righteousness a bit longer this morning

    I had a yummy breakfast.
    ( although I’m not hungry, I do try and eat if I’m off out on non fast days)
    Blend oats, walnuts, flax seeds ( linseeds,,,same thing. High in omega 3 as is chia) , chia seeds, almonds if you have them, any seeds, nuts etc in a blender. Just 1/4 cup, Not food processor, won’t break down the flax seeds enough and they only work when broken down

    That’s your base. Store it

    In pot add 6 tablsp base
    4 chopped dates, and a few raisins
    1 tsp honey
    Pinch sea salt
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1 grated apple/pear
    1 cup milk

    Stir for 3-5 mins till thick over med heat

    Pour into bowl


    I like to add some frozen berries at the last minute and you can sprinkle with slivered almonds etc on top of your bowl
    It sounds expensive but you only need a few frozen berries a few nuts etc.

    It is wonderful, filling and warm

    I don’t like porridge but will eat this

    The ‘ base’ lasts ages in a container

    Enjoy it tomorrow if you have any of the stuff.
    You can throw in any dried fruit.
    It’s like eating cake mix!

    Hope you slept / will sleep well. On to day 6 fast….

    It is getting easier. A bit of prep cos I weight EVERYTHING
    But worth it.

    Good luck!!!!

    Oooh dumpy (yes it’s me, I admit) you have to make that breakfast stuff for me when I get over there. Sounds amazing!

    I’m not sure what kind of faster I am. An oppurtunist one? Sometimes I ADF, sometimes I don’t… I dunno. But the next few weeks I’ll be incorporating 30-60 minutes HIIT 6 days a week, so I’ll do 2 fast days of mostly protein on thursday and saturday (because friday and sunday are (at least the first month) the rest days. Well Friday is a hell of a workout but mostly on my muscles and not so much on my cardio. So I can do that on a longer fast.
    Still doing the one meal a day thing, because I want to work out fasted and I only get home around 19:00 every weekday. Blegh.

    Hi Dumpy (yes, it’s me too) – there you are you little ripper!

    I don’t get out much or look at this forum as much as some of you ladies who lunch…..But I fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays and hence my increasing joy when Friday comes round and we can crack open some wine.

    Talking about wine; what about you girlfriend jetting off to the wine capital of the world?
    Ooh la la we love Francais – it’s years since we have been though.
    Are you going to post whilst you are away? I would love to hear about the adventures you and hubby and the kids will have.

    Is it the 28th November you actually go? We move house on that day to another country! It’s bonny Scotland but still another country and very beautiful if you like scenery and wildlife.

    Have a fantastic time together – what a wonderful life enhancing adventure to invest in with your children. It’s something you will never forget and you cannot buy that type of life experience (well you can as you know at a price) but it’s only money Dumpy.
    Whereas you are all going to create lots of wonderful memories….

    Bon voyage! A bientot!

    Yes we go thanksgiving day

    Big thanksgiving!!!!

    I’m hoping to keep up with the forum, might only be my threads!!! Ha ha, but still want to hear your successes.
    Congrats on the move. Scotland is like the South Island of nz. But we are warmer!!
    Nika..that’s a lot of exercise, stuff that!

    Stuff that Turkey you mean? Wish they celebrated Thanksgiving here. Sadly no, because China is weird. No Thanksgiving, no Christmas, and I’m even missing this year’s new year celebration!! I leave China Feb 5th which is just before the Chinese new year and over a month after the regular new year celebration.
    Hell, my birthday is Feb 11th on which I’ll just be in Auckland 5 days so don’t know anyone. So I’m even skipping my birthday this year! Hmmm maybe I’ll just go to a random bar and start dancing on the bar with a shirt that says “It’s my birthday!”

    … I digress. France! Parlez-vous francais?

    A petit.

    Hey, let’s celebrate your birthday!! As of yesterday I’m now in Auckland for one night feb 27 th staying at the chifly suites with girlfriends from oz, so I’m coming down to Auckland. Then Friday we head to bay of islands for 3 nights,
    Can you swing in and say hi?

    At the moment I might be down Wednesday waiting for one girl to get in at midnight, if so…let’s do lunch or dinner Wednesday night cos I will be alone till she comes at midnight ( the others are getting in at 12 Thursday)
    But if she changes to a Thursday flight, I won’t be down till Thursday, but I can meet you for lunch? I get in at 12 pm into the city..they won’t be at the hotel till 2 ish.
    It’s just the Sydney girls have booked flights, the Melbourne girl is about to.
    But let’s at least do something for your birthday, Christmas, new year and bar mitzvah

    Even if you come out to dinner with us all on Thursday night…or breakfast Friday morning with us…we at least have to give each other a high five.

    I’m a bit confused as to what my options are. So either we do dinner Wednesday the 26th, lunch on Thursday the 27th or join you all for dinner on Thusday night or breakfast Friday morning.

    Well, I have no idea what my school schedule is going to be, that is my first week of starting at uni – so I’ll have to get back to you on that. And so should you when you cut down on my options because now I have too many! Don’t make me choose! AAAh!

    We will work it out nearer the time.
    Just keep it in mind.

    I will!

    I am confused Dumpling – When did New Zealand start celebrating Thanksgiving? Or do you just celebrate it personally, like you might decide to celebrate Chinese New Year or Diwali or something if you suddenly felt the need for some celebrating?

    We don’t,
    It’s just we leave the 28 th which is thanksgiving in America.
    Easier for any Americans out there to remember πŸ˜‰

    Haha that’s a great idea Tracy! If I every feel like celebrating I just go to Wikipedia and look for a holiday anywhere in the world… then I’ll just go out on the street and congratulate everyone on the holiday and throw a party.

    “It’s always happy hour somewhere!”

    β€œIt’s always happy hour somewhere!”

    I like it! Norwich are switching on their Christmas lights today (according to google) – sounds like something worth celebrating to me πŸ˜€

    LOL, TracyJ, I live in Norwich and I’ll be there at the switch-on! ::boogies::
    (After my half a jacket potato and carefully measured out cottage cheese lol)

    Aud x

    At least you see Christmas lights….it’s light here till 9 ish…think of poor us , leaving work and the sun is high in the sky so you can’t see any lights..cos they don’t get turned on till later..or like our town, they don’t bother!!! There are some things on telegraph poles and that’s it.

    Boo hoo us!!!
    Ha ha

    You need lights, so your winter isn’t so depressing….we don’t need lights , as it’s summer:) yay.
    But give me a warm Christmas Day, out at the beach, instead of cramped in a terrace any day.
    Tv, who needs tv on that day….that’s right, Brits!!!
    ( I’ll be there this year though….so hear me moan)

    They do have some lights here, but it’s already for new years. I’ll just pretend they’re Christmas lights though!

    It’s funny, I never really cared for the lights in the city and stuff like that, but now that I’m away I kinda miss them.

    “But give me a warm Christmas Day, out at the beach”

    Oh I’m not jealous at all… oh no.. I mean to say.. Christmas on the beach..
    *silently seethes with jealousy, lol* Seriously, ENJOY πŸ™‚

    I have NO idea how I’m going to cope with Christmas this year *frets*

    Aud x

    What do you mean? Food wise?

    It was a bit miserable on Xmas day when I was in Bay of Islands actually. I forced myself to go for a swim after work, just because it was possible to do it in NZ without turning blue but it wasn’t the most pleasant I have to say. So despite being on the opposite side of the earth for 1 Xmas, I’ve still never really experienced ‘beach weather’ Xmas.

    I guess what they say about NZ being similar to Britain is true – even in summer the weather is completely unpredictable.

    Wash your mouth out!!!!

    ( please don’t give away our barbie on the beach cover )

    Anyway, totally over indulged in 2 celebratory meals today, already done my 2 fast days this will be doing a 3 rd tomorrow, Saturday.
    My stomach hurts….
    So bloated!! 2 kilos heavier tonight than last. Yes, that’s how much food I put away today, but hey…a fast day will help my body rest and recover,
    What a great way of life!!!

    Hi Dumpling, I guess I do mean food wise, but I’m prepared to extend my panic about everything else associated as well.

    I’m panicking early to save time later πŸ˜‰

    Ok , just my 3 cents.
    You are going to cope magnificently.
    On the weekends leading up to Christmas you work out which 2 days you will fast , and you do.
    Pick the days with the least morning teas, the least get togethers!! And if you have to go and just have tea and not the cake at a morning tea, so be it. Not the end of the world.

    Christmas week again, work out which 2 and so you don’t stress make up some soup or something that you can freeze and really have soup days so you don’t have to think about even more food and you can detox your body from all the over indulgence.

    You can always do 3:4 in the new year for 2 weeks!

    I have not done this at Christmas…just started. But with a tiny bit of planning, ESP easy food. Cos there will be a lot of temptations in the house, and with us making sure you dont cave, you will sail through!!!

    Bless you, dumpling x

    I like the soup idea.. I love making my own soup, not only does it keep me busy, if I snaffle, at least it is on a vegetable!
    I’ve just found out that elderly parents will not be with us this year (better offers, lol) so it’s just me, hubby and the Spriglet.. quite manageable.. I’ll be in control, which is rarity for me.

    I need to plan *nods*

    Thank you, have a great weekend!

    Aud x

    See, easy!

    Just have 2 days no wheat or sugar if weighing and counting becomes too much.
    That’s what I’m going to try.

    Haha maybe I’m lucky I don’t have all that Christmas stress this year πŸ˜‰

    I think Dumpy said it all though, I don’t think I need to add a lot more… maybe just this: “ENJOY YOURSELF, IT’S BLOODY CRISTMAS TIME”. You guys get to do Christmas with your family, so feel blessed and don’t waste your Christmas worrying about a pound or two. You can do that afterwards.

    {{hugs}} to Nika & Dumpling for the support.

    Happy Monday! Aud x

    Awww, I miss getting hugs. I can’t exactly hug anyone here, so I’ve been going without social and physical contact for… 3 months tomorrow. Yay!

    ” I miss getting hugs. ”

    Close your eyes in a private setting.

    Relax and quiet your mind for as long as it takes.

    Then invite, into your mental space, that part of you that really wants to be hugged.

    Ask that part if it would be ok to be hugged.

    If the response is yes, hug that part for as long as that part likes.

    If the response is no, ask that part: which part would you like to hug you?

    Ask that other part to join your mental space and hug as requested.

    Share whatever needs to be shared.

    Thank all the parts for joining and depart lovingly.

    Wait for as long as is necessary, then gently come back and open your eyes refreshed, loved and hugged for who you are.


    Oh, that’s lovely, Rockyromero!
    Thanks for sharing,

    *happy sigh*
    Aud x

    My 4th Monday ‘two’ (aka fast) day. It gets easier every time – the first one I kept thinking ‘when can I eat next’ but now I’m not thinking about it at all.

    I’m too busy thinking about all the people sitting on sunny beaches! But am I jealous …noooooo…I’m not….really I’m not *through clenched teeth* I’ll just look out at my frosty garden and think how lovely it looks πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Hi, I’ve been at it for 9 weeks now. I arranged to meet up with a friend for lunch today and was going to change my fast day to tomorrow, but as luck would have it on the cafes menu was spicy tomato soup so I had that as my brunch. Tea tonight is going to be Chia porridge. What? I hear you say! well, I eat the Paleo way-no grains, no gluten etc so Chia seeds are native to peru, they’re very high in Omega3 and lots of other stuff. if you soak them they swell and turn onto gloop. They look like frogspawn or tapioca!!! I make a porridge with 2 tbs Chia seeds, 200ml ALmond milk and 2 tsp Agave syrup. its delic and leaves me feeling full.

    Have a good Monday

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