BFG's progress

This topic contains 22 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  HayleyE 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi, I’m one week in having started on 13/01/14. I started at 20st 6lb & my waist on the tape measure was 50″. I’m a 6’4″ man trying to do something about my weight.

    So, I found the first two fasts (Monday & Thursday) surprisingly easy,I had a small amount of porridge in the morning which seemed to keep me going for a while. I drank water when I felt peckish & only really got hunger cravings around 7:30pm each time which didn’t completely go after my small evening meal but as long as I kept myself occupied it never got too unbearable. Next morning I was fine.

    Like others I have found it helps with my IBS symptoms – though these days it is fairly mild anyway.

    With my new beginning I have also given up my bad habit (caused by overtiredness)of a mid morning snack of a chocolate bar & two Red Bulls as I have been meaning to do this anyway as I can’t imagine a much worse thing to be doing (I need to lessen my risk of Diabetes).

    I don’t know if it’s due to my change in mindset for my new start, or whether it’s as others think due to the fasting, but I have had more get up & go this week – I have got the carpet cleaner out & done the lounge & hall which I have put off for ages & I actually cleaned the cars myself rather than go to the car wash. I’ve also felt more positive this week which is a real novelty as I’ve been depressed for a while.

    The results of the fasts & giving up the mid morning snack are that on my weigh in this morning I had lost a fraction over 6lb & 1 inch off my waist! Not bad for my first week.

    Though I don’t expect such big drops every week I hope the weight continues over the next few months.

    Welcome and fantastic start BFG! (I wonder what your username stands for??!! Bloody fabulous guy, I imagine, if you will excuse my French).

    I am sure the new Way Of Eating and the change in mindset both contributed to your improved mood and such a large loss for your first week. Good for you! 🙂

    Your approach to fast days sounds great, and you are also realistic about not expecting the same amount of loss each week – but if you carry on as you have started, the losses will continue.

    Do have a good look around the forum for ideas and tips, and use it to seek – and give – support.

    Very best wishes for your journey.
    Sassy 😀

    I love the BFG (Sassy it stands for Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl) and read it so often to my sons, but I also like Bloody Fabulous Guy so will leave BFG to decide which he is on a daily basis.

    Great start to IF BFG, you are obviously in the zone and that is why this way of life is so sustainable. The flexibility of being able to move your fast days and on normal days to eat within your TDEE (see Help at the top)is so easy.
    Keep busy on your fast days and have an early night and increase your activity during the week – its a recipe for success as you have found.
    Good luck

    ps – you can give up eating snozzcumbers!

    I like the alternative options for BFG but it is indeed for Big Friendly Giant as my little sis used to call me that when she first read Roald Dahl!

    Thanks for the welcome.

    Well I am sure you will change into Sassy’s BFG 🙂

    Well done BFG!

    Here’s to many more downwards numbers 🙂

    My second week, a bit harder this week – kept finding myself thinking about picking from the cupboards! I just told myself I could do it the next day as others on the forums have said & I got past it. On my second fast day of the week I actually felt full after my micro evening meal too.

    We had a good weekend with friends so drank & had a takeaway plus nibbles but despite this I have still lost 2lbs & half an inch off my waist so I’m pretty happy with that.

    Third week! Not too bad this week but for some reason I do find my Thursday fast much harder going than the Monday one. Lost 1.2lb this week, nothing off my waist but half an inch from my hips & chest. Would’ve liked 2lb but can’t complain as I did eat quite a lot at the weekend again. 🙂

    Lost 4.6lb this week & half an inch off my hips. Really pleased as I had wondered if I’d lost any!

    Well done! What does that make your total loss so far?

    Well done! Congrats on your weightloss and sticking to it! I feel it gets easier over time.

    Great progress BFG!
    Keep going 🙂

    Thanks guys, newto5-2 last week I’d lost exactly a stone on 5:2, though I had lost 4lb just before starting.

    This week I lost 2.2lb & half an inch off my waist & had to buy jeans the next size down 🙂

    I went out for meals & drinks twice this week & found myself automatically eating less during the rest of those days to “protect” my losses from the fast but not finding it an effort.

    I also had the first people start to comment this week that they thought I’d lost weight – all a bit of a confidence boost!

    Not cheap (they were on offer) but I’ve been finding the OMG range in COOK is very tasty & a lazy way of calorie counting on a fast day – surprisingly filling too.

    On 25th Feb I only lost 0.6lb, & I didn’t want to do my Thursday fast for the first time but once I started I was fine. Not surprised to only lose a little as I had a very heavy weekend.

    This Monday I had lost 2.6lb & half an inch from my waist, hips & chest – happy with this! It would’ve been more but when I did the Sunday roast I had loads of crackling & about 10 raost potatoes! New jeans are already looser than when I bought them. 🙂

    Or even roast potatoes!

    Well done BFG!!

    you sound very happy and so you should, keep going 🙂

    Well done BFG, great results!

    Thanks Lindyw.

    Bit of an up & down month, on the 10th I lost 1.8lb, the 17th stayed the same & this week 4.8lb taking me down to 18st 8lb. I’ve now lost 3.5″ in total around my waist too!

    Fast days seem to be getting easier as my body seems to almost expect them now.

    New jeans are now getting loose too – not long until I need the next size down hopefully.

    So, 6 months in I’m still going!

    As of this morning I’m now 17st 6lb so have lost 3 stones exactly! My waist is now down to 44.5 inches a 5.5 inch reduction, I’ve lost 4 inches from my hips & 2.5 inches from my chest.

    Over the last month I did have a bit of a plateau & had a couple of weeks where I had such a good time on my non-fast days that were enough for me to put on. I didn’t worry though as I knew it would come back off again.

    Less than a stone to go to my initial target I set myself which I’m hoping to do by mid October.

    Hi BFG, you clearly have a lot of experience of this way of eating by now. Today is my first day – last ate some scrambled eggs at about 7 am, and I have to say I feel horrible right now (5pm). Feeling sick and can’t concentrate at all. Did you feel this way at the start and did it get easier? I read the information about blood sugar levels and know that I’m really not going to faint or anything, but I just feel awful.

    Well done for sticking at it.


    Hayley keep drinking plenty of water, tell yourself tomorrow is a normal eating day and get an early night. You too can do it! Just remember this isnt a fast (speedy) diet – it is a way of eating with fast days for weight loss and lots of other wonderful health benefits.

    Well done BFG you soon will be an even more Bloody Fabulous Guy! 😀

    Thanks lindyW. I did get through the day. Hoping next one will be easier !

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