Benefits of having a week off?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lizzypopbottle 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I’ve been fasting since 3rd March and weight loss has been really, really slow! I only have around a stone to lose.

    Anyway, at the beginning of July I did 2 x weeks 4:3 before my holiday, then had 2 weeks away where I ate normally but drank lots!

    When I returned from holiday I’d lost 2lbs! Personally I think my body eventually adapts to whatever eating plan I do and I always go back to the same weight which is BMI 25, within healthy range but more than I want to be.

    My question is has anybody else had intermittent breaks from the fasting and noticed it kick started further loss?

    Hi batwoman

    I haven’t noticed what you mentioned exactly but I have noticed that occasionally I appear to have put on a pound or two straight after a fasting day but if I get on the scales the next day it seems to have shifted even after eating normally! How odd!


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