been on 5:2 for 5 months

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SPF 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • have just joined the website for more support.
    I have managed to lose 8kg since january 15 and very happy with that.
    both my husband and myself do it and are really supportive of the 5:2 lifestyle.
    Beginning to plateau though so need the assistance of others now.
    had a wee heart scare two weeks ago when experienced a different heart rhythm, a little frightening but appears to have resolved. We are trucking on.. have a goal to get to! want to be fab @ 50.

    Hello baird44, I started 5:2 at the New Year. I’m 43, I have gained weight steadily over the last 6 years, going from 8 stone in 2009 to 11 stone this Christmas just gone, far too much for my 5ft 3inch frame. I was worried that if I didn’t do something about it, by the time I reach 50 I might weigh 15 stone, so I made a decision to alter my lifestyle. I am now down to 9 stone 9lb, but have been at that weight for about 6 weeks, I have put that down in part to increased exercise – muscle gain – no exercise at all when I started to 3+ visits to the gym per week. I have just about lost a size in clothes (was nearly a size 14) now most size 12’s are too big. I would love to get down to around 8 and half stone and the plateau I seem to be stuck on is annoying. I am no longer losing inches off my waist either. I am very good on fast days, do not binge on non fast days, my only downfall is a couple of bottles of wine on a weekend. I know I should try and cut these out, but I find the thought of denying myself a weekend drink sad as I work so hard, run a busy household (husband and 2 kids) and exercise like a lunatic. I too like you want to be fab @50.

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