Been going for six months

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  IreneHen 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I started the diet in early May this year and have been going at it steadily for six months, weight dropped from 88 to just under 76 kgs. The good thing is that I can maintain the diet, whereas before I never lasted more than two months at the most. This really is for life, it’s changed my attitude to food, I’ve learnt to eat more slowly and to know when I’ve eaten enough. I still have some way to go, but no longer feel that sense of hopelessness when I thought I’d be stuck with being overweight for the rest of my life.

    So a big thank you to the people who developed this way of eating.

    Hi Irenel-Hen….good for you…keep up the good work. In the end the important thing is losing the weight not how fast it is and remember the old saying that slower is better. 🙂

    Well done IreneHelen! Still going at 6 months gives hope to all us newbies that we can keep this way of life up longterm.

    Hi Irenehen, I started the diet back in August so have been going for four months. I have had great results and like you find that I can stick at it because the other days you can enjoy eating. I am big convert. all the best Greg

    Hi Monaro and Irishtrier and Greg, thank you for your encouraging words.

    This is month 8, a difficult month with all the Christmas temptations around. I am doing two and a half fasting days per week during December, originally with the aim of at least not putting on any extra, even if I couldn’t take any off. Found to my great joy this morning that I am still losing about half a pound a week, which means I can have a bit of leeway on 25 December. Credit in the bank, as it were :-).

    Happy with BMI now just over 25, not bad as I started at almost 29 this spring. Work in progress.

    Happy Christmas to you all and here’s to a fit slim new year for everyone.

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