Beating the fasting boredom???

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  DashAsh 6 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Hi there,
    Just one question, how do you beat the boredom of a fasting day when you’ve been doing it for a while. I love my food but find that my fasting day is becoming a bit tiresome although I still really want to do it for the benefits its giving me.

    I find its best to keep busy on fast days.
    During the winter weather it was easy to clean out lofts and cupboards – which really needed doing! An hour or so reading, going to the cinema and of course an hour or so reading the forum.
    Now the weather is better I plan a walk for my fast days and of course the jobs in the garden take time.
    Just keep busy – even a manicure keeps you occupied for a while 🙂

    I read about something i may have a little zeal about learning.
    Sometimes it may be about diet, other time it may be about archery. Generally I find when I’m getting bored at the same bat time on the same bat station. I may need a creative outlet. Last few weeks have been about 5:2 for me. Usually whatever is new in my environment I want to learn all about it so read until I’m blue in the face. If it just a temporary boredom I look to find something that gets me moving . Playing with the pets, walking to a bridge, skipping rocks, or creating an impromptu obstacle course.
    For the next few weeks gardening for fasting vegetables will be my propriety rather than my vice. Then on to sailing for the summer.

    I reread this and I like Lindyw has to say about cleaning. Especially with spring cleaning. It’s amazing how much dust pollution get in our homes in the spring from shoes walking across thawed soils. Making you’re eyes roll I’m sure. Here’s some reading on it.

    I use wet vac and just let it suck and suck and suck while dusting. If I can see a lot of dust in the sunshine coming through my windows it prompts me to clean up my air inside my house. If I nothing better to do.

    After all that i still bored with my 5:2 foods. Aroma therapy

    I stumbled upon this when my wife made a fantastic cake. I need to be somewhere else , as the smell alone was calling to me. But instead I went and read up on aroma therapy and I use it sometimes not to smell food.

    Ok going for a walk looks like if I go to bed early I’ll have my first 4:3 week this year. ALL GRIN

    Thanks Lindyw – all suggestions gratefully received. I usually try to have a 1.5 hour walk along the beach daily as I live near the sea. After that, if I’m not physically active it can sometimes be a struggle. I do have some cupboard clearing and sorting to do though so maybe I should just put my mind to that. xx

    Thanks Samm – lots of ideas there. I shall just have to be strong (!) and not give in to temptation won’t I? xx

    Not sure if you are bored by food choices or meaning that you want extra activity to keep you from eating? We love food and I’ve found that my subscription to Eating Well helps with interesting recipes. If you are not in the States, you can find recipes here:

    I am in the states and can see that website. I probably can’t get the magazine.

    The new Fast Diet cookbook has lots of good ideas, especially for those not accustomed to eating English food.

    I agree with Lindyw. The simplest and most useful solution is to start cleaning. You don’t have to do everything. But you can wipe all surfaces from dust. This usually takes a long time. I can also advise you to try cleaning with a steam mop. There are good examples here – This homework will banish boredom, distract attention from food, and help you burn out a few extra calories while cleaning.

    Hi there, i suggest you just keep being active and if you have spare times, its also good to train your mind by doing some meditations. 🙂

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