Baked potatoes

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kmck157 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi everyone. This is my first fasting day. I think I have done well and don’t feel hungry, having just drunk a mug of low cal hot chocolate. But does anyone know how many calories in, a fairly large, baked potato? I had it with low cal Phili cheese spread and salad. The rest of the day I had low cal yoghurt and jelly and fruit, and home made veg soup. Hope this sounds ok?

    Hi Lesleyann
    Welcome to your first fast day. I have found the app My Fitness Pal is really great at helping out with the number of calories in various foods, if you have access to it. I had a quick look, a medium sized jacket potato is around 240 calories ( it’s about a calorie per gram), quite a lot. Then adding in phili cheese (light) which also works out at 1 calorie per gram…..they soon mount up. A mixed salad bowl is about 50 calls without any dressing. You may be a little over your 500 allowance.

    If you read through some of the posts here, you’ll find that some folks don’t eat at all till dinner time in the evening, others graze all day…..

    Personally, I find that I have to go as long as poss into my fast day before having anything, then it’s a lite cuppa soup then a meal in the evening.

    Don’t despair… takes time and effort to work out actual numbers, we were all the same at the start. Once I had worked out some meals for my fast days, I tended to rotate them over the weeks……one year on and 40lbs lighter!

    We are all wishing you the best of luck with your first few fasts….

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