Bad Planning today, whoops

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Bad Planning today, whoops

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  emilymeg 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Fast day today – first for a while, I stopped a year ago, but now restarting – and I had forgotten today I was due to stock up the tuck shop at work.

    I’m in charge of keeping the tuck shop at work stocked up with all manner of yummy things – any profit it makes goes to charity.

    So today, feeling very hungry, I was patrolling the aisles of the local farmfoods looking for junk food bargains, stomach rumbling all the while!

    It’s very hard to stay strong-willed when confronted with mountains of crisps (my weakness) and chocolate (easier to resist).

    Luckily the good part about this WOL is I just kept telling myself – tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. (incidentally, this has now put one line of a song on repeat in my head “tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow”). Fingers crossed tomorrow when I am not as hungry, the craving won’t strike. But hey, if it does, not a major issue – another good thing about this WOL!

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