Back to that super kilos ..

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Back to that super kilos ..

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  LiamNolan 10 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Over many years I have struggled to keep my weight down to 70 kilos as I was involved in competitive judo at that level. Extra workloads usually did the trick, but the years have rolled on and now aged 74 and suddenly single, its just myself and the young staffy, have moved home back to where I arrived from Dublin in 1968, fresh start somehow, still running the business and a great time to reshape not only my body but my lifestyle as well. I have used Atkins to good effect 5 years ago but the diet detective work can be tiresome. I like good sensible food and so the 5/2 diet will suit me best as I can easily abstain completely for a day, will be Monday & Thursday. I am around 10 kilos off that 70 kilos and I have wardrobes of clothes that await a revival!
    Have taught PE for most of my life and have the injuries that go with that, new right knee from squash and new left hip from judo. But its a matter of adapting to any change and remaining POSITIVE. Aim – Lose 10kilos, will also reduce wear and tear on joints, avoid diabetes and encourage more physical activity.
    Good luck to all and I will keep you posted on my progress.
    Now, where that weighing scales … Liam

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