Away to start – looking for guidance

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Away to start – looking for guidance

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 7 years ago.

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  • So, after a really rough year suffering with depression (now under control), I’m looking to shift the 15kg I have put on over the last 12 months or so whilst on anti-depressants.

    Trying to figure out the best way to go about things, as I’m pretty active most days of the week, which would make two consecutive fasting days quite difficult.

    Would the following likely work, and how long do you think it would take to shift a goodd chunk of the 15kg?

    I was thinking Monday and Friday (my least active days) in having meal replaement shakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    And then on the other days, follow the weight watchers points system.

    Any advice/recommendations on supplements that might help on the two fasting days would also be much appreciated.

    Hi, dm. What you describe is not exactly Fasting… I’m sure that the replacement shakes will keep your calories low, but how much sugar do they contain? Why not try some actual food? Do you think you are too busy or are you afraid that if you eat you won’t stop?

    You chose your ‘least active days’ for your Fasting. Why is that? I tend to make my 2 gym days the same as my Fast days, with no ill effect. Even people who do a water fast [no food at all] go running and exercising on Fast Days.

    Yes, you want to lose weight, but you also want to establish eating behaviors which will be sustainable in the long run = rest of your life. The Weight Watchers point, I’m told, are something one can live with day after day. Make the Fast Day eating the same.

    As for supplements, as a healthy 69-yr-old I don’t take any. Except Vitamin D3 because of my latitude and thinning bones.

    How long will it take to shift the weight? My husband began the Fasting Lifestyle in April [2013] and by September all his clothes were way too big and by the following summer had lost 20 kg.

    Good luck. Stay in touch.

    Hi DM. I agree with fasting_me. I also think it is easier to fast if you are reasonably active. That is precisely the trick – keep active and you have less time and less reason to think of food. One of my favourite activities is walking in the mountains and when I’m walking, I forget all about food. I take 2 sandwiches (for me) and usually give one of them to the dogs.
    One of my tricks for fasting days is to eat exactly the same meals every time on those days. I bulk cook and freeze meals. That way I find I think less about food and think less about shopping for food and I cook less often. I have calculated the calories in my FD food once and never need to do it again. Is the food boring? No! If you’re hungry, you eat, even if it’s the same food you had 2 days ago.
    Good luck.

    Oh, dm, those replacement meal drinks will never help you acquire good habits.

    Buy Mimi’s recipe book from Amazon and enjoy her calorie counted meals. A great eating experience and you will find that you will soon get used to smaller portions in general.

    Keeping busy on fast days is good. If you feel peckish, a good drink of water or cup of tea will both distract you and take the edge off it.

    dm, you still there? What have you decided about Fasting? What’s working for you?

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