Aussie Newbie ☺

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Big_Bill 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone! A newbie from Australia here. Like many others I have been down the diet road with other programs with varied levels of success. My parents have recently started the diet and my dad has already lost 1.1kg in his first week. My mum has lost a kilo as well. After reading the book I am feeling optimistic that this is a much more sustainable way of losing weight and a change of attitude towards food. Wish me luck!

    Good luck, MsMinx64! And welcome to the 5:2 Forums! We look forward to seeing your posts around here. Just jump in wherever it looks interesting. Don’t be shy. We love hearing about everyone’s experiences. Why not go ahead and join the August 2017 Challenge for a start? That’s a good way to jump into all the activity going on around here and to get to know people.

    Hi MsMinx64 and good luck with 5:2. I’m pretty new to this too.And an Aussie like you. TOTALLY recommend joining the August challenge as CalifDreamer suggested….great forum with lots of supportive people from around the globe. Look forward to hearing how you are doing.

    Hi MsMinx64 😀
    another aussie newbie here too .
    Started last week and my 3rd fasting day is tomorrow. I have found so far it is easier than struggling to stick to a restricted diet. Its great that your parents are already losing weight. I myself have lost 1.4 kg in my first week so far but proper weigh in is tomorrow morning. I have also found it helps me to keep a journal of how i am feeling each day too .good luck and will look forward to hearing how you are going 😀

    Hi MsMinx64, BelMc, Equilter001. Welcome.
    It’s good to see some more Aussies here.
    In addition to the monthly challenges I’d also like to recommend another site that has mainly Aussies on it. Some of us have lost our weight and are now using 5:2 as a way of life to maintain and others are still on the weight loss journey.
    I’m fairly new to maintenance but there are a few that are a couple of years into it – I found their experience so helpful while I was using 5:2 to lose weight.
    You’d be most welcome if you want to come and say hello.

    Welcome MsMinx, another Aussie here.

    I’ve been fasting for about 3 months and I’m finding this by far the best diet that I’ve tried. Both in terms of how easily and quickly I’m losing weight, and in terms of the diet being easy for me to follow.

    It’s more a way of eating and a way of life though, as I know that if I am to maintain my weight loss I am going to need to stick with it after the weight has come off.

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