Attempting to keep my hands out of the fridge in 2017…

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Attempting to keep my hands out of the fridge in 2017…

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jo15 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hoping that by posting on here I will have more motivation to do it!

    Back on the 5:2 after a while off it. Good news is that before December I had maintained my weight around 9.7st , bad news is that I failed spectacularly over the festive period and I got on the scales this morning to see 10st….

    So the plan is back on 5:2 and look like Elle McPherson by June (being a bridesmaid) by doing fasting on tues and thurs. This may not be achievable(!) but I can but try! I also know that I feel better mentally when I’m in control of my diet so that is also a huge motivation for me. I’m at home with two young children so the temptation to graze is sometimes huge, might have to put a lock on the fridge! I’ve decided that by posting in here each week or more I will hopefully be more accountable to myself. I would ideally like to get to 9st so that will be th goal for June, very achievable if I’m good!

    So first fast day today with a starting weight of 10 st….

    Happy new year everyone x

    How did your first fast day go, Jo15?

    Hi Lael

    It went really well, thanks for asking! Found it quite easy, I think after all the food over Xmas my body was quite glad of a break. I even managed to resist the children’s left over tea which is always so tempting to pick at! Doing my second fast tomorrow so looking forward to that.

    Hope the start of 2017 is going well for you.


    Hi Jo15! Wonderful reading your result with your first fast! All the best for tomorrow’s fast day!

    First week done for 2017 and I would say it was a success. Weigh in this morning said 9st 10 so that is 3lbs down, some will be water im sure but pleased anyway.
    Found the week quite easy, I think my body was ready for a rest after it’s mamouth Xmas feeding session! I’ve also been doing some exercise and trying no treats on non fast days, some days go better than others but mostly doing ok. Really enjoying getting back into the exercise, it’s amazing the buzz you get afterwards and really good for me mentally too… win win!

    So a good start, feeling excited to carry on and get back to my best.

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