
This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  DB100 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi All,
    After rib fractures in 2008 I developed asthma ( connected or not, difficult to determine)
    I have never had an asthma attack and take a small dose of preventative inhaler.
    I monitor my lung function with a COPD 6 device.
    I have done this for two years, the trend has always been the same, FEV1 93-95% Fev6 88-90%. Lung age 44-48
    Since starting this fasting my numbers are thus FEV1 103% Fev 6 95%. Lung age 38.
    I have changed nothing else at all, it can only be related to the fast diet.
    Hope this helps someone.

    Thats a terrific LF result DB100 – how old are ya though? 😛
    Fasting obviously give cells and tissues a chance to repair.

    I’m 44. 🙂

    Well, as a small trial I decided to stop fast diet and after 4 weeks, guess what? my lung function tests have deteriorated significantly. Nothing else has changed. So for me that’s proof enough, I am back on the diet tomorrow.
    Not scientific I know but I wanted to see for myself, my FEV1 has returned to pre diet norms as have all my other measurable factors, something to do with IGF1 ????

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