are there many guys on this diet ?

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are there many guys on this diet ?

This topic contains 842 replies, has 80 voices, and was last updated by  penguin 5 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 849 total)

  • Hi, I’ve just read Dr. M’s book, and have decided to give this a go, but with “alternate day fasting” for the time being, in an event to “jump-start” things.
    I’m a 51-year old single man, and my starting weight is a frightening (for me) 94 kg. Ideally, I would like to get back down to the low 80s, or 85 anyway. I’m 186 cm tall, and have an only moderately active lifestyle, due to some injuries in the past, and because I work a lot.
    I’ve done two days of ADF and today is my third, and I’m resisting the urge to weigh myself constantly.
    Anyway, I know that there probably tend to be more women than men on this site, but I was just wondering if there are any other guys about, and how it has been going for you.

    Hi JP, today is my fourth fast day, and so far so good. I go from supper the night before at 18h30 to a single lunch meal <500 cal at 12h30 and then the next food I eat is breakfast the day after at 6h30. So it is two equal 18 hour fasts I do with just a small meal separating them. The first 18 hours are much easier than the second 18. The very first day of fasting is difficult, but it does get easier.

    I’m not doing this for weight loss, so I am in a very small minority in these forums as it seems everyone else is. I’m doing this more for pushing off, in my later years, any ill health that could come upon me.

    Good luck on your quest to drop your 10 or 15 kgs!

    Hi, I’m a 50 year old bloke and I’ve been on the fast diet since February 2014. I just wish I’d heard of it years ago. Never one for regular calorie counting I’d been overweight for years. I’ve gone from 12st 13lb down to 11st 2lb at my lowest, tho now I’m around 11st 9lb. Still over a stone lost, so I’m happy. My weight crept up a bit after last summer as I wasn’t as active with my walking. Now I’m getting out exercising again the weight is starting to drop off once more. I fast on Monday and Wednesday, and usually eat around 400 calories. I tend to have my first meal early evening, soup, followed by something more substantial around 8, often homemade bolognese using quorn with steamed courgette spaghetti. The fast diet has been a revelation for me; frankly I’m a gluttonous devil but 2 days of fasting have worked wonders. Stick with it, within months it gets easier, the fast day hunger pangs become less acute, and when you start having to buy new clothes, it feels awesome. Best of luck, Dave

    Hi there, and thanks for your reply and encouragement… though I have no idea about how to measure in stones, except that a stone is – from what I gather – about 6.5 kg or so. So, it sounds to me like you’ve done very well indeed, and I would be very happy to do so well !
    I’ve just done my third day of alternate day fasting, and I really don’t find it to be too tough at all to be honest. I try not to have anything after 7pm and then not again until 10 AM, so there’s a good bit of time there. On my 3 fast days, I don’t think that I’ve gone over 500 kcal, but certainly nowhere near 600. I’m hoping that this will go well for me, as it certainly seems to be the easiest concept of dieting that I’ve ever seen.
    I’m just reading the fast-exercise book too. Your fast day meals sound more interesting than mine, I’ll have to get one of those 5:2 books for some ideas, lest I go bonkers eating the same thing all the time. I hope to keep up the ADF for a couple of weeks or a month or so, in hopes of seeing a couple of kilos drop off, and then I may change after that.
    Anyway, thanks for the response, I’ll post from time to time, it’s certainly is nice to hear from another bloke !
    As we say in French, “bon courage”.

    Hey guys,

    28yo male checking in here 🙂

    Going 5:2 to start with I need to loose about 5-6 kg to hit a healthier BMI, but am mainly doing it for the long term benefits (family history of cholesterol and high blood pressure, if the anti-cancer benefits also pan out in research then it’s a bonus.

    I think I might be able to do a 2-3 day water fast about every 3 months too – I’m lucky enough to be a Primary school teacher, so think it sounds like a good way to make the most of my school ‘holidays’.

    Hi, I’m a 70 years old male, 197cm tall. I have used the fast diet twice in the past, lost a lot of weight, relaxed and put most of it on again. I’m on it again. I exercise lightly – walking, large vegetable garden, Pilates and an occasional gym session. On Monday and Tuesday I eat small amounts of fruit for breakfast and lunch and fish or eggs at about 6pm. Total between 5-600 calories. in the last month I have gone from 106kg to 98kg. I feel better and more active. I no longer find the two low calorie days difficult and intend to stay with the diet. I don’t remember ever being thin (not even when I was running 10km every day) but if I ever get there I may reduce the intensity. However, I won’t stop, I think this has become my lifestyle.

    Stay with it.


    Hi guys and welcome:

    There are very few men on this site, so it is nice to see a few show up.

    Here is some information that might help going forward – 5:2 really works, is not a fad diet, and will help you reach your goals if you stick to it:

    Good Luck!

    @jppiov sorry, yes, in kilos I’ve dropped from 82kg down to 74kg 🙂 I got down to 70kg last summer, when I was regularly walking, so as a minimum that is my new target. Like others posting here, this feels like a long term lifestyle change for me. As well as feeling trimmer I just feel more energetic in general. As well as keeping up the 5:2, my next goal is to get back into juicing, as that felt great too. Good luck all, keeping on keeping on. Or should I say, off 🙂

    Hi JP, started after Easter and finally addressed my delusion that my weight of 92kg was ok so I’m with you brother
    I need to shed 12kg and when I get to 80kg i’ll be cockahoop
    Weighing yourself daily can be a bit dispiriting so go for weekly
    My main issue is that I’m impatient for the weight loss but I am determined for this to happen now
    One thing I have noticed is that I seem to have more energy in a ‘get up an go sense’
    Keep the messages coming so we can rally round for support

    I can relate all too well. When I noticed that I was over 90 I was starting to worry… 94 was a bit of a freak-out ! Anyway, I’m on (as I recall) my 4th day of ADF, and so far so good. I don’t have too much trouble with hunger pangs or anything like that, and I’ve been pretty good about writing things down… and not cheating ! I’m feeling good about this, however, though I’m looking forward to a bit more exercise when my work schedule calms down in a few days or so.
    I know what you mean about being impatient…! Still, I think that it’s going all right for now.
    Thanks for the encouragement, it’s nice to know that there are some blokes here as well.

    Cheers, I’m more or less doing ADF myself to get the weight off. I’ll then revert to normal 5:2. I can easily go from 7.45am to 17.30pm without anything but liquids on week days, starting the day with large bowl of bran flakes
    I was around 94kg myself turn of the year which I’d principally put down to carbs having free reign and liquor (whisky). My actual diet isn’t too bad apart from carbs intake but at a height of 178cm, 94kg is clearly a bridge too far. I kind of got a wake up call when I had to have a staff ID pass done and saw Mr Potato head looking back at me
    I’ve started making batches of soup as I find these are very good at filling a gap
    Got a massive boost this morning as I checked the scales and now 87.7kg
    Getting home to tonight to a few carrots dipped in hot spicy sauce, pumpkin seeds. On non fast days I’ll allow myself a slurp of whisky in evening to keep me sane!

    Ah, whisky. Careful research had persuaded me that there are no more calories in a small glass of single malt or good bourbon than there are in a hard boiled egg, and that whisky could be part of the low cal day. After further research and experiment, it was relegated to the other five days. Unfortunately that didn’t allow for the fact that I was pouring the whisky or that drinking whilst cooking leads to eating buttered crackers whilst cooking and then too much of what I have cooked. For some strange reason, the 5 days that I don’t drink I don’t regain my weight loss. The weeks that I do, I’ll put half of it back on.
    I agree with you about soup, but learning to like it hasn’t been easy.

    49-year-old guy here. I started 5:2 nine weeks ago at 175lbs (79.5kg) and am now at 155lbs (70.5kg).

    I think the weight loss is starting to slow down a bit, but that’s ok. On the other hand, the weather is improving, so my miles on the bike will be going up.

    I’m fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, and eating normally the other five days, although normally means watching what I eat, and not eating too much junk food. I still have my chocolate now and again, just not as much of it.

    My ultimate goal is 80 kg… I don’t think that I could manage 70 kg !
    Even when I was at my fittest (18 and in the infantry), I still weighed 75 !
    So, low 80s would be great.
    I know what you mean about the junk food, and I must admit that, even on non-fast days, I’m starting to look at foods very differently !
    Thanks for responding and keep up the progress !

    Hi – I’m a 44 year old guy, 6ft tall and started out about 98.4 kilos (15 stone 7). I’m a few weeks into fastdiet and down to 96 kilos. Its not rapid loss, but I am feeling a lot more energetic, my fitness levels are up, as well as libido. It is hard at times, but so worth it ! Just currently sitting here trying to think of tonight’s 500cal meal – possibly curried egg with a little brown rice and green veg.
    I also have started doing superfood smoothies every morning in the blender. Thought about juicing, but then thought I’d just be missing out on the fibre ! A decent blender is excellent, blend things like avocado with the stone, spinach, watercress, brazil nuts, flax seed, some fruits – to taste. Really is upping the energy levels. I’d like to get to 85 kilos, maybe 83, I think that would be good for my build.
    I’ve also noticed that in the gym, my heart rate is about 15-20 beats less when working hard than it was before I started the diet and smoothies – pretty good result for my health I think.

    For the guys here – have you found that you drop weight more quickly than any women you know who are doing this also?

    I had lunch last week on a fast day (one small piece of pulled-pork pie ~350 cal) with three female coworkers who each are also on a diet (but not fasting). I mentioned that on the fast days I tend to drop 2-3lbs just by eating the fewer calories and they all claimed that if they don’t eat, they don’t lose.

    I don’t see how that is possible, but anyhow, have you noticed a difference between how weight is lost between men and women?

    I’ve often heard people say that (including one of my sisters, just yesterday), but I’m not any kind of physician, so I couldn’t say. Perhaps if your colleagues didn’t eat for a prolonged period, they might not burn off anything, I don’t know… I’ve heard that, something about starvation syndrome or something like that. No clue.
    I have enough trouble keeping up / competing with myself !!

    Hi Phil:

    Generally, women lose weight more slowly than men because their TDEEs are lower. Number four in this post explains the numbers:

    It also explains that you are not losing 2-3 pounds of fat after a fast day. It is pretty much all water weight.

    jppiov – there is no such thing as starvation mode – see FAQ at the top of the page.

    Good Luck!

    Yes, 🙂 I never expected that the whole “starvation mode” thing was something that would happen overnight !
    The water aspect certainly does make more sense, of course.
    Still, another ADF day behind me.
    Goodnight all.

    Second fast day for me today since starting 5:2 last week. Haven’t eaten at all since about 7:30 last night, won’t until 7:00am tomorrow if all goes well.
    Looks like I fall in the ‘not eating at all is easier’ camp of folks.
    Had black coffee 4x black tea and about 1/2 a liter of water so far, got to get at least another liter of water down – but I’ve got yoga tonight to help trigger my re-hydration response.
    My next fast day (No#3) will be this Saturday, so I’ll do my first weigh-in in the morning then when I first wake up and see if I’m down on the 87-88 (imprecise scales) that I was before I started.

    Hi Frozen
    That’s certainly one big continuous fast there. Are you not even doing the 600 Cals?
    I think I’ll do 1 or 2 of these type of days once I get the weight off for maintenance
    Currently I’m doing 8am to 17.30 week days no food then on alternate week days 600 only
    Freedom at weekends (within reason!)
    I appreciate this isn’t conventional method as per book but it’s working and I can manage it
    And you know what, guess whose before and after photos gave me the inspiration? George Osborne. Don’t like the guy but fair play to him. That’s how I was heading

    I’m not sure that I would have the willpower QUITE for that, but good for you if it’s working for you !
    George Osborne ? Oh well, whatever helps ! I wish that I could be inspired by OUR PM, but just looking at the guy makes me want to heave, politics notwithstanding.
    Things seem to be working all right for me with the Alternate Day fasting, and I’ve been able to keep it up for a week now, since starting.
    It’s funny, but probably normal… today is a NON-fast day, but I still find myself thinking “no, I shouldn’t have that…” or “wait until later in the day… “.
    Hopefully, these are GOOD habits to acquire !
    I have also – but this is just my Mediterranean background complaining – really cut down on wine intake…!

    Personally, I’m trying NOT to look at my scales too often, for fear of disappointment… no more than once a week or so.

    Don’t get me wrong, lol, I hate the Tories with a passion and this guy is a weasel like the rest of them. Shapps probably the worse. But for motivation look how at the before and after for Osborne and done within 6 months. The turnaround is remarkable
    The story intrigued me before I looked at the fast diet option. His doctor basically said the weight needs to come off for health reasons

    “It’s funny, but probably normal… today is a NON-fast day, but I still find myself thinking “no, I shouldn’t have that…” or “wait until later in the day… “.
    Hopefully, these are GOOD habits to acquire !”

    I fully agree, it’s not just a diet but a mentality change so it’s sustainable long term

    Well, it’s not my place to say anything about your Tories, ours are… well, let’s not get into politics.
    Whatever the source of your inspiration (for lack of a better word), it’s all good, in my opinion.
    I have to admit, however, that I derive a certain amount of inspiration from looking at pictures of myself from sometime ago! YIKES

    The question of how frequently we look at the scales is interesting. One of the American universities (can’t remember which one) did a survey and found that those who checked most frequently lost the most weight. I check mine every morning. Monday/Tuesday were my fast days and I lost the usual 3 lb (1.5kg), Wednesday was a normal day and this morning (Thursday) I have put half of it back on. Because I weigh frequently I know this to be normal for me, and that my weight will bounce around until I fast again next week. I use the tracker that is available on this site and record my weight before each fast and the morning after. The graph of my weight is saw toothed, but the overall trend is about 2 lb/1kg a week down. I find that weighing every day reinforces the discipline of eating sensibly. Nothing new about this – when I was learning the guitar the knowledge that I had to improve by my next class compelled me to practice.
    As with so many things on this forum, the answer is to consider the alternatives and go with whatever works for you.

    Well that’s a darn valid point ! I had never thought of that aspect, thanks for the input !

    Only thing I would say is that on the days the weight goes back up it can be quite dispiriting and it happened to me recently: my weight went down to 88.2kg then back up to about 90kg two days later. That just made me feel guilty about what I had eaten on my non-fast day even though it wasn’t that bad
    If you have the resolve to use daily weight checks to keep you on track it can be good but if there is the risk of demotivation then weighing weekly would give you net falls in weight each week
    Everyone is different but my advice would be to use anything to accentuate the positive rather than negative. Little falls in weight are small but strong pyschological stepping stones when you are effecting a massive lifestyle change

    Argh…. I think that I may stick with weekly… Easier on my motivation !

    I won’t stop, just having a sneaky look in…

    Well done guys, love how you have all put your own personal slant and what works for you in your individual WOL. AND KUDOS for all you weight loss. Don’t sweat the scales, so long as there is a decline that’s all that matters. I step on them every day, they go up/down, up and…. Down lol. Generally we know when we are going to gain, and so what if we do. This is real life, with real life situations and beer festivals to be had lol. So, as long as we are all in the long run going down, let’s celebrate! We can take it off again in a couple of days lol.

    Just got my brother into fasting after he’s watched me lose 34lbs in 10 weeks.

    Keep up the good work ‘Guys’

    Jaye 🙂

    Hey Jaye – that sounds like an incredible loss for ten weeks – was that just 2 days or more? And with intensive exercise?

    Did you feel any ill effects? I know we are warned against too rapid weight loss, presumably because we store toxins in fat, so if we burn it off fast we can experience a toxic overload…

    But great going !


    I’ve been thinking about the ‘not eating at all is easier’ strategy as I often have trouble making use of what we have in the house to make my single sub 500cal meal.

    Today is a Fast Day for me and I made a simple turkey sandwich, checking each individual ingredient as I put it together and it comes in at about 300cal. I haven’t eaten since 18h30 yesterday, will eat the sandwich at 12h30 today and that’s likely all I’ll have until tomorrow when I eat breakfast at 6h30. This gives me two equal 18 hour fasting shifts.

    My next Fast Day is Monday next week, maybe I’ll give the ‘not eating at all’ plan a try and see how it goes.

    Hi all, just joined up, doing my first fasting day today, as I have only had tea and coffee so far. I think I will try the alternate fasting days to start with, and see what happens. Weight this morning at exactly 12 stone. (76.2kg.). I have come down from 14.5 stone, when I retired in May 2013, to my present weight by just cutting out rubbish, and having smaller meals, but have been stuck at my present weight since mid 2014 +/- 1lb. Lets see if the weight loss starts again.

    Think positively! Assume that the weight loss will start again, look forward to improvements and don’t be thrown by setbacks.
    So far, I have been pretty happy with the alternate day fasting,though it has only been about a week.

    Like the two 18 hour shifts idea a lot. Good term as well! That’s pretty hard core though I may try this on Monday and Tuesday at beginning of week to ‘get it out of the way’
    On a fast day I base my allowance on the following: a large bowl of bran flakes for breakfast at around 7.45am then nothing but liquids then when I get home around 5.40 I allow myself a few raw carrots dipped in hot chilli sauce and some pumpkin seeds. This quells any urge to eat very well
    On non-fasting days during week I mostly consuming soup I’ve made in advance and I’ve eliminated carbs. My only sin is a few single malts on the non-fasting days as with the daily exercise on top i’m cream crackered most nights

    Thanks JP, taken on board. Still feel a whole lot better at 12st than at 14.5st, but would be happier at 10.5/11 st. (couple of suits I would like to get back into). From some of the posts, this diet seems to be working so I am looking forward to getting back on track.

    I’d be made up to reach 76.2kg. In fact work, would wonder what on earth was going on
    The long journey back from the edge of the obesity abyss at 94kg
    Come on!!!

    Hey guys, found my day and nights pretty good overall – very few hunger pangs and then pretty minor. Little bit of a headache today – drinking lots of water and hoping it will go.
    Broke my fast with yogurt, feijoas, and a little marmalade on toast this morning. Tuna and fruit for lunch to day, haven’t thought about dinner tonight yet.
    Will do my next fast day tomorrow.

    Hi PaganPen,

    I do a long fast. Mon/Wed and the odd Friday if I know I might have a social thing that will push my cals up a bit. I am Very strict, I never go over my 500 cals on fast day. On Sunday I eat at 8pm and don’t eat at all untill 8pm Monday. I then don’t eat again untill about 2pm Tuesday which is about the time I get hungry.

    On NFDs I limit my 1966 TDEE to 1500 cals but often eat less simply because I only eat when I am hungry, I am not hungry till lunch or later. The odd day I reach my TDEE. I eat very low carb, high fat, high protien, lots of fruit, veg, salad. It’s rare I eat ‘treats’ in fact I don’t refer to them as treats or it makes it feel like the forbidden fruit lol. I just say ‘I choose to eat something else’. Sugar is something I avoid at all costs. I was addicted to carbs/sugar but within a week of fasting I had kicked the habit. I have eaten pasta once, had noodles a couple of times on meals out, swapped potatoes for low GI sweet potatoes, bread for low GI bread but just 4/6 slices a week. Honestly it’s all been pretty easy. Once I ‘detoxed’ and the cravings were gone fasting has literally just retrained my brain and so my stomach lol. I do have alcohol, a bottle of Prosecco most weeks, (sugar in that but at least it’s not the dreaded 50/50 lol) although I’m embarking on a 6 week alcohol ban wishes me luck!

    As for any side effects, the odd day of lack of water left my with dry chapped lips…. Drink more woman. I have had a virus and a cold back to back, but that could be coincidence. Ive started taking a multivitimin now but on the whole I feel great.

    No exercise because I’ve a chronic back problem and arthritis in my knee. Did try some but exacerbated it so for now nothing more than gentle walking and not a great deal of that.

    Jaye 🙂

    Jaye is right – this changes our taste buds. I stopped taking sugar in tea or coffee, and now actively dislike the taste. I disliked cheese, but started with a mild cheddar and have worked up to enjoying the blue cheeses. Still not sure about some of the very soft smelly stuff. I have lost my enthusiasm for most kinds of chocolate. I drink less alcohol, and have become very choosy about what kind. In fact I am generally more selective. If I am going to eat and drink less, I am going to enjoy it.

    Absolutely Penguin – though I can’t get around tea without sugar or a Sweetner, 1/4 of the cup and I’m not enjoying it. But that’s ok I mostly have one cappuccino a day to get some milk in my diet… yum, feels like a coffee dessert to me lol.

    I also have to say that although these changes occur naturally for some of us, and almost overnight (felt like someone exchanged my brain overnight with a person who had never struggled with food choices) it doesn’t work like that for everyone. Some people are slower to feel the mental changes. From being involved in the forum the biggest snag seems to me is people who don’t do it 100% in the begining. Or thise who ‘cheat’ and don’t write things down they eat, guess at sizes, quantaties, cals etc. Those that think ‘healthy eating’ is incorporating alcohol and sweet things into their every day diet. That to me is not how naturally slim people think about or eat food. They are not obsessed with ‘having to have a treat’. I hate the word treat. I think it sets us up for failure, it’s making it a reward and food shouldn’t be a reward. Those that stuck to their fasts to 5/600 or less, ate less than their TDEE are the ones I think have got around food obstacles on a mental level better than those that focus on including regular treats. Just my observations, nothing scientific. But as I said, I got rid of all the cravings very quickly. It was complete abstinence for a week for me, from the second week it became a normal habit to reach for tasty healthy foods. Of course I have reintroduced fats into my diet, as long as I count the calories it’s all good. Remove the fat and sugar is added to improve flavour. Fat is not the enermy, sugar is. Now I have removed the sugar, use butter, cream, cheese for flavour, it’s healthier, tastier and not addictive. Can you beat butter on your toast, butter in your scrambled eggs right from the farm…. Delicious. Of course, no pretending it was 1 tsp for 2 slices of bread lol. I add 4 tsps of butter to MyFitnesspal when I make it.

    The good news is, men are more successful than women at following a plan lol. So you guys already have that on side. Ask some men to tidy up and they will not know what to do. Leave them a list and they work through it methodically lol. You also lose weight faster and… Comes off from around your tummy faster. So all in all you have a fantastically high chance of success with this. And if you have something and busts your calories that day, weekemd, week… So what, you know how easy it is to just fast again and get the weight off. No such things as firbidden foods or drinks here, only that we choose to eat them in moderation or not at all for some time till we shift some weight.

    Good luck all

    Jaye 🙂

    If nothing else, I would have to say that being on this plan (though it has only been just over a week) has already made me give more thought to what I’m eating than I EVER had before.
    Now I look at everything sideways… how many kcal in that cup of herbal tea? How about in a spray or two of olive oil? Maybe I should shift this/that to a non-fasting day… ! LOL
    Sometimes I think that just having NOTHING other than water / coffee (hey, I have to enjoy SOMETHING) on a fast day might be easier.
    Still, I think that that’s probably a good development… it has certainly changed the way I look at alcohol too… which I not a bad thing, I’m sure that my liver could use the break !!

    A good weekend in one sense – the birthday of my youngest grand daughter on Thursday (chocolate cake in the afternoon, burger in the evening) followed on Sunday by my wife’s birthday party (family gathering for pub lunch; three courses, two pints). A bad weekend for the project – weight gained.
    The interesting (worrying?) thing is that whilst I believe that it is fine to go off regime occasionally and I enjoyed the company and the occasions, I didn’t actually enjoy the things I use to really like – steak, beer etc. Homemade chocolate cake still works.

    57 yr old man here. In past years I’d put on a bit of weight over Christmas then it would gradually disappear in the following weeks. This year I started out at 158 pounds which is the heaviest I’d ever been. Might not sound a lot but I’m only 5’6″, and was visibly podgy around the middle. Leaving nature to take it’s course I’d only lost 2 pounds by mid Feb when my sister sent me the 5:2 diet book cos she’d read it.

    I now fast on Mondays and Thursdays; free to enjoy Fri / Sat / Sun, and have 2 days normal eating between fasts. On fast days I just start the day with a cup of tea, then nothing but water or unsweetened tea till my evening meal. That means I can eat something normal with my wife, like baked beans or scrambled eggs on toast and still be way under my 600 calories.

    It helps that the fast days I’m at work, so I’m not surrounded by tempting foods like I would be at home, so I just keep busy and try not to think about food. I was surprised by how easy it seemed.

    Starting on 12th Feb I’ve now lost 12 pounds, 14 since Christams. In the middle I had 2 overseas business trips, the Easter weekend, and a succession of minor injuries / medical issues that kept me from cycling for 3 weeks, and I actually regained 3 pounds, so I’m heading in the right direction again.

    I’m aiming for another 4 pounds loss by the first week in June, and more importantly I want to see my waist back down to 32″ from it’s all time high of 36″.

    If I get down to 140 lbs I’ll then decide where next. I used to be 7 pounds lighter than that, so I might aim for that.

    ‘A bad weekend for the project – weight gained’

    Me too, hardly went mad but amazing how the body is keen to gobble up the pounds again on a few non fast days. I get can get a 1 kg swing in the course of a day and a half. From 86.8 back up to 87.9, crazy

    It’s not that I don’t like the food on the non-fast days, it’s just I feel guilty and pyschologically it feels counter-productive. I’m struggling with switching on and off. Maybe I need to simply get the weight off with a harsher regime before settling into the normal fast diet modus operandi. I simply don’t want to be waiting 6 months to get this weight off!

    Renewed vigour for the start of week 4 though with 4kg lost overall (92 > 88)

    McPop72. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It doesn’t really matter if it takes six months as long you get there. This is the third time I’ve done 5:2 since Dr M’s original TV programme, which was some time ago. Because I relapsed after the first couple of times, the progress has been slow but I now weigh less than at any time since 1964. Some of that loss is muscle mass – I damaged my shoulder last Aug, which has restricted my gym activity. When I regain the muscle the weight will go up but I now accept that I lose a bit and gain a bit. As long as the general trend remains downwards, I am happy. This is not a quick fix – we are establishing long term habits and we have the rest of our lives to get this right.

    Thanks for the support. Am definitely viewing this as a long term, life style change, just a bit demotivating when the scales go the wrong way. A bumpy downward trajectory though. Think I probably over did it yesterday in response to my negative weight check, feel wiped out today so plenty of protein later. Can’t burn the candle at both ends as they say

    I’m trying my first ‘not eating at all is easier’ day today. Ate last at 20h00 Sunday night, will eat again at around 6h30 Tuesday morning.

    How is your Monday fast going?

    Anyone else getting warnings that the security certificate for this site expired today?

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