Are commercial calorie counts trustworthy

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Are commercial calorie counts trustworthy

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fast for life 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Everyone here seems very good about cooking their own meals for fast days, but as two people preparing to start on this regime, we think we are not going to be at all keen at thinking about/preparing food – too much temptation! We are both very fond of a particular brand of ‘fresh’ soups which are labelled skinny – a typical half container has a declared count of 125 plus/minus some depending on the soup.
    This seems an ideal way of getting a fasting day meal – and would save a lot of calorie counting – but can the declared calories be relied on?
    What views out there?

    Hi and welcome to the forum,
    IMO they would have to be correct or trading standards would have a field day with them.
    i started out using weight watchers ready meals, they were okay, but now ive gone off them big time, then went onto home made soups, now i mostly have a stirfry or prawn cocktail, sauce included with some brown bread lighty butterd. all comming in under my 500 allowance, good luck and as you get used to the plan im sure you will want to try new ideas of your own xxx

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