Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    I didn’t post last week as my loss was less than a lb and so this week I was working towards more than a lb loss so I could reach my target of 28lbs and smash through the 140 lb threshold. Guess what? I did it, weighing in this morning at 139.6 lbs – I am very very happy since this happened a week ahead of the 18 week timeframe I set myself. My BMI is now 25 and body fat just under the 35% recommendation so next goal is to make a success of maintenance in the range of 135 to 139 lbs – wish me luck.

    Another reason for not posting last week was that I had just gotten the results of my routine blood tests. I say routine but I hadn’t had them taken in 4 years since at the time the doctor was telling me to focus on my weight and of course I didn’t do anything meaningful about it until this August when I found you all and this WOL. Well, my cholesterol is a little higher than is healthy so I was gutted. I genuinely felt that my weight loss success in recent months would have been enough to give me a clear bill of health but no such luck. So, tackling high cholesterol is now a new goal and since there is a history of heart disease on both sides of my family I have to take this very seriously. Any tips to manage high cholesterol in addition to more exercise, more veg, more salmon, omega 3 supplement would be very welcome.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Not long now to Christmas 2014 and then onwards and downwards to our Christmas 2015 pledge.


    Hello all.
    Well done Ellie & good luck with the cholesterol.
    I havent been online because my monitor died and I dont have fancy phone/tablet etc.
    Thanks Lotta & Em!
    Has anyone noticed that when a noticable amount of weight is lost people start saying “Oh your thin enough now,if you got sick you wouldnt have the few pounds to get through”? Ah maybe its just an Irish thing lol
    I find the fast day makes my feet cold.
    Ooh & I’ve got to the magic single figures 9st 9 and a half pounds!
    Lucy xx

    Goal: Get to under 200lb by christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212lbs (-2lb)
    26/10/14: 210lbs (-2lb)
    02/11/14: 207lbs (-3lb)
    09/11/14: 205lbs (-2lb)
    16/11/14: 203lbs (-2lb)
    23/11/14: 201lbs (-2lb)
    30/11/14: 200lbs (-1lb)
    07/12/14: 198lbs (-2lb)

    Total loss: 25lb (Completed Christmas Goal!!)

    Great going Ellie and Lucy, can’t imagine being under 10st, good luck with maintenance, will you switch to 6:1 or carry on doing 5:2 and be a bit naughtier on eat days? Can’t wait until I can jump on that bench aswel, I am 5ft7 and want to get down to about 11stone so still quite a way off, about another 3stone to go. Reached my Christmas goal this week yay! Going to set myself a little mini goal to get down to 13st13(195lbs) by Christmas so it rounds my weight loss in 3 months to 2 stone, so 3lb with 2 weigh ins left to go. Have a great week everyone πŸ™‚

    Hello all,
    Well done abop!
    I think I’ll keep at the 5:2 for awhile,Christmas will be difficult but what the hell I’ll just get back on the wagon on Jan 2nd!
    Think I’ll do the 6:1 and see how things go once I’ve reached the goal.
    Goal being quite fluid at the mo.
    Husband and friends think I’ve gone far enough,(even my Mum who never comments on my weight!)
    I am slightly obsessive once I start to lose weight & want to keep going.
    But I’m only 5′ 2″ so even if I go to 9st thats not too out of the way!
    Still we’ll see,gym stuff seems to be tightening wobbly bits up so toning now prob more important than weight loss.
    Fast day tomorrow,
    Lucy xx

    Hi everyone,

    Doesn’t it feel great to reach a goal? I agree with @abop re setting mini-goals to help stay in check. I’m going to continue 5:2 to see where the weight loss naturally ends, although 4 more lbs to 135 (the elusive 9st 9lbs that @lucylocket63 has already achieved!) would be fantastic. Also, like Lucy, hubby is telling me not to lose any more although friends and colleagues say I look great, so that’s nice to hear.

    I have one more full week before holidays but will still do my best to keep with the 5:2 regime while I’m away. With any luck, come January I will truly be ready for maintenance.

    I just purchased a Withings Pulse activity tracker as I didn’t have an app to count my steps and this seems to integrate nicely with MyFitnessPal and Runkeeper, so a new toy to play with and hopefully get me fitter. I’m also awaiting an appointment with a personal trainer to devise a plan to help tone the wobbly bits – so plenty of new goals for the coming weeks and months.

    Good luck to everyone.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Hello All,
    fast day today,lost half a pound at the weekend. Thats a first as usually I put on a pound or so,sometimes (rarely) I keep the same weight,but losing some is a first!
    I’m going all out to lose two more pounds by Christmas,that will bring me down to 9st 9lbs.
    Usually I have porridge or breakfast biscuits for brekkie but didnt feel hungry enough today so held off till lunch & had some homemade soup. I’ll dog walk & gym tonight so knew I had to have someting for lunch. Most fast days I dont bother till the evening.
    Good luck fasters
    Lucy xx

    Hi Everyone
    Just two weeks to go until Christmas and everyone seems to be doing so well! Big pat on the shoulder guys!

    I am not doing a fast day this week as I just can’t fit it in. I will be doing exercise today and tomorrow though to make up for it. And next week I can only do 1 FD. My Christmas run up’s has always been crazy and this year is no different.

    What is different this year is how I manage my food and drink intake. I feel this year I have learnt so much about how I deal with hunger / fasting/ overeating etc that I can relax over Christmas. Even if I do put some weight on I have the tools to get rid of it again in the new year.
    I almost reached my 63kg goal last week (63.3kg) and I have managed to maintain it this week (63.5 kg today).

    So I will say it again – Thank you Michael Mosley for writing that book and making 2014 a great year for me.

    Keep going everyone and good luck if you are Fasting today.
    Lotta xx

    18 days to go till New Years, and I want to lose 3 kilograms by then… Let’s hope thiat will work!! I’lll do 4:3 though, I’ll just try and see what happens… Fingers crossed!! Let’s all support one another!

    Note: I have done so before, it’s just for a special dress. I know htat this is very fast weight loss and that I will for sure put on some of that weight again, so please don’t reply “That’s unhealthy”. Thanks!! πŸ™‚

    “When you think of quitting, remind yourself why you started.”

    Hi all. Loving all the online support πŸ™‚ I am at 63.9 kgs down from 68 (my goal was 63 kgs by Christmas and 61 ultimately) I just seem to have plateaued the last 2 or 3 weeks after I reached 63.7 kgs which was my lowest weight to date. Has this happened to anyone else? I eat well on non-fast days and exercise a lot. Also, Myggan40 – how tall are you? I am 5 foot 4 and notice that you are a similar weight to me. Good luck to everyone on the lead up to Christmas

    Goal: Loose a complete 2 stone by Christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212lbs (-2lb)
    26/10/14: 210lbs (-2lb)
    02/11/14: 207lbs (-3lb)
    09/11/14: 205lbs (-2lb)
    16/11/14: 203lbs (-2lb)
    23/11/14: 201lbs (-2lb)
    30/11/14: 200lbs (-1lb)
    07/12/14: 198lbs (-2lb)
    14/12/14: 196lbs (-2lb)

    Total loss: 27lb (1lb left to go)

    Had a good week this week, feeling good about myself and very much in control, going out for a meal at lunch today and I am not even worried about it, any damage done will be quickly undone after a fast or two πŸ™‚ Hope you are all having great weeks

    Bryony x

    Hello again

    Bryony – that’s amazing! 27lb since End of September… Just fab. Well done.

    AmyB – don’t worry about others when it comes to your weightloss. It’s your diet/WOL! And 3kg isn’t impossible in just under 3 weeks. Because you are doing it with the 5:2 (or 4:3 in your case) it’s a healthy life change, not some crash diet (they usually don’t work long time anyway). Good luck.

    Princesspeers – i too sort of plateau’d at the end and loosing those last 300g was just too hard. I think I am a little shorter than you. I’m 160cm which is just over 5ft2. I am quite “muscle dense” apparently (according to my gym guys) but I do still have some flab around my waist and being apple shaped that’s not healthy.

    I was talking to some friends on Friday and they asked when I was going to stop fasting and I found myself saying probably never. Not that I will fast myself into nothing but I will always have fast days to use whenever the scales start tipping into heavy.. And I think by having that tool I won’t let myself go like I did before.

    Have a lovely day everyone and good luck if you are fasting today/tomorrow. πŸ™‚
    Lotta x

    Hey All,
    been naughty,naughty,naughty!
    But back on the wagon,fast day today & gym & dog walking.
    I wasnt going to weigh myself today but the scales called to me ;o*(
    9st 12lbs.
    Thats 4 lbs up since Sat. I know I had pizza but only half a pizza. Christmas party yesterday but no alcohol at party and no potatoes either.
    In Ireland you get potatoes done a myriad of ways,& you are expected to eat them all. Roast,mashed & garlic yesterday.
    On the upside I did get into my v slim fitting French Connection dress without looking lumpy.
    Onwards & downwards
    Love Lucy xx

    & ohhh Lotta you are me! 5′ 2″ and yes “muscle dense”.
    I have quite muscly legs/bum.
    I know I will not lose that much from those areas but if they are firm & shapely I dont mind.
    God Bless J-Lo & Beyonce for making bums fashionable.
    OK I know its only because they are tiny that the bums look big but even so…
    Lucy x

    Lucy, I’m on damage limitation today. Was doing well but had pizza on Saturday and then found the biscuit barrel had biscuits in so ate quite a few. Not good on moderation. Weighed this morning and had gone up 2/3 lbs so have to be very good this week. Just a week to last weigh in before Christmas.

    Hi all. Well I started on 1st November and my aim was to lose a stone before Christmas. I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 23lbs!! Still time to lose another few before the big day. πŸ™‚

    Happy happy.

    Hi All, AmyB,do your own thing & do whats comfortable for you!
    Well done princesspeers.
    Well done to abop too.Great that we know that we can have a nice meal & the damage will be undone relatively quickly!
    muffin 10,had a fast day yesterday and lost most of the weekend indulgence.3lbs to be precise!!
    I stsrted on Sept 1st had a great few weeks then stopped and now have lost about 22lbs!
    Lucy xx

    Where is everyone????
    Fast day today & I decided to ice my Christmas cake. V V hard not to to pick at vanilla scented fondant icing……
    Lucy xx

    I’m here trying to get all my pressies wrapped, rather than leaving it to Christmas eve and getting really stressed. Am fasting today as well, think I’m just maintaining at the moment which is not so bad, much better than putting on which I normally do at this time of year.

    Morning all!
    Am almost at the Holy Grail of 9st 7lbs.
    Just half a pound to go.
    Hard fast day yesterday but a pound down so now I’ve lost 23 and a half pounds since Sept 1st.
    Well pleased.
    Lucy xx

    Hi all. Still sitting at 63.7. Have avoided all temptations in the lead up to Christmas, still having 2 fast days a week but today had 2 mince pies!!! Aargh. Don’t want to weigh myself tomorrow….

    Hi Everyone
    Chirstmas run up madness has ensued this week but I managed to get through it fairly unscathed… I think! Hence no time to post.

    Lucy – ha! I wish I had a bit of a tushi! I have no bum whatsoever (which is only nice when wearing skinny jeans) but with a wobbly tum it’s not flattering in the least πŸ˜€ Well done on your almost there goal. Keep going girl!

    Princess peers – I completely sympathise – the lowest I’ve managed to go this week is 63.2… grrrr… so close!

    Today I’m having a modified fast day as I realised by 3pm that I’d only had a coffee and a snack (even if it was quite calorific) so dedided to get a Waitrose love life meal. Hubby is off on a Christmas do so no wine or snacking… even if it is a Friday…
    Not sure it will make much of a difference this week as I have had a VERY nice lunch and Dinner out which neither of them were healthy in the least πŸ˜‰

    Keep it going everyone and good luck!

    Lotta xx

    Hello all!
    Aargh,who stole my boobs!!
    Lucy xx


    I don’t know, but they’ve got mine too….

    Ha ha haaa, oh Lucy and HappyNow you had me in stitches. I celebrate the fact that my ‘third boob’ has disappeared (except when I eat a whole heap!)and I can’t wait for the day when my current boobs reduce in size!
    I think New Year, 2015 will be my year! I hope so anyway.

    Merry Christmas All, I didn’t quite make my desire, but there is always next year!


    Hi all. Had my last fast day before Christmas yesterday and weighed in at 63.3 kgs this morning. So close to my Christmas goal of 63 (down from 68 kgs) but I’m very happy. Will have one fast day next week and then go back to 5:2 in the new year. My ultimate goal is 61 kgs so I know I will get there. This WOL works!!! Wishing all my fellow 5:2 ers a very happy Christmas from sunny Sydney xxx

    Morning from a wet,dark ireland!
    Last fast day yesterday.Not weighed in yet tho’.
    I tried on some of my dresses,and must ask Santa for a padded bra!
    Marelda,be careful what you wish for lol
    Yes HappyNow,would be prepared to pay the ransom.
    My weight goes from my hands which are small anyway and my boobs which not large are now happily ensconsed in a 34C.
    Really need more tummy loss but will bear that in mind for the New Year.
    I wont fast now but will try to keep my caloire intake sensible so not too much damage will be done.
    Gym is open today (went last night) and Mon & Tue next week and with plenty of dog walking I shoulnt put much back on.
    Lucy xx

    Sorry Lucy! This one’s an edible ransom only…

    Hi all, happy Christmas to you all. You all sound like you have done very well. I haven’t had such a good December only losing a lb in total.

    25/8. 13 St 8 lb
    25/9. 13 St 3 lb
    23/10. 12 St 12 lb
    27/11. 12 St 9 lb
    23/12. 12 st 8 lb

    So have lost a stone in 4 months, will try and fit some fast days in over the holidays and when the kids go back to school on the 5th will stick to it properly with the aim of losing another stone by easter. Hope you all have a happy and peaceful time and spend some quality time with your family over the holidays.

    Hi Christmas pledgers and happy Christmas to you and yours.

    I’m just back from a week’s vacation in Boston where I shopped a lot (size 8 skinny jeans – really UK size 12 but who’s counting?). They’re skinny jeans, my first pair ever – look and feel great so very happy. Walked a lot over there, have my new Withings activity tracker as proof, and didn’t overindulge, still fitting in two fast days. To my relief this morning at home the scales showed the upper maintenance limit (no gain thankfully) so will try to get to the lower range of maintenance in the coming weeks.

    @muffin10, a stone was our Christmas pledge back in Aug/Sep and you did it so very well done. New Year and new pledge will take care of the next stone by Easter, as long as we stay connected and support each other. Perhaps that’s the new pledge for 2015, averaging a lb per week to Easter???

    @lucylocket63, I was lucky enough to get an eternity ring on my trip and it was a half US size smaller than my wedding band from 4 years ago. It’s possible to get ‘beads’ attached inside the ring by a good jeweller if our fingers get much smaller instead of resizing. Of course there’s always the option of ring ‘snuggies’ from accessories stores like Claire’s, invisible, not uncomfortable and might do the trick.

    Well done everyone else, your support has been invaluable. Let’s be mindful of what we’re eating over Christmas, onwards and downwards.

    hello! (small voice)
    How much damage has been done?
    Waving a white flag here.
    Did a weigh-in this morning…
    10 st even!
    Well heres to the Christmas 2015 pledge…
    All aboard!!
    Lucy xx

    Oh & Hi Ellie,
    I did get a snuggie,its comfy except when weightlifting at gym.
    I think the ‘bead’ idea is the way to go.
    Lucy x

    Oh & HappyNow,still no sign of missing boobs!
    Lucy xx

    Hello Lucy!
    You are very funny, love the disappearing boobs comments. πŸ™‚ Having always been a very top heavy girl I’ve now discovered normal tops and the fact that my chest don’t blend with my spare tires makes meΒ extatic every day.

    I managed against all odds to maintain my weight during Christmas but I know for a fact that all the drinking over new year will do it for me.

    Still – I saw a fab post on the Fast Diet FB page. “Don’t worry what you eat between Christmas and New year. It is what you eat between New year and Christmas that really matter. ”
    And with that FD friends…. Happy New year!
    Lotta xx

    Hi all, hope all have had a good Christmas. Somehow I’ve managed to maintain my weight. I haven’t fasted but have fallen into doing 18:6 which seems to have worked. Will be back doing 5:2 properly from Monday when the kids are back at school.

    Hi all.
    Ellie – happy to jump on board re: new pledge for Easter. I pledge to reach my goal of 61 kilos by end March! This morning I weighed in at 63.9 …..
    Myggan – I saw the same FB comment and it’s too true.
    Muffin – I have enjoyed my Christmas holiday with 2 weeks off work but have also maintained my weight loss. Am going back to 5:2 next Monday as well.
    Lucy – not too much damage done – about 1/2 kilo despite the mince pies, chocolates and numerous glasses of wine πŸ™‚ Dontcha love Christmas?

    Happy new year to all 5 2 ers xx

    Happy new year to you all.

    My aim is to lose 1 stone (14 lbs) by easter, which if achieved will be 2 st lost since I started in august.

    Happy New Year to everyone.

    I will be happy to lose anything by Easter! Anything lost before Christmas has now been put back on again. I have had one successful fast day since Christmas and almost had two yesterday, but gave in about lunch time, then had NYE bbq at a friends where I decided to enjoy the time and food. Plus I had weighed myself earlier in the day for a tracker I am using…. πŸ™

    Today is a new day AND a New Year! With back issues my food intake is the main way I am going to lose weight, so it is going to be hard, but I have to do it!

    So, 75kg currently and on the way down as of today!!!!

    Enjoy your day everybody.

    Marelda, don’t give in there’s about 13 weeks till easter. So it is possible to lose a reasonable amount by then. Take a day at a time if you have a bad day just start again the next day, you can do this.

    Hello all.
    Am off the wagon & will stay off the wagon till Monday.
    I don’t care, lol
    Happy New Year to all of you
    Lucy xx

    Ha, ha Lucy… I’m so far off the wagon I’ve lost sight of it πŸ˜‰

    Princesspeers – I’m with you on the new challenge!

    I will be back on Fasting on Tuesday and will be trying to reach my new goal of 60kg by the end of March. I’m relocating my gym card week as well after a month off and I am hoping I will shape up at the same time.

    Keep going everyone and don’t loose hope. This is a way of life and we can do it.
    Lotta x

    Hello all.
    9st 13 lbs so damage assessed & not as bad as expected.
    Get back to single figures (9st 9lbs) and work on that for now.
    Good luck Lotta,Reldz,muffin 10, Princesspeers
    Fast day for me today!

    Hi everyone,

    The scales this morning put me at 139 lbs (9st 13lb) so right on par with Lucy and at the upper range of maintenance. I’m going to do my best to lose a lb a week to reach single figures also like Lucy, that would be really great and give me some ‘wiggle room’ for maintenance.

    Travelling for work next Monday and will be gone for two weeks so will miss my scales above all else. Still, like with my Christmas holidays I can still fast on Mondays and Thursdays and hopefully the scales will be kind on my return.

    Onwards and downwards,

    I am 5ft 2″ with an underactive thyroid but now thankfully on medication which has helped a lot. So far I have lost 11 lbs.

    Have been stuck at 10.12 for ages now but very encouraged reading latest posts from wonderful people. Aiming to lose a stone in 6 months. Is this possible?

    Today is the first fast day. Have had a boiled egg and a tangerine. Then will have some smoked salmon and salad tonight and 8 strawberries. yum.
    In the meantime off to make green tea with lime flowers.

    Happy New Year everyone and heres to a wonderful 2015!

    Happy New Year everyone. Have just been reading through the posts on here and it sounds like a “good” place to be. I haven’t jumped on scales yet – still trying to pluck up courage but am thinking it will be about 17 1/2 stone (gulp). Needs to come off. I will get weighed tomorrow morning and join you all if I may. This week I will have Tuesday and Thursday as fast days.

    Hello everyone!

    It was fun reading the posts and getting updated with all of the successes!! I am still here & doing 5:2 :), or it was more like 6:1 for the month of December. I haven’t weighed in lately, but I think I’ve only put on a few pounds, if that. I’m shooting for 5:2 for the first few weeks of January and then continuing on with 6:1.

    I wanted to post today because I’ve been hearing all my friends talk about detox and elimination diets & I’m not tempted to join them one bit. I am totally hooked on 5:2 and still loving it!! Sorry I haven’t posted this month. My family / work / holidays took over most of my free time

    Welcome to flying pony & Allie45,
    This is a “good” place to post!
    Hopped on the scales this morning & 2 pounds down,dog walking & gym last night plus fast day!
    Hope everyone is well today
    Lucy xx

    Back to single figures. 9st 9 ( and a half)
    Next target 9st 7lbs.
    Good luck for the week end folks
    Lucy xx

    Hi Lucy,

    Congratulations on your great results. I started at 11st5 and have been 9st4 ish since June. Feels good doesn’t it πŸ™‚

    I hate to say this, but your boobs ain’t coming back… It’s a small price to pay though in the grand scheme of things…? I’m enjoying running a lot more without the jiggle, and hope to avoid boob crease marks in later life. Oh, and bras are cheaper!

    Well done Lucy and HappyNow! Welcome to the ‘newbies’ – you’re right, this is a nice place to post!
    I managed to put on 5 lb over the last 10 days (well done me… NOT) but lost 2 lb on my first fast day this year on Thursday so I’m happy I can do it again…
    This week I’ll only do one FD but next week I’m back to Tuesday and Thursday again.
    Good luck everyone and thank goodness for padded bras! I used to think why on earth would you want to pad them up but now I understand… πŸ™‚
    Have a good weekend all!
    Lotta x

    Hi everyone. I have spent this evening reading all your posts, you have all done so well. I have been thinking about doing this diet for a few days now and have decided to weigh in on Monday and plan my fast days for Tuesdays and Fridays. Currently about 11 stone but will weigh in properly on Monday then plan to do weekly weigh ins on Fridays. I’m a ex smoker + 12 yearsso going I can find my willpower again! I haven’t got a goal weight or timescale figured out yet but would be great to be 9.5 stone by easter time πŸ™‚

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