Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

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  • I’m not doing too good today either. I started to feel really nauseous around noon and I definitely feel sick tonight. I’m at 500 calories now, but I may have something small before bed. Sorry that I don’t have anything better to report 🙁

    Oh my goodness! Barniesmum, you had me rolling out of bed and onto the floor laughing! ‘Little pickers wear big knickers!’ I’m going to design an embroidery piece and put it in the kitchen for me to look at!

    I started this journey almost a month ago at 75kg (with clothes on). I’m now 72kg after a date night with hubby at an Indian restaurant (no salad there!). All is currently well. Have a great day everyone. Reldz.

    Hi Folks, Happy Friday.

    Marelda, it’s good to laugh and not take stuff too seriously isn’t it!

    Emilyashen, I hope you managed to get through yesterday ok. It’s no fun feeling nauseous. Are you eating enough on your non fast days? I know you exercise a lot.

    Well, in spite of my less than perfect fast day yesterday the scales were kind this morning and another 2lb gone.

    I’m having a calorie controlled day today then going to have a bit of a blow out over Sat and Sun, not too much to undo the good work, but the cork screw is winking at me.

    Have a good weekend all. Will check in again on Monday.

    Hi all
    I love reading the posts with all the little sayings… Can totally relate to the pickers/knickers situation! 😀

    Well done on the weightloss and the fitness levels ladies! It’s so exciting when it works!

    Hope you feel better on your next fast day Em! I too have felt nausea on fast days when I get hungry. But it usually goes away when I drink water.

    After this mornings weigh in (65.3kg… 10st2lb) I am sooooo close to my original goal of 65kg that I’m going to try for 63kg by christmas… All in all I have lost 19.7kg / 43lb / 3st1lb since I started in January this year and I am still so astonished that I have kept it up. Love the new me!

    Keep going everyone out there even if you find it hard. Modify your fast days and normal days to suit you. I think that’s the key to succeeding!

    Have a good weekend everyone and onwards and downwards… 😉

    Lotta xx

    Hey all,

    So glad Barniesmum & Lotta had some good news to share!!! Great job!

    I had my first unsuccessful fast day on Thursday :(. I did have some stomach problems Wed. and it went on until Th. evening. I am beginning to see a pattern to this when I eat spinach. I’m going to stick to plain lettuce salads for a while. I also was influenced by one of my close friends who told me I was going to ruin my metabolism by fasting. I stood up to the science of 5:2 in the moment, but I let her comment bother me the rest of the day. I need to read the book again to give me the strength to not let what others think bother me so much!!

    I did not weigh in on Friday and I’m going to wait to weigh in again until next week. I am on board for Monday — I am worried already, as we are going over to our friends house that evening. The beer is always flowing there, but I can’t seem to make myself comfortable with fasting Tuesday instead. Any thoughts on this dilemma?

    See you all Monday!

    Myggan40- that is so amazing what you have accomplished, that you stuck to this woe since January and the amount of weight you have lost! I can not wait until I have a new me that I can be happy with 🙂

    Emilyashen- also think I am going to have a re-read of the book so that I can remind myself for the reasons that I am doing this apart from the weight loss.

    Goal: Get to under 200lb by christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212lbs (-2lb)
    26/10/14: 210lbs (-2lb)
    02/11/14: 207lbs (-3lb)
    09/11/14: 205lbs (-2lb)
    16/11/14: 203lbs (-2lb)

    Total loss: 20lb (4lb left to go)

    Was surprised I managed to get a 2lb loss this week as I had a massive blow out last weekend, however I was stricter with myself throughout the week to try and make up for it and was happy when I jumped on the scales this morning. It’s my birthday today so going out for a Chinese later, want to try and make fairly smart choices when I am out though as I have a bottle of wine at home with my name on it for a glass or two tonight aswell 🙂 Well done all you other fasters x

    Hi atop, how did you lose 7lbs in one week?

    It was my first week and some people get a big drop, I only did 5:2 and stuck to my tdee the other days, now days I do 4:3, with 2 of my eat days at my bmr and two at my tdee and have never got anywhere close to it again but it doesn’t matter, it was a great start to my weight loss 🙂

    Happy Birthday Abop, you share your birthday with my husband. We stayed overnight in a lovely hotel in the English Lakes and so have rather over done the food and wine. I hope you enjoy your day, you’re doing really well with the weight loss.

    Emilyashen, I hope your friend is wrong re metabolism. I worry too as have been a Slimming World member where it was drummed into us that we had to eat regularly or we would go into the dreaded Starvation Mode.

    Good luck to all who are fasting tomorrow.

    Hi abop thanks for reply. You are doing really well and an inspiration to us all. Will be fasting tomorrow but finding it really hard not to over eat on non fast days. When you do 4 : 3, do you do 2 days back to back?

    Hi abop, I have lost 1 lbs in my first week. Not very impressive but at least it’s a loss. Don’t know what I’m doing wrong, tried really hard over wknd to cut down but still gained again by Mon morning, so frustrating!!! Well,I’m fasting today and will try to do better. Good luck with your week.

    Hi EmilyAshen, had my first week today, lost only 1 lbs. Starting my fast again today, hoping this will be a better week. How did you get on?

    I also really over did it yesterday, very near to 3000cals, but owell, my tdee is 2100 so only 900 over and that is not even a third of a pound so not going to worry, fasting today Wednesday and Friday this week so that’s going to more than even it out.

    Katser12 it’s harder to shift the weight if you don’t have a lot to loose, do you count calories on eat days? I know a lot of people don’t but for me it is really helpful to log everything I eat as otherwise I tend to over indulge by quite a bit. I know it is tiresome to do but even if you did it for a week you could tell if you were eating more than your tdee on average on your eat days.

    my week is very much like this:
    Tuesday:1700cals (bmr)
    Saturday:2100cals (tdee)

    You should work out what your bmr and tdee are and aim for your day to be somewhere inbetween the two. I personally find that I feel much more in control if I know the numbers.

    Also some people get abit of delayed loss for the first few weeks and then they start loosing, and it is so easy for the scales not to show a loss even if you have lost, things like what time of day you weigh and if your body is holding onto water or not. I gave this woe a month to really show me if it worked or not when I started x

    And also just to add normally when I know I am being naughtier then I should be I kind of get the ump with logging the calories because theyre not telling me what I want to hear and give up and then I really binge and have no idea how much I have had but on my birthday even though I knew I was going to be bad I still logged so it did make me more conscious still of what I was eating and even though I went over I know how much it was by and that it’s not an absolute disaster! Just really glad because that was my mini aim this week to log even over the weekend when I knew I was going to indulge 🙂

    Morning all!
    Well put himself on the bus yesterday (hes off to Wales via bus & ferry)
    Got back home & started cleaning. Walked the dogs,had a glass or three of wine,9st 13 and a half,AGAIN.
    Still,I shall be a model of decorum this week. Have already walked the dogs & started fish pies.
    Will finish cleaning kitchen & go to work this pm & walk dogs & go to gym….
    Fasting today.
    Good luck all fasters
    Lucy xx

    Hi abop thank you so much for your advice. I will start to log calories. I can’t, Unfortunately, do a lot of exercise, due to arthritic hip, (hence trying to get rid of many extra pounds), but have a very physical job and try to walk dog daily for about 1/2 he. How do I work out my TDEE thingy? its on this website, if link don’t work go on the homepage, then click on diet by the numbers, its at the bottom of the page

    Thanks atop.

    Good morning from the frozen tundra of Wisconsin, (we now have snow)

    I did not weigh myself this morning. I didn’t want to deal with any thoughts that come with that today. Although, clothes still feel loose and I feel more confident now than before 5:2.

    Fasting today! I’m going to have a busy evening, so I hope that will help.

    Luckylocket, I’m cleaning today too. We had a football party (American football, ha 🙂 and there were 15 children in my home. I definitely need to pick up the pieces today ;).

    Abop, I look forward to your updates, it definitely helps my motivation.

    Katster, I do think the last few pounds are not easy. I know I need to remind myself that the sacrifice is small, especially when you realize that you don’t have to “diet” every day of the week. I really appreciate the freedom of cooking anything I want on nonfast days. I love food and cooking – 5:2 has given that back to me. More importantly, I don’t have to check out the latest diet anymore.

    Barniesmum, how’s it going today? How many miles do you and Barnie walk everyday? That’s a great way to get some fresh air & exercise everyday :). I’m about to re-read Mosley’s take on metabolism and fasting.

    I’m thinking I may fast on Wed. instead of Th. this week. Anyone else?

    Have a great Monday!

    Morning from a cold, wet and grey November day in London.

    Abop and Emilyashen, thanks for the lovely comments and I completely agree… The last few pounds are so, so hard to shed.

    i have just had my post fast weigh in this morning and I have finally reached my original goal! Yayyyyyyy! I am no 64.8 kg (142lb 10.2 stone) which means I’ve broken through the 65 kg barrier.
    It has taken me since January and I’ve had some struggles on the way but I am so, so pleased I got here.

    These forums have been such a help and It’s so lovely to hear from others in the same mindframe and share the experience.

    I will now attempt to lose another 1.8kg or 4lbs to reach my new target goal of 63 kg before christmas.
    Have a great fast day to all you who are fasting today and good luck!
    Keep going everyone and onwards and downwards.

    Lotta xx

    Evening All.
    Makes me sound like a police officer lol
    Yes Lotta the forums are a help.
    Even tho I scoffed the chunky Kit Kat my husband told me he put in the fridge for my eventual goal weight,i still went back down to ….yes youve guessed it 9 st 11 and a half pounds!!!!
    Today I didnt have a walk,go to the gym,dog walk,do much except work.
    Bah!! Other half back tomorrow so fast day and gym and dog walking times two!
    Lucy xx

    Ha Lucy, that made me laugh. Bobby on the beat, lol!
    Well done on your weight loss… even if it did include a chunky kitkat… 🙂

    Those are my downfall too. In my late teens I used to scoff the small ones like they were going out of fashion and still I didn’t put on any weight. But then my metabolism decided ‘enough already’ and the pounds piled on… 😉

    Still – good news from me this morning too. 2nd fast day this week and I am down to 64kg. Yay!

    Now I just have to manage the rest of the week and not go bonkers at the school Christmas fair on Saturday. Eek!

    Have a good day everyone!
    Lotta xx

    My sixth fast day today (almost at the end of my third week) and have lost 12lbs!! I am over the moon. It just makes me hungry to lose more! That’s the best kind of hunger, right?? 🙂

    Best of luck everyone! 🙂


    P.S. Hurrah for dog walking!! My little terrier, Frank saves the day! (everyday)

    Hi modelbehaviour, I totally agree, my dog, Boulder, constantly saves my day. He is the reason I walk daily and wouldn’t be without him for the world. How’s your weight loss going?

    Sounds like everyone is doing great! It just shows that this way of life can work for anyone! I loved reading the updates this week. Thanks everyone for sharing!!

    Pro this week: I noticed yesterday on my way to work that I don’t have that awful bloated feeling anymore. Usually, when I sit in my car I can feel my stomach trying to burst through my pants. I realized this week that not only was I wearing a pair of pants that I haven’t even looked at in years, but that I felt completely comfortable in them sitting down. That was a great feeling!!

    Con: I ate too much candy last night :(. For some reason I bought a bag that I never keep in the house. Big mistake – lesson learned.

    Fasting today, will wait and eat a little for lunch, then a 300 calorie dinner. I’m also picking up the 5:2 cookbook from the library. Does anyone else have it? About to make a big jug of iced green tea for the day.


    Well done everyone. Emily you’re right about the bloated feeling. I used to feel really uncomfortable when I got in the car. Was really bloated just under my bra and that seems to have gone.

    Same as that ModelBehaviour.. on my 6th FD and feel great. Ive not lost anything near 12lbs..well done but im getting the hang of feelin hungry. Bloat is gone and a few inches!!

    Midday here in the US…

    I do struggle more on Thursdays than Mondays. The feeling of hunger isn’t so bad, I just feel like I’m in a fog most of the day. I’m a part-time teacher, so I feel guilty when I think I’m not at my best. I’m going to try to push though to Christmas, then only do the Monday fast.

    Wow Model, 12 lbs. is amazing! Great job!!

    Does anyone else wake up earlier after a fast day? I feel very refreshed the morning after a fast, another thing to look forward to tomorrow.

    Morning all!
    At LAST,9st 10lbs.
    The next target is to get into single figures i.e. 9st 9lbs.
    Should send husband away more often lol I end up with all the household chores,work and dog walking (two English Springers!)
    Lucy xx

    Well done, Lucy.

    Well done everyone, this thread is so inspiring 🙂

    I lost 2 lbs this week (week 15) so only 2 off my goal to lose 28. All going well this should happen in the next couple of weeks before I go on holiday to the US where I’ll need to buy some new clothes to fit the shrinking me!

    Lucy has motivated me to set a stretch goal of 9 st and single digit lbs so a maintenance range of 135 to 139 lbs sounds reasonable.

    Onwards and downwards 🙂

    Thanks Muffin 10 and Ellie,
    My total is now 17 and a half pounds lost!11 and a bit weeks!
    I keep my goals smallish.
    The first goal was 10st 9lbs,then 10 and a half stone,then under 10 st,break that damned 9st 11 and a half barrier.
    Then 9st single figures,which lets face it is “only” a pound,then 9st 7lbs and possibly 9st 4lbs,(which was my weightwatchers target (mumble,mumble) years ago.
    Am slightly concerned about Christmas but what the hell, we can just clamber back up on the wagon. How much damage can we do in two days?
    Saying that the whole Christmas Day seems to be a Christmas fortnight here!
    Well its still four and a bit weeks away!
    Good luck everyone.
    Lucy xx

    Holy cow, I’m so happy for everyone!!

    Lucy & Ellie, you are getting so close!! We will all be able to do maintenance soon!! I am so impressed with your steady loss. Ellie, where are you going??

    Muffin, it sounds like you can feel a real difference too, are you weighing in at regular times?

    I am down another pound today!! Hooray! I started 5:2 on Oct. 20th & have lost 7.5 lbs.!! To me that’s huge – I only have 2-3 more pounds to go.

    Next week will be interesting… We have Thanksgiving here & I am traveling home (New Jersey) for the holiday. I think I’ll be able to get in one fast next Tuesday, but that will probably be it. Does anyone have any advice for modified fasts? Like, only eat supper one day / skip lunch?? Any “vacation” advice will be appreciated. I don’t want to kill my momentum!! I still want to go strong til Christmas!

    I have been pretty active this week, although I still can’t get very motivated on fast days. I’m wearing my fitbit (something that you dog owners don’t need 🙂 ). This pushes me to run a few miles most days and I have been doing a strength workout in addition to my 10,000 steps a day.

    I’ll admit, the fast day wasn’t easy yesterday, but it was worth it. I feel fantastic today. Happy Friday to all!

    Emily, I try not to weigh in much but fail. Tend to weigh the day after a fast and I make a note of a monthly weigh in so I can easily see the difference, which is encouraging.

    Goal: Get to under 200lb by christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212lbs (-2lb)
    26/10/14: 210lbs (-2lb)
    02/11/14: 207lbs (-3lb)
    09/11/14: 205lbs (-2lb)
    16/11/14: 203lbs (-2lb)
    23/11/14: 201lbs (-2lb)

    Total loss: 22lb (2lb left to go)

    Well another 2lb gone, celebrated my daughters 1st birthday on sunday so had quite a lot of party food which isn’t too good, then went home and ate about half a tube of pringles, not very good either, will keep my fingers crossed for a loss by next sunday 🙂 Might have to set myself a new goal if I meet this one by next week, maybe to get to two stone off before Christmas, so get to 195lbs x

    Hey guys, sorry I haven’t answered your Q Katser12, I haven’t been online for ages.

    Everybody is doing so well! You are all really inspiring me. Like I said the other day, I had lost 12lbs and was coming toward the end of my third week and then I didn’t lose anything (in fact I put on a couple of pounds which I have since lost again) until this morning when yet another pound has fallen off. I make that nearly a stone in three and a half weeks! I realise most of you might not approve that I weigh myself every single day but I’m afraid I’m totally addicted to jumping on those scales. It’s when I DON’T weigh myself daily that the pounds start to creep on.

    I’ve just read this thread again. What a bunch of great and motivational people you all are and what a fantastic Christmas we’re all going to have after such achievements! 🙂 Like most of you, I’m looking forward to having the odd treat at Christmas but I’ll tell you something Guys, I really will NOT be ruining all this hard work by stuffing my face silly. I know how fabulous it feels to be slim and that feeling totally outweighs any hankering I may have for an extra roast spud or slice of christmas cake. I know for sure that I will be happy and enjoy Christmas much more if I DON’T eat too much. I was at my mothers yesterday and she kept trying to make me eat a piece of her homemade coffee and walnut cake (my favourite) and was quite upset that I wouldn’t have even a sliver. I said “Mum, I know that your cake is the best in the world because I’ve had it many times but on this occasion, you know that I am trying really hard to lose weight and that I am happier if I DON’T have a slice than if I do” She was ok after that and told me how proud she was that I had such willpower. Anyhoo, I’m not a big fan of Kate Moss but I do still abide by her mantra


    She’s right.

    Good luck all and thank you for inspiring me.


    Hey everyone! This thread has helped me so much, I want to keep it going if I can!! (at least until Christmas)…

    Hey Muffin, good tip on looking at the monthly weight difference. That’s the best way to see the big picture.

    Abop, you don’t disappoint! It’s great to see your loss every week, you must feel fantastic!!

    Model, you are so right!! I need to remember those words more often… You have had such great success in a month, keep it up!!

    I had to skip yesterday’s fast, so I’m fasting today instead. It was funny that my body was ready for it yesterday (but I had a lunch date), so I was excited to dive into it today. I have a busy day, and I know the fast after the weekend is always the easier one. I think I may have to modify the second fast of the week. It’s been pretty painful for me lately. Maybe I’ll make it a 700 cal. day…

    Good luck Christmas fasters!

    Hello everyone, well done on the hard work!

    I’ve had a bloomin’ freezing fast day today as it started out as just above 2 degrees outside this morning.
    I’ve definitely noticed thst I am much colder on fast days now but also that I get cold quicker. A great excuse for buying nice, new, warm clothes 😀

    I had a bit of a blow out weekend so I almost undid all my good work last week. But I’m back on it this week and am hoping to get down to 63.5kg by the end of Thursday (2nd fast day).

    ModelBehaviour: you weigh yourself as often as you like to get it to work for you! Everyone is different and you do it your way. I am a prolific scale checker… When I think I’m doing well It’s my buddy but I avoid it when it’s likely to tell me off… Having said that I’m much better at taking the weight gain /plateau days now that I know I can lose it again.

    Right – time for my warm cosy bed to sleep through my fast-night. Night night and Good luck everyone!
    Lotta x

    Hey Lotta!

    Good night, you’ll wake up feeling amazing!! I hope the scale is kind tomorrow :).

    I think I’ll only get in one fast day this week (no fasting on Thanksgiving!!). I’ll have to try a low carb day the day after…

    I’ll be up for giving it my all next week, getting closer to Christmas, let’s keep going downward!!

    Hello all!
    Ah yes Lotta the COLD!!! I know its winter & I really wih I’d started this in the summer. But hey ho….
    Will be fasting tomorrow and have my hot water bottle at the ready. Will be doing two dog walks today and gym so with the fast tomorrow and semi fast on Sat I’m hoping for the illusive single figure target. 9st 9 lbs …
    We’ve got four weeks to go till Christmas,good luck with your goals everyone
    Lucy xx

    Hi all, hope everyone’s doing well. It’s monthly weigh in for me.

    25/8. 13 St 8 lbs
    25/9. 13 St 3 lbs. (-5)
    23/10. 12 St 12 lbs (-5)
    27/11. 12 St 9 lbs. (-3)

    Am fairly happy with the loss this month taking into account I went away for a weekend and it was also my birthday. So two weekends I ate exactly what I wanted. There’s about 3 1/2 weeks to final weigh in so am hoping for another 3-4 lbs loss.

    @emilyashen and all US FDers Happy Thanksgiving Day today
    I am travelling to Boston on vacation next month so looking forward to buying a new wardrobe for the new slimmer me.

    Your progress has been amazing and keeps me inspired. Today is a fast day but I have a feeling the scales will not be kind tomorrow so I may try a back to back Thursday/Friday and weigh in on Saturday instead. I fear the final few pounds will be very elusive.

    @myggan40 and @lucylocket63
    Lotta and Lucy, I am also suffering from the cold but not just on fast days, perhaps its just that the smaller me doesn’t have so many layers to keep warm! Easily rectified though on my Boston shopping spree!

    Onwards and downwards everyone!

    Hello All!
    Fast day today,cold,cold,cold!!!
    Hot water bottle tonight for sure.
    Am thinking too Ellie that maybe we’ve shed our insulation!!
    Went to the jewellers today to see if she had a little plastic thingy to put around my rings to stop them falling off my slim fingers.
    Said I didnt want them resized just yet cos theres more weight to go.
    Astounded when two people said “If you lose anymore weight we won’t be able to see you”
    I really didnt think it was that noticable.
    Yay tho!!
    Good luck to all fasters
    Lucy xx


    Quick check-in for me. I’ve been horrible with my extended Thanksgiving weekend with my family. I am so looking forward to my Tuesday & Thursday fasts this week. I will not even look at the scale until Christmas ;). I will check in on Tuesday.


    Morning from a grey Ireland!
    Fasting today which will be a doddle as I am doing home visits so no temptation at all!
    Lucy xx

    Hello Christmas pledgers!

    Hope your fast day was easy yesterday Lucy. Today I flew home, so took advantage of not being around food and used it as a fast day. I am a little more tired and cranky tonight than usual, but I’m going to push through til tomorrow.

    Anyone fasting on Thursday? I plan to, but I’m wondering if it’ll be hard since I’ll only have one day in between. Anyone have experience / advice on this?


    Goal: Get to under 200lb by christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212lbs (-2lb)
    26/10/14: 210lbs (-2lb)
    02/11/14: 207lbs (-3lb)
    09/11/14: 205lbs (-2lb)
    16/11/14: 203lbs (-2lb)
    23/11/14: 201lbs (-2lb)
    30/11/14: 200lbs (-1lb)

    Total loss: 23lb (1lb left to go)

    Found last week quite hard, don’t think the colder weather is helping. Not long now to go, only 3 more weigh ins for me before Christmas x

    Hi Everyone.
    Well done keeping at this despite the cold and miserable weather. I’m finding this week REALLY hard for fasting. I’m freezing and have a headache. Think this might be a cold headache though. I know that because the coming couple of weeks will be hard to fit any fasting in I really need to stick to it this week. But I loose the weight during the week and then put it back on again over the weekend. Buu! Need to be better at sticking to my TDEE.
    I haven’t been able to do any exercise for ages so tomorrow I am off to the gym for a session. I am hoping weigh in tomorrow will take me closer to the goal 63kg but it doesn’t feel like it today.
    Keep going FD’ers and if you are fasting today – resist the urge to snack! Good luck!
    Lotta x

    Forgot to say…
    Lucy: Well done! that ‘oh don’t lose any more you’ll disappear’ comment must be feeling good!!

    Ellie: To ward off the cold I have (after a few years of resistance) bought myself a Christmas Jumper – cozy and I don’t actually look like a doughnut in it! 😉 Someone actually said it was stylish when I wore it last weekend. Woah Nelly! 😀

    Abop: Great work – truly inspirational!

    Lotta x

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