Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

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  • Goal: Loose 14lb by Christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212LBS (-2lb)
    26/10/14: 210lbs (-2lb)
    02/11/14: 207lbs (-3lb)

    Total loss: 16lb Reached my Christmas goal! Yay

    Really pleased with my 3lb loss this week, time for my new target of getting under 200lb by Christmas, so loose 8lb in just over 7 weeks, completely doable even with my birthday being this month πŸ™‚

    Ellie Rainbow..what a fantastic result. I am losing weight at half your scorching pace but still proud lost 11 lbs since July. Another pound lost this week despite 2 children’s birthday parties..first party ate one chipolata and no cake.Other had boeuf en croute cept no croute. some red wine though and a tiny piece of very dark choc almond (gluten free) birthday cake-delish. But running round so much I actually lost half a pound.
    Marelda : I am no expert on underactive thyroid having just been diagnosed 3 months ago.I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis, which means antibodies are attacking my thyroid.They should be 60 and they are 569!! I was cold ,tired, 2 stones overweight and half my hair had fallen out. If you are in doubt and feel your thyroid isn’t working properly , go back to your GP and ask for an antibody test. My T3 and T4 were borderline so my GP siad I was fine. Didnt find out about Hashimotos til I went to an Endocrinologist privately.

    Hi All. Well today is my birthday, however, I have kept it as a fasting day! I know it sounds mad but we celebrated yesterday with a lovely meal out and there’s not a lot to do on a wet Monday.

    Actually, it’s been the easiest and best fasting day so far. The 3pm slump didn’t happen, have kept myself really busy and apart from an early morning cuppa with a splash of milk, no calories have passed my lips.

    I’m hungry now, but going to hold out till 6.30pm when my hubby will be home.

    Abop, you’re results are fantastic and an inspiration. Well done.

    Abop, you must feel great with those results, nice work!!

    Barniesmum, when did you start 5:2? This is my third week and I feel so much better too. Of course, I’m only half way through my 5th fasting day. Happy Birthday by the way!! You are a little mad for fasting on your b-day πŸ˜‰ that does show some true commitment! Is your hubby doing 5:2 with you?

    So, I have two weeks of fasting behind me and a 3.5 lb. weight loss, I’ll take it!

    Emilyashen I started on Thursday 23rd October. Today was my fourth fast. I weighed myself last Thursday 30th and had Lost 3 pounds. I ideally want to lose 11 pounds before Christmas.

    My husband isn’t joining me, he’s lucky that his weight remains fairly constant. So on my fast days we eat separate foods, however, I really need to be more adventurous, so far I’ve made myself stir fry every time, because it’s easy to keep track of the calories.

    Good luck with the remainder of your fasting day.

    Hi everyone
    Well done to all of you who are losing weight/size!
    Feel good about it and pat yourself on the back!

    I found it really hard in the beginning to be positive about my weight loss and often made jokes like “I’ll soon be putting it back on” etc. But I’ve now learned to be happy with it and accept compliments rather than belittle my achievements.

    I’ve had a week “off” over the children’s half term holiday as we went away with the in-laws. We did quite a bit of mountain walking but also A LOT of drinking and meals were big. Add Halloween sweets to that so of course I expected to put some weight on.

    I decided not to weigh myself until I’d done my first fast day of this week (Monday) so this morning I was positively surprised to see I’d only gone up 0.5kg since before the holidays. So I’m 66.8kg now and want to be 63kg by Christmas. Just over 8lb/3.8kg to lose…
    Really hope I can do this but will have to put some real effort in now!
    So I’m reining myself in this week and will exercise as much as I can while doing my second fast day tomorrow.

    All the best of luck to everyone!
    Lotta x

    Hi All

    Today is my third fast day (I am doing two a week on Tuesdays and Fridays). I am very hungry right now. I don’t know whether I have lost any weight because the batteries in my scales went just before I started this and since I have replaced them, I have been up and down the scales like a yo-yo, losing 3lbs, gaining back 2lbs etc. I am not sure what is my baseline, so I will will keep track over the next couple of weeks to see if things settle down.

    More important than what’s on the scales, I feel better and I have cut down on my sugar intake. I have avoided biscuits and unhealthy snacks (for the most part) and taken to having nuts and seeds instead. The calories are probably the same/more, but the sugar spike isn’t there.

    Best of luck to everyone πŸ™‚

    Happy Birthday Barnesmum…my goodness I don’t even think I could fast on my birthday week let alone the actual day. Good for you!!

    Yesterday went well for me..went over a tiny bit because I needed something before bed but I’m ok with that. Today I’m on plan to eat TDEE + any real exercise calories. I’m trying to get in 12,000 steps today plus some weight lifting after work. Get my metabolism rev’ing (if that is possible at almost 50!!??) Tomorrow I’m fasting again and planning to do a partial on Friday. My clothes are SO uncomfortable that I need to kick start some sort of weight loss!

    Hope everyone is having a great day today…fasting or feasting πŸ™‚

    Hi newme:

    You exercise calories are included in your TDEE so if you eat them, plus your TDEE, you are eating over your TDEE.

    Good Luck!

    @ Simcoeluv – I have my TDEE set as sedentary as each day varies with exercise πŸ™‚ I’m trying to be as accurate as possible!!

    Today is another fast day for me. My tummy has been grumbling all morning long, but I’ll make it! I have a mini-meal planned for noon (laughing cow cheese, rice cakes and celery) Tonight I’ll stop by Costco and pick up a rotisserie chicken and fresh salad “fixin’s”..I need some cuc’s and romaine lettuce! I also want to get in 12,000 steps and some yoga tonight…that’s my plan for today!

    Hope everyone else has a great day!!

    Hi newme:

    Research shows that the most accurate of devices are at least 10% off, and some are over 20% off. I think you may be placing your faith in the wrong place.

    Good Luck!

    Great job newme – I’m impressed how you can keep up with all your stats and do 5:2. For me, only focusing on the fast days has taken off a lot of pressure. I’m trying to exercise / eat on my non fast days for pleasure (in moderation). I’m hoping the fast days will spill over to the other days, and it seems to be so far.

    Hi, cold, miserable and wet today, got soaked walking my dog this morning.

    My 5th fasting day and all is well so far. As usual I don’t plan to eat until 6pm, however, have had a coffee at work with a splash of skimmed milk.

    Taking my elderly neighbour to hospital outpatients this afternoon so that will keep me occupied.

    Good luck anyone else on a fast day.

    And tomorrow is weigh hey day!!

    Good morning everyone!

    @simcoeluv – I will ponder what you are saying. I typically under estimate my calories burned and over estimate calories eaten but obviously it isn’t working very well or I wouldn’t still be struggling πŸ™‚

    @emily – sounds like you are doing a great job! I’ve had the problem (and it’s probably all in my head) of eating far too much on a “feast” day. So I’ve started calling them non-fast days. Feast just sounds completely open ended and I can eat what I want! So I really need to watch carefully on my non-fast days!!

    @barniesmum – sorry about the weather, I guess it’s that time of the year again! Great job on your 5th fast day! Good luck with our WI tomorrow!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!

    Good morning from the U.S.!

    It’s cold and rainy here today too, it’ll be a nice day to cuddle up to a good book after work.

    @newme – I can definitely see where it’s difficult to not overeat on non-fast days. I feel like I am still eating a little too much in the evening. I need to remember to drink my tea & sparkling water (my fast day tricks) EVERY evening. However, as long as you are losing / maintaining it’s a win, right?

    @barniesmum – I like the Friday weigh day idea, I’ve been weighing in too much and it’s eventually going to begin to mess with my head. I was using Monday as my main weigh day, because that was when I started. I am going to move it to Friday now πŸ™‚

    It’s my 6th fasting day, and I’m beginning to get weird and look forward to them. I am only 5 lbs. to my goal weight now, and would love to see it by Christmas!

    Good luck to everyone today! I’m probably going to follow my boring routine of a protein bar around noon and then a low cal frozen meal. I’m not motivated to cook on my fasting days yet. Maybe next week I’ll plan ahead and figure out the calories in a real meal. This way of life has helped me enjoy cooking more on my non-fast days :). I don’t have to fear food anymore or obsessively look up new diets, so refreshing! Make sure to pat yourselves on the back today for keeping on and for what you’ve already accomplished!!

    Oh the joy when it’s time to eat on a fasting day. Feeling full and happy.

    Stay strong all who haven’t eaten yet.

    Thanks Barniesmum, I needed the words of encouragement! I’m in the tough 3 o’clock hour… I’m going to finish strong on this dreary day πŸ™‚ and be able to enjoy my weekend!

    Morning all from the gloomy North of England.

    Emilyashen, I hope you managed to complete your fast successfully. That afternoon slump is a killer.

    Weigh day for me and 2lb off, one pound less than last week but quite happy and my clothes feel more comfortable!

    Six pounds left to lose before Christmas. I can do this.

    Have a great weekend all.

    Hi everyone,

    Greetings from a sunny south of Ireland this morning!

    Well done @barniesmum, that’s great progress and a pound a week to Christmas is definitely achievable.

    I too had a win on the scales this morning with a loss of 3 pounds from last week. It so happened that Wednesday became an unplanned fast day, I ate lightly (700 cals) on Thursday (my normal second fast day of the week) and it paid off. So, week 13 hasn’t been unlucky at all and my cumulative total to date is a loss of 23 pounds in 13 weeks – yay!

    As I’ve now achieved the Christmas pledge goal my new goal is to lose 5 more pounds in the 5 weeks remaining before I go on holiday. We can all do this – let’s stay focused on the goal.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Well done Ellie Rainbow, that’s a great achievement. Bet you’re feeling on top of the world. 23 lbs lighter is amazing.

    Holy cow Ellie, that’s fabulous!! And you’ve had to make yourself a new goal, that has to give you such satisfaction!

    Barniesmum, 2 pounds is a win!! You may have to set a new goal as well.

    I did finish my fast yesterday, but was a bit more grumpy than usual. I’ll blame it on the weather (we have begun the dreaded Wisconsin winter here).

    I was 1.5 lbs. down from last week! This leaves me with 3 pounds to lose by Christmas. Of course, in the U.S. Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away, so probably not adding to the scale will be my goal that week. I’m trying my best to stay positive and acknowledge the fact that I have lost 6.5 lbs. in 3 weeks! That’s been impossible for me over the last few years.

    We all need to celebrate & be proud of our accomplishments!! Have a fabulous weekend!

    Hello All! havent been on in a while because theres nothing to report! No loss,still at 9st 11 and a half!1 But on the upside my clothes fit me (well 90% of them do) I may well not lose any more have a feeling that doing my weights in the gym is tightening thing up but not helping with actual weight loss. Hey Ho but well done to everyone and welcome newbies
    Lucy xx

    Goal: Get to under 200lb by christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212lbs (-2lb)
    26/10/14: 210lbs (-2lb)
    02/11/14: 207lbs (-3lb)
    09/11/14: 205lbs (-2lb)

    Total loss: 18lb (6lb left to go)

    Normally it is around this point I would give up being fed up of feeling restricted no matter how well the diet was going but don’t feel like doing that atall on 5:2 and can see me carrying on with this forever πŸ™‚

    Hello! It’s a fasting day for me. The last 2 Mondays have shown only a .5 lb. lost on the scale. However, I’m interested in only losing 5 more, so anything at this point I will take! My weekends have also been a little out of control. I will have to keep myself busier in the future…

    Abop, your numbers look fantastic! Impressive!

    Lucy, I’m sure the scales will show your hard work this week. I know it’s hard not to see a change, but I have to believe that 2 fasts a week will help it get moving. Do you have a specific goal before maintenance?

    Barniesmum, how is your day going? Are you fasting Monday / Thursday this week?

    Good luck everyone!

    Hi Emilyashen and all Christmas fasters.

    Yes, today is a fast day and it’s ten past six in the evening in the UK which means food time – yeah.

    Today started with a visit to the dentist to have a filling replaced, so, frozen mouth till 1pm.

    After work ( I only work part time 9 till 1pm) I took Barnie my labradoodle on a longish walk, hour and a half. Then pottered in the garden tidying pots etc as it was sunny but cold.

    Once again, no food just drinks, 2 cups of tea with a splash of skimmed milk, diet coke and water.

    My meal tonight is baked cod with cabbage, carrots and broccoli. Followed by yoghurt. Almost ready to eat.
    I hope everyone else’s day has been good.

    Oh and forgot to mention in my previous post, I also had a calorie laden weekend. Five course meal with wine on Saturday night, then just felt ravenous and ate anything all day Sunday.

    It was a bit of a relief to wake up this morning and get my self discipline back.

    Morning All. Well yesterday I was back to 9st 13 lbs so after a fast day yesterday am now 9st 11 and a blinkin half!!! Still I have taken dogs out,will have a run/dog walk this afternoon so hopefully will see a loss this week.
    Thanks Emilyashen!
    I really want to be 9st 4lbs but to get to 9st 7 lbs by Christmas would probably do.
    Will we continue this thread after Christmas???
    Love Lucy xxx

    This is my second week on the 5:2 and my third fast day today. So far I have lost 5lbs but my goal is to lose a full stone by christmas. 5 down, 9 to go. I’m REALLY hungry right now.

    Lucy, think it would be good to keep it going. Shame we can’t rename it.

    Well done model behaviour, 5 lbs already is a great result.

    Can’t help with the hunger, but it’s true, the more you do the easier it gets. I like to wait till early evening then have a reasonable meal instead of breaking up the calories into smaller meals. Bovril or an oxo cube crumbled into boiled water can help stave off the hunger pangs.

    Good luck.

    Hello Model, well done! There are moments of hunger, but they do usually pass. Sparkling water has been my go to lately. And I agree with Barniesmum, it does get easier every week. I still break my calories into two meals (small lunch and small dinner), but I think most people on this site eats one meal at supper. Do what works for you and will keep you on track!

    I had a crabby morning yesterday, but finished the fasting day strong and in good spirits :). I think I may have been 20 calories over, but that may happen from time to time.

    Lucy & muffin I definitely want to keep it going! It’s nice to have a little support and people to share your experience with :). Or we can start a new one for the new year…

    Hi all this is my second week and completed my 3rd fast yesterday.. Felt a bit light headed but stayed strong..No scales but have will measure again after this week. Good to go on this forum in the evening of the fast days to keep motivated!!

    Yes, keep it going after Christmas. Name doesn’t matter.

    Oooh yes keep the thread going!! Other half going to Wales next week & I’m planning to ramp up the fasting while hes away!
    Of course my Mum is now planning lunch for at least one day,her treat so I will prob do soup ( my fave way of getting warm and staving off hunger without calories!)
    Have just finished off the last of the celariac (not as nice as usual) Off to mamke butternut squash and ginger now.
    Love Lucy xx

    Hey everyone, I’ve been quiet for a while..been doing absolutely fine with my fasting days, it’s the non-fasting days that I have struggled with. Not much loss.

    But I think I’ve cracked them and have managed to get some self-control in place, with a little help.

    I was reading a women’s health magazine and it recommended taking Branch Chain Amino Acids, for when you’re training (and I do a lot of spinning) so I started to take them and have found out, amazingly, that one of the side effects is appetite suppressing!! I love it, what a find. And it’s all healthy so not a diet pill.

    Happy as Larry. So slow weight loss has sped up marvellously. I am 7 weeks in, and 9lbs off. If I can do another 7lbs for Xmas, I will be chuffed.

    Love hearing all your stories…and coping mechanisms, so keep ’em coming and let’s get healthy!!!

    Lucy it should be easier for you while OH is away. Mine has a habit of buying jumbo size bags of crisps and munching them in the evening. So inconsiderate lol.

    I bought mushrooms on the way home from work to make mushroom soup for tomorrow’s fast day. As you said, soup is very warming and comforting and low in calories.

    Good luck to all who are fasting today.

    Pincie44, do you mind giving me a little more info. on your training schedule? I’m trying to figure out a consistent workout program along with 5:2 – I’m still afraid to workout on a fast day. Also, when do you take the amino acids? Is it in a powder form? I think they may be in some protein powders. My weight loss is slowing up (I’m trying not to focus on it, easier said than done) and I’m wondering if that may help me too.

    Good luck to all those fasting tomorrow, I will join you. I’m preparing myself for a cold day tomorrow, we are in an “artic chill” this week.

    Hi Emilyashen
    I fast Monday and Wednesday and I spin Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. So I do spin on a fast day. I don’t feel weak on fast days, so it’s ok.

    Re the BCAAs, I take them every morning and then, on fast days, one other time in the day.
    And on spinning days, I take one 30 mins before (which is the morning one) and then one straight after.
    So, really, that equates to 2 a day. I will also drink a protein drink after spin, which I have done for ages but I wanted to up it a little.

    I have spent a lot of time researching this and, as far as I can see, it’s all ok and safe. I take them in pill form as it’s easier to transport them.
    If you do take them, keep me posted as to how they do for you.
    good luck!

    Hi , what is BCAA? I am new to this!

    Am guessing branch chain amino acids. Whatever that is.

    Lol, katser12, it stands for Branch Chain Amino Acids….
    They help repair muscles after training.
    But, for me, they have curbed my hunger pangs also.
    Can’t believe I have never heard of them before, and I’ve been a gym bunny all my life but I think they are more known in the world of weight training.


    So, how do you take them and when? Where do you buy them from and, obviously, are they safe? I have an arthritic hip so am very restricted to what exercise I can do. I am aiming to lose a stone as I think it would help with my hip. Have you got any advice for’willpower’? I need some serious talking to to get myself back on track!!!!!!

    Re BCAA, I guess you buy them in the States? I gave up the gym 3 years ago. I only walk now twice a day with Barnie my dog.

    Do you need to be doing more strenuous exercise for these to work?

    If not can we buy online?

    Something to reduce hunger pangs would be awesome.

    So, you can take them anytime…even if you’re not exercising but if you are exercising, take them 30 mins before and immediately after.

    I bought at

    Yes, they are safe, they are completely natural.

    I would advise you all go and just google them – there’s many articles about them, talking about reducing hunger pangs, levelling blood sugar etc. You may just want to see what’s relevant to you. Also google how to take them as I have just worked mine out for my life, so you may want to see how is best for you.

    They are a bit yukky to take, rather large. So I bite in to mine 3/4 times to make it smaller! Only downside to that is they taste yukky too!

    Oh no, I felt the urge to throw in the towel tonight and not do a fast day tomorrow. The funny thing is I don’t want to stop, it’s just my bad old habits speaking to me. Luckily my drive to keep fasting was enough to override it. I felt ashamed that I thought about quitting, but then I realized how powerful it was that I came to my senses in time. I’m not giving up and that’s a first πŸ™‚

    I think part of my doubting myself is in the fact that I’m overdoing it on non-fast days. I’m not used to eating without guidelines and I don’t think I’m getting enough veggies in, I’ll have to work on that and keeping busy this weekend.

    Phew, thanks for hearing me out. Good luck Thursday Fasters! I Will join you tomorrow πŸ™‚

    Hello Thursday Fasters

    And Emilyashen I hope you’ve got over your wobble. There’s no getting off the bus till Christmas.

    I wasn’t looking forward to today’s fast either, but once I was up this morning I felt more positive.

    When I finish work I’m going to have a look round the shops and maybe try some clothes on in a smaller size to see how I’m doing. then home and a long doggy walk.

    Usually have a wobble around 3 – 4pm, but have a new pot of Bovril in the cupboard.

    Onwards and downwards folks.

    Barniesmum, I love the no getting off the bus until Christmas! I need to make a sign for that πŸ˜‰

    I also like the “wobble” comment. Doing “the wobble” is a dance here in the U.S., so I thought that was cute πŸ™‚

    I’m in today & need the day of fasting. Maybe I’ve hit a little plateau already? I’ll need to look around the forum to see what to do to lose these last 5 lbs. I hate to blame exercise, but maybe that’s affecting my appetite??

    Have a great day everyone, looking forward to check-ins tonight / tomorrow!


    Well done all you losers out there! I
    I have been fasting for 2 days in a row this week. Soon my fasting is over :-).
    I started a new job this week and a couple of my less supportive friends immediately said ‘oh, it will be sooo hard not to have the biscuits/chocolate/cake in the office’. To start with I thought they would be right but it was much easier than I thought.
    For me it’s staying home that’s difficult.
    This morning I broke the 65kg mark (65.8 but still πŸ™‚ ) I am almost at my target weight so I will try for 63 kg by Christmas.
    Keep going all you fab Fd’ers!
    Lotta xx

    I’ve really struggled today, worst fast day yet. Woke up in the wrong frame of mind and tried to motivate myself. Had my usual early morning tea and Was ok until I finished work, had planned a trip to the shops but the weather was foul, wet and windy so went straight home and out with the dog.

    Then it all went pear shaped. I felt really hungry and started picking. As we all know “Little pickers wear big knickers”.

    I log everything on My Fitness Pal and today I’ve clocked up 620 calories. Not good.

    Weigh day tomorrow and I know I’ll be kicking myself.

    I hope everyone else is having more success.

    I’ve struggled this week. My bad habit of picking seems to have returned. Need to get a grip.

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