Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 543 total)

  • Hello again all fasters!
    I love reading all the posts about individual journeys and what you do to manage the fast and non-fast days in the week.

    Emmy – I agree with Bodycombat that MFP is a good tool for logging your food and exercise and I don’t think I would have been as dedicated without it.
    If it weren’t for seeing the numbers come down I would sneak things in here and there without realising how many calories were in them. I am an IT boff and I like data and graphs so that worked for me. πŸ™‚

    I log my intake on non-fast days too so I know how much there are in my ‘treats’. I try not to feel guilty though and usually add some more exercise to a week with higher calorie non-fast days to balance it out.

    I would say try different things and see what works for you. The MFP kind of apps maybe aren’t for everyone but it’s worth a try. Maybe a wipeboard or blackboard in the kitchen to record measurements/weight etc? Some people are very visual so maybe a photo of yourself on the fridge from when you were smaller/lighter/healthier will help?

    All the best of luck everyone – it’s fast day for me today and I’ve had my prawn and noodle salad for lunch. Looking forward to a small portion of veggie lasagna tonight.
    Take care
    Lotta x

    I would love to join if want to……………

    Thanks for the advice! I have done MFP in the past and I know that it does help. I was hoping to not have to worry about counting calories while doing 5:2, but we’ll see. Fast day tomorrow, I’d love to hear how people keep busy. I laid around on my couch feeling sorry for myself on Monday ;).

    Not sure……I’m also new here

    Hey everyone,

    I haven’t posted in a while, but have been keeping up with all your posts and some amazing results on here, and not just for weight, so that’s great to see.

    My loss is going reeeeealllly slowly but this morning, I have finally gone just the tiniest sliver under 12. My weigh has always fluctuated from 12 to 12 and a half, so I was only going to get excited once I went under the 12. So, today, after 4 weeks, we have a result – albeit tiny!

    Interested to see the comment about water/excercise/no weight loss. I spin 3 times a week and sweat massively (ew!) so am hoping that’s why the loss has been so slow.

    Very used to fast days now. I don’t try and over think and analyse them – I just have my banana, porridge and beans on toast, and get on with it. My big battle now is to tame the 5 days!

    9 weeks til Xmas TODAY…so not long to go. I know a lot of you are fasting today – so have a good day. Think NOT of the food but of the gorgeous you at the end of it…..xx

    Hi, welcome to all the newbies. It was the monthly weigh in today. Results as follows.

    25/8/14. 13st 8 lbs. Starting weight
    25/9/14. 13st 3 lbs. -5
    23/10/14. 12st 12 lbs. -5

    Can’t remember the last time I was below 13 St, so we’ll happy. If I can lose a pound a week till Christmas it will be a huge achievement.

    Hi, I’m a new person on this forum. I’m 50 yrs old, weigh 11 stone 3 and 5 foot 4 inches, sorry about the imperial! Oh and I’m female and think im heading for the menopause. I would like to lose weight to reach about 9 St 9 which I have been in the past and felt comfortable. I’m logging everything on mfp and have noted that my tdee is 1554 cals. I have, for the last three days, been eating 1250 cals and have lost a pound! That’s wonderful but I am terrified of doing a fast. It’s like someone jumping off the diving board and hesitating for hours over it. I keep saying to myself just jump, it won’t kill you or hurt you! I am planning to take that jump tomorrow and would plan my other fast day as a Monday. I’m always interested and grateful for any advise but know this ‘block’ is down to me to just get on with it, how cowardly is that?! I have been reading lots of entries here and ‘get’ the fact that it should be a slow process, that your body needs time to adjust and measuring is important. Is it possible that someone could ‘hold my hand’ when I jump? Pathetic I know, but I could do with the support. I’m not expecting miracles from this, but to be comfortable with my weight and more importantly, my relationship with food is a real goal. Thank you.

    Hi Finjane, I’m new to this too so let’s jump together! Fasting today and have nearly made it through. Dinner left and then a new day tomorrow. I see each new fast day as a new challenge and I’m finding, even in a short period, that it does get easier each time. All the best, Reldz πŸ™‚

    Oh thank you for responding, I’m sort of excited or curious about not eating ( just the 500) tomorrow, but the fear thing is daft I know, what’s the worst that can happen, headache and hunger? I’m usually quite a strong person and find it interesting that this fills me with fear! Anyway I’m going to do the fast tomorrow and hug my iPad all day checking into the forum for support! I don’t know what to eat tomorrow but do like the idea of soup which does fill me up and there’s so many great low cal recipes out there, I’ll be spoilt for choice. I might be frightened that I might actually succeed at this, mmmm interesting thought, I’ll ponder on that!

    Good luck marelda and finance, I was surprised how I coped for someone who has always grazed all day. Keep busy and you will be amazed. There will be times when you will be fairly hungry, just ride it out and remember to drink loads of water to replace the water you get from foods. I have a weak cordial drink as I can’t stand plain water. And remember the mantra ‘I can have it tomorrow’.

    Oh yes that’s a great thought to help, that I can eat tomorrow. I think as food has been my best friend, too close a friend, hence the weight, I feel I’m leaving my best friend, but yes, to say I’ll see my ‘friend’ tomorrow is a good bit of advise. I’m terrible with the water thing too and cordial albeit weak would do nicely. Heck, hold on a minute, I might be looking forward to this. Thank you very much indeed.

    Lol Finjane. That’s a lovely idea of thinking your iPad is the support group giving you a hug. Muffin10, I vacuumed, mopped, did a load of washing, a little bit of gardening and numerous other little things. Who knew fasting would be good for my house as well as my health!!

    I think I’ve just made it through my first fast day at around 500kcal. I did sneak in a jelly baby, but I’m still happy with myself and hanging out for breakfast. Meanwhile, if I’m tempted, there’s always the ironing. πŸ™‚

    Just starting my fast day here in the US…

    So, I lost 3 lbs. the day after my first fast and was shocked to see that I hadn’t gained them back today. I’m really beginning to believe the whole water retaining exercise thing, as I didn’t exercise this week. However, I have a weekend full of exercise and Halloween parties ahead, so it’ll be interesting to see my weigh-in this coming Monday.

    Congrats to all that made it through today! I’m sure I’ll be checking in later to help me get though evening.

    Hello All and welcome to the newbies!
    Worst thing about the fast for me is the cold feet thing!!
    Still thats cured with a cup of tea and a hot water bottle.
    I often go to sleep on fast days fantasising about hot buttered toast (white bread!)
    with marmalade and tea with sugar (which I rarely have)muttering madly “I can have it tomorrow”.
    Then when tomorrow comes I don’t want it!
    Good luck fasting everyone.
    I’m doing it today,had my porridge and cinnamon,nothing till smoked salmon and brown roll tonight.
    Hey ho!
    Love Lucy xx

    Hi, all-

    Checking in from NY. I love that you guys are mostly from the UK or Oz- with your cute lingo like Brekky. I dream of going Down Under one day, but I can never get farther than Hawaii, hah!
    So, today will be my third fast day. Finjane, just jump in! And do your best. This is not a race, it is a regimen that will take getting used to. But I would MUCH rather have 2 days where I have to use will power, than try to do it day after day, it’s easier. Just think you can eat what you want TOMORROW.You won’t die from drinking unsweetened tea for 8 hrs, or not having that cookie. And you will probably not overeat on your feeding days. I have lost over 2 lbs in the first week, and I already feel better in my clothes.

    I also got this great app, mynetdiary. As long as you plug in your food without cheating, it works out calories, nutrition, your exercise, etc. I am finding this a great tool to help me. They also have articles on foods.
    Wish me well on my fast day, Thursday!

    Half way though my fast day & I just feel a little out of it today, better than Monday (so far). Hot water with lemon saves the day!!

    I had a quest protein bar for lunch (180 calories) and have a frozen meal with fresh spinach (320) planned for tonight. I hope to be able to experiment with cooking on fast days in the future, I just planned for quick, easy protein meals this week.

    I know next week will be different because I will want to increase my workouts. Does anyone have advice on purchasing fastexercise? I’m already familiar with HIIT, so I don’t think it’ll be anything new for me…

    Second fast day of the week is coming to an end now and I’m looking for a few hours of evening entertainment to get me through those danger snacky hours before bed. Some people on here have asked what we all do on fast days to keep from slipping up. I’m usually fine through the day, it’s just after dinner that I find difficult. Today I got up at 8, did an hours work then went to the gym. I tried one of those new Barre classes which was interesting. Slow but probably good on a fast day as it doesn’t take much energy. Then 5km run on the treadmill followed by a little more work before going to meet another self employed friend for ‘lunch’ . I go to this particular place if I ever need to eat out on fast days as I know they use small eggs and thin rye bread which only works out to about 170kcal. After lunch I went for a 60 minute massage then bought some small food storage boxes on the way home. Once home I spent the afternoon sorting out my pantry and putting everything into little labeled boxes. My cupboards now look like Nigella’s!
    For dinner I had a 340kcal ready meal, butternut squash risotto. I’m moving from London to Melbourne next week and am going to miss the variety of low kcal ready meals we have here. Never thought I’d say that as I usually love cooking. Cooking on fast days though is a little uninspiring and my barmix recently broke πŸ™

    Morning all. Good luck with the move Bodycombat. Country gal, I’m in the same boat as you: no exercise. I can swim, but still have to be careful. Bit frustrating.

    I had a successful fast day yesterday. Yay. Reading all these posts is helpful. Thank you all. I’ve got my first ‘fast headache’. Any ideas on how long it might last? Thanks all, have a nice rest of your day where ever you are. Reldz.

    ‘Hugs’ to Finjane and all others fasting today. I managed it yesterday. Yay, but now have a headache. Not yay. Oh well….

    In my experience with those headaches, they don’t go away until I take a pain killer unfortunately. Good news is I never get them anymore now that I’m a few months in. Hang in there!

    I’ve just done my weigh in and I’m a kg down this week!! If I can get on that plane next Thursday weighing 74kg I will be so excited!!! Problem is I’ve got leaving dinners and drinks planned for every night between now and then. I wonder if I could fast every day except dinner from Saturday-Thursday? Anyone ever tried anything like this?

    Hello to everyone
    Weighed in yesterday, down another 1.4 lbs for a grand total of 14.4 lbs since Sep 3……..not bad I am very pleased!!

    I have found that I need to drink plenty of water on fasting days to avoid the headaches. Fasting once again today before the weekend.

    Hope all the fasters today have great success.
    Take care

    Good morning all! Sorry..was so busy yesterday didn’t have a chance to check in! Welcome all newbies! Don’t be nervous…fast days are really not that bad and after a few of them they become habit. I actually love fast days because I don’t need to pack so much food to bring to work for breakfast, snacks and lunch πŸ™‚

    This week I ended up not fasting. After a week of spending everyday at Tim Horton’s donut shops in Canada I’m having trouble getting off sugar again. I really feel I’m addicted to it (sugar) – if I can keep it away or keep the quantities low I have no problem but once I get some I’m a goner. But next week I need to get back at it..Christmas is coming and shortly after that my 50th birthday so I need to get 15 – 20 lbs off by then! I need to meet my goal weight of 145 lbs by my 50th!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!

    Hello All!
    Well stepped rather gingerly on the scales this morning (after two bottles of wine last night,shared with hubby,not two to myself!)
    And….I’ve lost another 1 and a half pounds!!!!!
    No exercise yesterday,at work so no snacking either and lamb casserole for dinner with parsnip and carrot mash.
    Weather here in South West Ireland abso foul,grey all around!
    Will get dogs out later I hope,no I will its not fair on them if I dont.
    Off to hoover and dust now!
    Lucy xx

    I’d like to join in with this fabulous group now and lose 7 lbs by Christmas. I am 65 and have been “slimming” all my life.Weight has fluctuated between 7stone 7lbs to 12stone . Now 10 stones 11 lbs. (5′ 2″) Just been diagnosed with an under active thyroid so feeling losing weight much more possible. Since July I have lost 10 lbs which is immensely encouraging. I have been avoiding bread as it doesn’t agree with me but will now start fasting days on Mondays and Thursdays. Off on my stepping machine now for 10 mins!

    Morning All!
    Well its a Bank hoilday here so wont be fasting (& our gym is closed tonight as well).
    Will be going to a Mass & Blessing of the Sick with yummy stuff afterwards,hopefully I will resist!
    I’ll just stay out of the kitchen lol
    Will go to gym tomorrow morning & fast tomorrow.
    Really hope I wont have done too much damage weekend wise.
    Lucy xx

    Hi everyone! I am fasting today and feeling pretty darn good too! Very interesting, when I came back from vacation I had every intention of fasting Monday and Wednesday and maybe a partial on Friday last week but my attitude wasn’t the greatest as I really didn’t want to come back to work so I just decided to take the week off. Glad I did, because today I’m just like my old self again, I’m fasting away and having no problems at all. I was a little worried last night that I wouldn’t be able to make it, but now it’s like no problem…I can do this thing!

    Lucy – have a great day off of work! Hope the weather has improved as well! It’s sunny here but we’re suppose to have rain this afternoon through into tomorrow!

    Hi Flying Pony and welcome! Glad to see things are moving in the right direction. I bet all the weight gain was due to your thyroid and now that it is stable the weight should drop right off!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Hi everybody! Fasting this Monday here in the U.S. I had a great morning, but now I feel a little run-down. I did just have a protein bar for lunch (180 cal), so hopefully the energy will kick in soon. I plan on a frozen meal (320 cal) tonight. This plan worked for me last week. I was able to maintain a 3 lb. weight loss with my first week fasting. This was a surprise since I had quite an indulgent weekend. I only have about 10 lbs. to lose in total, so I’m wondering if I will meet this goal by Christmas. It will amaze me since I haven’t been able to move these 10 lbs. for 5 years. I’m sure I won’t lose as much as last week, but anything each week at this point will be great.

    I love how I felt the day after the fast last week. It was like my body had a fresh start – I’m going to use that to get me through the day! Good luck to those fasting today!

    Hi everyone!

    I’d like to join in too please! πŸ™‚ Good luck to you all!

    Like you Emilyashen, I would like to lose about 10lbs in total (could always want to lose up to 5lb more than that but I need to be a bit realistic too here!), but it’s the hardest 10lbs ever!!

    My frame of mind has changed a bit this year as last year I was jogging and doing all kinds of cardio activities. This year, however, I don’t seem to feel I want to do as much but still try to jog 3 times a week plus do HIIT dvds whenever I can. My Fast days are Mondays and Thursdays and as I was logging onto MFP for today’s meals, for the first time ever(!) I’ve taken note of it warning me not to go over my fat allowance for the day, so hoping that’s the only reason I’ve been fluffing it up all this time! I know the only way I lose it is to track everything, so fingers crossed I can do it!

    Hope you all doing well. I had a good first week, found the first fast day quite challenging but got organised better and the second fast was better, didn’t have that starved feeling. I lost 5lbs which is a real motivator to keep going. At the weekend, I made 2 pots of low cal soup so have it in portions in the freezer. Today is my first fast day this week…..have been out+about all morning so looking forward to my soup…pumpin, carrot, leek+celery which I made with a gluten free veg sock cube and a good pinch of cumin. It’s fat free as I used a few squirts of oil to saute the veg before adding the stock. I’m going to do my kettlebell dvd later.

    Haha…..stock cube not sock cube!!

    It’s 8 weeks until Christmas and I’ve taken the plunge to start 5:2 this week. I am fasting today (Tuesday) and it has been really helpful to read around the forums to find out how people manage fast days. What I have taken from all that I have read (instead of working!) is that the most important thing to do is what works best for you. I had an evening meal last night and so don’t plan to eat until this evening, although I am not sure I will last until then the way I am feeling right now (it’s nearly “lunch time” and I haven’t eaten breakfast, so my body is telling me that I need to eat!). I am reassured to read that this feeling will pass and that distraction is a good way to deal with it, hence my posting on this forum!

    So, I hope it’s ok to join you all on the path to Christmas. That’s my first milestone anyway. I am 169cm and weigh around 11stone 13lbs. For a BMI of 25 I need to weigh 11stone 3lbs. It has been more than 10 years since I weighed that. It’s almost as if I have an internal set point below which I cannot go (for reasons I have yet to work out). That set point is 11stone 8lbs. It would be amazing to reach 11stone 5lb by Christmas (i.e. 1lb a week). I am in this for the long term and for all the health benefits, not just the weight loss.

    Hi. I had my second fast day yesterday and plan to fast Monday’s and Thursday’s till near Christmas, when we are going on a cruise to celebrate our Silver Wedding. Have 10lbs to lose but any loss welcome.

    After reading the 5 2 book I decided to try to have only one meal a day in the evening as that is supposedly what gives best results.

    First day was quite easy and managed without food till 6pm. However, yesterday I found much harder. Had meltdown at 3pm, felt shakey, cold and really hungry. Remembered that it said in the book that these feelings pass, so made some fennel tea then went to the local garden centre.

    Then hubbie rang to say he was running late and wouldn’t be home till 7pm. So devoured my meal on my own at 5.30pm and felt much better. Had an early night and felt great this morning.

    Hi Chappettes,

    Thanks for all your encouragement. It’s wonderful to be in the company of so many brave inspired slimmers.

    Had my fasting day yesterday 8am. 1 boiled egg, 5 mini nairns oatcakes (19 cals each and delish) nothing for lunch,lots of water and tea, a coffee at 5.30pm. and home at 8pm. for chicken breast salad…loads of lettuce, cucumber, and half an avocado. then 1 square of Lidl dark choc with crunch caramel and I STILL lost 2lbs overnight. Amaaazing.

    2 boiled eggs today and 5 mini oatcakes, pizza express salad with chicken , no bread and a diert tonic an dice , then more chick salad after some pho broth from COOK who makes low cal pots of soup. (134 cals)

    Apparently if you have an under active thyroid you should avoid gluten so gave up bread (V.sadly) in July. Since then I have lost 12 lbs . The thyroid pills have made an immense difference. I have just started the 5:2 yesterday on top of cutting down on carbs.

    Like Barniesmum, one has to really try hard to ignore the hunger pangs and distract with something else. The more you do it, the better you feel. A glass of water with ice helps a lot whenever you feel desperate. AND does you good.On the 5:2 again tomorrow as working til 9.30pm. on Thursday so will be too hungry to cope then.

    Huge birthday party on Saturday …will have to avoid croute of boeuf en croute and choc cake. !!


    I love to see everyone’s fasting stories, it’s so nice to have a place to share and get support!!

    I lost a pound after my fast day yesterday. I’d love to lose 1.5 lbs. this week… I will have to go easy on the Halloween candy this Friday :).

    Today I have been less hungry than last Tuesday. I almost always have to grab a quick snack after work, but was able to drink a little caffeine and complete my workout DVD with no snack. I’m planning on doing Jillian Michael’s Ripped in 30 DVD 5 times a week for 4 weeks (not exercising on fast days) + the occasional tennis match. The workouts are about 25 minutes long, so very doable.

    I hope that I am entering the stage where fasting helps control your cravings and portions. I’ll keep you posted. My energy and mood is great, definitely a perk from yesterday’s fast. Also, I feel as though my stomach has gone down so much in a week. My tight pants were so comfy today :), Yay!

    Next fast is Thursday.

    Hi all, Flying Pony, can you tell me more about underactive thyroid and gluten? My thyroid has been on the ‘low’ side of normal all my life. Never low enough to be given meds. Would love to learn more.

    I think I ate less yesterday than I would normally on a non fast day, so am happy about that. I and I’m sure all of us, must remember to be kind to ourselves when we over do it. I love this journey and am finding I am now able to look at what, why and when I eat from a little bit more of a distance and that in itself is awesome. Cheers all and have a great day wherever you are. x Reldz

    Goal: Loose 14lb by Christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212LBS (-2lb)
    26/10/14: 210lbs (-2lb)

    Total loss: 13lb (1 lb left to go)

    Well this week I lost another 2lb, I could have managed to do 3lb, infact I saw that cheeky next stone on the scales on Saturday morning but had a busy weekend out and wanted to be able to eat what I wanted so I let it go and settled for the 2lb loss which I am still happy with, hopefully will reach goal by this sunday and then I can set my new one which will be to get to under 200lb by Christmas. Feeling a little bit disheartened because when I look in the mirror I cant see any difference though other people say they can and my measurements and scales back this up, this is usually the point I fall off the wagon but I am definetly clinging onto it still and hopefully will feel more optimistic soon, well done all you other fasters that are shedding the pounds πŸ™‚

    Well done abop.

    Hi Christmas Slimmers and well don Abop, that’s great progress.

    Well, today is my third fast day and first weigh day and I was happy when I got on the scales this morning and had lost 3 pounds since last Thursday.

    Managed to last out till 6pm without eating again. Had a cup of tea with skimmed milk first thing, then herbal teas, diet coke and water throughout the day. However, once again had a slump period between 3pm and 4pm, felt cold and really hungry. Dissolved an oxo cube in boiled water and drank that, it was actually quite nice.

    Enjoyed my meal of poached salmon with stir fried veg flavoured with a little soy sauce and a stewed apple with vanilla yogurt.
    Bath and early night on the cards. Hope everyone who’s fasting is having a good day.

    Great job Abop & Barniesmom! I lost 3 lbs. last week too, it feels great! I don’t expect to lose as much this week, but I’m hoping to Iose 1.5 lbs.

    I’m so glad I’m still here. I usually quit any kind of diet within a few days. There seems to be so many benefits from this way of eating that’s propelling me forward. I love what Marelda said about how 5:2 helps to see how you eat from a distance. I definitely feel that way too, it’s like I’m more in control.

    I want to go strong with 5:2 til Christmas & then hoping to be at maintenance level. I do feel slimmer already! Good job to those who have finished their fasting week!

    Hi everyone,

    For some reason I didn’t get to post an update last week but I’ve been following everyone’s progress with interest and it certainly feels like we’re all motivated and doing well – keep it up Christmas pledgers

    Oh no – I put in a clapping symbol after ‘Christmas pledgers’ and the rest of my post disappeared – aaaargh.

    Will try to remember what I’d written about my progress and post again later.


    Oh Ellie bad luck losing your text. Hope you’re losing weight as easily lol. Will look forward to reading your update.

    Emilyashen, well done you. I think we started this at the same time so it will be interesting to see where we are at Christmas.

    Happy weekend all.

    Hi everyone,

    Back again and just want to mention that its 8 weeks to Christmas or slightly less. For me, it would be great to knock another 8 lbs off and start the new year at maintenance but might be a stretch too far.

    Here’s how my journey has been so far:

    Starting weight 168 lbs
    Week 1 – 15 Aug: down 2 lbs to 166
    Week 2 – 22 Aug: down 4 lbs to 162
    Week 3 – 29 Aug: travelling for work, no weigh in
    Week 4 – 7 Sep: down 1 lb to 161, joined Christmas pledge thread
    Week 5 – 13 Sep: down 3 lbs to 158
    Week 6 – 19 Sep: down 2 lbs to 156
    Week 7 – 27 Sep: down 1 lb to 155
    Week 8 – 3 Oct: down 1 lb to 154
    Week 9 – 10 Oct: down 2 lbs to 152
    Week 10 – 17 Oct: down 2 lbs to 150
    Week 11 – 24 Oct: down 1 lb to 149
    Week 12 – 31 Oct: down 1 lb to 148
    Total to date – 20 lbs in 12 weeks yay! However, 1 lb off Christmas pledge goal so hopefully will make this next week.

    All your support has been incredible and keeps me motivated. For the last two weeks I’ve “only” lost a lb but still very happy that the weight loss has not stalled. Fingers crossed for next week.

    Onwards and downwards.

    Hello All & well done all you losers!
    & welcome all newbies!
    I’m stuck at 9st 11 and a half pounds.
    Prob because of the foul weather here,warm & wet or as the locals say “soft”.
    I havent been going out every morning for dog walk only every other day plus the three nights at gym but I feel I need 5 morning walks to actually lose weight.
    Still I’m at the milestone of being below 10 stone.

    Have had an ok week been a bit trickier as it has been half – term. Had two 700 fast days and have nibbled a bit. But it shouldn’t be too bad, hopefully. Kids back on Monday so will have to try extra hard this week. On the plus side have tried on an old pair of size 14 trousers (probably a generous 14) so that was an achievement. 7 weeks to go, better get cracking then, though if I could lose another 7 lbs by Christmas I would be very happy.

    Well done Lucy, you must be delighted to be under the 10 stone threshold (that’s my goal too). How much more before you’re at goal weight and switch to maintenance?

    Muffin, 7 lbs is certainly doable. Let’s stay focused on this goal before Christmas.

    Barniesmum and abop, well done, you’re doing great.

    A number of us are close to the Christmas goal of 14 lbs loss that we started in September, and for those who aren’t that far along, there’s still another 7 weeks, we can all do it.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Hi all, I’m checking in again now I’m back in gear for this thing. My system threw a wobbly a couple of weeks ago when I didn’t have the ingredients for my normal fasting breakfast, and I stopped and put back on some weight with too much halloween sweets in the house. Then I got a reminder to return the Fast Exercise book to the libraray, so reading it is getting the motivation happening again.

    I’ve had a bit of a clean up over the weekend – deleted all the superficial fasting/tracking apps from my phone, removed chocolate from the house (although cooking chocolate doesn’t call me) and made some soup. I’ve concluded that spending 30 minutes getting food organised on the weekend is probably all I need to make sure I have no excuses.

    Now to face up to the scales and get some Fast Exercise happening. I’m interested how other people are getting on with adding some exercise to the equation.

    Well done Moulin! A big clean out is always a good place to begin in my book. πŸ™‚
    Well, I’ve just weighed my self and have lost 8lb during the last 5 weeks. It’s weird, I’ve felt like it plateaued (I weigh everyday) but looking at the cold hard facts has set me straight. I would love to lose another 10lb before Christmas, but will certainly be happy with a pound a week. πŸ™‚
    Happy FD to all you Monday fasters, and remember, those with waning motivation because its ‘too slow’ or ‘not working’, just hang in there!!!
    Em xx

    Good morning everyone!

    So, I’ve been struggling for so long now that I’m just wiping the plate clean and start over. Today is officially day 1, week 1 for me πŸ™‚ I got on the scale this morning and gained weight (yikes – haven’t been this weight in years!!) so I just need a total re-boot! I’m going to do 4:3 this week and see how it goes and see if it helps get things moving in the right direction! Maybe I’ll do 4:3 now through Thanksgiving…I’ll think about it! πŸ™‚

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!

    Good luck newme, I tend to do a fast on Monday and Wednesday and a partial one on a Friday where I just have lunch and tea. Take a day at a time and if one day doesn’t go to plan try to make the next a bit lighter and don’t give up it will be worth it.

    Hello Monday Fasters,

    I was only down .5 lbs. from last week. However, I do have some positive things to report. Two friends noticed my weight loss this weekend and my clothes are roomier :). Also, I am feeling a bit bloated today, so I think the scale will look a little better next week. I’m getting very close to my goal weight and I still believe I can achieve it by Christmas!!

    My exercise looked pretty good last week. I had two HIIT sessions, played tennis one day and ran 4.5 miles. I was very surprised by my successful run because I haven’t been running any kind of distance for about a month now. I thought I’d have to stop, but I felt good for the entire run.

    I think I’ll follow the same pattern as the last two weeks, eat a little at lunch then a small dinner. I am loving this way of life, it is really working for me.

    Good luck to everyone!

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