Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 543 total)

  • Hi everyone!
    Hope you are all doing well after the weekend. London is grey, wet and cold this morning and I’m housbound due to a poory son so fasting is not going to be easy today.
    I have plenty of things to get on with but not being able to leave the house will be a challenge. My fast days are usually quite routine dependent and almost always includes exercise as I find it easier to manage the food that way.
    Never mind. I will do my best and if it doesn’t work today I can do another day this week.
    All the best of luck to all fasters today.

    Good morning fellow fasters, well the plan to be fairly healthy this weekend went out the window at about lunchtime on Saturday, still lost weight though and its the best first week I’ve ever had despite the weekend binge.

    Goal: Loose 14lb by Christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)

    Hi everyone! Sounds like everyone is plugging along just nicely! We had a good weekend attended a birthday party which consisted of cheesecake and smores, but I did very good compared to years in the past. I view that as a success and things are shifting inside me. For instance with the smores I had one which was lovely, made up another (out of habit) and didn’t necessarily want all of it. Sorry but normally if you give me chocolate I can’t stop!

    Today is a fast day and so far doing good. I didn’t eat a lot yesterday so it will be interesting to see how hungry I feel today!

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!

    Hi Everyone, Fast day for me also. I live in Cape Town and it is school holiday time. My day was very busy so I actually found the fast easy today. I will weigh and measure myself on Wednesday morning. It is early days yet but I am really trying to get a shift in my mindset. Not denying myself anything but instead asking myself if I am truly hungry. And having any treats in moderation. Fingers crossed my weigh in will be successful.

    Morning All.
    Botheration, have put on 2lbs & thats after a fast day.I know what the problem is,I just didnt do enough exercise over the weekend to make up for indulging.Weather was most foul!
    It may be that after gym & fast day yesyerday followed by being good with exercise today I may have a loss tomorrow.
    Good luck to everyone fasting and well done to all weight losses
    Lucy xx

    Hello to everybody engaging on your yuletide goals!

    Sorry to crash your party late, I hope you don’t mind another newbie. This is my very first post after loitering in the wings for some time, so please, go easy on me! 😉

    I too would like to strip some weight off before Christmas, and this seems the perfect place for me to be responsible and accountable for that. I’m a 32 year old Aussie girl living in London and am loving this 5:2 way of life.

    My goal: get to 81kg (healthy weight range for 5’11” frame). This requires another 5.2kg in 11 weeks, definitely achievable.

    My ultimate goal: to look hot at my wedding in July next year. And then after to be happy and healthy for the rest of my days!

    Look forward to following you all in your downward trends.
    Em X

    P.S newme@50 excuse my ignorance, but what’s a smore?

    Emstar – welcome! I love how you want to look good for your wedding then be happy and healthy for the rest of your life. 🙂 Now that’s the way to be!! A smore is a pretty amazing thing…you roast a marshmallow over a bonfire and put it between graham crackers and chocolate. It’s VERY good..a little too good! 🙂

    Today is my non-fast day and another day I will be cautious on what I eat since it’s a little too easy for me to go crazy on non-fast days. I didn’t pack a lunch because I was craving a salad from a local restaurant and I have a coupon for $2.00 off a salad! I did pack some fruit and greek yogurt for snacks!

    My back is still pretty stiff today, but I’ve popped 3 liquid advil and brought my heating pad with me today. Yesterday at lunch I went down to my car to use the heated seats…what a waste of gas but I needed the heat!

    I hope everyone has a great day – fasting and not-fasting!! Keep the prize in mind as you go about your day today 🙂

    Hi everyone. I havent been on in a while as I was having bad results. (my own fault, not controlling at all on non fast days) So I spoke to myself very sternly and I am now doing three days at below tdee, two days fast and two do what I like days. I am also walking, cycling, taichiing on Weds and trying to get 30 day shred in here and there. I have also decided not to weigh myself more than once a month. I will weigh in on 23 October. I am much happier and feeling lighter!!! Good luck to everyone and it is nice to be back.

    PS I started this at 72 kilos and I wanted to be 65 kilos by Christmas.

    Ok newme@50, a smore sounds VERY good, I understand why you like them so much! Geez, I haven’t had a marshmallow over a fire in a LOOOONG time. Hmmmm….maybe time to remedy that?

    And well done on coming back Mandl. That’s always the hardest bit with diet or exercise I find. And there’s nothing like a good talking to oneself to sort out your motivation and goals. I think you can drop those 7kgs by Xmas. I hope the 23rd shows you what you’ve worked for and want to see.

    So I have something I want to share: I just received blood results back from my Dr today (I have Type 1 Diabetes so have regular bloods/appointments etc) and my HbA1c is the best it has been since I was first diagnosed in 1998! A woo hoo!!!

    Its weird, the threat of having to have a limb chopped off, or going blind, only ever made me do a little bit to try and improve my own health. But with just over a month of 5:2ing it may already be making an impact. I do recognise there may be coincidence here, but any good readings are still good in my mind.


    I hope y’all enjoying this day. There’s a little bit of sun out here in London. Last sighting before April next year??? 😉
    Em X

    Congratulations on your results Emstar!!

    Hi All

    I would like to join in too – just read all your posts, very positive and helpful.
    I am going to start on Thursday and then Mon and Thurs. Would like to lose around
    1 stone as at the moment I am 10 stone 2 lbs. I am only 5’1″. I was shocked by the
    BMI as for my height and age (youthful 64) it ranges from 6 stone 4 lbs to 9 stone something! 6 stone 4 seems incredible – I remember being 7.5 stone some years back and was too thin. I suppose it must depend on your bone structure, the girl who did my nails today is Vietnamese and is tiny.Be great to lose it by Christmas but that is only 11 weeks away – 11 lbs would be great though – being short it looks more – goes the other way too – any extra lb on a shorty always looks more. My hubby is interested too, though he always loses weight easily but he is going to join me which is great as I hate cooking and he loves it so hopefully some nice meals from the recipe book – if it was just me doing it it would be boiled eggs and soup. LOL

    Hi everyone, phine, nothing wrong with eggs and soup, its usually what we have on fast days 🙂 My hubby is doing this too, and it does make it easier doing it together.

    I’m still losing about 1 – 1.5kg a week so cant complain. Emstar I am getting married next year too, we are eloping in New Zealand in March. Hope you all have a good week and newme I hope your back is better soon.

    Good morning everyone! Fast day today for me! I have what I’m hoping is an amazing chicken noodle soup for lunch. It’s 140 calories and it’s a frozen soup from the better grocery store and sodium is a tiny bit less. Looking forward to it already and it’s only 8:00 am (hehe) My back is still sore but slowly getting better. No exercise yet for me this week and I haven’t been able to walk at lunch like I normally do. Hoping today I can at least get a little walk in! Next week is vacation so I won’t be around! I’ll be in Canada for the week and busy visiting family and buying all the things I love so much and never get to have!

    Emstar – great news on the blood results!!! I had my yearly physical around the time I started this WOL so I’ll need to wait until next year to see any improvement with cholesterol etc., but even in the short time I started this, my fasting blood sugar did drop to the lowest ever. It usually hovers close to 100 and this time it was 89!

    Mandl – get job having a talk with yourself. Yes I was doing the same thing and it’s getting better. I’ve also noticed when I do pig out now I don’t eat near as much as I used to. Now that is progress!!!

    Greetings to everyone else! Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

    Kvetina and Phine21 I am jealous that you have your hubbys doing this with you and helping you, I have to sit next to my partner of an evening and watch him whilst he scoffs his face with whole packets of biscuits and icecream and chocolate, and yet hes still slim thanks to his active job, so he feels like he can eat like that and get away with it. I have told him it will all catch up to him when he’s older, both his dad and his granddad suffer from obesity and high blood pressure amongst other health problems.

    It has been a rather good fast day for me so far, I attempted one on Monday and did really well until the night time and ended up having more like 900cals than 500 so I wrote that day off and am counting this as my first fast day of the week and going to do another one on Friday. I’ve done some walking and also done half hour on the wii fit. That’s the good thing about this woe though, I would have beaten myself up before for ruining the whole week because I had let myself go on one night but now have simply added another fast day. Happy fasting everyone 🙂 It definetly is getting a lot easier, I am definetly an emotional eater though and I didn’t really think I was x

    Abop, I’m amazed hubby is sticking with it 😆 He is adorable, but honestly not one to deprive himself of anything. It was seeing quick results that has kept him keen. His BP was at the stage of needing medication, and in the first 3 weeks of 5:2 it has come down to normal again.

    Well done on not letting a bad day derail you.

    Blue Ivy

    Happily will I join you. I too have just discovered this site and 5.2
    I too am, shock horror 12 stone aiming for 10.
    I don’t like to say I’ll pledge to reach 10 stone. I’ve already fallen flat on my face once but I shall persevere. “We shall overcome” 😆
    Where we live, 1st floor flat, there are plenty of stairs for me to run up and down as many times as I want!
    Hope you have a wonderful time at Christmas. 🙂

    I’m in too!!
    I started my mission back in July to drop 10kg by end of October. I’m happy to say, thanks to 5:2 and around 5 gym classes a week, I’ve now reached that goal and still have 3.5 weeks to go! Sooo time for a new goal… Maybe 5 kg more by Christmas? That would bring me to 69kg which is close to an ideal weight for my 168cm height.
    I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit this week though… might be due to my work load, maybe because I feel I’ve reached my goal or maybe I’m just making excuses. The one thing I know about this diet though is it is maintainable and much easier than anything else I’ve ever tried. Today is a non fast day and I had a pretty indulgent lunch of white baguette with chicken, mayo and salad followed by a slice of cake. Off to spin class now in an attempt to get back on track! Fast day tomorrow….
    Thanks for helping me set a new goal!

    Ps. Emstar…. I too am an Aussie in London …. Here’s to that! X

    Hi everyone fast day for me today. It went pretty well. I have been so busy that I didn’t have breakfast or lunch and didn’t even feel hungry- lucky me! So I had a lovely tea of soup (I was planning to have for lunch) and a veg curry. I have treated myself to a 5:2 recipe book and it is definitely making fast days easier.

    This is only week 2 of the diet for me and I am getting into the swing of things. I lost 1.2kg in my first week so feeling pretty chuffed with myself.

    Hi everyone,

    A good week this week, 2 pounds lost (total of 16 in 9 weeks – yay!) so well on track to meet the Christmas (2014, not 2015 – he he) pledge.

    For me, eating 2-300 calories lower than TDEE of 1500 approx is clearly helping. I know in my heart and soul I couldn’t consume 1500 on regular days and lose weight.

    I think we all know that planning meals for fast days is key and being disciplined (mantra: I can have it tomorrow) to stick to the calorie count will ensure our success. I’ve just discovered almonds (from another thread) and find a few to work if I just want a snack to nibble on, much better than a choc biscuit or three! If I really want something sweet a few raisins or sultanas does the trick.

    Good luck everyone, onwards and downwards!

    Hi all! Havent been on in a little while. Phine21 we’re about the same weight/height. I’ve gone from 10st13 and a half pounds to 10st2lbs and am hoping to get to 9st by Christmas. Spent some of the weekend clearing out wardrobe & attic. Truly I cant believe I fitted into some of those clothes. I agree that 6st something is very light for our height. I’m gyming it at the moment & know I’ll never be even 8st again. This weekend was more active than last and less calorie laden so after tomorrows fast day I would so love to break the 10st barrier!!
    Good luck everyone
    lucy xx

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my journey so far. I’ve completed two weeks of my fast diet. (1st week was 5:2 and the second was 4:3). I did the 4:3 to see how I felt and will keep going until I need a change on 5:2. So I have officially lost 2kg and feel very happy about it. I did yo-yo during the 2 weeks but it was a steady downward trend. I like to weight myself everyday because I want to understand what my body does. So for anyone who feels a little disappointed with their progress, hang in there. It is more or less 4 steps forward and three steps back. I can see my weight zig-zagging up and down quite a bit so it does look like nothing is happening, but it is. . I think it’s going to get a little harder as the weeks go but I’m up for it! I tried on a pair of size 14 pants and remember that I was a few inches from being able to actually do the button fly. Now they fit! Today is my fast day and I’ve had an egg white omelette with some corn (from the cob) and two coffees. For dinner I’ll have noodles (2 minute no broth and 1/2 a cake) with lots of vegetables and continue to drink water. I boil my water, as for me, it’s more palatable then bottled water. Hope everyone has a great day!

    Morning all!
    Fast day today and plenty of exercise to keep me occupied.
    Porridge this morning (my default setting on fast days)
    Smoked salmon tonight possibly??
    Welcome to all newbies to the thread.
    Good luck fasting today
    Lucy xx

    Goal: Loose 14lb by Christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)

    Total Loss: 9lb (5lb to go)

    Lost 2lbs this week, though the weigh in was from Monday instead of sunday as forgot on sunday, could have done a lot better this week, having got down to 212lb on Saturday but had another bad weekend where I ate quite a lot of junk. I must do better next weekend, I need abit of self control. Will be fasting on Wednesday and Friday this week, hope everyone is well x

    Hi there everyone. Just checking in. I found the fast day yesterday really hard. It is very grey here at the mo so I guess that doesnt help. I am going to weigh myself next weekend and I am hoping to be under 70kg. I look forward to clothes fitting that were too tight before. Still not there but hopeful!!! Good luck to all fasters for this week. I cant go for my walk today as it is torrential out there but I will stick to my 1500 cals. I cant seem to get motivated to do my 30 day shred. Anyone got any ideas? I know how good it would be to firm up, especially my post csection tum!!!

    Hey everyone,
    haven’t been on for a while, have been a bit disappointed. Am now on week 4, and every time I weigh in, nothing is happening.

    I admit to paying no heed to calories on my 5 non-diet days but I had figured that if I carry on as normal, and then fast for 2 days AND spin for 4 days per week – which I started at the same time as the 5:2, then SOMETHING should happen. IT HAD TO WORK!!!

    Clearly not. So will have to take it up a level

    On the upside, feel great – but think that’s the spinning. And the legs are def stronger and feel slimmer – although again, strangely, it hasn’t made any of my clothes any looser.

    Mustn’t give up though.

    Afternoon All.
    Lost a pound yesterday! So having (Like pincie) not lost much if anything in week 4-5 it looks like its begining to go again. I really,really,really want to get below 10st this week so one and a half more pounds would do it!
    Um, mandl whats a 30 day shred??
    I am careful on most of my non fast days. As two of them are gym days I have eggs on toast or beans on toast when I get back from gym. Am thinking to myself that my veg intake has gone down somewhat so thats not good and MUST BE ADDRESSED!!!!
    Lucy xx

    Hello everyone.
    Well done mandl for finding your way back and deciding to stick to it! I hope you see some change soon to keep you going. I’m also wondering about the 30 day shred? What is it?

    Lucy – great going on the weight loss! That is fab.

    I’ve lost and put on over the last week so no overall change but tomorrow is another fast day with Body Combat built in so I’m hoping that will get the scales moving.
    I’ve moved in a notch on my belt though and feel a bit trimmer around the waist.

    Good luck everyone and keep going!
    Lotta x

    Hi All, I’d like to join the Christmas challenge too. This is my first week of the 5/2. I’ve just been told it’s 8 weeks to Christmas! It can be done, it has to be done! Feeling a little fragile, but with support from great sites like this I think we will all become healthier human beings. Looking forward to reading more posts and getting into this project! Take care everyone, Marelda

    30 day shred is an exercise programme taught by Jillian Michaels. You can find session one on you tube. It is the only one I use and last year I did it for about 8 weeks with fab results, lovely muscles in my legs and arms. It is only 25 minutes but I have pains in my back, legs and feet so I am finding it hard to get motivated.

    However, I have managed to walk an hour Mon and Tues and today I walk to my 2 hr tai chi class so that’s at least 3 days’ exercise this week. I am nervous about weighing next week.

    I have decided to fast today as I am busy with my tai chi and then I take my eldest to orchestra and have a half hr cycle whilst he is playing.

    I did a fast on Mon and had 2000 cals yesterday. I should have had 1500. So I am going to take a 100 cals off today tomorrow and Friday. That way I can have a nice weekend off.

    Good luck to everyone for rest of week.

    Hi all, just checked my calendar – Marelda, we have 10 weeks!

    I think 10k loss is still achievable by Christmas so yay for that! This is my third week on 5:2 and have lost 2k. The fasting days have been fine, it’s the days in between that are an eye opener! Crazy cravings for ridiculous sugary things I never ever normally touch, – what the??

    I’m tracking calories on the easydietdiary app every day and it’s not hard to see how I’ve put weight on over time. It’s been 5:2 in reverse for me: wine and cheese being the major culprits, hem hem. I’m trying to stop using good v bad labels when thinking about food and even trying to avoid labelling my personal goal in terms of weight lost as think this is connected with the mad cravings and we know traditional diets relying on that approach just don’t work in the long term.

    So, my goal is to fast 2 days p/w (any two days is fine). I weigh myself every day, always have, and can see my weight going up and down like a yoyo but somehow I’ve lost that 2 kilos and my trousers do feel looser…

    Positive thoughts to everyone,
    Have a great day!

    Hello everyone! I was just reading everyones comments and re-read mine and laughed. When I said 1/2 cake I meant 1/2 of the noodle cake.. NOT and actual cake! I’m on my 3rd week of the fast diet and on the second week of 4:3. I decided to try the 4:3 not necessarily to see if I’d lose more weight but to fast track my blood results into the healthy range. I’m going to get my blood tested again in around three weeks and will share my results. Hope everyone has a great Thursday 🙂

    Hello All.
    Keep saying the mantra,”I can have it tomorrow,I can have it tomorrow,I can have it tomorrow”.
    I can go to bed in three hours so thats another fast day done.
    Thats the end of my first six weeks and am so hoping that I’ve lost 14 lbs.
    That would be 2.33lbs a week on average!
    First week was fab 6lbs,its been up and down since then but if I go overboard at the weekend which has happened twice I know that by the end of the Mon fast day I’m back to what I was before the blowout.
    So no beating ourselves up about the odd treaty day!
    I really only need to lose another 12lbs so I’m half way!
    Good luck for the weekend
    Lucy xx

    P.s. must look up 30 day shred
    Thanks mandl

    So happy to read all the great accomplishments that people are enjoying. I am down a total of 13 lbs since the beginning of September, loving this WOL!! I hate to count calories so this is a great way to loose weight. Went away last weekend enjoyed anything I wanted, had a fast day on Tuesday, weighed myself Wednesday morning as always and was pleasantly surprised that I still managed to loose 1.6 lbs while indulging on the weekend!!

    Fast day tomorrow and then dinner out on the weekend!!

    Happy fasting to everyone.

    good luck!!!!! lucy

    Thanks Sarah! Two more weeks. Yay. This journey is such an interesting one. Amazing to really be involved or ‘present’ I suppose when eating. I think the fast days definitely help with that and I’ve only had two! Here’s to the next 10 weeks AND BEYOND! Cheers all, Marelda

    Morning All!!
    Yay,yay and yay again!
    Have lost what I wanted and am now under 10st. Just under but still…
    Thats a full 14lbs gone.
    Its worth having cold feet twice a week!
    Good luck to all fasters today
    Lucy xx

    Hi everyone,

    I just looked back over the weeks to see how I’ve done since joining this Christmas pledge thread 6 weeks ago. In that time I’ve lost 11 pounds (including another 2 this past week) so well on track to lose the final 3 pounds before Christmas (and hopefully then some) – yay!

    Reading your posts has given me the inspiration and motivation to success and I want to thank you all for your contributions that I read daily.

    I haven’t yet figured out what my target weight should be but I’ll give it some thought. Initially I was thinking that a loss of 28 pounds would be about right so another 10 to go. I’ll think about the range for maintenance (+/- X pounds) and hopefully move to 6:1 at that stage although 5:2 is really not difficult at all in my experience.

    Good luck everyone, onwards and downwards!

    Yay, everyone’s doing so well!

    I too have lost some more poundage during the last 3 weeks, 3.5kg to be exact. I would like to lose another 4.5kg, or 10lb, before Christmas. I’m very happily on 4:3 at the moment. I LOVE fast days. I guess because they make me love the non-fast days even more.

    10lb in 10 weeks. Doable? You betcha!!

    Keep up the good work everybody!
    Em x

    Hello All!
    We seem to go quiet at the weekends here.
    I guess we’re not fasting much Friday to Sunday?
    I find myself looking forward to Monday fast days now,looks like alot of us do.
    Heres hoping for a good fast day tomorrow and more losses!
    Lucy xx

    Well done to all the ‘losers’ out there. Hope everyone who is fasting today finds it easy!

    Lucy – that is brilliant weight loss. Must be so nice to hit that goal!
    Mandl – that 30 day shred thing looks excellent.

    I’ve had a very foodie weekend because of my sons birthday party so I’m back to where I was last Monday. By last Wednesday I had reached 66.5kg which is the lowest I’ve been (yay!) but now back on 67.5kg (boo).
    I seem to be yo-yo ing again and I know it’s beacause I eat too much on non-fast days. I have done much better with the exercise though and am off to Zumba today.

    Good luck everyone and if you are in London, enjoy the lovely autumn sunshine.
    Lotta x

    As only starting today, very new to this but like the idea of a Christmas pledge, not enough time to get where I want to be but a good incentive to have a good try!

    So today is my ‘get back on track’ day! I’ve been successfully 5:2ing since July this year and have managed to reach my original goal but since then I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit. I don’t eat as much as I used to and have a healthy exercise routine that I love so I haven’t gained anything in the passed 3 weeks but I also haven’t lost anything.
    Today is my first whole hearted fast in 3 weeks. I’ve done attempts – don’t eat all day then have 500 kcal dinner, head isn’t strong enough and before I know it I’ve polished off a piece of toast or chocolate.
    So today I’ve decided no more stuffing around! I’ll have some homemade chicken and veg soup at about 4pm which should get me through aerobics and insanity tonight, followed by more soup and some wholemeal toast. Bring on bed time!!

    Goal: Loose 14lb by Christmas
    28/09/14: 223lbs
    05/10/14: 216lbs (-7lb)
    12/10/14: 214lbs (-2lb)
    19/10/14: 212LBS (-2lb)

    Total Loss: 11lb (3lb to go)

    Well I am approaching my goal faster than I thought, Im thinking once I reach it I am going to change it to try and get under 200lbs by Christmas which will take me down to 14st3, happy fasting everyone x

    Hello everyone,

    I’m a newbie, but I’d love to join the Christmas pledge! I’ve had a few failed attempts at fasting and I’d love some support to try to make this one become my new lifestyle. I would love to lose 5 to 8 pounds by Christmas. I’m planning to fast on Mondays and Thursdays, does that work for most of you? Also, how “careful” are you on non fast days?

    Mandl – I have the Ripped in 30 DVD (similar to Shred). I really like it, but I’ve never completed the full month. I love to eat healthy and exercise, but have troubles being consistent with anything. Lately, my snacking has been out of control, so I’m hoping fasting will help… I’ll plan on checking in tonight (I’m in the U.S.).

    I did eat a quest protein bar around noon (180 calories) and plan on a frozen meal with fresh added spinach for dinner with the family. I may also have water with an electrolyte tab (around 8 calories) if I get desperate before dinner.

    Good luck to everyone!

    Hi everyone! I’m back from vacation! I had a wonderful time, ate lots of naughty foods since I can only get them at home and enjoyed every morsel! I was going to fast today but I’m just too tired so I’ll start up later in the week. We had far too many early mornings and late nights!

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Hi Emmy,
    Well done for giving 5:2 another shot! I tried and failed so many times last year that I just decided it mustn’t be for me. That was until I saw my older sister drop all her baby weight in about 3 months doing nothing other than a few (half hearted in my option) fasts each week. I’ve always been a big gym bunny so I found fasting got in the way of my routine and if I stuffed up I’d be worse off than if I’d just eaten what I usually would and stuck with my workouts.
    Anyway, after seeing my sister’s results I decided I’d give it another go. She assured me it wasn’t the end of the world if I went over by 1-200 kcal so I started by planning my meals to reach 500kcal but didn’t count the odd coffee or few almonds if I felt I needed them. I didn’t lose much when doing it this way but it eased me in well and after a few weeks I dropped the snacks or swapped the skinny cafe latte for late morning breakfast, 2 almonds after work, gym workout then a 400kcal dinner. This is what I generally stick to now but sometimes I find it easier to go with nothing all day and have all 500kcal at dinner. I’m still not that strict though and figure if I burn a few 100kcal every day in the gym then going over by 50 or so won’t make much difference. Overall I’ve dropped around 10kg in 4 month, which may not be the fastest results you’ll read about on here, but I can tell you it has certainly been the easiest. I, like you, am terrible with consistency which is why this is perfect! I tend to do Mondays and either Wednesday or Thursday depending on which work day is likely to be the busiest. The busier I am the better. And if I’m not, I book an appointment for nails, hair, wax or massage. Whatever it takes to occupy me through 4-6pm before I go to the gym. They’re the really tough hours!
    Anyway, I hope that helps you get into it. As soon as you start seeing the scales move you’ll be addicted! Oh- and take measurements! I was so disheartened in my first months when I only seemed to have lost a few kgs. Then I measured my belly and I’d dropped 10 whole cms without even realising!!
    Good luck!!

    Thanks Bodycombat, your post really helps! I did have a successful fast on Monday :). I wasn’t great today, I know you’re not supposed to worry about non-fast days, but it’s hard not to feel guilty. I love to workout too, how do you have the energy on a fast day? Maybe it’ll come with time? I never take my measurements, but could tell a difference even after the first fast. I’m hoping to lose 5-8 pounds, not too much, but I haven’t been able to do it for a few years now.

    Emmy, you should try using an app like ‘my fitness pal’ on non fast days so you can try to keep below your TDEE. I don’t find it necessary to log every day but if I do Monday-Friday including exercise it gives me a good indication of how naughty I can be on the weekend. Mainly for alcohol consumption and I still tend to eat what I like but just in smaller potions.
    Regarding exercise on fast days, yes, it just takes time to get to the point when you have enough energy. Sometimes I still don’t but I’d rather do the workout than not so I’ll have a few cheat almonds. That seems to do the trick. I think the key is having as much protein in your 500kcal as possible. My latest discovery is homemade Indian cutlets. My best friend taught me how to make them on the weekend and if you use very lean mince and only a little oil you can make them around 100kcal per cutlet. One of those with some salad or veg makes a very filling, high protein, high fibre lunch or dinner!
    Have you read the thread on here about ‘exercise being dangerous to 5:2 dieters’? It’s basically saying, when you exercise your muscles retain water so yours scales may not shift. The ‘danger’ is that you will give up on the diet thinking it’s not working. Apparently if you stick with it though, you are more likely to see no change for first few weeks/ month, then quite consistent weight loss. This seems to be exactly what happened to me! I’m so glad I didn’t chuck it in again!
    Remember those last 5-8 pounds are always the hardest so stick with it! I think I’ve still got at least double that 🙁

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