Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

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  • Hi all, weigh in to day. Have lost 5 lbs in the 5 weeks of doing 5:2. Am really pleased as 2 weeks ago didn’t think I had lost anything at all. So all those who have stayed the same or put on don’t give up.

    Feast day today! Yesterday’s fast day went a little too easy since I wasn’t feeling well. I’m thinking of fasting again on Friday or at least a partial fast to help kick start my weight loss! I’ve had two successful fast days this week, but feast days are my problem. I really need to start calling them something different…feast does not mean eat everything in sight 🙂 Normal eating days? That sounds better!

    Muffin – thanks for the reminder! Nope, we won’t give up!

    Greetings to everyone else…have a great day!!

    Hi Everyone
    May I join too??? Just started, this week, and fasted Monday and today – and struggling a bit today, feeling a bit weak.
    I am 47, 5ft 4 and weigh 12stone 4llbs
    REAAALLY want to drop 2 stone for Xmas..may be a bit hopeful but got to reach for the moon.

    Would be happy with any loss quite frankly!
    I have decided my fast days will always be the same, and then I don’t need to think – and risk mucking it up. So, it is:
    banana for brekky
    tub of porridge for lunch
    half can of baked beans on one slice for dinner. (god I’m hungry, can’t wait for dinner!!)

    So – journey begins……excited to see all our results along the way.

    and forgot to tick box for follow replies…trying again…

    Welcome pincie

    thank you Muffin. Early night on fast day…gets me to food quicker!

    Good morning everyone.
    Ha, Lotta I only track the downward slope lol.
    Am now 10 st 3 lbs. Down from 10 st 13 and a half.
    Thats in four weeks,mind you the first week was the best 6lbs I think but on average 2 and a bit pounds a week! I’m happy with that!
    So gym three times a week & we eat lightly after the gym (its a community gym so not open all day so 7pm when we finish),thats two day of fasting & two days of eating lightly (egg or beans on toast).
    So really only three days of Feast,and as I’ve cut out sneaky G&T and odd beer and hardly any carbs,I would be unhappy if things werent shifting.
    But its my boobs that seem to be shrinking most ;o*(
    Good luck all fasters today!
    Lucy xx

    Hi Pincie and welcome! We’re almost twins – I’m 49, 5’4″ and weight 165 lbs!

    Great job Lucy & Muffin – amazing results!

    Today I am fasting – I’m doing 4:3 this week. It’s almost 11:00 am and I’m getting pretty hungry but soon I can take my noon-hour walk and have a little bit of food! We are having company for dinner tonight so a little concerned about calories in the evening. I’ll do my best! Even if I over eat I’ll still be in a deficit!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!

    Ah, I get the new me@50! I’m a little more impatient, and want it by Xmas! How much you losing?
    My weigh in day is Monday….hoping hoping
    And now spinning 4 days a week, so it’s GOT to shift. Spinning makes you feel strong and I like that.
    Off on a ‘date’ with my husband now, the new us, on our diet, feeling rather pleased with ourselves. <3

    Hello everyone
    Back after a few hectic days. Lots of exercise last week and I think I feel smaller (I don’t measure my inches/cm as I keep getting it wrong) although the scales keep ‘yo-yoing’ a bit.

    Welcome all new 5:2-ers – hope your journeys are going well!

    Lucy – I know what you’re saying about the boobs. I’m quite top heavy and it was one of the first things to reduce on me… also my feet and neck slimmed early on (why feet though…?!? I’d rather it was the waist! 😉 )

    I’m off to my first job interview in 10 years on Tuesday after a 5 years at home with the kids. So I tried on my old work suits (all standard – no fashion) and they fit better now than 10 years ago – hurrah!! 😀

    Have a good Sunday everyone and good luck with your fasts next week. Mine is tomorrow and Thursday.

    Hi Princie – you know I was losing weight very easy on 5:2 then my mind got in the way of things and now I gained back what I lost and haven’t lost anymore. Somehow I feel like I’m “starving” on a non-fast day and eat far too much especially simple sugars. I’m working to get it under control now..not only for my waistline but for my health. I imagine it’s not good for my pancreas (too much simple sugars)! I do not want type 2 diabetes when I’m older! But I do like this way of life, very simple, I just need to get my head wrapped around it 🙂

    Myggan – hope the job interview went well! Glad your work suits fit better – YAY!!

    OK – fast day for me today!!

    Have a great day everyone!!

    Hi everyone,
    Well went down to 10 st 2lbs on Sat,no time to eat so inadvertant fast day.
    Breakfast biscuits in the morning an apple on the way home & then fell off the wagon with pulled pork & wine.
    But,(important but) I didnt have beer,gin or any extra bread save the brioche bun that the pulled pork was in.
    Today was fast day,doing home visits so porridge & an apple & cinnamon. Pot of tea in resturant for lunch.
    Off to gym now,not going to be a heavy session but Gym Instructor giving me a programme tonight.
    Eggs & asparagus tonight & “nice” Nespresso coffee as a treat.
    But Jamies Comfort Food is on TV ;o*(
    Hope interview went well Lotta
    Lucy xx

    Hey Id love to join you all, I would like to loose atleast a stone by Christmas, I’m a mum of two, a 3 year old and a 10 month old. I have just started doing 5:2 and had my first fast day today, I have really only done slimming world before but find its too hard to stick to all the time and life definetly gets in the way, I’m hoping this will be more flexible. I started trying to loose weight after having my son and have gone from 18st6 to 15st2 but then put back on 11lb, so I’m starting at 15st13 today, I’m 5’7, and want to get below 15st by Christmas. I feel that’s a realistic and achievable goal and hopefully will find that I can make this into a way of eating long term.
    I must say I have found today a lot harder than I thought I would, I feel cold, my belly keeps rumbling and I have had a headache all afternoon, I have consumed my 500 cals at about 5 oclock, and feel miserable now that I cant go and raid the fridge and cupboards. Hopefully my next fast day will go easier, thinking of getting an early night as otherwise I fear temptation might be too much, those chocolate digestives are calling to me…x

    Hi, you’ve done well. Have you drunk enough as you need to compensate for the water you normally get from your food. Hold on till morning, not long to go.

    I’m up for the challenge!!! Have only just started and can’t believe I’m goal setting at a whopping 80 kilos by Christmas . That’s about 10 kilos to lose, starting at 91.5 kilos. Like yourself, the main goal is to visit family in UK next year from Australia and. Will. Not. Be. going home looking like this!! Good luck everyone:)

    Morning all!
    Welcome abop.
    I agree with muffin,drink,drink,drink. Its easier in the winter I think because of having warm/hot drinks.
    Hi Sarah52,it can be done!
    Fast day yesterday,and as I was out of the house its easier.
    Not really hard session at gym last night but every little helps.
    Good luck to all fasting today.
    Lucy xx

    Yes, drinking the dreaded water is really important.
    I’ve only been on this a week and yesterday, on weighing, I had put weight on – and today….all gone again!!
    So, over all, I think I am a couple of pounds lighter…but once I get under 12 stone, that will be a landmark as have been over that for ages.
    Newme – I had a bad day with sugars too – something I don’t normally do, so that was a bit weird. I’m sure we’ll settle.
    Happy fasting to those on it today…is everyone happy they are losing???

    I’m doing this to see what I can lose by Christmas but no set target as such. My strategy is not to starve myself like a few of the pundits I note in these forums. I am taking a more measured…cut the junk food approach. By swapping out crap and swapping IN healthy low or no fat alternatives, I hope to lose weight and not go hungry!
    Eg today.. I had a chicken schnitzel with salad for brekky and a fried egg for lunch! Been snacking on my mixed nuts and fruit mix during the day to stave off hunger…been great, with no tummy grumbles all day. I think my calorie intake today was pretty low. Evening snack of yoghurt! I can now honestly say my fridge and pantry are now officially junk free!! Looking forward to my chicken stir-fry dish tomorrow with a fruit salad..mmm yum! Still enjoyed a nice coffee though….got a machine at home for that.(water not milk).
    I’m wondering what my scales will say tomorrow when I use them? Too early to judge progress yet.
    Cheers all.

    Hi everyone! Well fast day became interesting when I got home last night. As soon as I walked in the electricity went out. What to do, what to do…I couldn’t go to the gym, I couldn’t cook dinner. So ended up making a salad with cheese and luncheon meat (went over by 120 calories so not too bad) then took a 2 mile walk around town. By the time we got home the electricity was back on and we got to watch our favourite show Antiques Roadshow! This is the third time recently we’ve lost our electricity (what the heck??) so I think it’s time to by a generator!

    So today is a non-fast day for me and so far good – I need to really watch my calorie intake today (can’t go over!!)

    Hope everyone who is fasting today has a great day! And remember…drink lots of fluids!!!

    Fast day today. Going ok so far even managed to avoid eating at work. I work in a school kitchen during the week, so the puddings are always tempting.

    I want to join please? I am 40, am 5ft 6 and weigh around 16st7lb. This is my second week of fasting and I seem to have put on weight last week (although think that was due to not drinking enough water and eating too much food this weekend).
    I want to lose 20lb by xmas and I am really going to try my hardest!
    Good luck for your own goals everyone.

    Hi everyone I would love to join your group. I am 40, 5ft7 & 12st5lbs. I have 3 young children and i I find other diets difficult to stick to – things can be a bit chaotic in our home! My first fast day tomorrow. I am feeling a little anxious but as my youngest child is only 18 months old I know I will have no problem keeping myself busy & away from food. I would love to lose 8lbs by Christmas (and lose the rest in the next year).

    Good luck for tomorrow hungry, fasting isn’t as hard as you may think. You will get hungry but it’s manageable with drink.

    Hi Christmas pledgers-I have Christmas as a (comparatively) long term goal, but as a shorter goal, my niece’s wedding is Oct 19th, so I’m hoping to squeeze into one of my nicer outfits by then.
    Most things fit except too tight in the waist, so it’s not so remotely possible. I’ve cut out sugar, and going for very low starchy carbs, and 3X a week fasting. I’m 5’6″, weigh 148 lb. so-oo, whatever the outcome, it’s worth a shot.
    Happy fasting, all!

    Morning all!
    Welcome to all the new pledgers!
    Well today will be an easy light day as opposed to fast day.
    I’m at clinic so no acess to food except what I bring with me,which is a small wheaten muffin filled with small amount of ham & lots of rocket.
    Quiche and veg straight after gym.
    Then sharing bottle of wine with OH.
    Its the hump of the week bottle!
    Theres always Harvest Festivals Mulville,as my magic knickers are known in my house.
    Good luck all fasters.
    Lucy xx

    Hi – another newbie here, hope I can join you all in the Christmas challenge.
    I’m 44, 13 stone 7lbs and feeling sluggish but after reading all your posts feeling motivated to join you all. Day 1 for me today, 1st October so hoping can get below 13 stone by Christmas now that would put a smile on my face as I’ve been along time in 13s – 12 is such a nicer number (for me) 😉

    Hello everyone–I would like to join this challenge, encouragement is always welcome. I am in Canada so I will be reporting my progress in pounds, since this is the preferred measure that we use. I started my fasting on September 8 2014 at that time I was 200 pounds, the heaviest I have ever been. As of today I am down to 188.6 pounds….very pleased indeed!!! My current goal is to reach 175 by Christmas of this year. It is very encouraging to hear all your stories and successes. Can anyone tell me how many pounds are in a stone?? Happy Fasting!!!

    This is my 2nd fast day and so far I am finding it a lot easier, I did have a banging headache this morning because of this cold that my kiddies have given to me, but took some painkillers and been drinking water all day and I feel a lot better, not even feeling the hunger so much, yet, going to dinner at my mums so will save all my calories for then and watch what I have, definetly find drinking loads helps a lot, I’v got through two litres so far this morning x

    Hi everyone and welcome newcomers!

    Today is a fast day for far so good and I’m drinking lots and lots of water!

    Yesterday as a non-fast day went pretty well too. I was more in control with my food and did my 10,000 steps plus lifted weights. Today’s plan is another 10,000 steps plus some yoga after work!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Happy today – hi there are 14 lbs in a stone.

    Thank you muffin 10 for that information all these different forms of recording weight, good to know what everyone is talking about.

    Hi Everyone, well it was my first fast day today and went quite well. I have been drinking loads of water and black coffee and roibos tea. I even managed to squeeze in a class at the gym so feeling very proud.
    Hope you all had a good day. Only 12 weeks to Chirstmas and counting – gulp!
    I am having an early night tonight – I will probably dream of food but tomorrow is a non-fast day yay!

    Hello, I’d love to join this pledge. I’m 49, 5′ 4″ and started at 83.3 kg on the 29th September. My blood work is very unhealthy and am doing the 5:2 to see if it’s an effective means of getting my health under control. My fast days are Mondays and Thursdays. I’m going to get another blood test in around 5 weeks to see if there’s any change. I’ve watched Dr Mosley’s doco twice now and was amazed at his results. Of course I want to drop the weight too. My BMI was 31.4 when I started. I’ll let you know how my progress goes too 🙂

    Morning All. Fast day today,just had the porridge & apple & cinnamon combo. Busy this morning,have done dog walk & off to work in a mo. Lunch will be a coffee & my dear old Mum got me some fresh beetroot so I am toying with a beetroot and something salad,goats cheese maybe??? for dinner this evening. Am in line for afternoon dog walk as well.
    Good luck all fasters and hello to the newbies
    Lucy xx

    Hey! How are you all going on? I’ve only read the first two entries in June but I’m in on the Christmas pledge thingy. I’m starting today (my first fast day for quite a few weeks) and I want to lose at least a stone by Christmas.
    Anybody else got a similar goal?

    Hi ModelBehaviour, I have a similar goal. Really want to get my blood work healthy and drop some kgs on the way. A stone is doable and I’d like to lose at least that. I’m on my fourth day today (fasting Mondays and Thursdays). Sticking to my TDEE for my weight and ~500 on the fast days. I’m looking forward to seeing positive results 🙂

    Fantastic!! Well done you! My fast days are thursdays and mondays too. Let’s do this!! 😀

    Hello Hello, may I join you all as well. This is my fourth week of 5:2 and after the third week I had lost 4.7kgs. Very surprised to see it coming off so fast, but don’t expect that rate to continue, unfortunately LOL. I would be very happy with a total loss of 10kgs by Christmas, so 5.3kgs to go.

    My DH is doing this with me and it makes it so much easier. Our fast days are Wed and Sat.

    Hope you all have a great week :).

    Hi everyone! My fast day yesterday was a success! After dinner I still had 120 calories so I was able to have a little low fat ice cream..yum 🙂

    Today is my non-fast day which can be hard for me…I want to eat everything including the kitchen sink! I’m trying to get my head wrapped around it as I think it’s all in my mind. I’m definitely not starving to death since I’m 16 lbs over weight (hehe) but for today I’m challenging myself to go without any treats whatsoever…no ice cream, no chocolate, no cookies, nothing like that!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Hello all
    Thanks Newme50 and Lucy for the encouragement. The interview went well and I have a 2nd one in a week. 🙂

    This week has been good. I think I’m having a weight loss delay as I did loads of exercise and was really good last week but didn’t loose anything. Roll on this week and I’m down to 67kg – yay!. It’s only 2kg off my initial goal of 65kg although I’ve since modified this to 63kg for a bit of Christmas lee-way. So only 4 kg to go… From the 22 kg I set out to lose initially I feel like I’m getting pretty close. Whoohoo!

    I’m fasting today so feeling good and in control.

    Newme50: I get what you are saying about non-fast days – they are sometimes harder because you have to step back from the routine snacking.
    Lucy: Harvest Festivals Mulville – mwhahahah! Lol!!!

    Good luck everyone and keep up the great life-changing work!

    Please may I join in?
    I’m 59, female and began on 1st October at 226lbs, this morning (the day after my first fast) am 222.4lbs. Having been on or off a diet for 42 years, I do know this isn’t all fat and isn’t going to happen every fast day! but it’s a lovely start.

    I want to lose 80lbs; my first Main Target is to lose 50lbs by the end of February, when I retire; my Christmas target is to lose 30lbs, so 196lbs; my stated First Target was to get under the 200 – but it looks like that and the Christmas target might coincide!!

    Good luck to all of us!

    Morning all!
    Horrible day here,”soft” as they say which is wet and warm.
    Weighed this morning & no loss. Bah,but on the upside I thought I was on week 5 but really have just finished week 4 of fasting so 11 and a half in four weeks I’ll take.
    As long as I see downward progress next week.
    Yay Lotta,good luck for next interview.
    Lucy xx

    Hello Isa, I am about the same weight as you, I started on sunday at 223lbs, after 2 fasts and cutting eat day cals to 1800 I have lost 9lbs, I know this is all nearly water loss but still feel lighter and healthier already :-). I’m not quite as ambitious as you and have just set myself a small target of a stone by Christmas but ofcourse will be thrilled with anything more. Ideally I would like to loose 60lbs before the end of next year, feeling very optimistic about this wol 🙂

    Lucylocket63- an 11 and a half pound loss in 4 weeks is brilliant, I’m sure the weight will come off next week to make up for this weeks maintain, you’re doing great x

    Hi everyone,
    Great to see all the newcomers to this thread – welcome!

    Today, I registered a cumulative loss of 14 lbs (a stone or 14 times 2.2 for kilo conversion) over 8 weeks since starting this WOL and have to say it’s been a great experience. While I still have another 14 lbs to go (and not by Christmas) I’ve found that short term weekly goal of a pound a week has kept me on track to this point.

    Moving forward here are my tips to myself to help achieve the next 14 lbs by February 2015:
    – weigh daily in the morning to determine any changes required in eating pattern for the day.
    – pick a couple of threads to follow and take the time to read updates each day, try and post weekly (for me, daily would take too much time) to these threads.
    – when time permits, speed read through recent posts and note any tips that might be beneficial to my progress.
    – many of us fast on Mondays and Thursdays. If I have not lost or maintained week over week at my Friday morning weigh in I try to have a light eating day, not quite 500 kcals but certainly under 1000. That seems to do the trick and I record my weight officially on Saturday morning.
    – I would always have been a breakfast eater but trying out only having a yogurt on fast mornings followed by soup for lunch and a light evening meal (often soup again). If I eat porridge for breakfast I wouldn’t eat again until evening (perhaps some almonds and raisins as snacks). This latter approach has worked well for the first 6 weeks.
    – homemade veg soup is my saviour, if you haven’t figured this out by now!
    – recognise that this is more of a way of life (WOL) than a diet – it’s just a question of getting used to something new.

    These tips are from my own personal experience, they may or may not help others, but if nothing else, the last 8 weeks has taught me about inspiration and motivation from the experiences of others.

    Thank you all very very much for being there. Now as we say, onwards and downwards.

    Yes I will agree with Ellie, this is for me now a WOL and I love it.

    Here are some of my tips that I think have contributed to my success in such a short time.
    -I am currently fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday on 1 week and then Tuesday, Thursday on the alternate week.
    -On my fasting days I only eat what I like to call God given foods, so only lean meats and eggs, minimal fruits and lots of veggies, cooked and raw.
    -I also have been following the blood type diet for the last year and this has helped me with many health issues, the blood type diet has been my saviour with regards to heart burn, acid reflux!! Even after years of seeing a naturopath she was unable to give me all the answers on how to deal with this terrible condition that was getting worse and worse. Once I learned what foods I should NOT eat due to my B+ blood type my body was on the way to healing and I now am able to eat dairy, but I try to stick to only the beneficial dairy items that are recommended.

    -I only weigh myself once a week, I do not want to obsess over a number on a daily basis, I think of it as a surprise at the end of my week.
    -I am finding that on eat days I am not able to eat as much as I used to, so perhaps the stomach is shrinking.

    Everyone I feel liberated from my obsession with food in the past, now I am in control and food is not!!

    Be Happy Today, we do not know what tomorrow will bring…….smile and you will feel so much better!!

    Hi everyone! Happy Friday!

    Today I’m doing a partial fast 🙂 It’s my own invention – it’s something between 5:2 and 4:3! I’ve done my two fast days for this week, but since I have a birthday party to attend this weekend and I do want cake I decided I needed to reduce calories today. We’ll see how it works but so far doing good! I have an 140 calories lunch planned, but then we are going out for dinner tonight but I’ll just have a salad and keep it under 500 calories. 🙂

    That’s my plan for today! Hope everyone is having a great Friday and of course a great weekend!!!

    Hi all, ended up with two light days Thurs and Fri as was doing well until hubby came back from doing the weekly shop with a couple of marked down cup cakes, would have been rude not to eat them. So reckoned if I kept Fridays down as much as possible it would equal it out. I do think though I seem to have lost some of my double chin, yay!

    Happy Monday everyone! Well today is the start of my second week. I’ve officially been doing the 5:2 for one week. I have lost 1kg and will take my measurements later in the morning.

    I noticed that after my second fast day (Thursday) I had lost a total of 2 kgs but with 3 days of normal/more eating 1 kg came back. I’m very happy with the progress as 0.5 kg a week is average. I’ve figured out that this eating/fasting plan is really 4 steps forward and 3 steps back. There will be spikes up and plateaus but if you keep on it, the general trend IS down. I would have loved to see the weight drop off but I need to be realistic and keep myself on track to change my life. I’m now 82.3kg and my short term goal is to be 7kg or more lighter by Christmas. My long term goal is under 70kg with healthy blood results. I’ve previously done Tim Ferriss’ 4 hour body and had great results but then I had a baby and for 3 years I put my self last and now weigh as much as I did on the day my son was born! It’s time to look after myself and get healthy! Anyway, have a great day everyone 🙂

    Morning All!
    Oh dear,feel like I may have overdone it at the weekend. there was pizza on Fri.,dinner out (with pudding) on Sat. Roast lunch yesterday,bottles of wine along the way.
    But hey ho,Mon again and fasting today. Am fed up now with apple in my porridge so just a few sultanas instead.
    Happy fasting
    Lucy xx

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