Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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  • Well done Treat! Revel in the feeling of self control! Hope you are enjoying your hot chocolate now.
    I have only done a fast once on a Friday and found it quite hard so well done.
    Have a great weigh in tommorow.

    Lotta, my hot chocolate was lovely, thank you – not that I could taste it at all! I hate colds!
    Went for a walk today, usually my weekends are very lazy, but I’m trying my best to keep over 10,000 steps a day. I have found I have so much more energy and enthusiasm for things since walking more.
    I have lost 4lbs this week, I don’t know how! I think it’s the sudden increase in walking.
    Well done for your fast! We all have days when it’s tricky, but keep at it. You can do it! Do you save your calories for one meal, or have little meals throughout the day?

    Good luck everyone xx

    Bravo Treat. There is nothing quite as fab as that feeling of self control. Keep it up!! and I hope your cold goes soon. We are coming down in my house. I think it is because the mornings are freezing, up in mountains of Spain and then it is boiling by 11am. Too much change!!!

    Hi all, how is everyone doing? After my initial success in the first week, I seem to have stalled. Have followed it with 2 fasts per week and not gone mad on the eating days. I am now starting my 4th week and feel bloated and constipated. I don’t have totm as such (have the mirena coil), but do sometimes get symptoms, am hoping it’s that. So am hoping in a couple of days I will show a loss.

    Well I had a bad weekend and am glad to be on my fast today. I am determined to eat sensibly tomorrow and I am weighing in on Wednesday. Hopefully will be 71 kg!!! Here’s hoping. Oh I started exercising today after a year out. Yehhh!! I did my 30 day shred.

    Hi Mandl. Snap! Sounds just like my day. Bad weekend with too much chocolate, fasting today and tomorrow which will be hard but on the positive I did my first Zumba session since July and it felt great.
    Fingers x’d for the weigh-in on Wednesday.
    Good luck today!

    Hi Muffin10. When I started fasting in January I had a 3 week plateau around week 8 when I didn’t budge a gram despite extra exercise and sticking to the 5:2. I read about it on the various threads on the forum and apparently it’s quite common as the body adjusts it metabolism after an initial weight loss.
    It’s quite frustrating but I found that If I just kept going it eventually kicked in again. So hang on in there. All the best of luck!

    Thanks for your response. Will keep going.

    Hi everyone – fast day for me today! I had a bad week last week as we had a death in the family and only got in one fast and 6 days of eating, sleeping and exercising poorly. Today I’m back at it and planning to really push it this week! Taking care of our health is so very important especially as we age. (My MIL passed away far too young due to heath issues). I may do 4:3 this week to make up for last week; I’ll decide closer to the end of the week.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!

    I’d love to join in this Christmas pledge! With around 25kgs to lose (god! that sounds terrible even in my head!) I’d love to kick start it off with 10kgs down by Christmas! I’m a mum of two toddlers so hoping this will be the kick in the butt I need to start my weight loss and exercise journey (again!) and be successful.

    Like newme@50 I had a family bereavement last week (my dad unexpectedly) and didn’t eat a whole lot as you can imagine. It makes me even more determined to get my health on track so that I don’t depart this life in my early 70s as both my parents now have done.

    This week I’m planning on getting back into my Monday and Thursday schedule so today I’ve just made a very tasty curried parsnip (and carrot) soup per a Mary Berry recipe. It was delicious and well under 200 calories for the bowl I had. If OH doesn’t polish it off in the meantime I’ll have some more for dinner with a few skinny breadsticks and an early night.

    I’ll also plan to record a weekly weigh in on Friday morning and see how it goes.

    As we say ‘onwards and downwards’!

    Ellie – your soup sounds really good! Who doesn’t like curry and parsnip!! Can you share the recipe or link? I tried googling it but didn’t come up with anything!

    Sorry to hear about your dad. I also lost both my parents far too early and now my mother-in-law at 72. We’ve been talking to my father-in-law about changing his ways and he’s been receptive so far! 🙂

    Curried Parsnip Soup
    Serves 4
    Calories: 226

    3 tbsp sunflower oil
    1 onion, peeled and chopped (I added a clove of garlic as well)
    1 tsp Madras curry powder
    10g plain flour (I used cornflour) as a thickening agent
    900 ml vegetable stock (I used 2 x veg stock pots)
    500g parsnips, peeled and sliced (I used half carrots, half parsnips)
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1-2 tsp lemon juice

    1. Heat the oil in a large pan. Add the onion and cook over a medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until softened. Sprinkle the curry powder and flour over the onion, stir well, then pour in the stock and bring to the boil over a high heat, stirring all that time.

    2. Add the parsnips (and carrots if using) and salt and pepper and bring back to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes, or until the vegetables are very tender.

    3. Remove the pan from the heat. Using a blender (I have a stick blender), purée the soup for about 3 minutes until smooth.

    4. Return the soup to a medium heat and bring to a simmer. Add a little lemon juice to taste. Check the seasoning.

    From Mary Berry’s Cookery Course

    Dear Ellie, sorry to hear about your Dad. I lost mine two years ago, he was only 66. It does make you think about your own health!!

    Hi Lotta how are you getting on with your two day fast?? Sounds hard work, but I bet it feels great once you have achieved it.

    I had my fast yesterday and today I am going to eat really well as tomoz is weigh in day!!! The only thing I hate about fasting is feeling cold and not sleeping well.

    Good morning everyone!
    Bah,after initial great loss,I seem to have stalled as well. Not sure how much more exercise/dogwalking I can fit in!
    Still at least its not going upwards. fast day yesterday so can have “it” today,which is prob a square of good choc this evening! Good luck all
    Lucy xx

    Ellie – thank you for sharing the recipe! I can’t wait to try it!! I was watching one of Rick Stein’s India cooking shows last night – brings me right back there!

    Mandl – sorry about the not sleeping well and being cold. I’ve noticed I get cold too but I think it’s all the cold water. Hot tea really upsets my stomach when fasting so I stay away!!

    Lucy – from what I understand your weight will go up and down especially during the first month or so. I’m trying not to weight myself right now. If it’s up I’ll get mad at myself and then I’ll have a harder time being good on feast days. It’s all in the mind!! 🙂

    Yesterdays fast went well, today is a lovely feast day and fasting tomorrow as well. Still thinking of fasting on Friday as well since last week was a bad one. Luckily I don’t need to make up my mind until Friday morning!

    Have a good one everyone!!

    Hi Mandl
    Doing 2 consecutive fast days is a lot harder than I remember it and today I’m really feeling it.
    Last night I had a conversation with a friend about a new Mexican resturant and I found myself actually drooling… 😀
    I’ve just had lunch so will get onto the black coffee and the fruit teas soon. I usually do Monday and Thursday as my fast days but Thursday don”t work for me this week so had to do two in a row.
    I also get cold when I fast… Need to invest in some warmer clothes I think 🙂
    I weigh myself throughout the week (always in the morning ;-)) so lets hope tomorrow is a good one.

    Good luck and keep going!

    You too Lotta. And just think your second fast day is nearly over!! well done!!!! I am nervous about tomorrow. I feel like if I haven’t lost weight then I will get a little desperate and I feel bloated!!

    Hmm encouraging that weight will go up & down in the first month. I thought things were going horribly wrong. & yes to feeling cold,I had to get out of bed last night and put on some bedsocks. I don’t think I could do two consecutive fast days. Tomorrow is till feast day and then fast on Thursday. This weekend will be lower on the calories too.
    Good luck all!
    Lucy xx
    P.s. I found it a really bad idea to watch Jamies Comfort Food last night ;o*(

    Lucy, I’ve had the same problem with weight loss stalling. Although my heart burn seems better and seem to be able to go to bed without taking anything and my rings are easier to get off and on. So that’s a result. Have read something on one of the pages that it can take 6 weeks for your body to get used to it and that will be when the weight will start coming off. So we will just have to keep at it. 🙂

    Hi muffin (and others) that seem to have stalled:

    This might cheer you up: #2

    Good Luck!

    Hi everyone, this is my first post on here and have loved reading the forums.
    I would love to join the xmas challenge please if not too late! I have just finished my 2 nd week of this dietand have so far lost 6lbs 🙂 I did one 5:2 week and one 4:3 – I’m going for a 4:3 again this week as I find the routine easier and less guilt at the weekends! I must admit to eating between 500-600 cals on a fasting day as keeping under 500 is a real struggle but will stick to this I think until I plateau….we’ll see!
    Feeling really great on this diet 🙂 good luck everyone…looking forward to the weigh ins!
    3rd sept:172lbs
    10th sept 169
    17th sept 166

    My goal is 140 but I’m not confident I will reach it by xmas so am aiming for 146 so another 20 lbs in 13 weeks…..eeeek! I’m also taking inch measurements so am going off those results too as I have a tendancy to let the scales rule my diet / life and if I stall or gain I normally start rebelling and go on a massive binge!

    Well week one not so great. I have put on 100gr. Am trying not to lose faith. Will keep going and see what happens next Wednesday. Lotta I hope you got through your 2nd fast day!!

    simco thanks for link. I will give it a look!!

    Hi all.
    simcoeluv,very interesting link,it has reassured me!
    I’ll keep on even though it is disheartening after such a good first week ;o*(
    Fast day tomorrow,so sensible day today.
    I hear you tremenza!!
    Lucy xx

    Hello again everyone.
    Sorry to hear the weightloss isn’t moving mandl. I sometimes find that I lose weight the week after I have a ‘good’ week rather than straight away so keeping fingers x’d it’s just a bit of a delay for you.

    I will not be doing 2 fasts in a row again if I can help it. Much harder and no signiicant extra weightloss.
    I clawed back the 1.5kg I had initially lost from the first week, which I then put back on having such a rubbish week/weekend last week. So although I’m happy about it I’m a bit cross with myself that I wasn’t a bit mor restrained last week. Still, it’s progress and I will be very careful with the rest of this week.

    I have been feeling v mild heart burn the last two days which I never usually suffer from. I don’t think it’s got to do with the fasting but more the food I’ve chosen to eat on non fast days. And it’s much better today anyway.
    On the positive It has kept me off alcohol for almost a week which is great! 🙂

    Keep going everyone and all the best of luck!

    How did your fast go today Lucy? Hope it was an easy one! 🙂
    Hi Tremenza – sounds like you’ve got it sorted, well done on your weight loss. I’ve never done a 4:3 week. Is it a lot harder than 2:5 or not too bad?
    All the best

    Hi everyone.Well I totally ate like a crazy lunatic on Wednesday, as was so disheartened. But yesterdaY I got back to my fast and today I am off to the city for lunch with a friend. The great thing about that is walking!!! I have decided to be super good in week and next week try Mon, Wed, Fri fasting. I will weigh on Friday morning all I need is to see less than 72 so that I feel that I am going in right direction. I have decided to do 24 hr fasts instead of 36. I will let you all know how this new arrangement goes. What to do on a fast day-
    Get your roots done, streaks put in, hair cut and blow dried!!!! 4 hours in the salon and got home at 9pm!! It certainly took my mind of food. hehehehe!!!!

    That was supposed to be off!!! not of!! PS pleased that the beautiful Scotland is still part of the UK!!! We love you Scotland. Let’s just hope that they get all the rights they want and need.

    Morning all.
    Lotta,fast day was OK,I keep to the same breakfast on all fast days,(30g of porridge,cinnamon & an apple.
    Evening meal,two boiled eggs & asparagus.
    Milk for tea/coffee makes up the rest of the allowance.
    Have now lost 8lbs in the three weeks.
    Most of it in the first week & this weekend will be lighter on calories as theres no going out so no temptation ;o*)
    & Scotland still in the UK,what a voter turnout!
    Good luck everyone fasting
    Lucy xx

    Hi everyone,
    This is the first ‘proper’ week I’ve had in several weeks owing to various circumstances, bereavement, hotel mini break, business travel.

    My routine is settling into fast days on Monday and Thursday and monitoring TDEE closely on Tuesday and Wednesday so as to have the best possible weight loss to record on Friday.
    I’m delighted that today I’m down a further 2 lbs on last week, totalling 10 lbs in 6 weeks – would never have thought it possible.

    Without question IF is a way of life (WOL) that’s very maintainable, and I’m finding homemade soups to be the key to my success so far. I’ve posted one on this and the LOACA recipe thread so will look for other interesting variations over the weekend.

    A pound a week to Christmas continues as the goal – onwards and downwards 🙂

    Good luck everyone.


    Hi everyone, hope everyone’s well.

    I am determined to try that soup! I read that soup is one of the best foods to eat to stay full longer. Thanks for the recipe! It’s much better than the biscuits I’ve been scoffing!

    If you don’t see the scales moving, make sure you take measurements of … Everywhere! I do my neck, wrists etc. every change is a boost!

    So, this week marks a sort of milestone – it’s the end of 5 months on 5:2 (January to now – I missed 3 few months in which I gained a stone back). So far I have lost 3 stone 13lbs (not including the stone I re-lost!). I wished I hadn’t stopped, and I’m kicking myself thinking how much I could have lost if I had just kept at it!
    But! It has taught me a bit of self control and forced me to give myself a big kick up the bum and just GET ON WITH IT!

    For all those finding getting started tricky, give it a go. You won’t regret it; don’t be me, wishing you had started earlier!

    I hope I don’t come across as boasting. I still have a long way to go! I could lose 8 stone more and still be considered healthy. Does anyone else sometimes wish they were just a few inches taller?!

    Happy fasting everyone xxx

    Hi all
    Well done treat for all that lost weight. You are not boasting, merely stating the facts and you should be so proud of your acheivement! I too had a blip since starting in January but it was only 3 weeks. I’m also annoyed by myself for letting it slide as I can see in my weightloss curve that I would have been close to my target goal if I hadn’t. But better a re-found slim path than still wandering around in the flabby wilderness… 😉

    Great work Ellie. It’s such an amazing feeling when we realise that this is the way to go and that it actually really works! It’s definitely a way of life and not a diet for me anymore. It will be interesting to see how it works when we reach the maintenance stage.. Sometimes I find fast days easier because I know what
    I can have exactly.

    Good luck every one and have a great weekend.

    Well done Lucy on the weight loss! That’s really impressive. I’ve not tried having porridge (which I love) on my fast days yet so I might try that. I do lunch and dinner on my fast days as I get really hungry when I start eating so combining breakfast and lunch make it easier for me.
    Have a good weekend.

    Yay! well done everyone & no its not boasting to shout out your weight loss. its encouraging to all of us.
    Another half a pound & this on a non fast day!
    Lucy xx

    Morning All!
    I guess most of us are doing Fast Day today.
    Porridge,apple & cinnamon as usual on FD. Will have eggs & small Aldi muffin tonight & hopefully nothing till lunch tomorrow.
    Think this is the begining of week four for me,wow time flies!!!
    Good luck everyone
    Lucy xx

    Hi there

    I am on fast day. Had a terrible crazy weekend. Friday included!!! But I am determined to be consistent this week. I am not going to weigh until Friday. I really need to lose some weight!!!!

    Good luck and well done to those of you who are losing.

    Good morning everyone – fast today for me as well today. I got on the scale this morning and it wasn’t pretty but my rings are super tight so I believe it will be temporary. I had a pretty good week last week, weekend not as good so I really need to start being more consistent on feast days. I’ll be back later to read..I’m behind on everything in my life these days 🙂

    Fasting tomorrow and Thursday this week. Almost looking fwd to it as I find it really hard to real myself in on “normal” days. I keep undoing all the hard work from my fast days with chocolate and wine… Argh!!
    I have started logging my food on these days too but I need to up my excercise to kickstart it I think.
    Good luck all fasters today!

    Morning All,good fast day yesterday.
    Gym as well so total loss so far 9lbs.
    Had some breakfast biscuits 160 cals this morning.
    I was hoping to fast till lunch but did feel pretty peckish after dog walk & I know I would just have something extra after my soup at lunch if I didnt eat NOW!!
    Good luck to all fasting today & hope yesterday went well for those of you who fasted.
    Lucy xx

    I know Im a late starter on this thread hope you dont mind me joining but I would like to pledge to lose 1 stone by Chirstmas i little over a lb a week. Anyone with me?…

    Lotta I totally understand you. Let’s try to start again this week. I did a great fast yesterday but this morning after my breaky!! Straight after!!! I wanted to eat more, so I chose to have a handful of goji berries. I can hopefully get through the day without pigging out.

    Well done on your exercising Lucy. That is what I need to do, get on with some exercise.

    welcome monkeyslim. I was just thinking before how nice it would be to be able to get into a nice outfit at Christmas time. It has been a long time for me.

    Absolutely mandl – today is a new day!

    Fasting going ok so far, tea for brekfast, omelette for lunch (just had it) and black coffee as a mid morning break… Hadn’t meant to go for coffee so feeling proud of myself that I didn’t order all the pastries they had in the coffee shop. I love danish pastries, they are my big downfall.
    Will now try to keep busy until school pickup and for dinner I’m having a M&S count on us meal which should take me up to 504 cal.
    Think I need to load up on some fruit and herbal teas to get through the afternoon….

    Well done on the exercise Lucy! I find that it’s really effective on fast days. Great going in the right direction.

    Welcome monkeyslim – great to have a target to aim for, all the best of luck!

    Onwards and downwards FD’ers! We can do it!

    Morning All.
    Yay to us all!
    I spent most of yesterday apart from two dog walking sessions clearing out my Dads shop. He died three years ago & the shop just became a dumping ground.
    But Oh My did I ache last night??
    I go to the gym three times a week,dog walk & do some running but the bending & lifting & shifting moved parts of me that I didnt know I had lol
    Welcome monkeyslim!
    mandl & lotta,yes exercise is good. Once I hit a birthday with zero in it I found shifting the weight progressively harder,from 30 on obvs!!
    Now that I’m 51 its even tougher
    Good luck everyone today
    Lucy xx

    Hi all,

    I want to join!! 🙂

    Moulin, we are nearly the same size. I am 164cm and 65kg. 37 years old with a desk job. Apart from normal house work and urn after my two sons, I am a very lazy person.

    I have been 52-55kg all mt life until I have my two sons. Since then, it seems impossible to get back to my old size. Even the younger one is 3 years old now, I don’t really have more excuse to carry these extra weight.

    I wish to be back to my old size by Christmas. 🙂 Plan to fast on Monday and Thursday.

    I wondered if it sounds strange to everyone that I decided to weigh myself once a month? I have been on different diet in the last few years and tend to weigh myself nearly daily (sometimes even both morning and night!). Like everyone, I start to get frustrated and then “let it go” if the weight is not moving for a few days.

    Gerrystar – I would like to try that but can’t resist standing on the scales. My alternative is to write down once a month my weight, so I can see a difference. Weigh in is tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

    GerryStar – I like the idea of weighing in once a month. I have a hard time not weighing myself daily and I’m like you, so easy to quit if the weight isn’t shifting downwards. Baby steps for me right now…trying to just weight in weekly 🙂

    Muffin – good luck tomorrow with your weigh in!

    Today is a fast day. I feel sick today, but I think I can fast ok. It’s mid-morning here and so far so good. I’m just more thirsty then anything else. Tummy is all grumbly but in a “I’m not happy” mood.

    I am getting very tired of having canned soup for my lunch on fast days. Yes, very low on calories but I’m so sick of the stupid salt added to it. I need to find other alternatives! Maybe make my own soup?? Does anyone have any ideas…needs to be low calories (under 150 calories) and low glycemic (don’t need my blood sugar spiking!!)

    Have a great day everyone!

    HI everyone. Well I have weighed myself as my fast day is today. So it has been 3 weeks and I have put on a kg. I have decided to focus on my food and have written a weekly menu. All days 1500 cals, except for my fasting days. I am not going to weigh myself until the 23 October.

    Good luck to all!

    Afternoon All,
    Have weighed this morning 10st 5lbs so half a pound on in my two non fast days.
    Am hoping for loss of a pound by tomorrow morning.
    Keeping v v busy still clearing out Dads shop and garage.
    Better than the gym,
    Oooh cant resist weighing myself everyday,would have to tell husband to hide the scales.
    As it is if there are biscuits in the house they have to be well out of my reach.
    Good Luck everyone
    Lucy xx

    Hi everyone.
    Second fast day this week. Tuesday fast went well and I was really good yesterday until the evening when I drank too much wine. 🙁 But I did a good body combat class yesterday so I hope that would have counteracted a bit of the vino…
    The weather is much cooler here today and I’m really feeling the chill on Fast days.

    Mandl: Sorry to hear about your non weightloss, it’s hugely frustrating when it stalls! Have you done any other measurements, like waist, hip, bust etc? In the spring I didn’t lose any weight but I still shrunk a bit. Hope the non fast day routines will work for you, do you use anything to track it?

    Lucy: I’m with you on the scales… I used to hate them but if I don’t weigh myself after my fast days now I feel like I could easily put on weight without noticing. I do love tracking progress so I need to keep tabs on how I’m doing. I log all my weight changes though, good and bad, so that I have a record of how I’ve been doing. The graph isn’t always pretty but it galvanises me to keep going.

    Right – have a good day everyone and good luck with the fasts!

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