Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

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  • @jennyh. Welcome aboard. I started this thread and have been slack over the last few weeks. New job, new country, new everything! Now time to concentrate on new me for Xmas. Sorry to hear you have had a few hard year. I hope we can support you to reach your health goals. Decluttering is a great way to start. Clears the mind and the decks for a new way of eating and living.

    So, I weighed myself this morning: 11.13 stone. So only one pound more than my official weigh in a month ago. Pretty happy with that. Now to start again. I have found that since fasting last month that my urge to eat and eat and not learn to sometimes say it’s ok not to eat has lessened. I am not eating between meals at all.

    Anyway, back on here and ready to fire up again. Xxx

    Thanks Blue Ivy. Good luck with your new job, new country and new everything, an exciting time for you. I finishing decluttering and ready to focus on myself. I have 3 teenage kids…2 boys eat non stop but very active and look like they were never fed. Me, all I have to do is look at food and the weight goes up!!
    I need to keep things simple….. prepare my food the night before my fast day, record it and stay focused..

    My current weight is 17st 6 so it’s important I lose at least 4/5st. I need to increase my activity +stop making excuses….have a gym membership, used do hiit on the bike +rowing machine, used do free weights. My fitness improved but didn’t lose weight…my diet just wasn’t right. So it’s back to the gym and the 5:2 plan with an aim to lose 1lb a week ….or 2st by Christmas!!! I’ve booked to have a family photo taken at Christmas so that’s a huge incentive to get it shifted!! My fast days are Mon+Thurs.

    Best of luck xx

    Hi @jennyh. Thanks – yes, I hope it all works out here. Not fair that as teenagers weight never seems a problem. I didn’t really put on weight until my 40s – the metabolism and will to exercise seem to go out the door. My son, now in his early 30s, can put on weight one week and still drop it all the next.

    That’s a great incentive with the family photo. I have gone down the hard exercise route too. But I believe it all comes down to the food you put in your mouth. I have read it takes an hours run just to wear off half a Mar’s bar! So don’t rush yourself. Do one thing at a time. Decluttering being a perfect start. Move onto the diet and take it slow. Be kind to yourself and treat yourself like your best friend.

    My fast days are the same as yours – let’s compare notes. I was weighing in on Fridays and will go back to that. Good luck to you too. Xxx

    Can I join your Xmas train. My trim son in law mentioned that he does 5/2 when we were visiting last weekend. (Perhaps it was a subtle nudge). I was surprised as I had assumed he was naturally slim.After arriving home on Monday night I found this site and am hooked. Started immediately the next day with a fast. Grumbling stomach kept me awake much of the night. Did 2nd day yesterday. Am spreading my FD cals out over the day. I have lost 2.5 lbs and am thrilled. I am 5’3″ and would like to lose two and half stones. I have tried every diet going over the years with varying success but always manage to regain it . I am feeling very positive about FD and even made special trip to Harrogate yesterday to buy recipe Book. Not wanting to wish Summer away but I would love to be slim for Christmas.

    Good morning all and welcome Homer. I am the heaviest in this group but have broken my weight into 3 blocks….starting with the first 2 st , which I hope to lose by Christmas. Making myself accounable in itself will keep me on the straight and narrow. Like you, Blue Ivy, I put my weight on in my 40’s but there was so much going on, I had no time and put myself bottom of the pile. Now I have a new best friend….myself who’s a very important person.

    Homer….I’d never heard of the 5:2 plan , Dr Michael Mosley, hardly ever watch tv so missed the Horizon prog and it was a casual comment mid sentence by a work colleague that drew me here. I have tried all the diets but am confident this one will be for me. Being able to eat normal food with no special potions or brews is wonderful.


    Hi everyone!

    Still room for one more? ๐Ÿ™‚

    It has been a real treat to read about your daily lives with the 5:2-diet.
    Iยดve been overweight since my father died 6 years ago. I am 162cm tall and weigh 109kg (I live in Finland, hence the metric system and kilos :)So I am preeetty overweight..

    I have tried to lose weight before and sometimes with succes but I always managed to get my weight back, usually with “plus-kilos”. Now I feel that I have energy and motivation to try once more: with 5:2, so Iยดm a newbie.

    So.. why christmas pledge? Iยดm actually travelling to London in December so Iยดll have a nice prize waiting for me. Something to look forward to! My Fastdiet starts on monday, 21.7.

    P.S I apologize for my typos and “grammar failures” *giggle* !

    – Natrium

    Where’s everyone gone? I went up to visit my dad for a few days and haven’t been online…..but I stayed focused for my fast days on Monday+Thursday….and then did another one today. I weighed in this morning and am down 1kg which was just the best news. I had a good think about what to eat…..eventually decided to start with porridge made with water, then cooled and topped with strawberries and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

    I have to keep things simple so for dinner had grilled chicken and piles of veg the first day; a chicken stirfry the 2nd day and today had baked trout with ratatouile…..haven’t had any difficulty with fasting, have upped my water intake, have just 1 expresso every day and feel very optimistic about the fast diet.

    I hope you are all doing well……and enjoying the glorious weather.

    Oh God,oh God,oh God!!! Is it too late to join the Christmas Challenge?? Decided over the weekend to do the Fast Diet again. Had great sucess two years ago (sisters wedding & VOH corseted dress) so say no more but fell off the wagon some what since! BMI is 28,waist 40″????? 70 kilos & only 158cm tall. Today is first fast day & going O.K. so far. Its also gym day but feeling good about that too. Porridge & cherries for brekky,drinking redbush tea/black tea/coffee with milk allowance. Would be hoping to hit 57 kg by Christmas. Hoping thats not too unrealistic. 51 years old also & really find that it is middle age spread more than anything else thats bothering me ;o*(

    Hi LucyL,

    I too was looking for a thread to join in to achieve a Christmas goal and came across this but it’s gone very quiet.
    I’d love to know how everyone’s been getting on the past few months and how we can support each other through to Christmas and beyond.

    I’m up for a Christmas pledge to lose a stone (14 pounds). It’s a random goal but a pound a week seems ‘doable’ and it’s roughly 14 weeks to Christmas.

    Let’s go for it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Ellie Rainbow or LucyL,
    I am also looking for something to help me and aiming for a Christmas goal sounds good… a pound a week seems very achievable. so, I’m up for it if you are.

    I will be starting Monday and think it’s better to plan the night before what to eat etc as I started this earlier in the year but failed miserably by not choosing the right foods, getting too hungry, then giving up!

    I plan to do Monday and Wednesday then I could have an option of an occasional Friday also if I get motivated. I’d be over the moon if I could lose a stone !!!!!!!!

    Hi Ellie Rainbow & simplelife,
    I agree 14lbs by Christmas is doable.
    Just had my first week (two fast days & “good” feast days. I don’t like breakfast but am having porridge with fruit & no lunch,then possibly “odd” food for dinner. I.e. fresh beet root,asparagus & turkey lol.Then no breakfast following day but will have lunch so I hope maximising the “fast” effect. Have to say fantastic results,& I know a pound or so will go on this weekend but by golly 6lbs off ?????????
    Had a really mizzy summer cos I couldnt fit into my lovely summer dresses & esp on holiday,I felt such a frump & all around me people were just getting slimmer before my eyes ;o*(
    But that will be us now!!!
    The awfulest (?) thing was the BMI of 28 ugh!
    Love Lucy x

    Hi all, can I join the Christmas pledge. Would love to lose 14 lbs for Christmas. Am 46, 5’4″ and weigh 13 St 5 lbs.

    Hi Muffin 10,
    I’m 54, 5’5″ and 12stone 6lbs, so I would like to lose about 2stone ideally but to be honest ANYTHING just now will be great – all my clothes are too tight and I just look awful and feel worse ๐Ÿ™
    We’ve got about 15 weeks and I really, really want to try hard and get rid of that stone but struggle with willpower.
    Going to plan and prepare food for monday so there’s no excuse!
    What days are you going to do? Have you read the book?

    @lucylocket, simplelife and muffin10,

    Apologies in advance for being out of touch in the coming days – have an unexpected family bereavement to cope with.
    I’ll be in touch again as soon as I can.


    Lucy, hi.
    Have you already lost 6lbs? Well done.
    What days do you do?
    How do you get on with the nonfast days?
    And when do you weigh yourself?

    Condolences Ellie

    Hey everyone,

    May I join you all? A Christmas target is just the thing I need to keep focused!

    I started fasting in January-April and went from 280 to 233lbs ish, and then stopped and got distracted by a busy time at work. Managed to wack on a stone and finally thought enough is enough about a month ago!

    Since then, I’ve been fasting 3x a week and have since lost just over a stone and looking forward to having lost more by Christmas!

    My stats are:
    Age: 25
    weight: 230lbs
    height: 5’3

    I’d love to check in each week with you all!

    Happy fasting ๐Ÿ™‚ Treat xx

    PS, CONGRATS to all your progress so far! So exciting, and a great motivator ๐Ÿ™‚ x

    Simple life, I plan on doing my fasts on Mondays and Thursdays as this seems to split the week fairly equally. The last two weeks have done Mon and weds as had somethings on the Thursdays and felt it was simpler. Haven’t really told anyone I am doing this. Have read the book, it definitely got me interested. I do have a friend who has done it and her figure is amazing now. So fingers crossed.

    Ellie rainbow – so sorry for your loss X

    I’m in, if there is still room! I want to get back down to my previous weight before Christmas! I’m 49, 5’4″ and around 161 lbs. I’ll be happy with anything under 150 ๐Ÿ™‚ I will be busy for a few days, like Ellie we just lost a loved one and I’m helping out with funeral preparations etc. Funeral is on Wednesday but hoping to at least fast on Monday.

    Ellie Rainbow,my sympathies x
    Yes simplelife 6lbs,I am expecting a pound or two to go back on at the weekend but won’t weigh myself till Tuesda,by which time I’ll have had Monday as fast day!
    I do Mon & Thurs.
    I weigh myself the morning after a fast day,its v encouraging that way!
    I feel a little bit headachy the morning after the fast day.
    I’m also upping my exercise & general moving about.
    Welcome muffin 10 & treat89.
    Lucy x

    Welcome newme@50 too

    Am I too late to join – would like to lose at least 5 kg (11 lb) for Christmas – hopefully more! Starting tomorrow (perhaps I should confess, it is a “re-start”). I am feeling very fat and unhealthy, it is enough! Weighing in tomorrow morning ….

    Here I am, here I am…don’t leave me behind lol
    Okay back from hols, got the obligatory holiday flabaganza!! Getting stuck into this for looming wedding ๐Ÿ™‚ 9 months exactly!!! Excitedville!!

    Starting tomorrah…good luck everybody! Fast days = Mon & Weds (maybe a Thurs too).

    Big love xx Mac

    Hi everyone!

    Sorry for your loss Ellie and newme xx

    MaryAnne: you can do it! Keep us posted ๐Ÿ™‚ good luck!

    Mccloud: congratulations! your excitement about your wedding is infectious! I’m excited for you! Good luck tomorrow, you’ll smash it. I’m with you on mon/wed, and I do Friday too.

    Lucy: I get headaches towards the end of a fast day, but I think it’s when I don’t drink enough. I wish I liked water more! Thinking of doing cold green teas? Don’t know if anyone has had this and would recommend?

    Newme: my aim is to get under 150… One day! Good luck, onwards and downwards.

    Lovely to meet you all!
    Treat xx

    Hello treat89, newme@50(great name!) and MaryAnne, welcome aboard. We can do this – I really need to….
    countdown from Monday is 16 weeks to 22nd Dec. let’s all weigh in as soon as we can and start the countdown.
    I’ve got food for tomorrow sorted, carrots peeled, celery cut, houmous bought, salad ready.
    good luck everyone. xxx

    Hello treat89, newme@50(great name!) and MaryAnne, welcome aboard. We can do this – I really need to….
    countdown from Monday is 16 weeks to 22nd Dec. let’s all weigh in as soon as we can and start the countdown.
    I’ve got food for tomorrow sorted, carrots peeled, celery cut, houmous bought, salad ready.
    good luck everyone. xxx

    Hi all you Christmas pledgers, is it really only 16 weeks? I’d love to join in and see what we as a group can lose by Christmas. I have been a 5:2er since last year, maintaining at around 10 st. or
    140 lb until my brother was diagnosed with cancer, and gone after 6months. During those months
    I went up to 149. Not able to focus on fasting. Now I feel ready to jump back in. Really 130 lbs. is a better weight for me, otherwise totally tube shaped, no waist what so ever!
    So, onward and downward, as they say.

    Today’s the day … weighed in at 196 lb or 89.3 kg. Christmas challenge is to lose at least 11 lbs which should be possible (from past experience I didn’t always lose a lb a week, sometimes a bit less – so am keeping my goal realistic!) Good luck fellow fasters!

    With only 16 weeks to go till Christmas I’d love to join. Having a team will help with maintaining the motivation in these early days, and half a kg is a nice goal to aim for: 8kg by Christmas would make a nice difference. I’m not very overweight but my body shape has changed a lot in the last few years. With diabetes in the family I need to get healthy.

    I’m 67kg, 5’5″, waist 89cm,41 with a desk job. I’m fasting on Mondays and Wednesdays when I’m at work (and away from the kitchen). One bonus of fasting at work is that I go for a walk or climb the stairs instead of eating at lunchtime.

    I’m in Australia so coming out of winter, and hoping that the change of seasons helps with food choices and exercise.

    Hello everyone,exciting times eh?
    Nothing like a goal date,good to see so many joining/rejoining the thread!
    treat89,was thinking about the green tea too,I have heard its easier to drink tepid so will be doing that today.
    I won’t weigh myself today,but will tomorrow moring so should hope that the weekend didnt do too much damage!
    Am cutting down on carbs quite a bit & that seems to work for me.
    mccloud a wedding exciting! I got married last May two days notice in USA so didnt get to do the whole dress up thing boo!
    Am having a blessing on Fri here (southern Ireland) & have a couple of dresses that will pass with a push,(or magic knickers).
    Moulin ,MaryAnn & mulville welcome.
    It looks like we’re all going for the fast today,good luck all
    Lucy xx

    Have done the weigh in this morning, am unclear exactly how much I weigh as if I move the scales a couple of inches to the right it comes out at a different weight. But I decided to take the 13 St 4 lbs weight, so have lost a lb this week.

    Hi everyone.
    I’m thrilled that Blue Ivy started this thread and that I found it.
    I’ve been on the 5:2 since January and had lost 17.5kg (85kg down to 67.5kg) and was feeling amazing. I’m short (159 cm) so have always been stocky but suddenly I felt proportional!
    But then the summer holidays kicked in…. I took a break from FT and knew I would put on weight but now I’m back up to 70kg. Boo hiss boo…
    My overall goal is 63kg and I would love to have lost those 7kg by Christmas. Can I join your train to Slimville please? ๐Ÿ™‚
    I think it’s just what I need to re-focus my life.
    All the best

    Would love to join in the Christmas pledge. I am 5ft 8in and 11st 3lbs (was 11 before hols!) I would like to get 1 stone off by Christmas, and am new to the 5:2, in fact I am still waiting for my book to arrive! Look forward to seeing how we all get on ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi everyone! It’s so fun to get to work and read all the posts! Today I am fasting – it may be the only day this week due to visitation, funeral, etc. but hoping to get in one more at least. I didn’t weigh in this morning as it was a bad weekend with poor food choices or should I say limited food choices. Someone did bring some very nice homemade beef vegetable soup! But I will WI tomorrow morning after I get some of this salt out of my body! I do want to get down to 150 lbs by Christmas and I believe I weigh around 161 or so lbs. I also tend to lose very slowly so I truly hope I can get 11 lbs off me by then!

    Hope everyone has a great day…as they say onward and downwards!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Morning everyone,
    How did your day go?
    I did my fast yesterday and saved most of my calories for evening meal of pulled pork and veg. Had a boiled egg for breakfast, well late morning, which kept me going for the day with green tea (fruit flavoured). Dont think I drank enough though so shall have plenty of water today and try not to eat till late morning as I dont feel very hungry! Not bad as I worked from home yesterday ๐Ÿ™‚ and that can sometimes be very difficult.
    In the office today but will try not to go mad, am taking hoummus and veg with me. Also will weigh myself at Boots as my scales are quite useless!
    Good luck everyone x

    Morning all.
    Well weighed this morning & another pound off! Yay
    Myggan, it seems to me that the Fast Diet is wonderful but if you hop off the train back goes the weight. I am hoping to lose by doing two fast days a week & then maintain by doing one??
    Had porridge with cinnamon & an apple,yesterday and salmon with spinach for dinner,walked the dogs twice ran 2 & 1/2 miles to the gym,weights at the gym & prob was hoping for more than a pound off but then weekends are for normal days ;o*(
    Lucy x

    Hello fellow Christmas pledgers
    I did a fast day yesterday-almost! I saw my son eating a chocolate covered ice cream, and lo and behold, there was one left, which i caved in to. At first it seemed worth the lapse, but then too sugary. Not worth it! (350 calories). Back fasting today.
    I am at 147.4 lbs., nothing fits around the waist, trying for a 10 lb. minimum loss.
    Carry on, everyone!

    Well done Lucy!! Running to the gym? Wow! Thats determination!
    I’m doing another FD today. Y’day wasn’t too bad, one glass of wine and small fish n chips for tea

    Oops! Only half of my post has gone on!
    Anyway, not much else to add but off to take the dog out before work.
    Plus I only had hoummus n veg yesterday which is why I had the fish n chips

    PS Mulville, not to worry. Today is another day!

    Hi all FD’ers!

    Did my first fastday in 6 weeks on Monday and I found it quite hard but managed to stick to my 500 cals by sheer willpower… The 3rd time I opened the cupboard to get a snack ( bad habbit) and closed it again I had to go back to my old mantra ‘you can have it tomorrow’. It’s something I haven’t had to do for a looong time but it worked… That and keeping busy – another trick for fast days.

    Fasting again today and it feels much easier. Went for a long walk with a friend and even had a black coffee instead of the usual latte this morning. The barista guy looked at me very oddly when I automatically ordered my usual and then had to change it… ๐Ÿ˜‰ I try to avoid coffee shops on fastdays.

    Lucylocket63. Yes I think there is a danger that the weight goes back on if you stop doing the FD without including maintenance days. Unless you know and stick to your TDEE.
    But to be fair the 6 weeks of holiday I had included 3 weeks in France with masses of wine, bread, cheese and chocolate so I knew I would put on weight. I was actually amazed it wasn’t more ๐Ÿ™‚
    I must have had slightly better control on the food intake in comparison to previous years.

    Good luck everyone and especially those of you doing a fast day today!
    Repeat after me ‘I can have it tomorrow’ ๐Ÿ˜€
    All the best

    Thanks, simple life, I did indeed complete a fast day yesterday with no cheating.
    Myggan-I’m finding repeating “I can have it tomorrow” a great help on fast days, often by tomorrow, the craving has vanished.

    Weighed in this morning with 1kg drop after 3 fast days. Some of it is probably water but it’s progress. Fitting into my old jeans is my first goal.

    O.K. fast day today! Weigh 10 st 7 lbs this morning.When i say running to the gym its part way to the gym,2 & 1/4 miles. Ran 5 miles on Tue so with the running & doggy walking I’m putting in the miles!
    I like the idea of “I can have it tomorrow”
    I’m off to have marraige blessed tomorrow so prob nice lunch afterwards so yes I will have “it” tomorrow lol
    Well done all & good luck if doing fast day today.
    Great to see we’re so determined.
    Lucy xx

    Hi there my goal is to lose 10kgs by end of November and by christmas time im hoping to be 48kgs. I am now a heavy 60kgs for my petite frame,i really dont even know why my weight is stalling so much.

    My second fast day yesterday and was doing so well, had under 200 cals for lunch then an unexpected trip to see my son resulting in a trip to the pub for a meal…howver, I did choose a salad of butternut squash and beetroot in order to limit any damage. Then..i had a large glass of wine

    Hello there everyone. I would like to join the Christmas pledge, pleeeasse. I need to lose 10 kilos and had my first fast yesterday. Good luck to everyone and I will pop in my weigh in details on a Wednesday. Let’s hope we all have a successful Autumn!!! I am so desperate to wear clothes that have been sitting in my cupboard for yeaaarssss. In fact I have made a pact with hubby. Anything that doesn’t fit at Christmas is going in the clothes aid bin. No more looking at a wardrobe full of clothes that I can’t fit in to.

    Hello all the new ones. Hopefully we can help each other achieve our goals.

    Hi everyone,
    Well it’s the end of the week, I’ve done 3 fasts, and ill weigh in tomorrow to see what I’ve (hopefully) lost.
    I suddenly came down with the cold from hell last night, and I’m doing anything I can to stay away from the cupboards. At the moment I’m telling myself I can have a cadburys light hot chocolate when GBBO extra slice comes on the telly at 9pm. (25 mins to go!) I’m amazed at my self control though! This WOL is amazing! Earlier I picked up 2 packets of crisps determined to eat them. Then stopped, put them down, and amazingly they’re still out on the table … Uneaten!
    A year ago, I would have eaten both packets and already be on the scrounge looking for more.
    Long may it continue.
    How’s everyone getting on?
    Treat xx

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