Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

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  • Hi All!
    Sorry not been posting,not even been on Internet that much.
    Still d oing the Mon & Thurs fast days and have undone last Sundays damage!
    When will I learn that if I overeat stodge I won’t sleep well?????
    Any hows,single figures again 9st 9.5lbs.
    The elusive 9st 7lbs is still being frightfully elusive!
    Long term goal is still 9st 3lbs but by Easter….
    Will be doing gym days Mon,Wed & Fri as usual so have decided to fast Tue & Thurs next week & see if that makes a difference.
    Welcome all newbies.
    Will read back the thread when I get a chance.
    Lucy xx

    Hi guys, it’s weird because for works it’s been a quick week but for my stomach a long one. After last week’s doughrings attack I decided to fast Monday Wednesday and Friday this week, but I’m beginning to feel my willpower wander so thought I’d sign in and read some posts for motivation. :-). Not sure I’ll be doing 3 fasts within 5 days for a long while, it is hard. Hoping to have a smile on my face when I step on the scales in the morning.

    I think I’m getting slightly obsessive with calories now as I weigh and write everything down (in my wee diary book) whether I’m fasting or not. But I think its a good thing as I can look back and see the kinds of things I’m eating and the treats I allow myself. I won’t always do this, still early days as only started 5:2 on 12 Jan.

    I don’t sleep very well as a normal rule but it’s not any worse on fast days and I don’t feel starving when I wake but tend to eat within half an hour of getting up.

    Monthly resolutions are a great idea! I think we’re all to quick beating ourselves up, it’s a habit we just get into I suppose.

    Right, feel bit more motivated now. I watched my work colleague polish off an omelette this morning (big breakfast week this week apparently) followed by macaroni and cheese at lunchtime – while I sat and sipped my 44 cal slim-a-soup. I can do this! I can do this!!!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and look forward to reading more of your posts 🙂

    Hi Shaza Well done for having a bash at 4:3 this week but I agree, it’s a toughie. I only did it the once. Anyway, I hope your intention stayed strong to the end of the day. Sleep well, I hope, and enjoy your breakfast!

    Hello Lucy!

    Muffin 10 thanks for your comments. I don’t think I have been keeping to my TDEE on non FDs – and certainly didn’t today! I felt like indulging myself. If I’m honest, I still sometimes lapse into a binge – but today felt better in the way I ate my ‘indulgences’. I bought loads of biscuits but most of them are still in the cupboard. That’s a big change in behaviour for me.

    Re TDEE, over the past couple of weeks, I have tried to count cals on some of my non FDs, to try and gauge how much food that is. Idea! I’ll make my Feb resolution: to eat within my TDEE on 2 of my non FDs each week. So I’ll be joining you, Shaza, in the record-keeping department. Like you, though, I don’t want it to be a permanent thing, just an experiment to get a feel of how much my tdee is ‘on the plate’.

    Take care, Everyone
    Bootsy X

    Hi Bootsy, yay I managed to stay strong last night and completed my 4:3, was nervous stepping on the scales this morning but I managed to lose another 3 lbs, so that’s 8lbs in 3 weeks, certainly gives me motivation to keep going although I’m still cautious what I eat on non fast days – had one boiled egg and one slice toast this morning and now about to tuck into a plate of homemade potato and leek soup. It’s amazing what you appreciate on a non fast day!

    How do you calculate your TDEE? I normally have a rule of not eating more than 1700 cals on a non fast day.

    Well done Shaz! That is a great achievement! I have only ever done one week of 3:4 and found it too hard to fit in with work and kids so I have great admiration for you managing to do it. And with great results!

    To calculate your TDEE you go to the heading How It Works at the top of this page and it will explain it all and what it means. I keep recalculating mine as I lose weight.

    Lucy, yay you are back and well done on the 9st9 and good luck with the new goal. I bought myself a new bra yesterday… Way smaller than my old ones… Can’t decide if I’m happy or not… :-/

    Keep well this weekend everyone.

    Lotta x

    Thanks Lotta, I won’t be doing it again in a hurry, it’s pretty tough and worse still was cooking normal family meals for hubby and kids and not stealing any leftovers! !

    Thanks, I’ve used the calculator and worked out my non fast day allowance of 1581 calories which to be honest it’s less than I’ve been allowing myself (usually around 1700). Looking forward to baking an apple pie tomorrow and might even have enough cals for a small helping of custard.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend 🙂

    Shaza 🙂

    Hi Shaz: Yes, well done and glad you found the TDEE info. As Lotta said, it changes as you lose weight/ increase or decrease activity.

    Lotta: Remember, “Small is beautiful”, as they say. Another one is “small but perfectly formed” 😉

    Shout out to katser12 🙂

    Not feeling brilliant about the biscuits I just ate . . . but am keeping it in perspective, too.

    Enjoy your Sundays!

    Hello all

    Having just decided I’m fasting today and Thursday I am now feeling cold. I’m starting to think it’s all in my head rather than a physical sensation.

    I undid some of my hard work last week because of some spectacular excess over the weekend (mainly in the wine department). But as it is February I will not beat myself up but instead take it as it is and try to make it better this week.

    Good luck all you Tuesday fasters! I’m off to get my low cal prawn salad for lunch.
    Lotta x

    Hi all,
    Have tweaked the fast days this week,going to do Tue & Thurs.
    Gym on Mon., Wed., and Fri. so I’ll be eating lightly those days.
    Fast days as well & dog walking & I’m thinking of doing a half-marathon in May so will have to get on the road soon for that.
    Seem to be stuck at between 9st 9lbs & 9st 11lbs.
    This has happened before so I’m hoping that things will move faster as they did before.
    Lucy xx

    p.s. very naughty yesterday.
    Came back from house calls & fancied a coffe so had my coffee…
    Lucy xx

    Tumbleweed time on this thread!!
    Lucy xx

    Sorry Lucy, not long back from a shopping trip with my daughter, cost me a fortune and she’s only 9!!

    I fasted Tues and Fri this week and wasn’t holding out much hope of losing any weight as I didn’t feel any different but when I crept onto the scales this morning was surprised to lose another 2lbs so that makes 10lbs in almost 4 weeks so I’m happy with that. Can’t say I’m finding the fast days getting easier but do feel like I’m getting into a routine.

    How are you getting on, have you lost any weight since your last post and are those chocolate hobnobs safely out of reach?

    Shaza 🙂

    Hiya, sorry not ignoring. I always struggle ignoring chocolates and biscuits, can never have just one. I have group of friends who meet once a month as a pudding club. It’s really just to make sure we meet up as now we don’t do the school run any more we don’t see each other much. It involves high calorie puddings and alcohol. Daren’t think how many calories was consumed Thursday night. So it was minimal food on Friday. Though stood on the scales today (can never resist) and was pleasantly surprised. Seems to be heading the right way. Hope everyone is doing alright.

    Hi muffin10, chocolate is also my downfall, your pudding night sounds fun 🙂 I think we are too hard on ourselves and we should just enjoy the odd ‘pudding’ night, after all the 5:2 is supposed to be a new lifestyle choice so we should allow the odd treat. My treat today was going halves with my daughter’s hotdog, a fair amount of chips then followed later on with a mars bar. Chilli tonight for tea but a controlled portion size. Tomorrow morning = bacon roll with heaps tomato ketchup, yum 🙂 🙂

    Oh dear,
    chocolate seems to be most peoples downfall.
    The hob nobs are safe but only cos they are in my Mums house!
    Lent is fast approaching & I think I’ll give up chocolate.
    I had flirted with the idea of giving up meat but as I’m half marathon training & am not that into researching veggie options I’ll do the choc instead.
    Tbh the choc is the more difficult choice as we seem to still have the after eights,lindors,and two boxes of truffles left since Christmas. Far enough away to be out of temptation.
    Have broken the 9st 9lb barrier but there is sticky toffee pudding today …….
    Lucy xx

    I try to not have any treats during the week so I can relax a bit at the weekend.

    Hi All

    Am joining in to sweep away some more of the tumbleweed!

    Well done for busting through 9st 9lb, Lucy. Sounds like everyone is doing ok – well done.

    Must admit I’ve really struggled this last week. I ‘blew’ my fast on Monday evening and since then I’ve gone into ‘rebellious teen’ mode with eating in general. It’s been a difficult week in all sorts of ways, especially emotionally. I do have faith that I’ll find the right motivation again, though. Meanwhile, it’s good to check in and read about people incorporating 5:2 into their lives.

    Speak later – hope we all have a good week 🙂

    Hi all. Lovely to read all your posts and finding it helpful to realise I am not the only one struggling with left over Christmas chocolate in the house 🙂 I’m getting a bit disheartened with my lack of weight loss over the last month. After reaching 63 kilos, I was overjoyed, but for weeks have just been bouncing between 63 and 64 and getting nowhere. I think my very social weekends are the undoing of me. 🙁 Help!!!

    Hi all
    I’ve been yo-yo’ing as well with my weight over the last couple of weeks. I am moving downwards but so, so slowly and I am not able to fit in any exercise at the moment.
    With me it’s chocolate and crisps… There should be none in the house or I just eat them 🙁
    Struggling with my fast today but am not going to give up.
    Hope everyone else is doing well today!
    Lotta x

    Hi Lotta, my weight has been coming down ok, 10lbs in 4 weeks but I’ve found today’s fast day really hard for some reason; have no energy and just watching clock so can get kids off to bed so that I can go to bed. There’s housework needing done but just can’t be bothered with it. Wonder if these are normal feelings after being on 5:2 for a few weeks. My inspiration is the fact that my work trousers are hanging off me! !! Lol! 🙂

    Hi All

    Good to read your posts.

    Shaza – would you like the good news or the bad news?! The good news is that no, you’re NOT alone in FDs almost taking you by surprise by being extra tough, now and then. I do too and from what I’ve read on this forum, it’s a common difficulty which seems to pop up for a lot of people. The bad news is the same thing – I’m being very Zen and Deep here 😉 – every now and then a FD can seem really difficult.

    I think you could be right: it might be something to do with that initial sense of challenge and excitement about fasting becoming a bit more routine. I can’t offer you any answers. I’ve been fasting about 6 months and still, sometimes it’s a breeze; other times it’s a mountain to climb. Sometimes, too, I find the prospect of fasting is more daunting than when I’m actually doing it.

    I think it’s brilliant you’ve hung on in there today and found something outside food/fasting to motivate you ie your ‘huuuge’ work trousers lol.

    Lotta, thanks for sharing about your difficult fast today, too. Hope you got through ok.

    I posted on Sunday about how I’d struggled last week. Am happy to say that I fasted today – what a relief, was worried I was going to stray big-time. I am going to try and take it ‘a day at a time’ – but I know that’s easier said than done for me. I would say today’s fast had a difficulty rating of 5/10 – just average. Hope you all have a good, motivated, flowing FD next time!


    Some days are harder than others. When I’m having a hard part of the fast day I just tell myself to get through the next half hour and more often than not the craving has dulled enough to be able to ignore it.

    Hi all
    Fasting becoming routine seems to be affecting us all….
    I’ll just remind myself of Bootsy’s comment ages ago that the weight loss is a wiggly line … but a downward wiggly line.
    We will all get there in the end – and it is not yet the end 🙂

    Hello all!
    Am wondering if I should go to fasting once a week now just to maintain.
    I think I might be obsessing about getting to 9st 3lbs (this would be a nice round 2st lost)
    My clothes fit with wiggle room so do I really need to beat myself up about those last five pounds?
    Lucy xx

    Hi Bootsy, thanks for your reply, I’m so glad it’s not just me. I’m taking all my motivation from my clothing just now! Can’t believe how much I enjoyed my weetabix for breakfast followed by my ham and pasta salad for lunch, I really appreciate all the foods I eat on a ‘normal’ day now. Before, my hand was like a constant conveyor belt going up to my mouth!

    Lucy, you have done so so well, don’t beat yourself up about the last few pounds, maybe it’s your body’s way of saying it’s happy with your weight, and will save you from not buying a whole new wardrobe! Fasting once a week sounds about right, plus you won’t undo any of your hard work.


    Hello Everybode

    Like you, Shaza, I’ve really enjoyed my food today, without going overboard. Dal (daal? / Dhal???) for tea tonight – my fave winter comfort food!

    Thanks for tip on getting through ‘the next half hour’, muffin10, I’ll bear that one in mind. Princesspeers, must remember my own advice!

    Lucy, well done on your 1 st 9 lb weight loss. Sounds as though you have arrived at a good place and it could well be punitive on yourself to try and lose those last 5 lb. I expect you have kept an eye on your BMI? And your waist to height ratio? (Am sure you know, ideally waist measurement is 0.5 of height.) If you’re there or thereabouts, I’d say give yourself a big pat on the back and go to 6:1 🙂

    Keep well, everyone.
    Bootsy xx

    Smiling to myself at those of you who say you’re struggling to not eat the Christmas chocolate. I say marvellously well done. Mine rarely last till January never mind February and I fall in to the age old trap of ‘eating all the choccies before I start a diet’

    I’m the same. I just have the kids chocolate that I eat for them. Lol

    Yip, I’m the same, my chocolates were done and dusted before new year and the kids hadn’t left much of theirs either.

    One of the hardest things for me is not to eat their dinner leftovers, I make sure I’m quick to scrape it into the bin before I have time to think about eating it!

    Tomorrow is not a fast day for me but got the scales out as usual, currently trying to figure out the cals in a homemade lasagne, I don’t use tinned tomatoes, I put in a bit of beef stock and a very large squirt of tomato puree, still think it’s gonna be calorific, slowly talking myself into a salad instead!

    Soon be weigh in day again (Saturday) 🙂

    Shaza 🙂

    Thanks everyone for the sympathy, I got through Tuesday ok but I did go to bed at 10pm just to get away from temptation.

    I always thought I’d clean and sort to avoid thinking of what I couldn’t eat but I am just like you Shaza – I don’t have the right attitude to housework on FD’s. 🙂

    Well done Lucy!! It really sounds like you are ready to move onto Maintenance Mode! A pat on the back from me too – I’m hoping to join you there soon. Let us know you find it!

    Bootsy, Princess and Muffin – thanks for all the tips and fun posts! It really helps me to read them and keeping focused.

    Weighing in tomorrow after today’s FD. Today has been speeding by because of Work and I have a very busy afternoon ahead with Swimming, Dentist apt and play-dates for the kids.

    Lotta xx

    Hi all, how’s everyone doing. Been quite a hard week, it’s half term so my week has no structure and I have given into temptation a few times. I do fall into the 18:6 system. Hopefully not too much damage has been caused.

    Hello Everyone

    I reckon this is the Busy Mums’ Thread, given that it was so quiet here last week over half term. Well, as a semi retired 🙂 non-parent 🙁 just saying hello and I hope you all got your offspring off to school ok this morning.

    I feel I’ve been doing ok over the past few weeks – except for the past couple of days. I just looked back at the last time I posted about having a wobble – it was about 2 weeks ago. Guess it’s that old wiggly line again! I hope I can rebalance myself and get my motivation into gear again asap. Wish me luck!

    Look forward to hearing how you’re all doing – and Good Luck to you all.

    Boosty X

    Hi, bootsy, it is very quiet on here at the moment. Not an overly successful month although have lost 2 lbs. Have found it hard think half term did the damaged, will have to try extra hard this month to make up for it. I think we have to look at the overall trend.

    Hi Everyone
    I’ve not been on here for a while as I took a week off 5:2 over half term. Back on now and on my 2nd FD this week. It’s a bit routine now so don’t think too much about it. So far almost lost what I put on over the last very overindulgent week.
    But it’s fine – I can lose it again and this time I will keep it going.

    I have a new goal and that is to have reached my overall goal of 60k by the 10th of May. Me and hubby have been invited to a VIP trip the south of France at the end of May and I want to be able to buy some nice clothes for the trip.

    Today has been hard – I bought a baguette for the kids and all I can think of now is how lovely it would taste with lots of cheese, tomato and salad (and mayo)… but I can have it tomorrow so will save a nice piece for breakfast.

    Muffin and Bootsy – glad to see you are still here.
    Well done Muffin – 2 lb is better than nothing and you are still going in the right direction.

    Bootsy – I think you are right about it being busy mums thread or maybe everyone is doing so well they have followed Lucy over to the maintenance threads 🙂

    Maybe this thread has run it’s course and we should set up a new one for reaching our summer goals instead? What do you think?

    Anyway – take care and good luck with the fasting everyone!

    Lotta x

    Hi Muffin (and any others stopping by)

    Take heart! I think that 2 lb is pretty good for one month – especially as you are (like me) an established 5:2 er. And with the interruption of half-term. As you say, it’s the overall trend (or the trendy overalls haha)

    I’ve decided to take a break altogether this week. A break from thinking I ‘ought’ to fast; a break from giving myself a hard time when I don’t. I really have been suffering from a low mood ( a recurrent condition for me) and at those times I find it particularly difficult to cook. I know that cooking nice meals is crucial for me to keep on track with 5:2. Instead of trying, and failing, to cater for myself, this afternoon I’ve been to the supermarket and stocked up on ‘the dreaded’ ready meals. I’m just going to let this phase play itself out and aim to pick up 5:2 again from next week.

    Thanks for reading and take of yourselves 🙂

    Hi guys, finding the 5:2 a bit hard going just now, I fast okay but non fast days are taking over my mind, I weigh everything and want to keep to 1500 cals so not undoing the good on fast days. I used to think I was feeling empowered but the honeymoon period seems to be over, into week 6 now. Hasn’t helped that my new scales have me about 2lbs heavier although the overall weight loss amount should still be the same. 🙁

    yeah, maybe a new thread would re start our motivation, need a second wind to get back on track again.

    Myggan40, I fear I will be here for a while at this rate, lol. Have lost 21 lbs since end of last July and have about the 28 lbs to go to get to a healthy bmi. Bootsy, hope you feel better soon.

    Hi all I saw this thread and thought that’s an acheivable goal. I have been following 5:2 for the past 6 weeks and lost 14lb. A large amount I know but I have another 56lb to go. Hence the Christmas goal!

    Welcome manchesterlass, you’ve done well. I’m working on a goal of a stone between last Christmas and easter. I find breaking it down into little achieveable chunks works for me. I started last August at 13 St 8 lbs and now I’m 12 st 4 lbs. So slowly but surely am losing without feeling deprived.

    Hello Everybod!

    muffin10, thanks for your kind thoughts

    Welcome Manchesterlass – bloomin’ good going so far!

    Shazaslimby – I hear your struggle and damn those new scales! Is 1500 cals your current TDEE? Or is it maybe your goal weight/bmi TDEE? It’s just that 1500 seems, to me, a low amount for everyday consumption. It’s brilliant you don’t want to undo the hard work of your FDs but maybe trust yourself enough to programme in the odd treat?? (Hmm, note to self – “Better practise what you preach, BB”)

    Lotta – I think a new thread might be fun! We could go off on our Spring/Summer pledge, leaving a note on the metaphorical mantelpiece here for anyone who pops by, telling them where to find us. Then we could all troop back to this thread in the Autumn and set our Xmas aims 🙂

    I think it was you, Lotta, who posted your ‘monthly resolution’ for Feb. So if we don’t head off to our Summer Pledge Thread, maybe instead we could set monthly pledges on here?

    I remember my Feb pledge was to fast Mon and Thurs, in an attempt to introduce some structure into my 5:2. My conclusion is that it worked ok for the first couple of weeks; but then . . . it all went belly up. I remember someone’s resolution was to be nicer to herself. I think I’ll try that one instead. My aim for tomorrow is to eat to my current TDEE, which is about 1800 cals. After my struggles last week, I am going to ease myself back in gently.

    Best wishes to everyone for the coming week
    Bootsy x

    Hello everyone,
    Sorry not been on but I have been fasting twice a week (more or less!)
    Have changed from Mon/Thurs to Tue/Thurs.
    Prob not sticking to 500 cals but its so damn cold.
    Looking forward to salads soon.
    Have been having a few but the lure of the Hot Cross Bun…….
    Lucy xx

    Hi everyone
    For those of you who would like to have a thread to follow for that summer goal, I have just created “Who wants to join me? Summer pledge”.
    Hope to see you there.
    All the best
    Lotta xx

    Hi lotta, yes please can I join your thread? I want/need to lose 10 pounds by Aug.

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