Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 451 through 500 (of 543 total)

  • Hi shazalimby, I am a smoker and desperately want to give up. I have smoked for 20 yrs and can’t seem to quit. Have you any advice? I am now doing fast diet and seem to be able to cope but for some reason can’t seem to quit the smoking. Any advice would be welcome. Good luck with diet.

    Hi Katser12

    Your post just caught my eye. My story is: started smoking age 15, smoked average 30/day for 10 yrs. Gave up with help of local informal support group and willpower. ‘Clean’ for 11 yrs and then . . .relapsed when I went to University as a mature student (Aaarghhh!) Smoked for 7 yrs, 40+ / day. After first 5 years of smoking, I read a very useful book, tried to give up using technique described but relapsed a few more times. (I want to give you the honest history – not trying to give you the hard sell.) Two years later, I did finally stop smoking, using the book. That was November 1999, so I have been nicotine free all this century! The book is by Gillian Riley and is called How to Stop Smoking and Stay Stopped for Good. You can have a look at it here:

    Best wishes

    Lucy, well done, sounds like you managed to lose 4 lbs in a week, that’s fantastic. I weighed in at 136.8 lbs yesterday after Thursday’s fast so happy with that but still shy of the elusive ‘single digits’. I’m hoping to maintain over the next couple of weeks while I’m in Asia for work and won’t have access to my scales then focus on the single digit goal when I’m back.

    Have a good weekend everyone. Let’s all get back on our ‘WOL wagon’ next week and support each other to achieve our Easter goals.

    Onwards and downwards,

    Thank you so much Bootsy Badger, I will certainly give the book a go. Good luck with your fast and once again, thank you for advice

    Hi katser12. As far as any advice goes I think the best thing is to take one day at a time and don’t be hard on yourself if you have relapses. Looking back, I think I tried to see cigarettes as my enemy and just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it, the first couple of weeks were the toughest then came the inevitable weight gain through eating more but that just made me more determined and my husband continued to smoke which just made me even stronger. So, I know I have the willpower but I’m so glad I’ve found this forum for additional support, it’s easier to be able to talk to people who are going through the same thing. You seem to be doing well with your diet, I think in time you will find it easier to keep of the ciggies as I’m sure you will feel stronger. I used to put the money I would’ve spent on cigs in a glass jar and watched it build up then every now and then I would treat myself to a wee splurge. My mum used to wrap elastic bands round her ciggie packet and when her craving took hold she would individually unwrap each band and by the time she got to the last band her craving was gone, so that method worked for her. Good luck and I look forward to reading more of your posts πŸ™‚

    Hey everyone,

    Nice work Lucy & Ellie, you two are proving that consistency is key! I was down to my lowest in years on Friday (127.5 lbs.). However, this weekend has been carb and calorie filled :(. I still can’t get the benefit of 5:2 on my nonfast days. In the book, MM talked about 5:2 moving you towards healthier eating. My weight is more under control, but I don’t feel like I’m eating as many veggies as before.. I need to figure that one out.

    I’ll be doing M / Th fasts this week, good luck Fasters!

    Oh Shazaslimby, if only I could put elastic bands around my fridge… And pantry…. And ….
    X Reldz

    Hi Marelda, I know what you mean, if only. I’m about to go and do a food shop to I’m sorting out my food plans now and going to stick to buying what is on my list, trying to keep temptation at bay.

    Hi all,
    Well weekend went well,NOT.
    Back up to 9st double digits on Mon.
    Very strict on fast yesterday,will be cutting down on carbs (white ones anyway)
    Down to 9st almost single digits today.
    Glad I dont have to cope with ciggie denial as well.
    My Mum had great advice re cigarettes,
    (to be said in broad Irish accent) “If I ever catch you smoking I’ll chop your fingers off”
    Lucy xx

    Lucy my weekend was horrible too!! I didn’t feel up to fasting yesterday, but I’m back on board today. I’m still thinking about adjusting my second fast of the week, it’s so much harder than the first… However, I want to push through all of Jan.

    Glad your fast yesterday was so successful!

    Hello again everyone

    Lucy – Well done on getting back to the single figures, even having had a bad weekend.
    Em – I also delayed Fasting this week. I pushed my Tuesday FD until today – now my problem is that I don’t know if I can do another one on the trot tomorrow… πŸ™

    I have had a really tricky fast day today – so wanted to snack on everything and our larder is full of chocolate and sweets left over from Christmas. I find it really hard not to eat it all.

    I have taken myself upstairs so I’m not tempted to go rummaging through the cupboards. I wish I could do the rubber band thing on it right now!

    Good luck with the fasting everyone!
    Lotta x

    My first fast day was yesterday, went okay. I’d like to wrap the elastic bands round my fingers so that I am unable to open the fridge, cupboards, packets and wrappers! ! Next fast day Friday, and hoping to be pleased on Saturday morning when me and my scales meet cos we’re not usually friends! !!

    Enjoy the rest of the week everyone, stay motivated πŸ™‚

    Lotta, don’t know if I can do 2 fasts this week either. I had a good one Tuesday, but I don’t know if I have enough motivation to get me through a second… I’m thinking about doing 16/8 for a few days, but I still think the traditional 5:2 works best for me… I’m still consistently losing weight, although it seems like I’m eating way too much on non-fast days.

    I am 2 lbs. away from my goal weight, so excited!!


    This is mainly a follow up to my post to Katser12 on 10 Jan.

    Katser, I forgot to say that the author (Gillian Riley) did not recommend using nicotine patches but rather that one go ‘cold turkey’, as she said that most of the nicotine was out of the system within 24 hours. I seem to remember that this was because she was concerned that one addressed the mental addiction as soon as possible. HOWEVER, I made my own decision on that, as I knew how tough the actual physical withdrawal could be, based on my previous attempts at cold turkey. So I used patches for ages but I still had plenty of psychological cravings to smoke, as I was addicted to the whole shebang of smoking, not just the nicotine. The patches enabled me not to worry about physical cravings, but I worked like mad on the psychological aspects, as outlined in the book. When I did finally stop using patches, I had already begun to really feel like an ex-smoker, so the physical withdrawal was minimal (especially as I was on a v small patch by then.)

    Hope you didn’t mind my coming back to you with that. I am no way ‘on a mission’ to ‘get you’ to stop smoking: it’s totally your decision. It was just that I remembered that I had done it a bit differently from the book (it occurred to me while I was cleaning m teeth, as these things do!) so I thought I’d fill you in.

    All the best

    Hello to all on here.
    Wow, Emilyashen 2lb away from your goal weight – you are a role model to me! (I’m about 28 lb away but I will get there!)

    Best wishes and good luck to everyone . . . πŸ™‚

    Hi Bootsy Badger, thank you so much for the advice. I have bought the book and am slowly reading it. Unfortunately, my diet has not been going well this last week and seemed to have gained 2lbs

    Hi everyone,

    Greetings from China this week. I’ve changed my routine of skipping breakfast to skipping lunch instead and having an egg white omelette with some cheese for breakfast that seems to get me through the day (and hopefully keep the cholesterol in check!). Light dinner also helps, hot water and lemon as usual, and some light snacking eg. apple, popcorn when the need arises.

    I’ve also been doing 5k on the treadmill in the gym a couple of times, so when I discovered a digital scales in the hotel room I hopped on it this morning to find a lb loss over last week – happy days!
    Better still, when I switched the reading to st and lb the elusive 9st 9lb flashed before me – @lucylocket63 I’m on your tail!

    Onwards and downwards,

    Bootsy, you are doing great, just keep it up and you will get there too!!

    Ellie, I am amazed that you are dropping lbs. while you are away!! That takes some determination! You are in China for how long?

    I finished my second fast today, yah!! I was doubtful, but it was not too bad. I am upping my calories a little (around 550), to feel a little more full at night. I will definitely do 2 next week, just not sure what days yet.

    Have a good one,

    @emilyashen – hey Emily, I think we’re just settling into this way of life and making adjustments as necessary. I should probably be restricting to 350 cals on fast days but 500 or thereabouts is working right now, so no need to change at this point.
    I’m leaving China tomorrow Saturday and heading to Singapore for what will be a busy week then home next weekend.

    Take care everyone and stay focused,

    Hi all.
    Was down to 9st 10 lbs till today.
    Have looked back on my postings & I did say 9st double digits!& “almost single digits” lol That was 9st 9 and a half pounds!
    But at last 9st 9lbs.
    Just 7lbs to go & then I’ll have lost 2 st!
    By Easter if not before.
    Must be restrained at the weekend.
    Have a feeling we’re out on Sat night for a meal & am craving chips!
    No Ellie think 350 is too little in the way of cals.

    Lucy xx

    Hi again everyone. So glad this thread is still going post Christmas.

    Everyone is doing so well! Big pat on the shoulder.
    I only managed to do one fast this week but I am still losing (only a little) rather than maintaining so that’s working for me.

    The Next two weeks are going to be crazy at work with year end and rollover – I work with
    IT management reporting. So I will keep doing 1 FD until February and then get back to 2 days a week. I have 3.5 kg to lose ( whis is 8 lb I think) to reach my new goal of 60kg (9st4).

    Have a good weekend everyone and enjoy your night out Lucy. πŸ™‚
    Lotta x

    Yay, started the fast diet on Monday with my fast days being Tuesday and Friday, jumped with fear on the scales this morning – lost 2 kilos, I’m well chuffed πŸ™‚ Gives me motivation now to keep going, roll on next week!

    Hello Everyone and well done with your efforts so far. I was really struggling before Christmas: dreading FDs and conveniently putting them off until I had ‘run out of week’ for my 2nd FD – so basically was doing 6:1

    The past few weeks, I got back into the swing of IF and I am happily doing 2 FDs per week now. I seem to have taken a couple more steps towards making this a permanent Way of Eating.

    So just wanted to give out some encouragement if anyone is struggling. I so agree with @EllieRainbow about “settling into this way of life and making adjustments”. I have been fairly committed to this since Sept last year but I’m beginning to accept it is a wiggly, rather than a straight, line – but still with a downward trend. So my wish for you all is to keep checking into this forum, share your concerns – you’ll soon get your mojo back.

    Katser12: hope those comments speak to you, too! A bit more of my history: it eventually dawned on me that I was using cigs and food in a very similar way; and that my use of them was somehow entwined. So no surprise that when I did stop smoking, I piled the weight back on. I just wonder . . . just from your reading the ‘Stopping Smoking’ book, maybe the part of you that relies on cigs (and possibly food? As I did) has ‘taken fright’ and has prompted you, unconsciously, to increase your eating? As ever, take or discard any of these thoughts – they may sound like total psychobabble to you – and you’re in charge!

    Best wishes and have a good week, y’All πŸ™‚

    Hi Bootsy Badger, thank you so much for your words of encouragement, which make a lot of sense. I totally agree regards diet being ‘a wiggly line’. I have decided to make menus for daily meals, that way keeping a check on calories on fast and non fast days. Regarding the smoking, haven’t got the ‘courage/will power’ to quit yet, but once I have read the book, think I’ll be ready to tackle that too!!!! Another incentive for me to stop smoking is that I have started going to the gym and finding exercise really quite hard, especially cardiovascular exercise. It’s shocked me how unfit I have become, just from smoking. Anyway, thanks once again for all your support, this forum is what I need to keep strong. Good luck with your fast.

    One less pleasing side effect of losing weight,my dress addiction is in full swing!
    A total of three dresses since Jan 1st.
    I have now begged the girls at Monsoon to bar me from the shop,possibly fitting me with a tag to set the alarms off as I enter the shop!
    Went out Sat night,shared a deep fried brie to start,fish & chips & Banoffee pie.
    To be honest too much food & have learned my lesson,two courses is enough.
    Still healthy roast dinner yesterday and scales report no gain at the weekend!
    Fast day today,going well & possibly semi-fast day or fast day if I’m brave enough tomorrow.
    Good luck everyone with fasting this week & the wiggly lines lol
    Lucy xx

    Mwhahaha – Lucy, I also suffer from a dress addiction… not having bought any for at least 8 years (because I couldn’t make myself go into the chainging rooms feeling like a whale) I have in the last year bought 5… or possibly 6… I think πŸ˜‰
    It is such a nice feeling when you notice the difference and it actually translate into smaller size.

    To those of you who are just starting the Fast Diet it can be hard to get the scales to move sometimes but keep an eye on the inches/cm. Sometimes even if the scales don’t move your size will so don’t feel disheartened if it happens.
    I hit weight a platau 3 times since I started FD last January. The key (I think) is not to focus too much on the numbers when that happens but to keep doing the Fasts until the weight and size starts dropping again. Easy for me to say now but it was hard at the time and these kind of forums helped a lot to get through the stalling.

    All the best everyone and good luck!

    I am fasting today, the coldest day of the year so far… brrr!
    Lotta x

    Hi, I’m the newbie. Just started today. My goal is to lose 11 kg by July. That’s 25 weeks, half a kilo (one pond) on average is realistic? What do you think? I did a lot of research on 5:2 way of life, as I would call it, so here I am. I’m 55, active with a very stressful job. Hope to get support and motivation from all of you by just reading your wonderful and funny and inspirational posts.
    Love m

    Hi Makica

    Welcome! Sounds great that you have done loads of research on 5:2 and I agree with you on calling it a ‘way of life’ rather than a ‘diet’, which can have so many negative connotations.

    I’ve just read the 2nd edition of the book and in there Dr M suggests setting goals, as a way of motivating oneself. As you say 500g per week is the average. Just be aware that the ‘average’ will therefore include some who lost more and some who lost less than that. If it turns out you are in the latter group, please don’t lose heart!

    I had a ‘sort of goal’ to drop 2 dress sizes between last summer and early December. Even though I dropped one I am still about halfway to the 2nd lower size – and about 6kg lighter :-). For me, though, that is where all the other benefits of 5:2 have come into play. I feel more cheerful; more energetic; pleased that I am at last gently controlling my life-long overeating habit. I even enjoy the feeling of emptiness on a fast day. Oh, and the saving money … I could go on!

    So if it turns out you don’t lose quite as rapidly as you hope, I hope you’ll be enjoying the other benefits anyway.

    I intend to keep on until I’ve got down to 3 dress sizes/20 kg less than when I started.

    Stick around and best wishes!

    Hey CPs :),

    Today’s a fast day for me. I’m coming to realize that Mondays aren’t working for me anymore, so on to Tuesdays. I think I’m going to change up my second fast day of the week. It’s becoming really tough for me and because any weight loss now is bonus for me, I think I’ll try to up it to between 600-700 calories.

    So fun to buy new things Lotta & Lucy! I had some old skinny jeans from a few years ago that I can now wear again. I lost about 10 lbs. overall, so everything feels much more comfy now. I’m hoping this summer I’ll be able to buy some new dresses :).

    Welcome M, good luck and check in when you can!

    Sounds like you are going strong Bootsy, thanks for mentioning the new edition to 5:2, I’ve been wondering if I should read it. I’m thinking about reading the 5:2 beach tonight. It’s too strict for me, but maybe I’ll find some tips that can help me get through the week ;).

    Have a good one!

    Bootsy Badger thank you the warm welcome, you too Emilyashen πŸ™‚ thank you so much. It feels so good to be welcomed and heard. I think most of us need that one time or another in life and this is it for me.
    I did my first day and it was totally OK. Had some hunger pangs but they were gone the moment I concentrated on something else. I could’n help it so I weighed myself this morning although I knew there would be a lot, and I mean a lot of water “weight” lost. So I had 1.7 kg less than yesterday. I thought to stand on my scale once a week, of fortnight. What do you do? I even thought of doing it once a month but then wouldn’t know if I was doing the right thing on the non fast days.
    Have a slight headache this morning. Did any of you have any discomfort in your early days of 5:2?
    Hope to hear from you all soon with all your great results.
    Love m

    Hi all
    Super busy back at work but keeping up with the 5:2 WOL and your posts. Last week had a work conference at the beautiful Hunter Valley so only did 6:1 but did my first 4:3 the week before ….. and found it surprisingly easy.
    I am still stuck (or perhaps plateau-ing) at around 63 kilos but my new year resolution was to weigh myself once a week as I was becoming obsessed πŸ™‚
    Maybe my body needs time to adjust to this new weight. I have lost 5 kilos since starting in August; everyone compliments me on my new shape and I love the new skinny clothes I bought to take to the conference last week. So, if I need to be at this weight for a while, so be it. My ultimate goal was 61 kilos by Easter but I have now brought that forward to mid-March as I am going to the beautiful Lord Howe Island for a week for my birthday – lots of swimming, snorkeling, bushwalking and bike riding ….. and amazing food!!! Cheers, PP

    Welcome Makica and well done on your first fast day! I forgot to drink water when I started fasting and sometimes got headaches. Could your headache be dehydration related?

    Em – skinny jeans! Yay! Well done you. Modifying your fast days is a great way to keep going I think because it’s so much better than not doing them at all.

    PP – I’ve also been stuck around 63 kg for a while but I am hoping to break that number today as I am doing my second fast this week. I had decided to only do one because there is a lot going on with work at the moment. but then today sort if lent itself for a fastday and so now I’m just waiting to go to bed so I can wake up tomorrow and weigh myself πŸ˜‰

    Right – off to tidy up after the kiddos and then to bed. I will mostly be avoiding the snack cupboard while I chant my mantra “I can have it tomorrow”. πŸ™‚
    Night night all!
    Lotta x

    Hello All CP-ers

    Thanks for your support above. I’ve just reread my last post – I was so chipper wasn’t I?! I’m nearly through another fast day and, By Gum, it’s been hard! Guess it’s just the pendulum of 5:2 and Life swinging. Let’s hope the next FD will be a breeze haha.

    Em – you say any weight loss is a bonus for you now. Is it time to switch to 6:1, then? Just a thought, as I don’t know your circs. Sounds wise to switch your FDs. I do a lot of changing about, just to keep myself guessing and from getting bored – wherein Temptation lies. ( I have given it a capital letter to make it sound portentous.) For instance, on Tuesday my main meal was breakfast; today I didn’t eat until 8 pm. I am trying to tackle the continuing, not exactly insomnia, but wakefulness. (In the past I’ve had anxiety related insomnia but this is much more pleasant – just a bit annoying, though.) I’m hoping my late dinner will help me sleep.

    PP – you’re on a roll! You go, girl! Sounds great you’re not stressing about possible plateau. I will try and learn from you, as I am just feeling a bit niggled about what seems to be a slow-down. Although I’m only going by dress size as I, too, rarely weigh due to danger of Obsession with Weight. (More capitals, see?!) So near and yet so far to the next size down! Especially as I have to allow room for my thermal long-johns (sorry if that conjures up an unwelcome image πŸ˜‰ for you all!) in this lovely English winter we’re having.

    Thanks for the mantra Lotta – I’ll remember that!

    Makica – hope it’s going ok. As I said above, I avoid the scales, due to previous experience. I weigh myself on average once every couple of months – when I visit someone who owns some! My personal opinion is about once a month is about right, as weight can fluctuate so much even during a week. If that seems too long between weigh-ins, maybe once a fortnight. However, you do what you feel is best for you.

    To echo Lotta “Sleep tight, All!” (unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere lol!)

    @myggan40 thanks for the support, and yes I drank tons of liquids. It must be something totally unrelated.
    @bootsy Badger I think I will take your advice. The scale has to go! My skinny wardrobe is going to be my scale. I’m on my second day of fasting and I’m more hungry that I was the first day but I am dealing with it by drowning in herbal tea, water and coffee.
    I also bought the second edition of the book so lets see what is new in the 5:2 world.
    “See” you all soon πŸ˜‰

    Hello again. Woop woop, I beat that beastly 63kg mark… But only by 200g… Never mind, I feel like I am going in the right direction now… ‘Only’ 2.8kg and then I will be at my 60kg goal.

    Makica – well done on the water, I know it’s one of the things I fail on as I only drink when I am really thirsty. Hope you don’t get the headaches again. It sounds like you have this WOL sussed, do what works for you and it will work for you. All the best of luck!

    Bootsy – I love your ‘capitilzation’. πŸ˜€ Sound like you are giving yourself a talking to with the capitals. I feel more alert in the evenings too but so far it’s not turned into insomnia. I admire you being able to ‘mix it up’ on Fast days. I have to stick to the same food at similar times for it to work for me. I wish I could be more flexible but I find it hard to not stick to the same just so I don’t have to think about it too much.

    Good luck all Friday Fasters out there and have a good weekend.
    Lotta xx

    Congratulations @myggan40 for beating the 63 kilo mark!!! This is all so inspiring for me. It is 3:14 pm and still a long way to go today on my second fast day. Tomorrow is my birthday so I will have some fun with food. Yay
    Love m

    Hi guys, everyone is doing so well, I’m chuffed for you all. I had my 3rd fast day on Monday which went okay. Then kinda went downhill when I popped into Tesco on Tuesday after work and spotted a 5pk doughrings! ! I had already had chips for lunch which was supposed to be my only treat after a fast day but no, once these were in my hand there was no stopping my mouth – I had two, 5 hours apart, then felt revolting as I am calorie counting every day to keep an eye on my intake.

    So, then came Wednesday, hadn’t learned my lesson and had another two, one after the other, (thankfully my son had had one) then followed that with THREE chocolate digestives later on! I’m so disappointed in myself although still only maxed out at 1700 cals both days. Today is a fast day, me and my stomach are not talking, lol! Weigh in tomorrow morning, hope I’ve not done to much damage! My daughter has just come home from school and asked if I’ve bought anymore doughnuts! !!!!!!

    Anyway, quick question, I’m trying to look up cals in 100g cooked skinless chicken breast which I’ve kept back from our recent roast chicken dinner but My Fitness Pal has alot of different answers, what do any of you guys allow calorie wise? Rant over about myself, glad I have this forum πŸ™‚

    Well, weighed in this morning and have still managed to lose 1 pound!! My scales are very basic and not the electronic kind but I didn’t want to go out and buy expensive ones as I’d rather feel my weight loss in my clothing, but for these early weeks I would like to monitor any weight loss. So, I’m off out for an afternoon tea with friends today so because of that I may do fast days on Monday Wednesday and Friday this week – and will defo stay off the doughrings! !!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Hi Makica – Happy Birthday! Hope You had a great day and enjoyed your day loads! Well done on your fast days. How are you finding it so far?

    Well done Shazaslimby on the weightloss! The MFP entries are annoying when they aren’t right. I think if you scan the barcode of the packet it will give you the right number of calories. Hope you found it ok.

    I had a rubbish weekend so I haven’t bothered weighing myself this week. Today was my usual fast day but with the difference that I was so busy at work that I missed lunch. I didn’t have time to go to Waitrose for my usual prawn and noodle salad so I got one on my way home instead. I was still hungry having eaten it so had some sandwich thins to get me up to 500 cal…
    So now it’s peppermint tea time and off to bed early tonight.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Lotta x

    Hi everyone,

    I’m currently finishing up a 2 fast days in a row. I’m going away for the weekend, so I thought I’d give it a try. I honestly didn’t think I was going to go through with it, but here I am :).

    Pros – I’ll be done for the week tomorrow, I didn’t feel as much hunger today, my night meal tonight (270 cal) felt like a feast

    Cons – felt dizzy around 3:00 pm, two days in a row without exercise (besides running around after kiddos), can’t say I can have it tomorrow on Monday

    I’m not sure if I’ll try it again, but it really wasn’t that bad.

    Lotta, isn’t it crazy that we still can’t kick the guilty feeling after indulging? I haven’t gained the weight back and have slowly been going down without calorie counting. How old are your little ones? Mine are 9 & 7.

    Bootsy, I have been mostly doing 6:1 since December. I want to get in some more 5:2 weeks to see if I feel comfortable down a few more pounds. It’s hard to know exactly what range I want to settle with. I’m 127 lbs, now, maybe I can get to 122? We will see. However, my ever shrinking chest is definitely a pit of weight loss ;).

    Makica, Happy Birthday! What did you do to celebrate?

    Shaz, well done! I never had the courage to do 4:3, maybe I will try right before my Mexico vacation…

    Good night!

    Hi all. Sounds like a few of us are in the same boat this week. I certainly over indulged on the weekend, missed my usual Monday fast because of the Australia Day weekend, kept eating and drinking unwisely on Tuesday and weighed in at 64.5 this morning. Reality check!!! So fasting today and tomorrow to get back on track. It’s amazing how a small indulgence (in my case, chocolate every night since Christmas) can lead back into bad habits. No more snacks after dinner for me – it’s a downward spiral …..

    Right – 2nd fast day in a row in what feels like forever.
    I usually manage to do a Tuesday and Thursday but because it didn’t fit in this week I’ve done Tuesday and Wednesday instead.
    Been sort of ok because I’m busy at work but I’ve got a headache.. but I think that is cold/sinus related. However I MUST drink more water… maybe another fruit infusion…

    Em – I know it’s SO frustrating not being able to kick the guilt trips! Even when we’re doing quite well it’s hard not to do a splurge every now and then. I’ve been doing 6:1 as well but like you say it’s more about keeping the balance. How did you feel after your 2 FD’s in a row? At 127 lb you are tiny though, well done! I had to look it up as I do kg. πŸ™‚ I’m hoping to be 62.5kg (137lb) tomorrow and my goal is 132 lb by Easter. I have a boy who’s 8 and a girl who’s just turned 6 so very similar ages to your little ones. πŸ™‚

    PP – well done for finding your way back. If you can’t party a bit on Australia day then when can you?! πŸ™‚ The good thing is you’ve got the tools and you know they work so good luck getting back on track with FD!

    Right, ‘night, night’ all from me in London and good luck tomorrow all Thursday FD-ers.

    Lotta x

    Hi all, I don’t think you should feel guilty after a splurge, it’s perfectly normal. We just have start the next day afresh.

    First monthly weigh in of the new year, not a huge success but it’s going down albeit very slowly.

    Aug 2014 13.8
    Dec 2014 12.8 1 stone (14 lbs) lost
    5 Jan 2015 12.10
    29 Jan 12.7 -3

    Hopefully I can curb my snacking again as that is where I am going wrong.

    Hello All

    Hope you’re having a good day, whether fasting or non.

    Thanks for your good luck message last night, Lotta. It helped me over an 11 am wobble when I was debating chucking it in for the day. Then I remembered your message and thought of my fellow thursday fasters, all around the world.

    My latest little experiment (I keep tinkering) is to try a few weeks with the regulation Mon and Thurs fast days. Usually, I’ve fasted on any days which suit my plans for the week best but I’ve decided to introduce a little STRUCTURE. So, if I’d blown my first Thursday of this new routine I would have felt a right loser!

    Really interesting to read your post muffin 10. Congratulations on your progress! We have a fair bit in common. We started around the same time, weighing about the same. I, too, only weigh myself every couple of months – last time was yesterday! Here are my stats:

    7 Sept 14: 13st 9lb (191 pounds / 86.6 kg)
    9 Nov 14: 12st 12lb (12lb lost)
    28 Jan 15 12st 6lb

    Total lost so far: 1st 3lb/ 17 pounds/ 7.7 kg

    The part of me which wants overnight success was slightly disappointed (sounds like you were a bit with yours, too?) I had to do quite a lot of work on myself not to get into that awful diet mentality which tells myself; “Well, not as good as Id hoped so now I’ll REALLY blow it”, while heading off to the chocolate shop! In the end, I decided my glass was half full, not half empty. As you say, it’s going down – and that’s the right direction πŸ™‚ I was even more cheered when I reread in the book that the average weight loss for a woman is ‘just under 1 pound a week’ – making me bang on target!

    Thanks to everyone here for support and sharing.

    Me again!

    Re the chats above about giving ourselves a hard time when we slip off the straight and narrow, I have taken the liberty of cutting and pasting a brilliant quote from etherial, a poster on another thread:

    “…Beating yourself up is useless and besides, I know some thugs over in West Oakland that’ll rob and beat you for the low, low price of $39.99.”


    Hi Bootsy – yay I am so glad my ramblings helped someone πŸ˜‰
    Well done for sticking to the fast!! I sometimes have trouble deciding if I will actually do a fast day or not (and walking past a coffee shop with nice pastries usually buggers it up…) but once I am in “FD mode” I am usually fine. I guess I should have some use for my stubbornness… πŸ™‚
    Great Quote too – there are so many people who are happy to “beat us up” that we really should be better at not doing it to ourselves.
    My new February resolution (I don’t do yearly ones – I do monthly ones) is to be nicer to myself!

    I have a quiet weekend ahead and although the weather isn’t supposed to be very good I want to try to get the family out and moving. Good luck me πŸ˜‰

    If anyone is doing a fast today I hope it’s going well and good luck!
    Have a good weekend.
    Lotta x

    Monthly resolutions: brilliantly simple idea! Will plan Feb’s right now.

    Bootsy, it’s interesting that our weight loss has followed almost the same pattern. I have to say I still have chocolate at times so am losing without going without. It doesn’t help that someone I work with lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks doing sw and we are about the same size, she maybe slightly smaller. I have to get it into my head that I am in this for the long term and not just a quick fix. I have put 2 stone on lost 2 stone, put it on, lost it, put it on, lost it, put it on and am hopefully losing it for the last time.

    My fast eventually went fine yesterday. I decided to let myself go up to 600 cals, if needed. Ease up rather than give up, so to speak.

    I’m still having rather restless FD nights – empty stomach wakes me up; and maybe it’s not so easy to distract myself as during the day. People commonly say they wake up ‘not feeling hungry’ after FD. Not me, mate! 6.00 am saw me at the kettle and toaster. Then I fell asleep again and now I feel absolutely rank! Am off out into this ‘bracing’ British January we are having.

    Have a great weekend, everyone x

    I think that’s the best way, I occasionally do 700. If you think about it a chocolate digestive is about 100 calories so doubt it’s a disaster if you do go slightly over.

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