Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

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Anyone want to join me: Christmas pledge?

This topic contains 542 replies, has 69 voices, and was last updated by  katser12 10 years ago.

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  • Hi – my first day and it wasn’t as hard as I thought. So … I am on fire. I want and need to do this. My BMI has reached 27 and I just weighed myself this morning – 12.2 stone (77.4kg) – Eck! How did that happen? My goal is to lose about a pound (half a kilo) a week. 10 stone being the ultimate goal by Christmas (28 weeks away).

    Heading to the UK from the Antipodes to visit the mum in law and I don’t want to be a big boomer. Anyone want to join me and compare progress? Ps I am using both kg and stone because one kilo sounds so little and a whole pound sounds like more. Silly? Yes, but if it makes me focus that’s ok. I see people saying they ‘only’ lost a pound, but that will do me just fine. I tried carrying a backpack around with 2 stone of tinned food for a few hours – I realised all the extra weight I lug around each day.

    So … Any fellow travellers?

    Hi Blue Ivy

    When you say it like that; Xmas sounds just round the corner LOL!

    Here in Blighty (the UK); we are just really getting into what we laughingly call ‘summer’. So any mention of Xmas at the moment just seems mad to us.

    I would probably kill to be able to lose ‘just’ a lb a week, so no; I won’t join you in your quest but I do hope someone else comes on and buddies up with you!

    Good Luck Anyways

    Hi BlueIvy – I can be your buddy if you like as I just started today & would also aim for 10st although I am starting at a lower weight, about 11st 2lbs. Today has been ok – I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of food that I allowed myself! I had a poached egg & drink of borocca for breakfast, green tea at 11, a banana at 12, an apple at 2, a coffee at 3, a fillet of salmon & some green veg at 6. Off to bed now – looking forward to a big bowl of porridge in the morning!!

    Hiya Blue Ivy and everybody else, I’d like to join in please! My Christmas goal is 10 stone. I’m starting 5:2 on Monday so haven’t taken my starting weight yet, but I have about 4 stone to lose. How nice would it be to wear a pretty dress to Christmas parties, rather than a frumpy cover up?


    @booboo. Hi there, I have been a lurker on this site for a few months; and see that you are a regular on here! Plus a dog lover to boot. Me too. I have two labradoodles who I love to bits. Yes, Xmas does seem a little time away but I have been doing a Scarlet O’Hara (I will worry about that tomorrow!) for so long now that it just seemed I had to have a SMART goal. I have also never reached out for a weigh in buddy for support. I am 54, have no ailments: more through good genes than good management – time to honour those genes and get healthier. So, lots of firsts! I will continue to read your amusing and regular posts.

    @starvinsusie. Hi Susie – love your handle. I feel like a starving Susie a lot of the time too! Yes, let’s buddy up on this. I’m sure we can do it, if we weigh in together each week and give each other support along the way. Does Friday morning weigh in suit you? That’s quite a bit to eat even though it is only 500 calories: amazing what you can find that is low calorie. And the barocca was inventive J. I did my fast in Monday and exactly like you I craved oats! I made Bircher muesli because it is so hot here (I am in PNG right now). Anyway, look forward to our journey together – Xmas will be here before we know it. Ps what is your BMI?

    @lemondrizzle. Well how nice that sound? Lemon Drizzle over a piece of macadamia nut crusted piece of seared salmon! Love you to join us. Let’s weigh in once a week and record BMIs. Would be great to have your support. A Christmas frock – sleek and black. I can do that too.

    Well, just got through my second fast day. I can’t work out why I am not even hungry and my tummy is not rumbling. Usually I am scratching around for snacks most of the day – mainly healthy ones but far too much and too often. So, I have eaten nothing today except a teaspoon of milo and shot of milk and hot water. Lots of water and a few cups of herbal teas. It is now 6pm and I am just waiting for my veggie and chicken omelet. Weigh in tomorrow morning: wish me luck!

    Yah! First weigh in:

    9 June 2014 – Start weight: 12.2
    13 June 2014 – Week 1: 11.13 (3lb loss)

    Ok, I know some of it will be just water loss and I don’t expect more than a pound week over the next 6 months. But it is going in the right direction and I am feeling good.

    @lemondrizzle and @starvinsusie: how did you go?

    Good luck with your first WEIGH IN!


    Isn’t that incredible? I just left the above message wishing you well and you post your results almost instantaneously!

    Well done! 3lbs is a great start!

    ONwards and Downwards!

    @booboo thanks so much for the encouragement. And a wonderful coincidence. I am so pleased that I am on my way onwards and downwards as you say, but also upwards towards better health and energy. Enjoy your day or night! I am just off to work – TGIF.

    So, third fast today. Couldn’t help myself this morning: weighed 11.13 after a eating a fair bit on the weekend. Surprised to say the least.

    Got through today. Had 2 teaspoons of milo with a shot of milk in hot water at lunchtime. I am staying at a hotel so little choice of dinner though tried to keep calories down to 500. Tomato soup, small dinner roll and three prawns. Always hard to tell when you eat out what sauces or creams are in things, but I feel like it wasn’t too heavy. A friend told me his wife is doing it too and seeing great results! How did everyone else go?

    If not too late, I’d like to join you on your quest 😉

    Weighed in this morning at 12st 5lbs – 10stone by Crimbo sounds damn attractive to me!

    What days are you fasting? I’m mostly going to stick to Mondays & Wednesdays and have a really light day on a Tuesday (around 1000 cals). Last couple of weeks have been a bit manic, but now got the opportunity to settle down and get into the routine of things.

    Best of luck 😉


    Hi Everyone! I am a complete newby to this site and the diet! I know, I know – I must have been living on another planet not to have tried it before now! LOL! I had heard of it, but was too wrapped up in the diet I was failing on at the time to give it a go! So, today is day 1 for me – and so far, so good. Its not been hard, but as I work from home – food is always around me, so I’ve spent a lot of the day thinking about food! I’m not hungry, its just bad habit that has made me this way! So, I would love to have a “buddy” that I could share the experience with, and am well up for a christmas challenge! I am 5 ft 5 and am the heaviest I have ever been. I am currently 15 stone 3 pounds : ((( and any long lasting weight loss would be magic!

    Hi @trishj and @mccloud. So pleased to hear from you both. I would love you to join me. I have never used a buddy system like this before to make me accountable or to help others. Really looking forward to sharing this journey to Christmas with you both.

    Mac – I am fasting on Monday and Thursday. I was doing consultancy work at home too, so I know how hard it is. Avoid work, eat, clean, eat, walk the dog, eat, and finally get around to sitting in front of the computer. I ended up going to the library to write up reports just to get away from food. It sounds like we have about the same to lose – let’s get competitive 😉

    Trish – I am a newbie too! So it will great to start together and help each other along. I had thought about doing this for a while. It is amazing once you start doing this how many people you will find doing it. It’s like buying a new car and then seeing it everywhere 😉 I too am hoping this is a long term solution. I am sick of “failing” too. Let’s be successful together!

    Ps I am working in Papua New Guinea. And I am on the same time zone as Australia. Are you both in UK?

    Ps sorry just noticed it was Trish who worked from home. New to this!

    Hey Blue Ivy! Good to hear back from someone! Yes, I am in the UK – apologies, I had just presumed this was a UK based site! Had a wee chuckle at the things you do to try and get away from food – sounds just like me!!!
    I am not a very competative person, so don’t worry/stress about feeling accountable to me – that won’t happen! I just hope we can help spur each other on, offer support, motivation and help pick each other up when we “blip!”
    My first day has gone pretty well, I am fairly pleased with myself – I made it through! I hope your first day has gone well too. I think I ate nearer to 600 cals today, but for me that is brilliant! I think I will try doing Mon, Wed and if I can manage it Friday also – but will see how this first week goes. I don’t want to set myself too high a target just yet!
    Nice to hear from you, and thanks! ; )))

    @trishj hi there – good to hear back from you! I am just off to work. There doesn’t seem to be an Australian site but I guess with the internet it doesn’t matter much. Congrats on your first day! Well done. You’re braver than me trying for 3 days a week. I will be here to support you. I am not that competitive either though some healthy comparisons will spur us on. Enjoy your evening and think of me just starting my day. Cheers.

    Morning 😉

    Well done on your first day Trish. Managed around 650 cals yesterday and aiming for a half-fast day today at 1000 cals. Am aiming to do 500 on both Mon & Thurs then 1000 on a Tues.

    What do you both do for exercise? I hit the gym most mornings or head out on the bike. But must admit, I do have to kick m’self up the backside!!

    Know what you mean about the food temptations Blue…folk here are forever bringing in cakes & savories! Buggas lol

    Have a fab day both and good luck!


    Thanks Girls (or is it guys?!)

    Yes I made it through the first day,and it was nowhere near as hard as I thought it might be. I drank loads of water and had a couple of diet cokes (which I don’t normally do), and I didn’t get one single headache! I normally drink a lot of tea, and cut down to about 4 cups, so was really expecting the mother of all headaches! No real hunger pangs, a couple of mini rumbles but was absolutely fine! I haven’t eaten yet today, not sure what I fancy – which is not unusual for me first thing. Have a great day at work everyone, Its 9.40am here, and looks like its going to be a sunny day!
    Glad to hear we are all relatively un-competative, just want and need some support, which I am sure we can give to each other! Will try another fast day tomorrow I think, beings as yesterday went so well. Am already feeling positive and a bit buzzing from managing the first day! yay!
    How is every else doing? Any hints/tips/experiences you want to share, please feel free! : )) Trish xx

    Hi, I would love to join you! Christmas sounds like a good idea to me as I have 3 stone to shift to get to a good BMI and a weight that is healthy for me. I also hit one of those big 0 birthdays in February and I would like to be fit and fabulous rather than flabby and frumpy! It’s my first fast day today. I’m going for the meal in the evening! Drinking fluids regularly and keeping active.

    Hello everyone! I’d love to join in the Christmas cheer too… it’ll be summer here (Australia) by then.

    Have played around with the 5:2 but never seem to stick to it, work or holidays have come up but now it’s all settled and I’m ready to commit to it. I’m not competitive and also love the idea of having buddies to share the journey with. I also have 3 stone to drop (won’t know myself!).

    Re: exercise, I find if I do weights on the fast day I don’t feel so tired but if I do cardio I want to eat everything. Having read some other posts it seems everyone is different. Would love to hear what others have experienced 🙂

    I guess it will take me a while to get used to the website, I have had some replies come through on email, but haven’t found them on here yet! Good Luck to the person starting today!!!! Having started yesterday I am on normal food today – and guess what? I am part of a chocolate club, and my latest box arrived today! lol! I will try and be good and make it last at least a week…if I can!! ; )

    No-ones competitive, damn…we could’ve had a Northern vs Southerm Hemisphere challenge haha

    Seems like we’re all looking to lose around the same amount. Have managed to shift 1 stone already, so hoping to boost that on the 5:2

    Starlight…I’m hitting the big 40 in mid August, if I can get down to 11st 7lbs in time for that I will be very happy! That gives me around 8 weeks, so doable.

    Enjoy ya chocolates Trish, the first rule about Chocolate Club haha

    Mac x

    Mac, You are sounding my kind of person! lol! I have about 5 stone to lose if I’m honest, but would happily settle for 3 initially! The big 40 is nothing to worry about, honest! It wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I expected. Hitting 30 was more of an issue for me personally!

    Exercise wise, I don’t do much if I’m truthful. I walk the dog each day and that’s about it! However, I am active in my job – looking after children during the day and elderly people at night.Right, where are those choccies……! ; )

    Hi my Australian friends! I’m seriously glad there isn’t an Australian site because it’s great to hear how you lot are managing! Be interesting to find out how many nations are joining in!

    Just glad to make the big 40, as far as I’m concerned, everyday above ground is a good one 😉

    I wonder if anyone has ever invented a Sausage Roll Club, might be onto something there!

    Every little helps with exercise eh. I do a fair bit, about an hour of cardio most mornings, either at the gym or out on the racer (I’m a fair weather rider). But then there’s wine & cheese lol

    So far so good today with aiming for the 1000. Dim Sum from Waitrose tonight, that’s always a winner!

    Mac x

    Have been looking on “my fitness pal” at what I’ve eaten today. OMG! I have splurged I am sure, eaten loads of sweet stuff today – is that normal on day 2, or just because I am a pig ????!!!!
    I haven;t really felt hungry at all today, but have eaten anyway. I wonder how long it takes before my body will settle into this programme? Feel like I’m feast or famine at the moment! Another fast day tomorrow, wish me luck!!! ; )

    Hi Blue a Ivy, lemon drizzle & new members!! Sorry I went AWOL but the email notifications were going into my junk mail so I thought no one wanted to be my buddy:-( …….. Got that sorted now! I can relate to the feast or famine statement – also feel like I’m munching all day today even though I’m not that hungry – just because I can!!!

    Oh starvinSusie, you have made my day – thought it was just me doing the feasting bit! lol!
    Good luck for tomorrow everyone – whatever day you are on! I will be on a fast day, so fingers crossed! ; )) T x

    Hi everyone!
    Yep another one just joining today for a little bit of life changing fun!
    12.4 today and starting my first fasting day Thursday as I need to get some shopping in!
    My first target is 11 stones then ultimate goal is 10.5 stones
    Exercise regime all sorted and upping my walking each day now
    I have sat and read all he posts and got some great ideas so looking forward to keeping in touch with you all

    Lots of Lovage x

    Morning all! Great to see more people up for Christmas challenge. I didn’t have internet access in PNG last night so had a lovely surprise in my in box this morning. I have to get to work early this morning, so I will reply to everybody tonight. Really excited that we are doing this together!

    Hi I am back! Internet back on.

    Welcome @pinksmartie – I hope today went well. Today is my fast day too. How did you find your first time? Good on you for hitting the exercise. That’s something I need to get back into too. I was going to a trainer back in Oz. She was a single mum who ran small classes from her garage. It was really personal and the first time I have lasted more than a few months at the gym. Now I am in PNG the security issues prevent walking so I will have to get into something.

    Mac – it sounds like you are exercising pretty hard! Motivate me too! When is the big 40? Mine is American Independence Day – though long pass 40.

    Trish – a chocolate club? I have never heard of such a wonderful thing. Tell me more. My fav is chilli dark chocolate with salt chocolate coming a close second. So I best not join this club or my health/weight loss will quickly go out the door.

    Welcome Beck and starlight. And special hello to my fellow Ozzie Starlight. Beck – I haven’t tried exercise on a fast day, but I do get tired and have the coldest feet even though I am in the tropics.

    My fast didn’t go that well today. I didn’t have anything until tonight. But I had a work dinner where I really had to eat something as there was only three of us at a fancy restaurant . So, I had sashimi (melt in the mouth), entree sized lamb and Harissa. And a white bread roll with olive oil. Not too bad you say? Maybe close to 600 calories? Yes, but you see there were two classes of too good to say no to wine with it. So probably closer to 1000cals. Anyway, sometimes we stumble. Wish me luck with my weigh in day week 2 tomorrow.

    Ps hello again StarvinSusie – I can relate! I will have to start counting calories on fast day.


    Hope everybody is well 😉

    Hopped on the Scales of Doom this morning and have managed to drop 2lbs, result!

    5:2 is working out nicely, liking the flexibilty. Like, last night out for a scoff and out for lunch today & anniversary meal tomorrah (8 years, you get less for murder!!). Saturday summerball, so, Sunday is a fast day!
    This week has been particularly bad for eating out, but back to normal fast days next week (Mon & Weds).

    Blue Ivy, yeah reckon around the 1000 cals mark, still damn good going though for being out on a works do. I admire your willpower 😉 I’d be like “just gimme the God-damn bread basket will ya” haha

    Big 40 is August 14th, sooooooo, am on track!

    Happy Thursday guys

    Mac x

    Weigh in morning:

    9 June start weight 12.2 stone
    11 June (week 1) 11.13 stone (3lbs loss)
    20 June (week 2) 11.12 stone (1lb loss)

    Total loss to date: 4lbs!!!

    Hey I am so happy. It hasn’t been hard and I have had a few dinners out, had some wine and haven’t felt deprived at all. I am sure I can keep this up. Come on Christmas! I even went for a walk this morning.

    How did you all go? When is your weigh in days? Enjoy your day/evening xxx

    Hey Mac! Congrats. That is so wonderful – 2lbs. Well done you!! Yeh, the bread was tempting, as was the dessert menu. Hope the anniversary was good. Haa haa I have often thought that too – 7 years for me and not a murder weapon in sight. Isn’t it great that we can still eat out though and lose weight. WW and other diets you are constantly planning, preparing and thinking about food. This way it is only two days a week and usually the day after you don’t pig out too much as the tummy seems to shrink. There is Alzheimer’s in my family, so that is a great motivation too. I m pretty good with birthdays – so I will mark 14 August for you big day! Xx

    HI Everyone!

    Glad to hear you are all doing soo well!!! – I am not doing quite so well, purely my own piggie self doing!
    I intended to have a fast day on Wednesday …but then hubby came home with chips for me, and I couldn’t resist! Then yesterday i started out well, but then scoffed loads of sweets….so TODAY is THE DAY!!! I must admit I had got a stash of sweeties and goodies at home , and they have been calling me all week. However, I have now waded my way through them (that’s why no weight loss so far)so no excuses now! I have a week til I go on holiday and whilst I know I wont have lost a significant amount, ever pound helps! I do intend to continue with my fast days whilst away, and I promise I will now start being good and doing this properly now the sweeties are all gone!! ; ) T xx

    Morning everybody and HAPPY FRIDAY 😉

    Well done Blue Ivy, now there’s a result to keep ya going eh!! How far / long do you walk for? Such a lovely way to exercise, and gentle on the joints…plus there’s normally a pub at the end which is SUCH a treat haha

    Anniversary is tonight, have already looked at the menu…gunna be nowhere near a fast day! Saving that for Sunday 😉

    Agree with you with WW. My life is just too chaotic to count points so ridgidly, works for some folk, but not for me. 5:2 fits in nicely with my lifestyle.

    TrishJ…that’s cruel, chips are the hardest food to resist (along with cheese, bread, red wine, chocolate, Pimms, nachos…EVERYTHING!!!)

    But, good news, I just got a new job offer…which means I can tell my current boss to go and stick his Friday bacon roll where the sun don’t shine hahaha

    Ciao for now,
    Mac x

    Congrats on the new job Mac, and many thanks for the encouragement! : )))) x

    Hello everyone!

    Hope you all had lovely weekends 😉

    Have to share my good news…I’m engaged!!!!!! So, anniversary went well lol
    Now we’ve got a wedding to plan…gulp!

    But tell ya what, it’s a bloody good motivator to get these pounds off me! Straight down the gym this morning, new spring in my step 😉

    How’s everyone doing? Anyone fasting today? How’s it going?

    Happy Mondays folk

    Mac x

    Wonderful News! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I’m having a rubbish day and that has made me smile! Now you have a fabulous new goal for your W/L xxxx

    Congrats mc cloud!! Lovely news! As well as a new motivator! I’m getting my fast days over early this week – today & wed – going ok so far!

    Thanks ladies, am well made-up 😉

    Fast day yesterday, wasn’t too bad…think I may have wandered over by about 100 cals.

    Light day today and then fast day tomorrow. Away in London the weekend, but always entails a lot of walking around!!

    Hope you have a better day TrishJ 😉

    StarvinSusie, love that name haha.

    Mac x

    Hey Mac

    Cheers for that. I have decided to wait until I come back from my holiday to really concentrate on this diet. I go away on Saturday for a fortnight so am kind of eating my way through the fridges and freezer this week!I’m totally not in “the zone!” lol!

    In preparation to help upon my return though, I have bought one of the new “healthy fryers”, which is being delivered today. Just wondered if anyone had tried one at all, and what they thought of it…? chhers all T x

    Thought for the day……..(fast days yesterday & tomorrow) …….. So I’m sitting here licking the spoon after making chocolate flapjacks thinking ‘this is the best diet ever!!’ Xxx

    Hey gang! How’s everybody doing? 😉

    TrishJ – how’s the new fryer working out for ya? Worth an investment?? I’ve never tried one, but am always happy to purchase things on a good recommendation!

    Just got back from a manic festival weekend, so now time to chill and get back into the 5:2. Am off to the States in 5 weeks, so if I can shift a bit’a flab between now and then I’ll be a happy lass! Upping the exercise and downing the nosh…gotta work a bit eh!

    Hopped on the scales this morning and haven’t put on – but haven’t lost, although I wasn’t trying to!

    Fast days tomorrah and Friday this week.

    Have a great day and hope everyone is doing well and sticking with it and reaching out for what they want (except for cake lol)

    Mac x

    HI Mac

    Sounds like you’ve got a busy time going on!

    I haven’t tried the new fryer yet – been away on holiday and just got back today, so diet and being good have gone out the window! Whoops! lol!

    Will try it out later this week and report back!

    Will catch up with everyone later once I’ve had chance to read all the posts

    Bye for now!

    T x

    Well Mac, I tried the fryer tonight, purely to give you feedback on it!

    lol! I decided to make chips, using frylight instead of oil.

    So far, not impressed! Took much longer than the recommended 35 mins, and they came out unevenly cooked, despite my giving them a stir round every so often.

    To be honest, I felt they were no better than slimming world chips.

    Next time, will try it using oil, and see how that goes – but first impressions ——-a waste of money! : (((((((( Thank Goodness I got a hundred pounds off it!(don’t feel quite so cheated) lol!

    Hope you’ve had a great day: )

    t x

    Hello everyone. Is it too late to join the Christmas challenge? I am on my second fast day of week 2 but had a gap of 2 weeks between week 1+2 due to hols. I need to lose 5st, have tried all sorts of diets, lost the same 3st a number of times. To occupy myself today, I am decluttering the house. Not doing too bad so far……I’m 5’8″ and 17st 8lbs. Next week, I hope to fast on Mon +Wed.

    I’ve had a very stressful number of years, which thankfully has eased and I really feel I can lose weight on this diet and keep it off. Great motivation, tips and banter in here. Good luck everyone

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